
1. Even the most protected organizations will get hacked

Recent data breaches have shown that any company in any industry is susceptible to a data breach. Target, Sony, Home Depot and Anthem are just some of the companies that dedicated attackers have in ltrated. These breaches occurred even though these organizations took steps to protect themselves from cyber threats. Security professionals are starting to realize that even the most robust security measures will eventually succumb to a determined adversary. In other words, breaches are inevitable and, in fact, hackers may have already in ltrated an enterprise’s network.



No matter how well an organization defended itself, there were always vulnerabilities a hacker could exploit.

2. Attackers have 100 percent success rate in penetrating networks

Lior Div, CEO of Cybereason, likes to share a striking anecdote from his time as a cyber-security researcher in the Israeli Defense Forces, where some of his duties included tracking adversarial hacking teams. The teams he tracked had a 100 percent success rate when it came to network penetration. No matter how well an organization defended itself, there were always vulnerabilities a hacker could exploit.


Cyber​​eason首席执行官Lior Div喜欢与以色列国防军的网络安全研究员分享一个引人注目的轶事,他的一些职责包括跟踪敌对黑客团队。他跟踪的团队在网络渗透率方面有100%的成功率。无论组织如何保护自己,总有一个黑客可以利用的漏洞。

3. The JP Morgan breach example: there is no magic shield

When the news of the JP Morgan breach became public, it was revealed that the hackers were able to access JP Morgan’s internal server because two- factor authentication was not enabled. Although two-factor authentication could have prevented hackers from utilizing that breach method, it would have ultimately failed to stop hackers from penetrating the network.
The JP Morgan internal breach was possible because attackers obtained a private certi cate from, Simmco Data Systems, the vendor that created websites for the nancial services company. With this certi cate, attackers were able to hack 420,000 websites, created by Simmco, including the site for the JP Morgan Corporate Challenge.
The Corporate Challenge website hack wouldn’t have given hackers access to JP Morgan’s internal site. However, many of company’s employees used their JP Morgan log-in credentials to access the Corporate Challenge site, which provides information on a series of road races put on by JP Morgan. Armed with this information, the hackers easily and successfully accessed JP Morgan’s network.
Even if JP Morgan had used two-factor authentication to thwart the hackers, they would have undoubtedly tried other methods until the attack was successful.
For example, the hackers already had the log-in credentials of JP Morgan workers who accessed the Corporate Challenge website along with information about what races they ran. Attackers could have used these personal details to craft a spear-phishing email about an employee’s participation in the race. When a highly customized email that references a speci c events, like a road race, arrives in an inbox, a worker could mistake it for a legitimate correspondence, open it and download the malicious content that’s attached. Remember, only one employee needs to fall.
The media debate claiming that the JPMorgan breach could have been prevented by proper implementation of two-factor authentication clearly demonstrates that the public is still searching for a magic shield that can prevent hackers from successfully penetrating a corporate network.
In reality, however, there is no unbreakable system. Professional cyber criminals have the time and the nancial means to deploy many different methods until they break the defender’s shield.


由于攻击者从Simmco Data Systems(为金融服务公司创建网站的供应商)获得了私人认证,所以JP Morgan内部违约是可能的。有了这个证书,攻击者能够攻击由Simmco创建的420,000个网站,包括摩根大通公司挑战赛的网站。

4. Post-penetration: security has time to act

After in ltrating a network, cyber criminals slowly in ict damage. They gradually move around a network and perform minimal daily actions to avoid detection. This gives security teams an opportunity to detect the breach early, reducing its scope and cost.
In JP Morgan’s case, it took between two and four months for the breach to be discovered. This delay gave hackers more time to collect their bounty: information on 83 million user accounts and high-level access to 90 servers.
Even if the initial penetration was impossible to detect, many of these hackers’ activities could have been identi ed. For instance, closely monitoring the IT environment would have revealed anomalies while linking together seemingly benign events could have formed a clear picture of malicious activity.



Accepting that a network breach is inevitable requires security teams to adopt a new post- breach mentality.

Developing post-breach capabilities is crucial
Accepting that a network breach is inevitable requires security teams to adopt a new post-breach mentality. Part of this mindset entails improving network and endpoint visibility so organizations can better identify irregularities and malicious activity. Since a hacker’s activity on a network only deviates slightly from typical user behavior, an organization needs to continuously monitor behaviors and to see minor changes.
The post-breach mentality also incorporates situational awareness into a security plan. Obtaining that insight requires collecting and analyzing gigantic amounts of data in real time. To better carry out these big-data projects, the post-breach mentality requires using machine learning to automatically gure out a company’s IT environment and use context to distinguish between normal and unusual behavior.
Imagine the most innovative automated video analytics technologies that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security deploys in airport to detect possible threats. These technologies analyze video streams of security lines in real time, learn common behaviors and ag abnormal activity. Next, facial recognition technologies are used to identify suspected terrorists and issue alerts on individuals with high security signi cance. A similar approach should be used by enterprises to help them ght complex hacking operations.



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