
要求分析一个Statspack report,选出那些需要优化的sql, 但以前自己没做过,同事也没有做过,只能上网求助,只要求给出一个具体思路就可以了,不用具体帮助分析,谢谢。




STATSPACK report for

DB Name         DB Id    Instance     Inst Num Release     Cluster Host
------------ ----------- ------------ -------- ----------- ------- ------------
SOS1P         3429568817 SOS1P               1   NO      webprddbsa00

              Snap Id     Snap Time      Sessions Curs/Sess Comment
            --------- ------------------ -------- --------- -------------------
Begin Snap:     77104 03-Oct-10 16:45:03      434      12.4
  End Snap:     77168 04-Oct-10 08:45:04      434       7.4
   Elapsed:              960.02 (mins)

Cache Sizes (end)
               Buffer Cache:     4,096M      Std Block Size:          8K
           Shared Pool Size:       400M          Log Buffer:      1,024K

Load Profile
~~~~~~~~~~~~                            Per Second       Per Transaction
                                   ---------------       ---------------
                  Redo size:             17,829.61              9,767.41
              Logical reads:             34,187.78             18,728.72
              Block changes:                 92.91                 50.90
             Physical reads:                650.54                356.38
            Physical writes:                 18.89                 10.35
                 User calls:                583.65                319.73
                     Parses:                 66.39                 36.37
                Hard parses:                  1.10                  0.60
                      Sorts:                 10.77                  5.90
                     Logons:                  0.02                  0.01
                   Executes:                352.85                193.30
               Transactions:                  1.83

  % Blocks changed per Read:    0.27    Recursive Call %:     31.07
 Rollback per transaction %:    0.39       Rows per Sort:   1705.98

Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)
            Buffer Nowait %:  100.00       Redo NoWait %:    100.00
            Buffer  Hit   %:   98.14    In-memory Sort %:    100.00
            Library Hit   %:   99.64        Soft Parse %:     98.34
         Execute to Parse %:   81.18         Latch Hit %:     99.99
Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %:   23.19     % Non-Parse CPU:     99.70

 Shared Pool Statistics        Begin   End
                               ------  ------
             Memory Usage %:   97.09   77.30
    % SQL with executions>1:   21.47   88.47
  % Memory for SQL w/exec>1:   27.86   49.74

Top 5 Timed Events
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                     % Total
Event                                               Waits    Time (s) Ela Time
-------------------------------------------- ------------ ----------- --------
CPU time                                                       28,622    55.76
db file scattered read                          2,347,812      13,242    25.80
db file sequential read                         3,990,725       6,323    12.32
db file parallel write                             22,905       1,520     2.96
log file sync                                     129,656         947     1.85
Wait Events for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
-> s  - second
-> cs - centisecond -     100th of a second
-> ms - millisecond -    1000th of a second
-> us - microsecond - 1000000th of a second
-> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)

                                                     Total Wait   wait    Waits
Event                               Waits   Timeouts   Time (s)   (ms)     /txn
---------------------------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ------ --------
db file scattered read          2,347,812          0     13,242      6     22.3
db file sequential read         3,990,725          0      6,323      2     38.0
db file parallel write             22,905          0      1,520     66      0.2
log file sync                     129,656          6        947      7      1.2
direct path read                   35,726          0        163      5      0.3
direct path write                  27,533          0        147      5      0.3
control file parallel write        19,359          0        119      6      0.2
buffer busy waits                   3,425         53         76     22      0.0
direct path read (lob)             34,374          0         26      1      0.3
log file sequential read            1,007          0         24     24      0.0
latch free                          2,528      1,894         21      8      0.0
SQL*Net more data to client       745,618          0         21      0      7.1
control file sequential read       23,364          0         21      1      0.2
async disk IO                       1,931          0         13      7      0.0
log file parallel write           147,756          0          9      0      1.4
db file parallel read                 594          0          5      8      0.0
log buffer space                       27          0          4    162      0.0
direct path write (lob)               393          0          3      8      0.0
process startup                        64          0          2     28      0.0
SQL*Net break/reset to clien        1,094          0          1      1      0.0
switch logfile command                  4          0          1    358      0.0
enqueue                               151          0          1      8      0.0
library cache pin                      16          0          1     45      0.0
log file single write                  20          0          0     24      0.0
db file single write                   62          0          0      3      0.0
log file switch completion              2          0          0     53      0.0
row cache lock                        115          0          0      1      0.0
control file single write              12          0          0      3      0.0
LGWR wait for redo copy               424          0          0      0      0.0
undo segment extension                891        890          0      0      0.0
library cache lock                      1          0          0      1      0.0
buffer deadlock                         4          4          0      0      0.0
SQL*Net message from client    30,219,756          0  3,851,602    127    287.4
jobq slave wait                     1,386      1,333      4,007   2891      0.0
SQL*Net more data from clien       16,125          0        635     39      0.2
SQL*Net message to client      30,219,750          0         22      0    287.4
Background Wait Events for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
-> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)

                                                     Total Wait   wait    Waits
Event                               Waits   Timeouts   Time (s)   (ms)     /txn
---------------------------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ------ --------
db file parallel write             22,901          0      1,519     66      0.2
control file parallel write        19,242          0        118      6      0.2
log file sequential read              934          0         22     24      0.0
async disk IO                       1,796          0         13      7      0.0
control file sequential read       17,079          0         11      1      0.2
log file parallel write           147,749          0          9      0      1.4
db file scattered read                219          0          1      7      0.0
db file sequential read               106          0          1      7      0.0
log file single write                  20          0          0     24      0.0
direct path read                      217          0          0      1      0.0
log buffer space                        2          0          0     56      0.0
enqueue                                 3          0          0     37      0.0
direct path write                     217          0          0      0      0.0
rdbms ipc reply                       167          0          0      0      0.0
LGWR wait for redo copy               424          0          0      0      0.0
latch free                              4          1          0      3      0.0
buffer busy waits                       4          0          0      0      0.0
rdbms ipc message                 497,143    115,190    490,685    987      4.7
pmon timer                         19,193     19,193     56,210   2929      0.2
smon timer                            300        158     54,819 ######      0.0
SQL ordered by Gets for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
-> End Buffer Gets Threshold:     10000
-> Note that resources reported for PL/SQL includes the resources used by
   all SQL statements called within the PL/SQL code.  As individual SQL
   statements are also reported, it is possible and valid for the summed
   total % to exceed 100

                                                     CPU      Elapsd
  Buffer Gets    Executions  Gets per Exec  %Total Time (s)  Time (s) Hash Value
--------------- ------------ -------------- ------ -------- --------- ----------
     12,469,772    4,156,505            3.0    0.6     8.00    302.75  317853294
select count(*) from dual

      7,548,047       25,223          299.3    0.4    10.32     55.00  735294811
select /*generated by GET_SET_FUNCTION_RESULT*/ om.FUNCTION_CD,

                   input_1.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_1,

         input_2.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_2,

                   from set_in
put_map input_1,
                   set_input_map input_2,

      7,548,047       25,226          299.2    0.4    10.43     55.29  778384724
select /*generated by GET_SET_FUNCTION_RESULT*/ om.FUNCTION_CD,

                   input_1.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_1,

         input_2.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_2,

                   from set_in
put_map input_1,
                   set_input_map input_2,

      7,548,047       25,224          299.2    0.4    10.14     55.81 2222750186
select /*generated by GET_SET_FUNCTION_RESULT*/ om.FUNCTION_CD,

                   input_1.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_1,

         input_2.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_2,

                   from set_in
put_map input_1,
                   set_input_map input_2,

      7,548,047       25,223          299.3    0.4     9.91     54.92 2371500597
select /*generated by GET_SET_FUNCTION_RESULT*/ om.FUNCTION_CD,

                   input_1.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_1,

         input_2.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_2,

                   from set_in
put_map input_1,
                   set_input_map input_2,

      7,548,016       25,222          299.3    0.4     9.94     55.34 3027725634
select /*generated by GET_SET_FUNCTION_RESULT*/ om.FUNCTION_CD,

                   input_1.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_1,

         input_2.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_2,

                   from set_in
put_map input_1,
                   set_input_map input_2,

      7,547,759       25,222          299.3    0.4     9.78     55.31 1608766143
select /*generated by GET_SET_FUNCTION_RESULT*/ om.FUNCTION_CD,

                   input_1.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_1,

         input_2.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_2,

                   from set_in
put_map input_1,
                   set_input_map input_2,

      7,547,728       25,224          299.2    0.4     9.48     54.75  407518252
select /*generated by GET_SET_FUNCTION_RESULT*/ om.FUNCTION_CD,

                   input_1.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_1,

         input_2.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_2,

                   from set_in
SQL ordered by Gets for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
-> End Buffer Gets Threshold:     10000
-> Note that resources reported for PL/SQL includes the resources used by
   all SQL statements called within the PL/SQL code.  As individual SQL
   statements are also reported, it is possible and valid for the summed
   total % to exceed 100

                                                     CPU      Elapsd
  Buffer Gets    Executions  Gets per Exec  %Total Time (s)  Time (s) Hash Value
--------------- ------------ -------------- ------ -------- --------- ----------
put_map input_1,
                   set_input_map input_2,

      7,547,471       25,225          299.2    0.4    10.64     56.80 2436847568
select /*generated by GET_SET_FUNCTION_RESULT*/ om.FUNCTION_CD,

                   input_1.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_1,

         input_2.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_2,

                   from set_in
put_map input_1,
                   set_input_map input_2,

      4,941,004            1    4,941,004.0    0.3  1254.69   5460.71 2279745364
Module: SQL*Plus
BEGIN dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>'SOS_OC',tabname=>'
NW_PRDT_PARA_TRANS',estimate_percent=>5,cascade=> true); END;

      2,886,612        1,050        2,749.2    0.1   308.55    325.78 4129230265
begin GET_PROD_BUNDLE_MATCH(:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8,:9,:10); end

      2,633,422    1,316,776            2.0    0.1    92.57    723.05  853199580
begin get_set_function_result(:1,:2,:3); end;

      2,631,348       34,625           76.0    0.1    49.76    151.06 1965505712

      2,631,272       34,624           76.0    0.1    22.81     93.90   49764941

      2,138,735            1    2,138,735.0    0.1   579.20   2225.03  639677948
Module: SQL*Plus
BEGIN dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>'SOS_OC',tabname=>'
NW_PRDT_TRANS',estimate_percent=>5,cascade=> true); END;

      1,676,408       22,059           76.0    0.1    14.90     57.64 1922634261

      1,559,292       20,518           76.0    0.1    13.28     55.48 4079928138

      1,422,188       18,715           76.0    0.1    10.75     49.54 1076266187

        948,049            1      948,049.0    0.0  1033.60   1840.43 2386826238
Module: SQL*Plus
BEGIN dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>'SOS_OC',tabname=>'
ORDER_INFO',cascade=> true,method_opt=>'FOR columns flow_through
_ind,order_status,ws_consumer_ind size 254'); END;
SQL ordered by Gets for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
-> End Buffer Gets Threshold:     10000
-> Note that resources reported for PL/SQL includes the resources used by
   all SQL statements called within the PL/SQL code.  As individual SQL
   statements are also reported, it is possible and valid for the summed
   total % to exceed 100

                                                     CPU      Elapsd
  Buffer Gets    Executions  Gets per Exec  %Total Time (s)  Time (s) Hash Value
--------------- ------------ -------------- ------ -------- --------- ----------

        872,275            1      872,275.0    0.0    49.76    339.21 1823456512
Module: SQL*Plus
SELECT DISTINCT oi.order_no||','||woi.work_order_no||','||mc.dec
ode||','||to_char(oi.created_dt, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')||','|

SQL ordered by Reads for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
-> End Disk Reads Threshold:      1000

                                                     CPU      Elapsd
 Physical Reads  Executions  Reads per Exec %Total Time (s)  Time (s) Hash Value
--------------- ------------ -------------- ------ -------- --------- ----------
      9,500,774            1    9,500,774.0   25.4  1254.69   5460.71 2279745364
Module: SQL*Plus
BEGIN dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>'SOS_OC',tabname=>'
NW_PRDT_PARA_TRANS',estimate_percent=>5,cascade=> true); END;

      4,079,700            1    4,079,700.0   10.9   579.20   2225.03  639677948
Module: SQL*Plus
BEGIN dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>'SOS_OC',tabname=>'
NW_PRDT_TRANS',estimate_percent=>5,cascade=> true); END;

        911,638            1      911,638.0    2.4   154.24    540.04 2278949785
Module: SQL*Plus
BEGIN dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>'SOS_OC',tabname=>'
TXN_COMP_MAP',estimate_percent=>5,cascade=> true); END;

        846,789            1      846,789.0    2.3  1033.60   1840.43 2386826238
Module: SQL*Plus
BEGIN dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>'SOS_OC',tabname=>'
ORDER_INFO',cascade=> true,method_opt=>'FOR columns flow_through
_ind,order_status,ws_consumer_ind size 254'); END;

        769,124            1      769,124.0    2.1    49.76    339.21 1823456512
Module: SQL*Plus
SELECT DISTINCT oi.order_no||','||woi.work_order_no||','||mc.dec
ode||','||to_char(oi.created_dt, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')||','|

        388,030            1      388,030.0    1.0    56.86    223.40 1119457860
Module: SQL*Plus
BEGIN dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>'SOS_OC',tabname=>'
WORK_ORDER_INFO',estimate_percent=>5,cascade=> true); END;

        370,845            1      370,845.0    1.0   101.01    188.39 4025772863
Module: SQL*Plus
BEGIN dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>'SOS_OC',tabname=>'
SQ',estimate_percent=>5,cascade=> true); END;

        265,609            1      265,609.0    0.7    60.59    172.23 4178106433
Module: SQL*Plus
BEGIN dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>'SOS_OC',tabname=>'
STATUS_CHECK',estimate_percent=>5,cascade=> true); END;

        252,371            1      252,371.0    0.7    38.58    148.96 2674790521
Module: SQL*Plus
BEGIN dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>'SOS_OC',tabname=>'
TXN_COMP_MAP_CS_JOIN',estimate_percent=>5,cascade=> true); END;

        250,829            1      250,829.0    0.7    53.07    143.64 3802347009
Module: SQL*Plus
BEGIN dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>'SOS_OC',tabname=>'
PREPAID_MOB_INSTALLATION',estimate_percent=>5,cascade=> true); E
SQL ordered by Reads for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
-> End Disk Reads Threshold:      1000

                                                     CPU      Elapsd
 Physical Reads  Executions  Reads per Exec %Total Time (s)  Time (s) Hash Value
--------------- ------------ -------------- ------ -------- --------- ----------

        217,464            1      217,464.0    0.6    29.40    117.42  176192660
Module: SQL*Plus
BEGIN dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>'SOS_OC',tabname=>'
SQ_FIELD',estimate_percent=>5,cascade=> true); END;

        182,594            1      182,594.0    0.5    32.24    104.65  751678291
Module: SQL*Plus
BEGIN dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>'SOS_OC',tabname=>'
SQ_JOIN',estimate_percent=>5,cascade=> true); END;

        167,751            1      167,751.0    0.4    38.69    150.87 3613320745
Module: SQL*Plus
BEGIN dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>'SOS_OC',tabname=>'
TRANSACTIONS',estimate_percent=>5,cascade=> true); END;

        153,776            1      153,776.0    0.4    38.44     95.01 1746288758
Module: SQL*Plus
BEGIN dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>'SOS_OC',tabname=>'
SQ_WS_JOIN',estimate_percent=>5,cascade=> true); END;

        126,263            1      126,263.0    0.3    40.42    133.02  641027720
Module: SQL*Plus
BEGIN dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>'SOS_OC',tabname=>'
POSTPAID_MOB_INSTALLATION',estimate_percent=>5,cascade=> true);

         99,319            1       99,319.0    0.3    15.85     62.91 2973488363
Module: SQL*Plus
BEGIN dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>'SOS_OC',tabname=>'
RESIDENTIAL_CONTACT_DETAILS',estimate_percent=>5,cascade=> true)
; END;

         91,560            1       91,560.0    0.2     9.98     51.50 1624649910
Module: SQL*Plus
BEGIN dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>'SOS_OC',tabname=>'
ORDER_INFO_JOIN',estimate_percent=>5,cascade=> true); END;

         86,936            2       43,468.0    0.2    34.38    161.85 2209027148
Module: SQL*Plus

         80,218            1       80,218.0    0.2    13.72     51.83 1484162511
Module: SQL*Plus
BEGIN dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>'SOS_OC',tabname=>'
ORDER_NOTES',estimate_percent=>5,cascade=> true); END;

         39,113            1       39,113.0    0.1     9.72     26.94 4070696616
Module: SQL*Plus
BEGIN dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>'SOS_OC',tabname=>'
SQL ordered by Reads for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
-> End Disk Reads Threshold:      1000

                                                     CPU      Elapsd
 Physical Reads  Executions  Reads per Exec %Total Time (s)  Time (s) Hash Value
--------------- ------------ -------------- ------ -------- --------- ----------
PORT_TRANSACTION',estimate_percent=>5,cascade=> true); END;

         27,558            1       27,558.0    0.1     1.49     14.13  772902781
Module: SQL*Plus
select distinct 'D,'||oi.order_no||','||to_char (oi.created_dt,
'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')||','||oi.sales_rep_id||','||oi.dealer_c

         27,558            1       27,558.0    0.1     1.49     11.82 2713496816
Module: SQL*Plus
select distinct 'D,'||oi.order_no||','||to_char (oi.created_dt,
'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')||','||oi.sales_rep_id||','||oi.dealer_c

         27,558            1       27,558.0    0.1     1.49     12.12 2995689359
Module: SQL*Plus
select distinct 'D,'||oi.order_no||','||to_char (oi.created_dt,
'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')||','||oi.sales_rep_id||','||oi.dealer_c

SQL ordered by Executions for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
-> End Executions Threshold:       100

                                                CPU per    Elap per
 Executions   Rows Processed   Rows per Exec    Exec (s)   Exec (s)  Hash Value
------------ --------------- ---------------- ----------- ---------- ----------
   4,156,505       4,156,137              1.0       0.00        0.00  317853294
select count(*) from dual

   1,316,776       1,316,590              1.0       0.00        0.00  853199580
begin get_set_function_result(:1,:2,:3); end;

     188,233         188,233              1.0       0.00        0.00 3874482373
begin GET_COMP_DETAILS(:1,:2); end;

      82,923          82,923              1.0       0.00        0.00 1805284188
begin GET_COMP_BY_SCN_TY(:1,:2,:3);end;

      81,224          81,212              1.0       0.00        0.00 4102711756
begin GET_NW_PRDT_PARA (:1,:2,:3); end;

      70,290          70,290              1.0       0.00        0.00 3716207873
update seq$ set increment$=:2,minvalue=:3,maxvalue=:4,cycle#=:5,
order$=:6,cache=:7,highwater=:8,audit$=:9,flags=:10 where obj#=:

      60,448          60,448              1.0       0.00        0.00  735563736
begin GET_NW_PRDT_LIST (:1,:2); end;

      60,357          60,357              1.0       0.00        0.00 1018231328
begin GET_NW_PRDT_PARA_LIST (:1,:2); end;

      37,259          37,259              1.0       0.00        0.00  828919034
begin SELECT_MOB_GENERIC_VAS(:1,:2,:3,:4,:5); end;

      36,665          36,665              1.0       0.00        0.00 2690751713
begin SELECT_ALL_MOB_NPP(:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8); end;

      34,625         173,115              5.0       0.00        0.00 1965505712

      34,624          34,622              1.0       0.00        0.00   49764941

      29,848          29,848              1.0       0.00        0.00 2766255915
begin SELECT_MOB_NPP(:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8); end;

      25,226               0              0.0       0.00        0.00  778384724
select /*generated by GET_SET_FUNCTION_RESULT*/ om.FUNCTION_CD,

                   input_1.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_1,

         input_2.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_2,

                   from set_in
put_map input_1,
                   set_input_map input_2,

      25,225               0              0.0       0.00        0.00 2436847568
select /*generated by GET_SET_FUNCTION_RESULT*/ om.FUNCTION_CD,

                   input_1.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_1,

         input_2.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_2,

                   from set_in
SQL ordered by Executions for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
-> End Executions Threshold:       100

                                                CPU per    Elap per
 Executions   Rows Processed   Rows per Exec    Exec (s)   Exec (s)  Hash Value
------------ --------------- ---------------- ----------- ---------- ----------
put_map input_1,
                   set_input_map input_2,

      25,224               0              0.0       0.00        0.00  407518252
select /*generated by GET_SET_FUNCTION_RESULT*/ om.FUNCTION_CD,

                   input_1.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_1,

         input_2.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_2,

                   from set_in
put_map input_1,
                   set_input_map input_2,

      25,224               0              0.0       0.00        0.00 2222750186
select /*generated by GET_SET_FUNCTION_RESULT*/ om.FUNCTION_CD,

                   input_1.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_1,

         input_2.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_2,

                   from set_in
put_map input_1,
                   set_input_map input_2,

      25,223               0              0.0       0.00        0.00  735294811
select /*generated by GET_SET_FUNCTION_RESULT*/ om.FUNCTION_CD,

                   input_1.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_1,

         input_2.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_2,

                   from set_in
put_map input_1,
                   set_input_map input_2,

      25,223               0              0.0       0.00        0.00 2371500597
select /*generated by GET_SET_FUNCTION_RESULT*/ om.FUNCTION_CD,

                   input_1.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_1,

         input_2.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_2,

                   from set_in
put_map input_1,
                   set_input_map input_2,

      25,222               0              0.0       0.00        0.00 1608766143
select /*generated by GET_SET_FUNCTION_RESULT*/ om.FUNCTION_CD,

                   input_1.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_1,

         input_2.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_2,

                   from set_in
put_map input_1,
                   set_input_map input_2,

      25,222               0              0.0       0.00        0.00 3027725634
select /*generated by GET_SET_FUNCTION_RESULT*/ om.FUNCTION_CD,

                   input_1.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_1,

         input_2.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_2,

                   from set_in
put_map input_1,
                   set_input_map input_2,

      22,059             -24             -0.0       0.00        0.00 1922634261

      20,518          41,034              2.0       0.00        0.00 4079928138

      19,285          19,285              1.0       0.00        0.00 2858754903
begin GET_BO_GROUP_RULES(:1,:2); end;
SQL ordered by Executions for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
-> End Executions Threshold:       100

                                                CPU per    Elap per
 Executions   Rows Processed   Rows per Exec    Exec (s)   Exec (s)  Hash Value
------------ --------------- ---------------- ----------- ---------- ----------

      18,715          74,852              4.0       0.00        0.00 1076266187

      17,399          17,399              1.0       0.00        0.00 2598786151
begin SELECT_MOB_COMP_NPP(:1,:2,:3,:4); end;

SQL ordered by Parse Calls for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
-> End Parse Calls Threshold:      1000

                           % Total
 Parse Calls  Executions   Parses  Hash Value
------------ ------------ -------- ----------
      70,290       70,290     1.84 3716207873
update seq$ set increment$=:2,minvalue=:3,maxvalue=:4,cycle#=:5,
order$=:6,cache=:7,highwater=:8,audit$=:9,flags=:10 where obj#=:

      25,225       25,224     0.66  407518252
select /*generated by GET_SET_FUNCTION_RESULT*/ om.FUNCTION_CD,

                   input_1.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_1,

         input_2.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_2,

                   from set_in
put_map input_1,
                   set_input_map input_2,

      25,225       25,223     0.66  735294811
select /*generated by GET_SET_FUNCTION_RESULT*/ om.FUNCTION_CD,

                   input_1.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_1,

         input_2.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_2,

                   from set_in
put_map input_1,
                   set_input_map input_2,

      25,225       25,226     0.66  778384724
select /*generated by GET_SET_FUNCTION_RESULT*/ om.FUNCTION_CD,

                   input_1.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_1,

         input_2.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_2,

                   from set_in
put_map input_1,
                   set_input_map input_2,

      25,225       25,222     0.66 1608766143
select /*generated by GET_SET_FUNCTION_RESULT*/ om.FUNCTION_CD,

                   input_1.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_1,

         input_2.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_2,

                   from set_in
put_map input_1,
                   set_input_map input_2,

      25,225       25,224     0.66 2222750186
select /*generated by GET_SET_FUNCTION_RESULT*/ om.FUNCTION_CD,

                   input_1.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_1,

         input_2.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_2,

                   from set_in
put_map input_1,
                   set_input_map input_2,

      25,225       25,223     0.66 2371500597
select /*generated by GET_SET_FUNCTION_RESULT*/ om.FUNCTION_CD,

                   input_1.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_1,

         input_2.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_2,

                   from set_in
put_map input_1,
                   set_input_map input_2,

      25,225       25,225     0.66 2436847568
select /*generated by GET_SET_FUNCTION_RESULT*/ om.FUNCTION_CD,

                   input_1.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_1,

         input_2.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_2,

                   from set_in
put_map input_1,
                   set_input_map input_2,

SQL ordered by Parse Calls for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
-> End Parse Calls Threshold:      1000

                           % Total
 Parse Calls  Executions   Parses  Hash Value
------------ ------------ -------- ----------
      25,225       25,222     0.66 3027725634
select /*generated by GET_SET_FUNCTION_RESULT*/ om.FUNCTION_CD,

                   input_1.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_1,

         input_2.CODE_ID as CODE_VALUE_2,

                   from set_in
put_map input_1,
                   set_input_map input_2,

      20,931      188,233     0.55 3874482373
begin GET_COMP_DETAILS(:1,:2); end;

      20,519       20,518     0.54 4079928138

      19,830       37,259     0.52  828919034
begin SELECT_MOB_GENERIC_VAS(:1,:2,:3,:4,:5); end;

      18,710       18,715     0.49 1076266187

      17,875       82,923     0.47 1805284188
begin GET_COMP_BY_SCN_TY(:1,:2,:3);end;

      17,863       19,285     0.47 2858754903
begin GET_BO_GROUP_RULES(:1,:2); end;

      16,054       36,665     0.42 2690751713
begin SELECT_ALL_MOB_NPP(:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8); end;

      15,741       16,489     0.41   93449598
begin select_handset_delphi(:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7); end;

      15,321       29,848     0.40 2766255915
begin SELECT_MOB_NPP(:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8); end;

      13,250    1,316,776     0.35  853199580
begin get_set_function_result(:1,:2,:3); end;

      13,049       60,448     0.34  735563736
begin GET_NW_PRDT_LIST (:1,:2); end;

      12,179       17,399     0.32 2598786151
begin SELECT_MOB_COMP_NPP(:1,:2,:3,:4); end;

      12,005       13,779     0.31  790736214
begin SELECT_ALL_MOB_BO(:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7); end;

       9,611       10,398     0.25 1752178925
begin SELECT_MOB_BO(:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7); end;

       9,340       16,214     0.24  736207242
begin SELECT_ALL_MOB_PLANS(:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8); end;

SQL ordered by Parse Calls for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
-> End Parse Calls Threshold:      1000

                           % Total
 Parse Calls  Executions   Parses  Hash Value
------------ ------------ -------- ----------
       8,911        8,928     0.23 2892668502
begin GET_BILL_INST_PRDT_CS(:1,:2); end;

       8,910        8,926     0.23 2985786962
begin GET_BILL_INST_PRDT (:1, :2); end;

       8,622       14,844     0.23 2419289011
begin SELECT_RECON_ACTIVE_PLANS(:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8,:9,:10);

SQL ordered by Sharable Memory for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -771
-> End Sharable Memory Threshold:   1048576

Sharable Mem (b)  Executions  % Total  Hash Value
---------------- ------------ ------- ------------
       1,604,009            1     0.2    214471873
select /* Generated by SP MANAGE_ORDER_LIST */oi.order_no, oi.or
der_status, oi.created_dt, oi.dsl_delivery_addr_inst,nvl(ci.titl
e, ei.title) title,nvl(ci.first_nm, ei.cust_first_nm) first_nm,
nvl(ci.middle_nm, ei.cust_middle_nm) middle_nm,nvl(ci.last_nm,ei
.cust_last_nm) last_nm, nvl(ci.DOB,ei.DOB) DOB,nvl(a1.sub_addr_t

       1,553,323            1     0.2    296774157
select /* Generated by SP MANAGE_ORDER_LIST */oi.order_no, oi.or
der_status, oi.created_dt, oi.dsl_delivery_addr_inst,nvl(ci.titl
e, ei.title) title,nvl(ci.first_nm, ei.cust_first_nm) first_nm,
nvl(ci.middle_nm, ei.cust_middle_nm) middle_nm,nvl(ci.last_nm,ei
.cust_last_nm) last_nm, nvl(ci.DOB,ei.DOB) DOB,nvl(a1.sub_addr_t

       1,485,727            2     0.2   2599403129
select /* Generated by SP MANAGE_ORDER_LIST */oi.order_no, oi.or
der_status, oi.created_dt, oi.dsl_delivery_addr_inst,nvl(ci.titl
e, ei.title) title,nvl(ci.first_nm, ei.cust_first_nm) first_nm,
nvl(ci.middle_nm, ei.cust_middle_nm) middle_nm,nvl(ci.last_nm,ei
.cust_last_nm) last_nm, nvl(ci.DOB,ei.DOB) DOB,nvl(a1.sub_addr_t

       1,483,720            1     0.2   4195789046
Module: SQL*Plus
select distinct 'D,'||oi.order_no||','||to_char (oi.created_dt,
'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')||','||oi.sales_rep_id||','||oi.dealer_c
n_flow_through_reason, ',', '')||','||mc_nft.decode||','||woi.wo

       1,463,816            1     0.2    712903891
Module: SQL*Plus
select distinct 'D,'||oi.order_no||','||to_char (oi.created_dt,
'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')||','||oi.sales_rep_id||','||oi.dealer_c
n_flow_through_reason, ',', '')||','||mc_nft.decode||','||woi.wo

       1,425,905            2     0.2   1918501853
select /* Generated by SP MANAGE_ORDER_LIST */oi.order_no, oi.or
der_status, oi.created_dt, oi.dsl_delivery_addr_inst,nvl(ci.titl
e, ei.title) title,nvl(ci.first_nm, ei.cust_first_nm) first_nm,
nvl(ci.middle_nm, ei.cust_middle_nm) middle_nm,nvl(ci.last_nm,ei
.cust_last_nm) last_nm, nvl(ci.DOB,ei.DOB) DOB,nvl(a1.sub_addr_t

       1,411,903            1     0.2   1747012080
select /* Generated by SP MANAGE_ORDER_LIST */oi.order_no, oi.or
der_status, oi.created_dt, oi.dsl_delivery_addr_inst,nvl(ci.titl
e, ei.title) title,nvl(ci.first_nm, ei.cust_first_nm) first_nm,
nvl(ci.middle_nm, ei.cust_middle_nm) middle_nm,nvl(ci.last_nm,ei
.cust_last_nm) last_nm, nvl(ci.DOB,ei.DOB) DOB,nvl(a1.sub_addr_t

       1,380,439            1     0.2    496056839
select /* Generated by SP MANAGE_ORDER_LIST */oi.order_no, oi.or
der_status, oi.created_dt, oi.dsl_delivery_addr_inst,nvl(ci.titl
e, ei.title) title,nvl(ci.first_nm, ei.cust_first_nm) first_nm,
SQL ordered by Sharable Memory for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -771
-> End Sharable Memory Threshold:   1048576

Sharable Mem (b)  Executions  % Total  Hash Value
---------------- ------------ ------- ------------
nvl(ci.middle_nm, ei.cust_middle_nm) middle_nm,nvl(ci.last_nm,ei
.cust_last_nm) last_nm, nvl(ci.DOB,ei.DOB) DOB,nvl(a1.sub_addr_t

       1,355,888            1     0.2    815230696
Module: SQL*Plus
select distinct 'D,'||oi.order_no||','||to_char (oi.created_dt,
'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')||','||oi.sales_rep_id||','||oi.dealer_c
n_flow_through_reason, ',', '')||','||mc_nft.decode||','||woi.wo

       1,346,496            1     0.2    155601975
Module: SQL*Plus
select distinct 'D,'||oi.order_no||','||to_char (oi.created_dt,
'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')||','||oi.sales_rep_id||','||oi.dealer_c
n_flow_through_reason, ',', '')||','||mc_nft.decode||','||woi.wo

       1,331,831            1     0.2   3128546817
select /* Generated by SP MANAGE_ORDER_LIST */oi.order_no, oi.or
der_status, oi.created_dt, oi.dsl_delivery_addr_inst,nvl(ci.titl
e, ei.title) title,nvl(ci.first_nm, ei.cust_first_nm) first_nm,
nvl(ci.middle_nm, ei.cust_middle_nm) middle_nm,nvl(ci.last_nm,ei
.cust_last_nm) last_nm, nvl(ci.DOB,ei.DOB) DOB,nvl(a1.sub_addr_t

       1,331,767            1     0.2   3096102258
select /* Generated by SP MANAGE_ORDER_LIST */oi.order_no, oi.or
der_status, oi.created_dt, oi.dsl_delivery_addr_inst,nvl(ci.titl
e, ei.title) title,nvl(ci.first_nm, ei.cust_first_nm) first_nm,
nvl(ci.middle_nm, ei.cust_middle_nm) middle_nm,nvl(ci.last_nm,ei
.cust_last_nm) last_nm, nvl(ci.DOB,ei.DOB) DOB,nvl(a1.sub_addr_t

       1,309,685            1     0.2   1378693305
select /* Generated by SP MANAGE_ORDER_LIST */oi.order_no, oi.or
der_status, oi.created_dt, oi.dsl_delivery_addr_inst,nvl(ci.titl
e, ei.title) title,nvl(ci.first_nm, ei.cust_first_nm) first_nm,
nvl(ci.middle_nm, ei.cust_middle_nm) middle_nm,nvl(ci.last_nm,ei

Instance Activity Stats for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168

Statistic                                      Total     per Second    per Trans
--------------------------------- ------------------ -------------- ------------
CPU used by this session                   2,862,236           49.7         27.2
CPU used when call started                 2,833,414           49.2         27.0
CR blocks created                             16,229            0.3          0.2
Cached Commit SCN referenced                       0            0.0          0.0
Commit SCN cached                                  0            0.0          0.0
DBWR buffers scanned                       1,294,691           22.5         12.3
DBWR checkpoint buffers written              175,972            3.1          1.7
DBWR checkpoints                                   8            0.0          0.0
DBWR free buffers found                    1,276,082           22.2         12.1
DBWR lru scans                                 5,261            0.1          0.1
DBWR make free requests                        7,274            0.1          0.1
DBWR revisited being-written buff                  0            0.0          0.0
DBWR summed scan depth                     1,294,691           22.5         12.3
DBWR transaction table writes                    262            0.0          0.0
DBWR undo block writes                        52,697            0.9          0.5
OS Integral shared text size                       0            0.0          0.0
OS Integral unshared data size                     0            0.0          0.0
OS Involuntary context switches                    0            0.0          0.0
OS Maximum resident set size                       0            0.0          0.0
OS Page faults                                     0            0.0          0.0
OS Page reclaims                                   0            0.0          0.0
OS Socket messages received                        0            0.0          0.0
OS System time used                                0            0.0          0.0
OS User time used                                  0            0.0          0.0
OS Voluntary context switches                      0            0.0          0.0
SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client         30,218,589          524.6        287.4
active txn count during cleanout              39,294            0.7          0.4
background checkpoints completed                   8            0.0          0.0
background checkpoints started                     8            0.0          0.0
background timeouts                          127,691            2.2          1.2
branch node splits                                36            0.0          0.0
buffer is not pinned count               888,123,691       15,418.6      8,446.6
buffer is pinned count                 1,301,136,648       22,588.8     12,374.6
bytes received via SQL*Net from c      1,392,231,652       24,170.3     13,240.9
bytes sent via SQL*Net to client       7,955,117,494      138,107.3     75,657.8
calls to get snapshot scn: kcmgss         46,683,311          810.5        444.0
calls to kcmgas                            1,520,117           26.4         14.5
calls to kcmgcs                               18,494            0.3          0.2
change write time                              3,376            0.1          0.0
cleanout - number of ktugct calls             52,014            0.9          0.5
cluster key scan block gets                  790,988           13.7          7.5
cluster key scans                            552,202            9.6          5.3
commit cleanout failures: block l                 28            0.0          0.0
commit cleanout failures: buffer                  19            0.0          0.0
commit cleanout failures: callbac              3,120            0.1          0.0
commit cleanout failures: cannot                  55            0.0          0.0
commit cleanout failures: hot bac                  0            0.0          0.0
commit cleanouts                             742,653           12.9          7.1
commit cleanouts successfully com            739,431           12.8          7.0
commit txn count during cleanout             133,561            2.3          1.3
consistent changes                            61,151            1.1          0.6
consistent gets                        1,961,511,022       34,053.4     18,655.1
consistent gets - examination            888,916,120       15,432.3      8,454.1
current blocks converted for CR                    1            0.0          0.0
cursor authentications                         3,808            0.1          0.0
data blocks consistent reads - un             54,177            0.9          0.5
Instance Activity Stats for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168

Statistic                                      Total     per Second    per Trans
--------------------------------- ------------------ -------------- ------------
db block changes                           5,351,540           92.9         50.9
db block gets                              7,773,807          135.0         73.9
deferred (CURRENT) block cleanout            253,236            4.4          2.4
dirty buffers inspected                        9,478            0.2          0.1
enqueue conversions                           59,908            1.0          0.6
enqueue deadlocks                                  0            0.0          0.0
enqueue releases                             770,116           13.4          7.3
enqueue requests                             770,122           13.4          7.3
enqueue timeouts                                   6            0.0          0.0
enqueue waits                                    151            0.0          0.0
exchange deadlocks                                 4            0.0          0.0
execute count                             20,324,709          352.9        193.3
failed probes on index block recl                 45            0.0          0.0
free buffer inspected                         10,048            0.2          0.1
free buffer requested                     36,628,640          635.9        348.4
hot buffers moved to head of LRU             682,027           11.8          6.5
immediate (CR) block cleanout app             25,561            0.4          0.2
immediate (CURRENT) block cleanou             62,488            1.1          0.6
index crx upgrade (found)                          1            0.0          0.0
index crx upgrade (positioned)                89,247            1.6          0.9
index fast full scans (full)                 305,590            5.3          2.9
index fetch by key                       482,462,034        8,375.9      4,588.5
index scans kdiixs1                      286,836,193        4,979.7      2,728.0
leaf node 90-10 splits                         3,715            0.1          0.0
leaf node splits                               8,994            0.2          0.1
logons cumulative                              1,199            0.0          0.0
messages received                            387,021            6.7          3.7
messages sent                                387,021            6.7          3.7
no buffer to keep pinned count                     0            0.0          0.0
no work - consistent read gets         1,044,129,069       18,126.9      9,930.3
opened cursors cumulative                  3,812,569           66.2         36.3
parse count (failures)                            12            0.0          0.0
parse count (hard)                            63,535            1.1          0.6
parse count (total)                        3,824,150           66.4         36.4
parse time cpu                                 8,640            0.2          0.1
parse time elapsed                            37,262            0.7          0.4
physical reads                            37,471,980          650.5        356.4
physical reads direct                        879,859           15.3          8.4
physical reads direct (lob)                   34,536            0.6          0.3
physical writes                            1,087,859           18.9         10.4
physical writes direct                       883,295           15.3          8.4
physical writes direct (lob)                     504            0.0          0.0
physical writes non checkpoint               984,224           17.1          9.4
pinned buffers inspected                         409            0.0          0.0
prefetch clients - default                         0            0.0          0.0
prefetched blocks                         30,219,560          524.6        287.4
prefetched blocks aged out before          8,672,390          150.6         82.5
process last non-idle time                    57,601            1.0          0.6
recursive aborts on index block r                  0            0.0          0.0
recursive calls                           15,150,138          263.0        144.1
recursive cpu usage                          499,311            8.7          4.8
redo blocks written                        2,147,328           37.3         20.4
redo buffer allocation retries                    29            0.0          0.0
redo entries                               2,761,519           47.9         26.3
redo log space requests                            2            0.0          0.0
redo log space wait time                          11            0.0          0.0
Instance Activity Stats for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168

Statistic                                      Total     per Second    per Trans
--------------------------------- ------------------ -------------- ------------
redo ordering marks                                0            0.0          0.0
redo size                              1,027,003,568       17,829.6      9,767.4
redo synch time                               97,277            1.7          0.9
redo synch writes                            129,681            2.3          1.2
redo wastage                              37,903,752          658.0        360.5
redo write time                               95,821            1.7          0.9
redo writer latching time                          4            0.0          0.0
redo writes                                  147,745            2.6          1.4
rollback changes - undo records a                670            0.0          0.0
rows fetched via callback                143,550,595        2,492.2      1,365.3
session connect time                               0            0.0          0.0
session logical reads                  1,969,250,270       34,187.8     18,728.7
session pga memory max                   453,095,520        7,866.1      4,309.2
session uga memory                   274,798,883,888    4,770,731.1  2,613,498.2
session uga memory max                 1,475,356,432       25,613.4     14,031.5
shared hash latch upgrades - no w            479,034            8.3          4.6
shared hash latch upgrades - wait                 29            0.0          0.0
sorts (disk)                                      14            0.0          0.0
sorts (memory)                               620,366           10.8          5.9
sorts (rows)                           1,058,357,733       18,374.0     10,065.6
summed dirty queue length                     28,560            0.5          0.3
switch current to new buffer                   7,395            0.1          0.1
table fetch by rowid                     623,218,462       10,819.6      5,927.2
table fetch continued row                     99,206            1.7          0.9
table scan blocks gotten                 186,763,404        3,242.4      1,776.2
table scan rows gotten                13,787,178,250      239,356.6    131,124.1
table scans (cache partitions)                     0            0.0          0.0
table scans (long tables)                        201            0.0          0.0
table scans (rowid ranges)                         0            0.0          0.0
table scans (short tables)                10,871,332          188.7        103.4
transaction rollbacks                             65            0.0          0.0
transaction tables consistent rea                 10            0.0          0.0
transaction tables consistent rea              5,070            0.1          0.1
user calls                                33,618,769          583.7        319.7
user commits                                 104,733            1.8          1.0
user rollbacks                                   413            0.0          0.0
workarea executions - multipass                    0            0.0          0.0
workarea executions - onepass                     36            0.0          0.0
workarea executions - optimal              2,221,525           38.6         21.1
write clones created in backgroun                  1            0.0          0.0
write clones created in foregroun                552            0.0          0.0
Tablespace IO Stats for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
->ordered by IOs (Reads + Writes) desc

                 Av      Av     Av                    Av        Buffer Av Buf
         Reads Reads/s Rd(ms) Blks/Rd       Writes Writes/s      Waits Wt(ms)
-------------- ------- ------ ------- ------------ -------- ---------- ------
     4,556,338      79    2.5     5.5       19,124        0      2,711    6.9
     1,757,109      31    4.8     6.4       56,544        1        547  106.8
        29,407       1   10.5     3.1       75,293        1          0    0.0
        45,222       1    9.6    19.5       40,295        1          0    0.0
           844       0    6.2     1.0       53,032        1        126    0.2
        24,082       0    3.9     1.2          438        0         39    9.5
         8,302       0    2.3     1.0            9        0          0    0.0
           544       0    3.6     1.0           40        0          0    0.0
            10       0   34.0     1.0            7        0          0    0.0
File IO Stats for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
->ordered by Tablespace, File

Tablespace               Filename
------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------
                 Av      Av     Av                    Av        Buffer Av Buf
         Reads Reads/s Rd(ms) Blks/Rd       Writes Writes/s      Waits Wt(ms)
-------------- ------- ------ ------- ------------ -------- ---------- ------
SOS_OC_DATA              /sos/db04/oracle/SOS1P/oradata/SOS1P_sos_oc_data_01.
       801,663      14    2.6     6.0          360        0        226    5.7
       772,414      13    3.6     5.8           84        0        309    4.9
       557,191      10    2.5     5.8           31        0        235    9.3
       825,204      14    2.1     5.4           63        0        359    6.2
       704,091      12    2.1     5.2        3,793        0        735    7.3
       696,148      12    2.1     5.2        7,568        0        666    7.5
       199,627       3    2.0     4.5        7,225        0        181    6.3

SOS_OC_INDX              /sos/db04/oracle/SOS1P/oradata/SOS1P_sos_oc_indx_05.
        72,544       1    4.2     5.6          820        0         24    5.0
       216,943       4    4.0     5.1          631        0         11   10.0
       167,536       3    4.2     6.4          716        0         26    9.2
       131,515       2    5.2     7.8          927        0         23    6.1
        72,338       1    5.0     5.7          772        0        127  448.7
       156,953       3    4.8     6.7        3,650        0         42    3.1
       163,273       3    4.7     6.5        3,676        0         48    9.0
       120,676       2    4.6     6.6        1,733        0          0
       157,825       3    4.9     6.6        2,528        0         39    4.1
       156,608       3    4.9     6.5        6,377        0         52    1.3
       146,876       3    5.0     6.9        7,346        0         16    0.6
        74,731       1    4.8     6.5        9,065        0          9    0.0
        70,860       1    6.3     6.8        5,525        0         44    0.7
        25,076       0    7.3     7.2        8,769        0         61    0.2
        23,355       0    6.8     6.6        4,009        0         25    0.4

SPOTLIGHT                /sos/db07/oracle/SOS1P/oradata/SOS1P_spotlight_01.db
            10       0   34.0     1.0            7        0          0

STATSPACK                /sos/db05/oracle/SOS1P/oradata/SOS1P_statspack_01.db
        25,909       0   11.0     3.2       65,673        1          0
File IO Stats for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
->ordered by Tablespace, File

Tablespace               Filename
------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------
                 Av      Av     Av                    Av        Buffer Av Buf
         Reads Reads/s Rd(ms) Blks/Rd       Writes Writes/s      Waits Wt(ms)
-------------- ------- ------ ------- ------------ -------- ---------- ------
         3,246       0    6.6     2.4        8,662        0          0
STATSPACK                /sos/db08/oracle/SOS1P/oradata/SOS1P_statspack_03.db
           252       0   13.1     4.8          958        0          0

SYSTEM                   /sos/db04/oracle/SOS1P/oradata/SOS1P_system_01.dbf
        24,082       0    3.9     1.2          438        0         39    9.5

TEMP                     /sos/db04/oracle/SOS1P/oradata/SOS1P_temp_01.dbf
        10,006       0    7.8    16.3        6,400        0          0
         8,981       0    8.0    17.0        9,006        0          0
            10       0    3.0     1.0           30        0          0
        26,225       0   10.9    21.5       24,859        0          0

TOOLS                    /sos/db04/oracle/SOS1P/oradata/SOS1P_tools_01.dbf
         8,302       0    2.3     1.0            9        0          0

UNDO_01                  /sos/db04/oracle/SOS1P/oradata/SOS1P_undo_01_01.dbf
           804       0    5.8     1.0       19,757        0         78    0.4
            40       0   14.3     1.0       33,275        1         48    0.0

USERS                    /sos/db04/oracle/SOS1P/oradata/SOS1P_users_01.dbf
           544       0    3.6     1.0           40        0          0

Buffer Pool Statistics for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
-> Standard block size Pools  D: default,  K: keep,  R: recycle
-> Default Pools for other block sizes: 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k, 32k

                                                           Free    Write  Buffer
     Number of Cache      Buffer    Physical   Physical  Buffer Complete    Busy
P      Buffers Hit %        Gets       Reads     Writes   Waits    Waits   Waits
--- ---------- ----- ----------- ----------- ---------- ------- --------  ------
D      508,160  98.1############  36,557,552    204,118       0        0   3,425

Instance Recovery Stats for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
-> B: Begin snapshot,  E: End snapshot

  Targt Estd                                    Log File   Log Ckpt   Log Ckpt
  MTTR  MTTR   Recovery    Actual     Target      Size     Timeout    Interval
   (s)   (s)   Estd IOs  Redo Blks  Redo Blks  Redo Blks  Redo Blks  Redo Blks
- ----- ----- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
B   180    49       5766      88707     943713     943713
E   180    60       7622      89673     943713     943713

Buffer Pool Advisory for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  End Snap: 77168
-> Only rows with estimated physical reads >0 are displayed
-> ordered by Block Size, Buffers For Estimate (default block size first)

        Size for  Size      Buffers for  Est Physical          Estimated
P   Estimate (M) Factr         Estimate   Read Factor     Physical Reads
--- ------------ ----- ---------------- ------------- ------------------
D            416    .1           51,610          0.10          1,576,800
D            832    .2          103,220          3.44         52,440,948
D          1,248    .3          154,830          2.49         37,960,896
D          1,664    .4          206,440          1.95         29,704,367
D          2,080    .5          258,050          1.65         25,196,860
D          2,496    .6          309,660          1.45         22,091,402
D          2,912    .7          361,270          1.30         19,768,753
D          3,328    .8          412,880          1.17         17,888,788
D          3,744    .9          464,490          1.07         16,340,988
D          4,096   1.0          508,160          1.00         15,265,011
D          4,160   1.0          516,100          0.99         15,090,865
D          4,576   1.1          567,710          0.92         14,073,019
D          4,992   1.2          619,320          0.87         13,227,788
D          5,408   1.3          670,930          0.82         12,520,893
D          5,824   1.4          722,540          0.78         11,921,248
D          6,240   1.5          774,150          0.75         11,404,252
D          6,656   1.6          825,760          0.72         10,948,865
D          7,072   1.7          877,370          0.69         10,549,118
D          7,488   1.8          928,980          0.67         10,182,394
D          7,904   1.9          980,590          0.65          9,845,976
D          8,320   2.0        1,032,200          0.62          9,418,624

Buffer wait Statistics for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
-> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc

                                 Tot Wait    Avg
Class                    Waits   Time (s) Time (ms)
------------------ ----------- ---------- ---------
data block               3,296         77        23
undo header                 54          0         1
undo block                  72          0         0
1st level bmb                2          0         0
PGA Aggr Target Stats for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
-> B: Begin snap   E: End snap (rows dentified with B or E contain data
   which is absolute i.e. not diffed over the interval)
-> PGA cache hit % - percentage of W/A (WorkArea) data processed only in-memory
-> Auto PGA Target - actual workarea memory target
-> W/A PGA Used    - amount of memory used for all Workareas (manual + auto)
-> %PGA W/A Mem    - percentage of PGA memory allocated to workareas
-> %Auto W/A Mem   - percentage of workarea memory controlled by Auto Mem Mgmt
-> %Man W/A Mem    - percentage of workarea memory under manual control

PGA Cache Hit % W/A MB Processed Extra W/A MB Read/Written
--------------- ---------------- -------------------------
           99.3          898,758                     6,617

                                             %PGA  %Auto   %Man
  PGA Aggr  Auto PGA   PGA Mem    W/A PGA    W/A    W/A    W/A   Global Mem
  Target(M) Target(M)  Alloc(M)   Used(M)    Mem    Mem    Mem    Bound(K)
- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------ ------ ----------
B     3,000     2,444      375.2        0.0     .0     .0     .0    102,400
E     3,000     2,534      253.1        0.0     .0  100.0     .0    102,400

PGA Aggr Target Histogram for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
-> Optimal Executions are purely in-memory operations

    Low    High
Optimal Optimal    Total Execs Optimal Execs 1-Pass Execs M-Pass Execs
------- ------- -------------- ------------- ------------ ------------
     2K      4K        677,485       677,485            0            0
     4K      8K         12,336        12,336            0            0
     8K     16K        120,182       120,182            0            0
    16K     32K         98,287        98,287            0            0
    32K     64K         84,586        84,586            0            0
    64K    128K         87,301        87,301            0            0
   128K    256K         43,054        43,054            0            0
   256K    512K          5,532         5,532            0            0
   512K   1024K      1,056,268     1,056,268            0            0
     1M      2M         33,050        33,050            0            0
     2M      4M          2,870         2,870            0            0
     4M      8M            284           283            1            0
     8M     16M            162           160            2            0
    16M     32M             86            78            8            0
    32M     64M             29            22            7            0
    64M    128M             16            11            5            0
   128M    256M              2             0            2            0
   256M    512M              7             0            7            0
   512M   1024M              4             0            4            0

PGA Memory Advisory for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  End Snap: 77168
-> When using Auto Memory Mgmt, minimally choose a pga_aggregate_target value
   where Estd PGA Overalloc Count is 0

                                       Estd Extra    Estd PGA   Estd PGA
PGA Target    Size           W/A MB   W/A MB Read/      Cache  Overalloc
  Est (MB)   Factr        Processed Written to Disk     Hit %      Count
---------- ------- ---------------- ---------------- -------- ----------
       375     0.1  1,040,716,662.0     81,294,860.3     93.0  1,587,174
       750     0.3  1,040,716,662.0     18,838,834.9     98.0        601
     1,500     0.5  1,040,716,662.0     16,792,260.9     98.0          0
     2,250     0.8  1,040,716,662.0     15,794,998.8     99.0          0
     3,000     1.0  1,040,716,662.0     12,819,940.0     99.0          0
     3,600     1.2  1,040,716,662.0     11,740,340.3     99.0          0
     4,200     1.4  1,040,716,662.0     11,740,244.0     99.0          0
     4,800     1.6  1,040,716,662.0     11,740,244.0     99.0          0
     5,400     1.8  1,040,716,662.0     11,740,244.0     99.0          0
     6,000     2.0  1,040,716,662.0     11,740,244.0     99.0          0
     9,000     3.0  1,040,716,662.0     11,740,244.0     99.0          0
    12,000     4.0  1,040,716,662.0     11,740,244.0     99.0          0
    18,000     6.0  1,040,716,662.0     11,740,244.0     99.0          0
    24,000     8.0  1,040,716,662.0     11,740,244.0     99.0          0
Enqueue activity for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
-> Enqueue stats gathered prior to 9i should not be compared with 9i data
-> ordered by Wait Time desc, Waits desc

                                                        Avg Wt         Wait
Eq     Requests    Succ Gets Failed Gets       Waits   Time (ms)     Time (s)
-- ------------ ------------ ----------- ----------- ------------- ------------
TX      191,027      191,030           0         147          7.31            1
CF       27,757       27,756           1           4         28.75            0
Rollback Segment Stats for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
->A high value for "Pct Waits" suggests more rollback segments may be required
->RBS stats may not be accurate between begin and end snaps when using Auto Undo
  managment, as RBS may be dynamically created and dropped as needed

        Trans Table       Pct   Undo Bytes
RBS No      Gets        Waits     Written        Wraps  Shrinks  Extends
------ -------------- ------- --------------- -------- -------- --------
     0          298.0    0.00             468        0        0        0
     1      320,401.0    0.00     183,063,268       43       15       12
     2       45,503.0    0.02     128,756,466       96       17       67
     3       12,059.0    0.00       7,288,126       13        2        0
     4       10,605.0    0.01       6,238,388       11        3        4
     5       11,620.0    0.00       9,517,408       15        1        0
     6       10,236.0    0.00       5,868,316       11        1        0
     7        9,556.0    0.00       4,823,938        8        1        0
     8       10,697.0    0.00       5,610,176        8        1        0
     9       11,138.0    0.00       6,353,202       12        2        0
    10       10,327.0    0.00       5,090,400        4        1        2
Rollback Segment Storage for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
->Optimal Size should be larger than Avg Active

RBS No    Segment Size      Avg Active    Optimal Size    Maximum Size
------ --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
     0         385,024          63,527                         385,024
     1      31,580,160       3,679,709                   3,195,133,952
     2       2,220,032      90,215,516                     770,826,240
     3       2,220,032         765,513                     822,206,464
     4       9,560,064         832,102                     897,703,936
     5       2,220,032       1,560,491                     755,097,600
     6       2,220,032         660,025                     973,201,408
     7       2,220,032         738,890                     788,652,032
     8       2,220,032         726,310                     838,983,680
     9       2,220,032         694,533                     637,657,088
    10       9,560,064       1,129,171                     822,206,464
Undo Segment Summary for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
-> Undo segment block stats:
-> uS - unexpired Stolen,   uR - unexpired Released,   uU - unexpired reUsed
-> eS - expired   Stolen,   eR - expired   Released,   eU - expired   reUsed

Undo           Undo        Num  Max Qry     Max Tx Snapshot Out of uS/uR/uU/
 TS#         Blocks      Trans  Len (s)   Concurcy  Too Old  Space eS/eR/eU
---- -------------- ---------- -------- ---------- -------- ------ -------------
   1         54,326 ##########    2,497          3        0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0

Undo Segment Stats for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
-> ordered by Time desc

                     Undo      Num Max Qry   Max Tx  Snap   Out of uS/uR/uU/
End Time           Blocks    Trans Len (s)    Concy Too Old  Space eS/eR/eU
------------ ------------ -------- ------- -------- ------- ------ -------------
04-Oct 08:46          332 ########      14        2       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 08:36          228 ########      13        1       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 08:26          190 ########      17        1       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 08:16          256 ########      13        2       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 08:06          261 ########      15        2       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 07:56          188 ########       4        1       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 07:46          172 ########      14        2       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 07:36          129 ########     345        1       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 07:26           58 ########       6        1       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 07:16          177 ########     152        1       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 07:06          177 ########      14        1       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 06:56           58 ########       3        1       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 06:46          159 ########      11        1       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 06:36          133 ########      15        1       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 06:26           51 ########       9        1       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 06:16          108 ########      13        2       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 06:06           62 ########      18        1       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 05:56           29 ########     209        1       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 05:46           97 ########     232        2       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 05:36           74 ########     177        1       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 05:26           20 ########     368        2       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 05:16           85 ########     131        1       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 05:06           91 ########     112        2       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 04:56           64 ########     151        1       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 04:46          139 ########     849        1       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 04:36          121 ########      12        1       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 04:26           55 ########     460        1       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 04:16           86 ########     967        2       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 04:06        1,471 ########   2,497        1       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 03:56          790 ########     139        1       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 03:46          127 ########     577        1       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 03:36          112 ########     570        2       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 03:26           57 ########   1,141        2       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
04-Oct 03:16          127 ########     670        2       0      0 0/0/0/0/0/0
Latch Activity for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
->"Get Requests", "Pct Get Miss" and "Avg Slps/Miss" are statistics for
  willing-to-wait latch get requests
->"NoWait Requests", "Pct NoWait Miss" are for no-wait latch get requests
->"Pct Misses" for both should be very close to 0.0

                                           Pct    Avg   Wait                 Pct
                              Get          Get   Slps   Time       NoWait NoWait
Latch                       Requests      Miss  /Miss    (s)     Requests   Miss
------------------------ -------------- ------ ------ ------ ------------ ------
Consistent RBA                  147,750    0.0             0            0
FAL request queue                 1,152    0.0             0            0
FIB s.o chain latch                  72    0.0             0            0
FOB s.o list latch                6,351    0.0             0            0
SQL memory manager latch             64    0.0             0       19,144    0.0
SQL memory manager worka      5,366,422    0.0    0.0      0            0
active checkpoint queue         316,558    2.2    0.0      0            0
alert log latch                      35    0.0             0            0
archive control                   1,996    0.0             0            0
archive process latch             1,553    0.0             0            0
begin backup scn array              498    0.0             0            0
cache buffer handles         35,697,766    0.0    0.0      0            0
cache buffers chains      3,101,017,470    0.0    0.0     20   67,701,408    0.0
cache buffers lru chain         253,150    0.0    0.0      0   59,880,022    0.0
channel handle pool latc          2,474    0.0             0            0
channel operations paren         43,036    0.0             0            0
checkpoint queue latch       46,047,151    0.0    0.0      0      205,536    0.0
child cursor hash table         489,952    0.0    0.0      0            0
dml lock allocation             834,008    0.0    0.0      0            0
dummy allocation                  2,398    0.0             0            0
enqueue hash chains           1,600,297    0.0    0.0      0            0
enqueues                      2,807,613    0.0    0.0      0            0
event group latch                 1,135    0.0             0            0
global tx hash mapping              632    0.0             0            0
hash table column usage           3,548    0.0             0    4,791,867    0.0
internal temp table obje              3    0.0             0            0
job workq parent latch                0                    0          128    0.0
job_queue_processes para          1,024    0.0             0            0
ktm global data                     354    0.0             0            0
lgwr LWN SCN                    154,053    0.0    0.0      0            0
library cache               102,460,001    0.1    0.0      1      200,259    0.1
library cache load lock           8,960    0.0             0            0
library cache pin            70,937,572    0.0    0.0      0            0
library cache pin alloca     24,662,164    0.0    0.0      0            0
list of block allocation         29,913    0.0             0            0
loader state object free         21,342    0.0             0            0
longop free list parent           4,925    0.0             0          496    0.0
message pool operations             230    0.0             0            0
messages                      1,453,295    0.6    0.0      0            0
mostly latch-free SCN           154,522    0.3    0.0      0            0
multiblock read objects       5,204,684    0.0    0.0      0            0
ncodef allocation latch             914    0.0             0            0
object stats modificatio              9    0.0             0            0
post/wait queue                 252,836    0.0    0.0      0      129,680    0.0
process allocation                2,270    0.0             0        1,135    0.0
process group creation            2,270    0.0             0            0
redo allocation               3,062,781    0.0    0.0      0            0
redo copy                             0                    0    2,761,779    0.0
redo writing                    800,053    0.2    0.0      0            0
row cache enqueue latch      35,458,310    0.1    0.0      0            0
Latch Activity for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
->"Get Requests", "Pct Get Miss" and "Avg Slps/Miss" are statistics for
  willing-to-wait latch get requests
->"NoWait Requests", "Pct NoWait Miss" are for no-wait latch get requests
->"Pct Misses" for both should be very close to 0.0

                                           Pct    Avg   Wait                 Pct
                              Get          Get   Slps   Time       NoWait NoWait
Latch                       Requests      Miss  /Miss    (s)     Requests   Miss
------------------------ -------------- ------ ------ ------ ------------ ------
row cache objects            35,776,069    0.0    0.0      0          964    0.0
sequence cache                  144,050    0.0    0.0      0            0
session allocation            5,038,855    0.0    0.0      0            0
session idle bit             69,718,878    0.0    0.0      0            0
session switching                   914    0.0             0            0
session timer                    19,193    0.0             0            0
shared pool                  17,916,476    0.0    0.0      0            0
sim partition latch                   0                    0        5,363    0.2
simulator hash latch        110,895,219    0.0    0.0      0            0
simulator lru latch             401,784    0.0    0.0      0    3,045,955    0.1
sort extent pool                  8,388    0.0             0            0
temp lob duration state              69    0.0             0            0
temporary table state ob              2    0.0             0            0
transaction allocation       16,260,752    0.0             0            0
transaction branch alloc          1,546    0.0             0            0
undo global data                804,139    0.0    0.0      0            0
user lock                         4,460    0.0             0            0
Latch Sleep breakdown for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
-> ordered by misses desc

                                      Get                            Spin &
Latch Name                       Requests      Misses      Sleeps Sleeps 1->4
-------------------------- -------------- ----------- ----------- ------------
cache buffers chains        3,101,017,470     337,966       1,885 336096/1868/
library cache                 102,460,001      89,327         445 88883/443/1/
row cache enqueue latch        35,458,310      21,723          13 21710/13/0/0
row cache objects              35,776,069      15,231          47 15184/47/0/0
cache buffer handles           35,697,766      10,037           1 10036/1/0/0/
library cache pin              70,937,572       8,983          61 8922/61/0/0/
messages                        1,453,295       8,355           1 8354/1/0/0/0
shared pool                    17,916,476       2,937          35 2902/35/0/0/
library cache pin allocati     24,662,164       1,970          20 1950/20/0/0/
session allocation              5,038,855       1,791           6 1785/6/0/0/0
redo writing                      800,053       1,452           2 1450/2/0/0/0
multiblock read objects         5,204,684         968           1 967/1/0/0/0
session idle bit               69,718,878         436           9 427/9/0/0/0
redo allocation                 3,062,781         404           1 403/1/0/0/0
simulator hash latch          110,895,219          35           1 34/1/0/0/0
Latch Miss Sources for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
-> only latches with sleeps are shown
-> ordered by name, sleeps desc

                                                     NoWait              Waiter
Latch Name               Where                       Misses     Sleeps   Sleeps
------------------------ -------------------------- ------- ---------- --------
cache buffer handles     kcbzfs                           0          1        1
cache buffers chains     kcbgtcr: kslbegin excl           0      1,341    1,410
cache buffers chains     kcbrls: kslbegin                 0        320      333
cache buffers chains     kcbgtcr: fast path               0        206      125
cache buffers chains     kcbzib: multi-block read:        0          6        0
cache buffers chains     kcbchg: kslbegin: bufs not       0          3        5
cache buffers chains     kcbzgb: scan from tail. no       0          3        0
cache buffers chains     kcbget: exchange                 0          2        0
cache buffers chains     kcbbxsv                          0          1        1
cache buffers chains     kcbzib: finish free bufs         0          1        3
cache buffers chains     kcbget: pin buffer               0          1        2
library cache            kglupc: child                    0        105       29
library cache            kgllkdl: child: cleanup          0         66       49
library cache            kglpnc: child                    0         65      178
library cache            kglpndl: child: before pro       0         54        4
library cache            kglpin: child: heap proces       0         42        0
library cache            kglhdgn: child:                  0         39      128
library cache            kglobpn: child:                  0         24        2
library cache            kglpnp: child                    0         20       42
library cache            kglhdgc: child:                  0         10        1
library cache            kglpndl: child: after proc       0          9        0
library cache            kglhdiv: child                   0          3        0
library cache            kgldte: child 0                  0          2        3
library cache            kglic                            0          2        0
library cache            kglget: child: KGLDSBRD          0          2        8
library cache            kglobld                          0          1        0
library cache pin        kglupc                           0         22        7
library cache pin        kglpndl                          0         17        2
library cache pin        kglpnc: child                    0         13       31
library cache pin        kglpnal: child: alloc spac       0          6       14
library cache pin        kglpnp: child                    0          3        7
library cache pin alloca kglpnal                          0         14       16
library cache pin alloca kgllkdl                          0          6        4
messages                 ksaamb: after wakeup             0          1        0
multiblock read objects  kcbzib: normal mbr free          0          1        0
redo allocation          kcrfwr                           0          1        1
redo writing             kcrfwcr                          0          2        2
row cache enqueue latch  kqreqa                           0          7       13
row cache enqueue latch  kqreqd                           0          6        0
row cache objects        kqrpfl: not dirty                0         29        1
row cache objects        kqrpre: find obj                 0         18       46
session allocation       ksuxds: not user session         0          5        1
session allocation       ksucri                           0          1        5
session idle bit         ksupuc: set busy                 0          6        3
session idle bit         ksuxds                           0          3        1
shared pool              kghupr1                          0         25       31
shared pool              kghalp                           0          5        2
shared pool              kghalo                           0          4        2
shared pool              kghfrunp: alloc: wait            0          1        0
shared pool              kghfrunp: clatch: nowait         0          1        0
simulator hash latch     kcbsacc: lookup dba              0          1        0
Dictionary Cache Stats for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
->"Pct Misses"  should be very low (< 2% in most cases)
->"Cache Usage" is the number of cache entries being used
->"Pct SGA"     is the ratio of usage to allocated size for that cache

                                   Get    Pct    Scan   Pct      Mod      Final
Cache                         Requests   Miss    Reqs  Miss     Reqs      Usage
------------------------- ------------ ------ ------- ----- -------- ----------
dc_files                         4,991    0.0       0              0         31
dc_global_oids               2,654,491    0.0       0              0         18
dc_histogram_data                1,479    0.0       0              8          4
dc_histogram_defs              303,944    0.1       0          2,308      2,996
dc_object_ids                4,937,134    0.0       0              2        834
dc_objects                      98,112    0.6       0              4      1,974
dc_profiles                      1,131    0.0       0              0          1
dc_rollback_segments            26,049    0.0       0              2         63
dc_segments                    547,611    0.0       0              4        837
dc_sequences                    70,299    0.0       0         70,299         43
dc_tablespace_quotas                16    0.0       0              4          6
dc_tablespaces               3,197,789    0.0       0              0         17
dc_user_grants                  20,667    0.0       0              0         77
dc_usernames                     9,398    0.0       0              0         66
dc_users                     5,881,856    0.0       0              0         77

Library Cache Activity for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168
->"Pct Misses"  should be very low

                         Get  Pct        Pin        Pct               Invali-
Namespace           Requests  Miss     Requests     Miss     Reloads  dations
--------------- ------------ ------ -------------- ------ ---------- --------
BODY                   2,084    0.1          2,084    0.1          0        0
CLUSTER                1,436    0.2            734    0.8          0        0
INDEX                  2,174   20.2          2,608   33.5          0        0
SQL AREA           2,859,913    2.1     29,960,016    0.4      4,548   22,210
TABLE/PROCEDURE    2,881,029    0.0      5,711,355    0.1      2,327        0
TRIGGER               13,315    0.0         13,315    0.1          5        0
Shared Pool Advisory for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  End Snap: 77168
-> Note there is often a 1:Many correlation between a single logical object
   in the Library Cache, and the physical number of memory objects associated
   with it.  Therefore comparing the number of Lib Cache objects (e.g. in
   v$librarycache), with the number of Lib Cache Memory Objects is invalid

Shared Pool    SP       Estd         Estd     Estd Lib LC Time
   Size for  Size  Lib Cache    Lib Cache   Cache Time   Saved  Estd Lib Cache
  Estim (M) Factr   Size (M)      Mem Obj    Saved (s)   Factr    Mem Obj Hits
----------- ----- ---------- ------------ ------------ ------- ---------------
        224    .5        190       34,576  467,639,584     1.0   3,993,895,221
        272    .7        238       41,712  467,639,586     1.0   3,993,895,650
        320    .8        286       48,790  467,639,586     1.0   3,993,895,735
        368    .9        334       55,963  467,639,586     1.0   3,993,895,880
        416   1.0        382       63,053  467,639,586     1.0   3,993,896,090
        464   1.1        430       70,202  467,639,586     1.0   3,993,896,654
        512   1.2        478       77,360  467,639,586     1.0   3,993,897,053
        560   1.3        526       84,494  467,639,586     1.0   3,993,897,381
        608   1.5        574       91,647  467,639,586     1.0   3,993,897,760
        656   1.6        622       98,718  467,639,586     1.0   3,993,898,034
        704   1.7        670      105,902  467,639,587     1.0   3,993,898,533
        752   1.8        696      109,617  467,639,589     1.0   3,993,899,589
        800   1.9        707      111,008  467,639,590     1.0   3,993,900,474
        848   2.0        707      111,008  467,639,591     1.0   3,993,901,238
SGA Memory Summary for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168

SGA regions                       Size in Bytes
------------------------------ ----------------
Database Buffers                  4,294,967,296
Fixed Size                              751,048
Redo Buffers                          1,323,008
Variable Size                     3,254,779,904
sum                               7,551,821,256

SGA breakdown difference for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168

Pool   Name                                Begin value        End value  % Diff
------ ------------------------------ ---------------- ---------------- -------
java   free memory                          33,554,432       33,554,432    0.00
large  PX msg pool                         644,874,288      644,874,288    0.00
large  free memory                           9,437,136        9,437,136    0.00
shared Checkpoint queue                     41,963,520       41,963,520    0.00
shared DML lock                              4,073,952        4,073,952    0.00
shared FileOpenBlock                        16,270,720       16,270,720    0.00
shared KGK heap                                 33,368           33,368    0.00
shared KGLS heap                             2,213,512        4,289,536   93.79
shared KQR L PO                              2,845,640        2,961,504    4.07
shared KQR M PO                              2,271,944        2,276,040    0.18
shared KQR M SO                                 21,560           21,560    0.00
shared KQR S SO                                 25,120           25,120    0.00
shared KQR X PO                                 15,472           15,472    0.00
shared KSXR pending messages que               853,952          853,952    0.00
shared MTTR advisory                           160,544          160,544    0.00
shared OUTLNCACHE                                6,512            6,512    0.00
shared PL/SQL DIANA                          1,060,056        3,146,624  196.84
shared PL/SQL MPCODE                         2,443,848        3,580,784   46.52
shared PLS non-lib hp                            2,088            2,088    0.00
shared PX subheap                              328,632          328,632    0.00
shared constraints                           1,096,240        1,096,240    0.00
shared db_block_hash_buckets                12,658,736       12,658,736    0.00
shared db_handles                            4,640,000        4,640,000    0.00
shared dictionary cache                      4,274,432        4,274,432    0.00
shared enqueue                               8,576,472        8,576,472    0.00
shared enqueue resources                     2,601,672        2,601,672    0.00
shared errors                                   22,320           22,320    0.00
shared event statistics per sess            50,076,040       50,076,040    0.00
shared fixed allocation callback                 3,808            3,808    0.00
shared free memory                          21,511,688      167,558,064  678.92
shared joxs heap init                            4,240            4,240    0.00
shared ktlbk state objects                   2,596,920        2,596,920    0.00
shared library cache                       157,929,112      145,863,328   -7.64
shared message pool freequeue                  517,336          517,336    0.00
shared messages                                832,000          832,000    0.00
shared miscellaneous                       105,785,008      105,896,880    0.11
shared parameters                              182,032          277,536   52.47
shared processes                             5,472,000        5,472,000    0.00
shared qmps connections                      1,938,200        1,938,200    0.00
shared replication session stats             1,339,120        1,339,120    0.00
shared session param values                  4,055,360        3,943,488   -2.76
shared sessions                             11,911,120       11,911,120    0.00
shared sim memory hea                        3,757,984        3,757,984    0.00
shared sim trace entries                     1,572,864        1,572,864    0.00
shared sql area                            252,166,448      112,656,968  -55.32
shared table definiti                            6,392           19,968  212.39
shared transaction                           8,063,224        8,063,224    0.00
shared trigger defini                            1,552            2,912   87.63
shared trigger inform                            1,936            1,160  -40.08
shared trigger source                              480              392  -18.33
shared type object de                           12,968           12,792   -1.36
       buffer_cache                      4,294,967,296    4,294,967,296    0.00
       fixed_sga                               751,048          751,048    0.00
       log_buffer                            1,311,744        1,311,744    0.00

SGA breakdown difference for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168

Pool   Name                                Begin value        End value  % Diff
------ ------------------------------ ---------------- ---------------- -------
init.ora Parameters for DB: SOS1P  Instance: SOS1P  Snaps: 77104 -77168

                                                                  End value
Parameter Name                Begin value                       (if different)
----------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------
_b_tree_bitmap_plans          FALSE
audit_file_dest               /ora/oracle/admin/SOS1P/audit
background_dump_dest          /ora/oracle/admin/SOS1P/bdump
control_files                 /sos/db01/oracle/SOS1P/oractrl/SO
core_dump_dest                /ora/oracle/admin/SOS1P/cdump
db_block_size                 8192
db_cache_size                 4294967296
db_file_multiblock_read_count 16
db_files                      1024
db_name                       SOS1P
enqueue_resources             20000
fast_start_mttr_target        180
global_names                  FALSE
instance_name                 SOS1P
java_pool_size                33554432
job_queue_processes           1
log_archive_dest_1            LOCATION=/sos/db03/oracle/SOS1P/o
log_archive_format            SOS1P_arch_t%t_s%s.arc
log_archive_max_processes     2
log_archive_start             TRUE
log_buffer                    1048576
log_checkpoint_timeout        0
max_dump_file_size            20M
max_enabled_roles             100
open_cursors                  5000
open_links                    40
optimizer_mode                CHOOSE
parallel_automatic_tuning     TRUE
pga_aggregate_target          3145728000
processes                     4000
remote_login_passwordfile     EXCLUSIVE
sga_max_size                  7551821256
shared_pool_size              419430400
timed_statistics              TRUE
undo_management               AUTO
undo_retention                10800
undo_tablespace               UNDO_01
user_dump_dest                /ora/oracle/admin/SOS1P/udump
workarea_size_policy          auto

End of Report









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