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原创 SRM 606 DIV1 450

题意为:首先生成了很多的数,然后让这些数配对。要求,相等的数不能成一对。求最多有多少种配法。 思路:首先,需要明白一个道理。那就是如果出现频率最高的数x,其出现频率超过了50%。那么可以用其他所有的数和这个数数配对。所求配法为其他所有数的总个数。如果这个x的出现频率没有超过50%,那么全部可以配对(除非数的总个数为奇数个,那么此时会剩一个数单着) 通过上面分析,知道了,解题的重要的两步,找到出

2014-02-15 03:21:48 626

转载 删除jdk7之后用jdk6

C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib\i586\jvm.cfg' 前些日子装了个jdk7试了试,后来做项目需要换成jdk6,安装完jdk6,设置完环境变量后出现问题。运行java -version出现Error: could not open `C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib\i586\jvm.cfg'),运行javac -ver

2013-12-19 20:10:45 801

原创 String null java.lang.nullpointer exception

在写代码的时候,经常会遇到nullpointer错误 String s = null; System.out.println(); if(s.equals("a")){ ... } 此时,会打印出结果:null,同时会报一个nullpointer错误。

2013-06-06 12:35:36 1313 4

原创 计数排序-java实现

根据算法导论的讲解。这里主要需要理解A,B,C。 A为原始数据集合 B为存放排序结果的集合 C为记录比元素值小的数的个数 public class CountingSort { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub

2012-12-06 21:26:55 434

原创 快排-java实现

最关键在于理解i,j的意义。同时partition也很重要。 public class QuickSort { public static void main(String []args){ int A[] =  {3,2,5,6,8,4,10,7}; quickSort(A,0,A.length-1); for(int X:A) System.out.println(X+

2012-12-06 00:48:50 445

原创 堆排序-java实现

根据算法导论书中对对堆排序的讲解,一下代码为java实现 /*  * 该类是用来实现最大堆的  */ public class Heap { public static void main(String []args){ int []AA =new int[] {4,1,3,2,16,9,10,14,8,7}; buildHeap(AA); System.out.print

2012-12-05 13:13:47 469 2

原创 java import static

在一个类中可以通过import static 导入java类,已达到减少该类的变量的目的同时还可以直接使用里面的静态方法。 举个例子来说: 用import的情况: public static void main(String args[]){ int a=10; System.out.println("输出内容"+a); } 用import static 的情况:

2012-11-26 19:06:01 494

原创 图片文件导致android项目红叉

在开发android项目的时候,经常会对图片进行编辑,这里的文件一定不要重名,只是后缀名不同也算作同名。这个很容易导致我们出错。例如: green.jpg和green.png,不能同时出现,这是重名。

2012-05-19 22:00:42 1064

原创 设置android textview字体大小

在android中设置TextView大小: 法一:   android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"   android:textColor="#000000" android:textSize="30dp" /> 法二:  myTextView.setTextSize(size);

2012-05-19 21:52:48 866

原创 android项目红叉

当我们在写android程序的时候,有时候,项目明明没有错误,但是项目总是有一个红叉,这里实际上,太大的可能是我们的资源文件存在问题。 比如:drawable,等文件一定不能有大写字母,我们平时在用的时候,很容易就按照普通的程序命名习惯和规范用了大写字母。

2012-05-15 10:42:31 1186

转载 安卓巴士Android开发神贴整理

10个经典的Android开源应用项目 http://www.apkbus.com/android-13519-1-1.html 安卓巴士总结了近百个Android优秀开源项目,覆盖Android开发的每个领域 http://www.apkbus.com/android-17627-1-1.html 一个demo让你掌握Android的各种Service: http://

2012-05-07 15:36:42 610

转载 分享45个android实例源码,很好很强大

http://www.apkbus.com/android-20978-1-1.html andriod闹钟源代码 http://www.apkbus.com/android-20974-1-1.html android源码分享之指南针程序 http://www.apkbus.com/android-20973-1-1.html 重力感应的测试程序andriod源

2012-05-07 15:32:21 1091

原创 ssh存入数据库乱码问题

1.默认mysql的字符集是latin1(ISO_8859_1)通常,查看系统的字符集和排序方式的设定可以通过下面的两条命令:mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character%';+--------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | Variabl

2012-04-20 15:33:16 889 1

原创 jsp页面dreamweaver中正常,myeclipse中乱码

这种情况,第一是看myeclipse的编码设置:window--> preferences -->gereral如下图设置成utf-8    平时应该讲dreamweaver的相应代码考入myeclipse中的jsp页面,这样就可以让乱码消失

2012-04-20 09:59:49 788

转载 greybox 技术总结

类似于thinkbox,lightbox等。用于以一种别致的模式对话框方式展示页面,图片或者其它内容。这是它的官网:http://orangoo.com/labs/GreyBox/   我们先来看一下它的几个实例: (1) 打开网页: (2) 显示一组图片:   基本使用 (1) 进入官网,点击下载 (2) 解压。(其中的 ins

2012-04-20 09:58:04 815

原创 cvc-complex-type.2.3: Element 'beans' cannot have character [children], because the type's conte

cvc-complex-type.2.3: Element 'beans' cannot have character [children],    because the type's content type is element-only.   这个错误,有的人说是配置处:  http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop中,aop应该写成context

2012-04-20 09:51:14 11616 3


This paper presents MaxScore, a Max object that provides standard western music notation in Max/MSP (Puckette, Zicarelli). MaxScore supports a rich set of Max messages that allows the user to populate a score with notes, query note properties, transform notes, play a score through Max/MSP via a well-defined instrument interface, and export a score in a variety of popular notation formats including MusicXML and LilyPond (Nienhuys). Transcription of Max-generated music is provided as well as note entry and editing by mouse or under program control. MaxScore supports user-defined plug-ins written in Java. We also present two applications, which utilize MaxScore: one that generates compositions in real-time, and another, which performs spectral transcription. MaxScore is written in Java Music Specification Language (Didkovsky, Burk) but requires no Java programming to use.


arduino-MaxMSP communications

Simple Serial MaxMSP  Arduino int inByte = 0; // incoming serial byte void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(13, OUTPUT); // connect an LED here } void loop() { Temple University School of Communications and Theater Physical Computing Spring 2010 Chris Vecchio • Serial.read receives one byte at a time • Click on MaxMSP “97” message: Arduino pin 13 goes high • Click on MaxMSP “98” message: Arduino pin 13 goes low • These numbers are single ASCII byte values, arbitrarily chosen



The Max visual programming environment is a very effective way to work with digital media, in applications from prototype to finished product. Max was created in the mid 1980’s, and its flexible message-passing architecture has enabled it to evolve fairly gracefully since that time, incorporating features unimagined at the time of its initial design. MSP and Jitter are groups of Max objects that deal with signals and matrix data respectively. Each started out as a separate product that extended Max, but both extensions are now becoming more and more part of the standard distribution. With all of the options available in Max/MSP/Jitter come a fairly steep learning curve. Basic programming in Max itself is relatively quick to learn, but just as there is no way around studying vocabulary when learning a new language, getting to know a large number of the roughly 500 objects in Max/MSP/Jitter is necessary in order to use it well. This document provides a list of some MSP and Jitter objects divided by functional groups. It is by no means comprehensive. I have tried to mention the most useful and commonly-used objects in each of some main categories. After finding an object in a given category, the help file for that object, in particular its “See Also” section, is a good gateway to further possibilities. A basic knowledge of Max patching, such as can be gained from going through the first five Max tutorials or so, is assumed here for brevity. Many objects can be found by category in Max using the New Object List. This is a text list, different from the UI object palette that appears when the canvas is double-clicked. To use the New Object List, press ‘n’ to create a new object, then move the mouse to hover over the lower right corner of the object. An equals sign in a blue circle should appear; clicking on this little guy brings up the New Object List.



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