
# java -jar metabase.jar
01-30 08:45:35 INFO metabase.util :: Loading Metabase...
01-30 08:45:52 INFO util.encryption :: DB details encryption is DISABLED for this Metabase instance.  
See for more information.
01-30 08:46:10 INFO metabase.core :: Starting Metabase in STANDALONE mode
01-30 08:46:10 INFO metabase.core :: Launching Embedded Jetty Webserver with config:
 {:port 3000}

01-30 08:46:11 INFO metabase.core :: Starting Metabase version v0.27.2 (35acf6e release-0.27.0) ...
01-30 08:46:11 INFO metabase.core :: System timezone is 'America/New_York' ...
01-30 08:46:13 WARN metabase.driver :: No -init-driver function found for ''
01-30 08:46:14 INFO metabase.core :: Setting up and migrating Metabase DB. Please sit tight, this may take a minute...
01-30 08:46:14 INFO metabase.db :: Verifying h2 Database Connection ...
01-30 08:46:15 INFO metabase.db :: Verify Database Connection ...  ✅
01-30 08:46:15 INFO metabase.db :: Running Database Migrations...
01-30 08:46:15 INFO metabase.db :: Setting up Liquibase...
01-30 08:46:15 INFO metabase.db :: Liquibase is ready.
01-30 08:46:15 INFO metabase.db :: Checking if Database has unrun migrations...
01-30 08:46:20 INFO metabase.db :: Database has unrun migrations. Waiting for migration lock to be cleared...
01-30 08:46:20 INFO metabase.db :: Migration lock is cleared. Running migrations...
01-30 08:47:23 INFO metabase.db :: Database Migrations Current ...  ✅
com.mchange.v2.cfg.DelayedLogItem [ level -> FINE, text -> "The configuration file for resource identifier 'hocon:/reference,/application,/c3p0,/' could not be found. Skipping.", exception -> null]
01-30 08:47:25 INFO db.migrations :: Running all necessary data migrations, this may take a minute.
01-30 08:47:25 INFO db.migrations :: Running data migration 'set-card-database-and-table-ids'...
01-30 08:47:25 INFO db.migrations :: Running data migration 'set-mongodb-databases-ssl-false'...
01-30 08:47:25 INFO db.migrations :: Running data migration 'set-default-schemas'...
01-30 08:47:25 INFO db.migrations :: Running data migration 'set-admin-email'...
01-30 08:47:25 INFO db.migrations :: Running data migration 'remove-database-sync-activity-entries'...
01-30 08:47:25 INFO db.migrations :: Running data migration 'update-dashboards-to-new-grid'...
01-30 08:47:25 INFO db.migrations :: Running data migration 'migrate-field-visibility-type'...
01-30 08:47:25 INFO db.migrations :: Running data migration 'add-users-to-default-permissions-groups'...
01-30 08:47:25 INFO models.permissions-group :: Created magic permissions group 'All Users' (ID = 1)
01-30 08:47:25 INFO models.permissions-group :: Created magic permissions group 'Administrators' (ID = 2)
01-30 08:47:25 INFO db.migrations :: Running data migration 'add-admin-group-root-entry'...
01-30 08:47:25 INFO db.migrations :: Running data migration 'add-databases-to-magic-permissions-groups'...
01-30 08:47:25 INFO models.permissions-group :: Created magic permissions group 'MetaBot' (ID = 3)
01-30 08:47:25 INFO db.migrations :: Running data migration 'migrate-field-types'...
01-30 08:47:25 INFO db.migrations :: Running data migration 'fix-invalid-field-types'...
01-30 08:47:25 INFO db.migrations :: Running data migration 'copy-site-url-setting-and-remove-trailing-slashes'...
01-30 08:47:25 INFO db.migrations :: Running data migration 'migrate-query-executions'...
01-30 08:47:25 INFO db.migrations :: Running data migration 'drop-old-query-execution-table'...
01-30 08:47:25 INFO db.migrations :: Running data migration 'ensure-protocol-specified-in-site-url'...
01-30 08:47:25 INFO db.migrations :: Running data migration 'populate-card-database-id'...
01-30 08:47:25 INFO db.migrations :: Finished running data migrations.
01-30 08:47:25 INFO :: Starting events listener: 
01-30 08:47:25 INFO :: Starting events listener: 
01-30 08:47:25 INFO :: Starting events listener: 
01-30 08:47:25 INFO :: Starting events listener: 
01-30 08:47:25 INFO :: Starting events listener: 
01-30 08:47:25 INFO :: Starting events listener: 
01-30 08:47:26 INFO :: Starting events listener: 
01-30 08:47:26 INFO :: Starting events listener: 
01-30 08:47:26 INFO :: Starting events listener: 
01-30 08:47:26 INFO metabase.task :: Loading tasks namespace: metabase.task.cleanup-temporary-computation-job-results 
01-30 08:47:26 INFO metabase.task :: Loading tasks namespace: metabase.task.follow-up-emails 
01-30 08:47:26 INFO metabase.task :: Loading tasks namespace: metabase.task.send-anonymous-stats 
01-30 08:47:26 INFO metabase.task :: Loading tasks namespace: metabase.task.send-pulses 
01-30 08:47:26 INFO metabase.task :: Loading tasks namespace: metabase.task.sync-databases 
01-30 08:47:26 INFO metabase.task :: Loading tasks namespace: metabase.task.upgrade-checks 
01-30 08:47:26 INFO metabase.core :: Looks like this is a new installation ... preparing setup wizard
01-30 08:47:26 INFO metabase.core :: Please use the following url to setup your Metabase installation:


01-30 08:47:26 INFO metabase.sample-data :: Loading sample dataset...
01-30 08:47:26 DEBUG sync.util :: Sync operations in flight: {:sync #{1}}
01-30 08:47:26 INFO sync.util :: STARTING: Sync h2 Database 1 'Sample Dataset'
01-30 08:47:26 DEBUG sync.util :: Sync operations in flight: {:sync #{1}, :sync-metadata #{1}}
01-30 08:47:26 INFO sync.util :: STARTING: Sync metadata for h2 Database 1 'Sample Dataset'
01-30 08:47:27 INFO sync-metadata.tables :: Found new tables: (Table  'PUBLIC.PRODUCTS' Table  'PUBLIC.ORDERS' Table  'PUBLIC.PEOPLE' Table  'PUBLIC.REVIEWS')
01-30 08:47:28 INFO sync-metadata.fks :: Marking foreign key from Table 2 'PUBLIC.ORDERS' Field 10 'USER_ID' -> Table 3 'PUBLIC.PEOPLE' Field 25 'ID'
01-30 08:47:28 INFO sync-metadata.fks :: Marking foreign key from Table 2 'PUBLIC.ORDERS' Field 13 'PRODUCT_ID' -> Table 1 'PUBLIC.PRODUCTS' Field 7 'ID'
01-30 08:47:28 INFO sync-metadata.fks :: Marking foreign key from Table 4 'PUBLIC.REVIEWS' Field 34 'PRODUCT_ID' -> Table 1 'PUBLIC.PRODUCTS' Field 7 'ID'
01-30 08:47:28 INFO sync.util :: FINISHED: Sync metadata for h2 Database 1 'Sample Dataset' (2 s)
01-30 08:47:28 DEBUG sync.util :: Sync operations in flight: {:sync #{1}, :analyze #{1}}
01-30 08:47:28 INFO sync.util :: STARTING: Analyze data for h2 Database 1 'Sample Dataset'
01-30 08:47:28 INFO middleware.cache :: Using query processor cache backend: :db 
01-30 08:47:29 DEBUG analyze.table-row-count :: Set table row count for Table 1 'PUBLIC.PRODUCTS' to 200
01-30 08:47:30 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 1 'VENDOR'
01-30 08:47:30 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 2 'TITLE'
01-30 08:47:30 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 3 'PRICE'
01-30 08:47:30 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 4 'CATEGORY'
01-30 08:47:30 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 5 'RATING'
01-30 08:47:30 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 6 'EAN'
01-30 08:47:30 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 7 'ID'
01-30 08:47:30 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 8 'CREATED_AT'
01-30 08:47:30 DEBUG classifiers.category :: Field 1 'VENDOR' has 200 distinct values. Since that is less than 300, we're marking it as a category.
01-30 08:47:30 DEBUG analyze.classify :: Based on classification, updating these values of Field 1 'VENDOR': {:special_type :type/Category}
01-30 08:47:30 DEBUG classifiers.category :: Field 2 'TITLE' has 198 distinct values. Since that is less than 300, we're marking it as a category.
01-30 08:47:30 DEBUG analyze.classify :: Based on classification, updating these values of Field 2 'TITLE': {:special_type :type/Category}
01-30 08:47:30 DEBUG classifiers.category :: Field 3 'PRICE' has 200 distinct values. Since that is less than 300, we're marking it as a category.
01-30 08:47:30 DEBUG analyze.classify :: Based on classification, updating these values of Field 3 'PRICE': {:special_type :type/Category}
01-30 08:47:30 DEBUG classifiers.category :: Field 4 'CATEGORY' has 4 distinct values. Since that is less than 300, we're marking it as a category.
01-30 08:47:30 DEBUG analyze.classify :: Based on classification, updating these values of Field 4 'CATEGORY': {:special_type :type/Category}
01-30 08:47:30 DEBUG classifiers.category :: Field 5 'RATING' has 23 distinct values. Since that is less than 300, we're marking it as a category.
01-30 08:47:30 DEBUG analyze.classify :: Based on classification, updating these values of Field 5 'RATING': {:special_type :type/Category}
01-30 08:47:30 DEBUG classifiers.category :: Field 6 'EAN' has 200 distinct values. Since that is less than 300, we're marking it as a category.
01-30 08:47:30 DEBUG analyze.classify :: Based on classification, updating these values of Field 6 'EAN': {:special_type :type/Category}
01-30 08:47:30 DEBUG :: Based on the name of Field 7 'ID', we're giving it a special type of :type/PK.
01-30 08:47:30 INFO sync.analyze :: [************······································]    25% Analyzed Table 1 'PUBLIC.PRODUCTS'
01-30 08:47:30 DEBUG analyze.table-row-count :: Set table row count for Table 2 'PUBLIC.ORDERS' to 12805
01-30 08:47:33 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 9 'DISCOUNT'
01-30 08:47:33 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 10 'USER_ID'
01-30 08:47:33 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 11 'SUBTOTAL'
01-30 08:47:33 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 12 'TAX'
01-30 08:47:33 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 13 'PRODUCT_ID'
01-30 08:47:33 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 14 'TOTAL'
01-30 08:47:33 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 15 'ID'
01-30 08:47:33 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 16 'CREATED_AT'
01-30 08:47:33 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 17 'QUANTITY'
01-30 08:47:33 DEBUG :: Based on the name of Field 15 'ID', we're giving it a special type of :type/PK.
01-30 08:47:33 DEBUG classifiers.category :: Field 17 'QUANTITY' has 62 distinct values. Since that is less than 300, we're marking it as a category.
01-30 08:47:33 DEBUG analyze.classify :: Based on classification, updating these values of Field 17 'QUANTITY': {:special_type :type/Category}
01-30 08:47:33 INFO sync.analyze :: [*************************·························]    50% Analyzed Table 2 'PUBLIC.ORDERS'
01-30 08:47:33 DEBUG analyze.table-row-count :: Set table row count for Table 3 'PUBLIC.PEOPLE' to 2500
01-30 08:47:36 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 18 'CITY'
01-30 08:47:36 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 19 'BIRTH_DATE'
01-30 08:47:36 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 20 'SOURCE'
01-30 08:47:36 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 21 'LATITUDE'
01-30 08:47:36 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 22 'ADDRESS'
01-30 08:47:36 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 23 'ZIP'
01-30 08:47:37 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 24 'EMAIL'
01-30 08:47:37 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 25 'ID'
01-30 08:47:37 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 26 'NAME'
01-30 08:47:37 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 27 'PASSWORD'
01-30 08:47:37 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 28 'STATE'
01-30 08:47:37 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 29 'LONGITUDE'
01-30 08:47:37 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 30 'CREATED_AT'
01-30 08:47:37 DEBUG :: Based on the name of Field 18 'CITY', we're giving it a special type of :type/City.
01-30 08:47:37 DEBUG analyze.classify :: Based on classification, updating these values of Field 18 'CITY': {:special_type :type/City}
01-30 08:47:37 DEBUG classifiers.category :: Field 20 'SOURCE' has 5 distinct values. Since that is less than 300, we're marking it as a category.
01-30 08:47:37 DEBUG analyze.classify :: Based on classification, updating these values of Field 20 'SOURCE': {:special_type :type/Category}
01-30 08:47:37 DEBUG :: Based on the name of Field 21 'LATITUDE', we're giving it a special type of :type/Latitude.
01-30 08:47:37 DEBUG analyze.classify :: Based on classification, updating these values of Field 21 'LATITUDE': {:special_type :type/Latitude}
01-30 08:47:37 DEBUG classifiers.text-fingerprint :: Based on the fingerprint of Field 24 'EMAIL', we're marking it as :type/Email.
01-30 08:47:37 DEBUG analyze.classify :: Based on classification, updating these values of Field 24 'EMAIL': {:special_type :type/Email}
01-30 08:47:37 DEBUG :: Based on the name of Field 25 'ID', we're giving it a special type of :type/PK.
01-30 08:47:37 DEBUG :: Based on the name of Field 26 'NAME', we're giving it a special type of :type/Name.
01-30 08:47:37 DEBUG analyze.classify :: Based on classification, updating these values of Field 26 'NAME': {:special_type :type/Name}
01-30 08:47:37 DEBUG :: Based on the name of Field 28 'STATE', we're giving it a special type of :type/State.
01-30 08:47:38 DEBUG analyze.classify :: Based on classification, updating these values of Field 28 'STATE': {:special_type :type/State}
01-30 08:47:38 DEBUG :: Based on the name of Field 29 'LONGITUDE', we're giving it a special type of :type/Longitude.
01-30 08:47:38 DEBUG analyze.classify :: Based on classification, updating these values of Field 29 'LONGITUDE': {:special_type :type/Longitude}
01-30 08:47:38 INFO sync.analyze :: [*************************************·············]    75% Analyzed Table 3 'PUBLIC.PEOPLE'
01-30 08:47:38 DEBUG analyze.table-row-count :: Set table row count for Table 4 'PUBLIC.REVIEWS' to 984
01-30 08:47:38 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 31 'REVIEWER'
01-30 08:47:38 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 32 'BODY'
01-30 08:47:38 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 33 'RATING'
01-30 08:47:38 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 34 'PRODUCT_ID'
01-30 08:47:38 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 35 'ID'
01-30 08:47:38 DEBUG analyze.fingerprint :: Saving fingerprint for Field 36 'CREATED_AT'
01-30 08:47:38 DEBUG analyze.classify :: Based on classification, updating these values of Field 32 'BODY': {:preview_display false}
01-30 08:47:38 DEBUG :: Based on the name of Field 33 'RATING', we're giving it a special type of :type/Category.
01-30 08:47:38 DEBUG analyze.classify :: Based on classification, updating these values of Field 33 'RATING': {:special_type :type/Category}
01-30 08:47:38 DEBUG :: Based on the name of Field 35 'ID', we're giving it a special type of :type/PK.
01-30 08:47:38 INFO sync.analyze :: [**************************************************]   100% Analyzed Table 4 'PUBLIC.REVIEWS'
01-30 08:47:38 INFO sync.util :: FINISHED: Analyze data for h2 Database 1 'Sample Dataset' (10 s)
01-30 08:47:38 DEBUG sync.util :: Sync operations in flight: {:sync #{1}, :cache-field-values #{1}}
01-30 08:47:38 INFO sync.util :: STARTING: Cache field values in h2 Database 1 'Sample Dataset'
01-30 08:47:38 DEBUG sync.field-values :: Looking into updating FieldValues for Field 1 'VENDOR'
01-30 08:47:39 DEBUG sync.field-values :: Looking into updating FieldValues for Field 2 'TITLE'
01-30 08:47:39 DEBUG sync.field-values :: Looking into updating FieldValues for Field 3 'PRICE'
01-30 08:47:39 DEBUG sync.field-values :: Looking into updating FieldValues for Field 4 'CATEGORY'
01-30 08:47:39 DEBUG sync.field-values :: Looking into updating FieldValues for Field 5 'RATING'
01-30 08:47:39 DEBUG sync.field-values :: Looking into updating FieldValues for Field 6 'EAN'
01-30 08:47:39 DEBUG sync.field-values :: Looking into updating FieldValues for Field 17 'QUANTITY'
01-30 08:47:39 DEBUG sync.field-values :: Looking into updating FieldValues for Field 18 'CITY'
01-30 08:47:39 DEBUG sync.field-values :: Looking into updating FieldValues for Field 20 'SOURCE'
01-30 08:47:39 DEBUG sync.field-values :: Looking into updating FieldValues for Field 26 'NAME'
01-30 08:47:39 DEBUG sync.field-values :: Looking into updating FieldValues for Field 28 'STATE'
01-30 08:47:40 DEBUG sync.field-values :: Looking into updating FieldValues for Field 33 'RATING'
01-30 08:47:40 INFO sync.util :: FINISHED: Cache field values in h2 Database 1 'Sample Dataset' (1 s)
01-30 08:47:40 INFO sync.util :: FINISHED: Sync h2 Database 1 'Sample Dataset' (13 s)

01-30 08:47:40 INFO metabase.core :: Metabase Initialization COMPLETE


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