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2023-07-02 09:31:58 2066

翻译 是什么让Lisp宏如此特别?

Reading Paul Graham's essays on programming languages one would think that Lisp macros are the only

2020-08-20 17:33:12 2550

翻译 如何以编程方式退出android应用程序

I Found some codes for quit an Android application programatically. 我找到了一些以编程方式退出Android应用程序的代码。 By

2020-08-20 15:03:07 2152

翻译 为什么需要设置原型构造函数?

In the section about inheritance in the MDN article Introduction to Object Oriented Javascript , I

2020-08-20 14:03:05 717

翻译 如何使用Javascript处理每个字母?

I would like to alert each individual letter of a string, but I am unsure how to do this. 我想提醒一个字符串

2020-08-20 13:33:04 237 1

翻译 媒体查询可以基于div元素而不是屏幕来调整大小吗?

I would like to use media queries to resize elements based on the size of a div element they are in

2020-08-20 13:03:03 988

翻译 使用翻新2进行记录

I'm trying to get the exact JSON that is being sent in the request. 我正在尝试获取在请求中发送的确切JSON。 Here is m

2020-08-20 12:03:01 174

翻译 在调试模式下启动时,Android应用程序崩溃

When I run in debug mode the app crashes, but when I just run it normally it works. 在调试模式下运行时,应用程序崩

2020-08-20 11:33:00 2417

翻译 Git所有分支上每个作者的提交次数

I'd like to get the number of commits per author on all branches. 我想获取所有分支上每个作者的提交数量。 I see that 我看

2020-08-20 09:32:56 963

翻译 我无法使用Google Chrome加载资源:net :: ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT

I am getting white page after running my project but its work with .net Client properly Do I need a

2020-08-19 16:32:52 1127

翻译 我应该使用CSS宽度/高度或HTML cols / rows属性来设置textarea的大小吗?

Every time I develop a new form that includes a textarea I have the following dilemma when I need t

2020-08-19 15:32:50 656

翻译 如何在if语句中表示多个条件?

I want to represent multiple conditions like this: 我想代表多个条件,例如: if [ ( $g -eq 1 -a "$c" = "123" )

2020-08-19 15:02:49 5575

翻译 如何将字符串解析为可空的int

I'm wanting to parse a string into a nullable int in C#. 我想在C#中将字符串解析为可以为空的int。 ie. 即。 I want to ge

2020-08-19 14:32:48 382

翻译 如何在AngularJs中使用ng-repeat进行词典?

I know that we can easily use ng-repeat for json objects or arrays like: 我知道我们可以轻松地对json对象或数组使用ng-r

2020-08-19 14:02:47 350

翻译 如何将字符串转换为布尔值php

How can I convert string to boolean ? 如何将字符串转换为boolean ? $string = 'false';$test_mode_mail = set

2020-08-19 11:32:42 2971

翻译 jQuery:按文本查找元素

Can anyone tell me if it's possible to find an element based on its content rather than by an id or

2020-08-19 11:02:41 3022

翻译 如何在git中看到分支之间的提交差异?

I'm on branch-X and have added a couple more commits on top of it. 我在分支-X上,并在其上添加了几个提交。 I want to s

2020-08-19 10:32:40 947

翻译 如何将json POST数据作为对象传递给Web API方法?

ASP.NET MVC4 Web API application defines post method to save customer. ASP.NET MVC4 Web API应用程序定义了保

2020-08-19 10:02:39 1592

翻译 如何删除锚点(链接)的下划线?


2020-08-19 09:02:37 828

翻译 CSS Turing完成了吗?

CSS isn't, insofar as I know, Turing complete. 就我所知,CSS并不是图灵完整的。 But my knowledge of CSS is very li

2020-08-18 16:32:33 303

翻译 为什么IoC / DI在Python中不常见?

In Java IoC / DI is a very common practice which is extensively used in web applications, nearly al

2020-08-18 16:02:32 521

翻译 如何暂时退出vim并返回


2020-08-18 15:02:29 2966

翻译 从另一个Python脚本运行一个Python脚本,并传入参数[重复]

This question already has an answer here: 这个问题已经在这里有了答案: What is the best way to call a scr

2020-08-18 14:02:27 1827

翻译 Python字典:keys()和values()总是相同的顺序吗?

It looks like the lists returned by keys() and values() methods of a dictionary are always a 1-to-1

2020-08-18 13:32:26 2306

翻译 在Java中使用对或2元组[重复]

This question already has an answer here: 这个问题在这里已有答案: A Java collection of value pairs? 价值

2020-08-18 12:32:24 651

翻译 MySQL无法添加外键约束

So I'm trying to add Foreign Key constraints to my database as a project requirement and it worked

2020-08-18 11:32:11 1625

翻译 Android,如何限制TextView的宽度(并在文本末尾添加三个点)?

I have a TextView that I want to limit characters of it. 我有一个TextView ,我想限制它的字符。 Actually, I can do

2020-08-18 11:02:10 1415

翻译 从运行的node.js应用程序确定项目根目录

Is there a better way than process.cwd() to determine the root directory of a running node.js proce

2020-08-18 10:32:09 2442

翻译 SQL-从一个表中查找另一个表中不存在的记录

I've got the following two SQL tables (in MySQL): 我有以下两个SQL表(在MySQL中): Phone_book+----+------+---

2020-08-18 09:02:06 3244

翻译 从文件路径显示图像视图?

I need to show an image by using the file name only, not from the resource id. 我需要仅使用文件名来显示图像,而不是使用

2020-08-17 15:32:01 166

翻译 如何在不丢失C#中的堆栈跟踪的情况下抛出InnerException?

I am calling, through reflection, a method which may cause an exception. 我正在通过反射调用可能导致异常的方法。 How ca

2020-08-17 15:02:00 515 1

翻译 如何制作对象的深层副本?

It's a bit difficult to implement a deep object copy function. 实现深层对象复制功能有点困难。 What steps you take

2020-08-17 14:32:00 142

翻译 如何回到Git中的最新版本?

I have recently moved from SVN to Git and am a bit confused about something. 我最近从SVN搬到了Git,对某些事情感到有

2020-08-17 13:31:57 6222

翻译 github README.md中心图像

I've been looking at the markdown syntax used in GitHub for a while but except resizing an image to

2020-08-17 12:01:54 343

翻译 无法在代理后面下载Docker镜像

I installed Docker on my Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) and when I type in my console: 我在我的Ubuntu

2020-08-17 11:31:53 244

翻译 日历重复/重复事件 - 最佳存储方法

I am building a custom events system, and if you have a repeating event that looks like this: 我正在构建

2020-08-17 10:31:50 1707

翻译 在CSS中使用字体真棒图标

I have some CSS that looks like this: 我有一些看起来像这样的CSS: #content h2 { background: url(../images/t

2020-08-17 10:01:49 180

翻译 如何编写Swift 3中的延迟

In earlier versions of Swift, one could create a delay with the following code: 在早期版本的Swift中,可以使用以下

2020-08-17 09:31:48 293

翻译 折叠Visual Studio代码中的所有方法

In Visual Studio Professional, we have a shortcut key, Ctrl + M Ctrl + O to collapse all methods an

2020-08-17 09:01:47 2227

翻译 在.Net 4.0中找不到JavaScriptSerializer

I cannot seem to find the JavaScriptSerializer object nor the the System.Web.Script.Serialization n

2020-08-16 16:01:44 486



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