Eloquent JavaScript 2rd

1. Functions

Declaration notation

What happens when you put such a function definition inside a conditional (if) block or a loop? Well, don’t do that. Different JavaScript platforms in different browsers have traditionally done different things in that situation, and the latest standard actually forbids it. If you want your programs to behave consistently, only use this form of function-defining statements in the outermost block of a function or program.

Optional Arguments

JavaScript is extremely broad-minded about the number of arguments you pass to a function. If you pass too many, the extra ones are ignored. If you pass too few, the missing parameters simply get assigned the value undefined.

Growing functions

There are two more or less natural ways for functions to be introduced into programs.

  • Writing very similar code multiple times.
  • You’ ll start by naming the function, and you’ ll then write its body.

When you are not sure that a pure function is working correctly, you can test it by simply calling it, and know that if it works in that context, it will work in any context. Nonpure functions might return different values based on all kinds of factors and have side effects that might be hard to test and think about.

A key aspect in understanding functions is understanding local scopes. Parameters and variables declared inside a function are local to the function, re-created every time the function is called, and not visible from the outside. Functions declared inside another function have access to the outer function’s local scope.

2. Data Structures: Objects and Arrays


  • The delete operator cuts off a tentacle from such an octopus. It is a unary operator that, when applied to a property access expression, will remove the named property from the object.
  • The binary in operator, when applied to a string and an object, returns a Boolean value that indicates whether that object has that property.
  • Arrays, then, are just a kind of object specialized for storing sequences of things. If you evaluate typeof [1, 2] , this produces “object”.

So we can represent Jacques’ journal as an array of objects.

var journal = [
  {events: ["work", "touched tree", "pizza",
            "running", "television"],
   squirrel: false},
  {events: ["work", "ice cream", "cauliflower",
            "lasagna", "touched tree", "brushed teeth"],
   squirrel: false},
  {events: ["weekend", "cycling", "break",
            "peanuts", "beer"],
   squirrel: true},
  /* and so on... */

Objects as maps

One possible way is to store all the correlations in an array, using objects with name and value properties. But that makes looking up the correlation for a given event somewhat cumbersome: you’d have to loop over the whole array to find the object with the right name. We could wrap this lookup process in a function, but we would still be writing more code, and the computer would be doing more work than necessary.

A better way is to use object properties named after the event types. We can use the square bracket access notation to create and read the properties and can use the in operator to test whether a given property exists.

var map = {};
function storePhi(event, phi) {
  map[event] = phi;

storePhi("pizza", 0.069);
storePhi("touched tree", -0.081);
console.log("pizza" in map);
// → true
console.log(map["touched tree"]);
// → -0.081

A map is a way to go from values in one domain (in this case, event names) to corresponding values in another domain (in this case, ϕ coefficients).

There are a few potential problems with using objects like this, which we will discuss in Chapter 6, but for the time being, we won’t worry about those.





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


