php var_dump()vs print_r()

本文翻译自:php var_dump() vs print_r()





Generally, print_r( ) output is nicer, more concise and easier to read, aka more human-readable but cannot show data types. 通常, print_r( )输出更好,更简洁,更容易阅读,也更人性化但不能显示数据类型。

With print_r() you can also store the output into a variable: 使用print_r()您还可以将输出存储到变量中:

$output = print_r($array, true);

which var_dump() cannot do. 哪个var_dump()不能做。 Yet var_dump() can show data types. 然而, var_dump()可以显示数据类型。


Significant differences between var_dump and print_r var_dumpprint_r之间存在显着差异

both the functions dumps information about the variable , but var_dump multiple parameters which will be dumped, where as print_r can take two parameters out of which first parameter is the variable you want to dump and second is a boolean value. 这两个函数都转储有关变量的信息 ,但var_dump将转储多个参数,其中print_r可以取两个参数,其中第一个参数是要转储的变量,第二个参数是布尔值。

var_dump can't return any value it can only dump/print the values where as print_r can return the variable information if we set second parameter of print_r to true . var_dump不能返回任何值,它只能转储/打印值,如果我们将print_r第二个参数设置为true ,则print_r可以返回变量信息。 The returned value of print_r will be in string format. print_r的返回值将采用字符串格式。

The information printed by print_r is much more in readable format where as var_dump prints raw values. print_r打印的信息更具可读性, var_dump打印原始值。

print_r function can be used in many contexts where as var_dump can be used in debugging purposes mainly since it can't return value. print_r函数可以在许多上下文中使用,因为var_dump可以用于调试目的,主要是因为它不能返回值。


var_dump() will show you the type of the thing as well as what's in it. var_dump()将显示事物的类型以及内容。

So you'll get => (string)"var" Example is here. 所以你得到=> (string)"var" 示例在这里。

print_r() will just output the content. print_r()将只输出内容。

Would output => "var" Example is here. 输出=> "var" 示例在这里。


var_dump displays structured information about the object / variable. var_dump显示有关对象/变量的结构化信息。 This includes type and values. 这包括类型和值。 Like print_r arrays are recursed through and indented. 就像print_r数组一样,递归并缩进。

print_r displays human readable information about the values with a format presenting keys and elements for arrays and objects. print_r使用呈现数组和对象的键和元素的格式显示有关值的人类可读信息。

The most important thing to notice is var_dump will output type as well as values while print_r does not. var_dumpvar_dump将输出类型和值,而print_r则不会。


The var_dump function displays structured information about variables/expressions including its type and value . var_dump函数显示有关变量/表达式的结构化信息,包括其类型 Arrays are explored recursively with values indented to show structure. 递归地探索数组,其中值缩进以显示结构。 It also shows which array values and object properties are references. 它还显示哪些数组值和对象属性是引用。

The print_r() displays information about a variable in a way that's readable by humans. print_r()以人类可读的方式显示有关变量的信息。 array values will be presented in a format that shows keys and elements . 数组值将以显示元素的格式显示。 Similar notation is used for objects. 类似的符号用于对象。

Example: 例:

$obj = (object) array('qualitypoint', 'technologies', 'India');

var_dump($obj) will display below output in the screen. var_dump($obj)将在屏幕下方显示输出。

object(stdClass)#1 (3) {
 [0]=> string(12) "qualitypoint"
 [1]=> string(12) "technologies"
 [2]=> string(5) "India"

And, print_r($obj) will display below output in the screen. 并且, print_r($obj)将在屏幕下方显示输出。

stdClass Object ( 
 [0] => qualitypoint
 [1] => technologies
 [2] => India

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