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原创 weka源码导入Eclipse和Netbeans

<br />weka源码获得与导入小总结,以此记录。<br />weka源码的来源:1、下载到weka的安装文件,在安装目录有名为weka-src.jar的文件,解压后便可得到源代码<br />                          2、利用SVN版本控制,从https://svn.scms.waikato.ac.nz/svn/weka/trunk/weka签出(在netbeans直接用版<br />                               本控制subversion即可)<

2010-07-25 22:29:00 4864

原创 关于aerith的小记

这两天在看一个极富客户端aerith(https://aerith.dev.java.net/),觉得做的的确挺好的。    以前没在java.net下过源码,而它的源码是通过subversion发布的,尝试用了下。起初还没弄清楚怎么下,毕竟跟sourceforge不一样,自己OUT很多。用了subversion的netbeans插件,签出源码。 起初签出的

2010-04-20 17:04:00 950

原创 新的开始


2010-04-19 14:58:00 321


Everyone wants to build a data-driven organization. It’s a popular phrase and there are plenty of books, journals, and technical blogs on the topic. But what does it really mean to be “data driven”? My definition is: A data-driven organization acquires, processes, and leverages data in a timely fashion to create efficiencies, iterate on and develop new products, and navigate the competitive landscape. There are many ways to assess whether an organization is data driven. Some like to talk about how much data they generate. Others like to talk about the sophistication of data they use, or the process of internalizing data. I prefer to start by highlighting organizations that use data effectively


Anomaly Detection Monitoring

Monitoring is currently undergoing a significant change. Until two or three years ago, the main focus of monitoring tools was to provide more and better data. Interpretation and visualization has too often been an afterthought. While industries like e-commerce have jumped on the data analytics train very early, monitoring systems still need to catch up.



The field of data science has taken all industries by storm. Data scientist positions are consistently in the top-ranked best job listings, and new job opportunities with titles like data engineer and data analyst are opening faster than they can be filled. The explosion of data collection and subsequent backlog of big data projects in every industry has lead to the situation in which "we’re drowning in data and starved for insight.” To anyone who lived through the growth of software engineering in the previous two decades, this is a familiar scene. The imperative to maintain a competitive edge in software by rapidly delivering higher-quality products to market, led to a revolution in software development methods and tooling; it is the manifesto for Agile software development, Agile operations, DevOps, Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and so on. Much of the analysis performed by scientists in this fast-growing field occurs as software experimentation in languages like R and Python. This raises the question: what can data science learn from software development? Ciara Byrne takes us on a journey through the data science and analytics teams of many different companies to answer this question. She leads us through their practices and priorities, their tools and techniques, and their capabilities and concerns. It’s an illuminating journey that shows that even though the pace of change is rapid and the desire for the knowledge and insight from data is ever growing, the dual disciplines of software engineering and data science are up for the task.


bad data handbook

It’s tough to nail down a precise definition of “Bad Data.” Some people consider it a purely hands-on, technical phenomenon: missing values, malformed records, and cranky file formats. Sure, that’s part of the picture, but Bad Data is so much more. It includes data that eats up your time, causes you to stay late at the office, drives you to tear out your hair in frustration. It’s data that you can’t access, data that you had and then lost, data that’s not the same today as it was yesterday… In short, Bad Data is data that gets in the way. There are so many ways to get there, from cranky storage, to poor representation, to misguided policy. If you stick with this data science bit long enough, you’ll certainly encounter your fair share. To that end, we decided to compile Bad Data Handbook, a rogues gallery of data troublemakers. We found 19 people from all reaches of the data arena to talk about how data issues have bitten them, and how they’ve healed.


netflix 文化手册

一本对奈飞文化进行深入解读的力作。2009年,奈飞公开发布了一份介绍企业文化的PPT文件,在网上累计下载量超过1500万次,被Facebook的CFO谢丽尔·桑德伯格称为“硅谷重要文件”。本书是奈飞前CHO,PPT的主要创作者之一帕蒂·麦考德对这份PPT文件的深度解读。 本书系统介绍奈飞文化准则,全面颠覆20世纪的管人理念。在这本书中,帕蒂·麦考德归纳出8条奈飞文化准则,从多个角度揭示了奈飞为什么要对传统的企业文化理念发起冲击,以及它在打造自己的企业文化的过程中究竟提出了哪些颠覆性的观点。 各类企业打造自己的“奈飞文化”的行动指南。《奈飞文化手册》通过特别的章节设计,方便企业管理者将之运用到自己的企业,打造属于自己的“奈飞文化”。


Agile Project Management with Kanban

This book provides pragmatic and prescriptive step-by-step instructions on how to produce the most value for your customers, with the highest quality at the lowest cost in the least amount of time. I’ve included diagrams, tables, charts, worksheets, rude Q & A sections, and troubleshooting sections to clarify concepts and guide you toward success. This book also has chapters especially for people who want to adapt from traditional Waterfall methods or evolve from Scrum.


java3d 帮助文档

java3d 帮助文档 api 。学习java3d必不可少的好帮手


spring 入门书籍

spring 入门书籍. 适合初学者看的强烈推荐入门好书



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