
// Empty checks
 * StringUtils.isEmpty(null)      = true
 * StringUtils.isEmpty("")        = true
 * StringUtils.isEmpty(" ")       = false
 * StringUtils.isEmpty("bob")     = false
 * StringUtils.isEmpty("  bob  ") = false
public static boolean isEmpty(final CharSequence cs) {
    return cs == null || cs.length() == 0;
 * StringUtils.isNotEmpty(null)      = false
 * StringUtils.isNotEmpty("")        = false
 * StringUtils.isNotEmpty(" ")       = true
 * StringUtils.isNotEmpty("bob")     = true
 * StringUtils.isNotEmpty("  bob  ") = true
public static boolean isNotEmpty(final CharSequence cs) {
    return !StringUtils.isEmpty(cs);

 * StringUtils.isAnyEmpty(null)             = true
 * StringUtils.isAnyEmpty(null, "foo")      = true
 * StringUtils.isAnyEmpty("", "bar")        = true
 * StringUtils.isAnyEmpty("bob", "")        = true
 * StringUtils.isAnyEmpty("  bob  ", null)  = true
 * StringUtils.isAnyEmpty(" ", "bar")       = false
 * StringUtils.isAnyEmpty("foo", "bar")     = false

public static boolean isAnyEmpty(CharSequence... css) {
  if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(css)) {
    return true;
  for (CharSequence cs : css){
    if (isEmpty(cs)) {
      return true;
  return false;

 * StringUtils.isNoneEmpty(null)             = false
 * StringUtils.isNoneEmpty(null, "foo")      = false
 * StringUtils.isNoneEmpty("", "bar")        = false
 * StringUtils.isNoneEmpty("bob", "")        = false
 * StringUtils.isNoneEmpty("  bob  ", null)  = false
 * StringUtils.isNoneEmpty(" ", "bar")       = true
 * StringUtils.isNoneEmpty("foo", "bar")     = true

public static boolean isNoneEmpty(CharSequence... css) {
  return !isAnyEmpty(css);

 * StringUtils.isBlank(null)      = true
 * StringUtils.isBlank("")        = true
 * StringUtils.isBlank(" ")       = true
 * StringUtils.isBlank("bob")     = false
 * StringUtils.isBlank("  bob  ") = false

public static boolean isBlank(final CharSequence cs) {
    int strLen;
    if (cs == null || (strLen = cs.length()) == 0) {
        return true;
    for (int i = 0; i < strLen; i++) {
        if (Character.isWhitespace(cs.charAt(i)) == false) {
            return false;
    return true;

 * StringUtils.isNotBlank(null)      = false
 * StringUtils.isNotBlank("")        = false
 * StringUtils.isNotBlank(" ")       = false
 * StringUtils.isNotBlank("bob")     = true
 * StringUtils.isNotBlank("  bob  ") = true

public static boolean isNotBlank(final CharSequence cs) {
    return !StringUtils.isBlank(cs);

 * StringUtils.isAnyBlank(null)             = true
 * StringUtils.isAnyBlank(null, "foo")      = true
 * StringUtils.isAnyBlank(null, null)       = true
 * StringUtils.isAnyBlank("", "bar")        = true
 * StringUtils.isAnyBlank("bob", "")        = true
 * StringUtils.isAnyBlank("  bob  ", null)  = true
 * StringUtils.isAnyBlank(" ", "bar")       = true
 * StringUtils.isAnyBlank("foo", "bar")     = false

public static boolean isAnyBlank(CharSequence... css) {
  if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(css)) {
    return true;
  for (CharSequence cs : css){
    if (isBlank(cs)) {
      return true;
  return false;

 * StringUtils.isNoneBlank(null)             = false
 * StringUtils.isNoneBlank(null, "foo")      = false
 * StringUtils.isNoneBlank(null, null)       = false
 * StringUtils.isNoneBlank("", "bar")        = false
 * StringUtils.isNoneBlank("bob", "")        = false
 * StringUtils.isNoneBlank("  bob  ", null)  = false
 * StringUtils.isNoneBlank(" ", "bar")       = false
 * StringUtils.isNoneBlank("foo", "bar")     = true

public static boolean isNoneBlank(CharSequence... css) {
  return !isAnyBlank(css);

// Trim

 * StringUtils.trim(null)          = null
 * StringUtils.trim("")            = ""
 * StringUtils.trim("     ")       = ""
 * StringUtils.trim("abc")         = "abc"
 * StringUtils.trim("    abc    ") = "abc"

public static String trim(final String str) {
    return str == null ? null : str.trim();

 * StringUtils.trimToNull(null)          = null
 * StringUtils.trimToNull("")            = null
 * StringUtils.trimToNull("     ")       = null
 * StringUtils.trimToNull("abc")         = "abc"
 * StringUtils.trimToNull("    abc    ") = "abc"

public static String trimToNull(final String str) {
    final String ts = trim(str);
    return isEmpty(ts) ? null : ts;

 * StringUtils.trimToEmpty(null)          = ""
 * StringUtils.trimToEmpty("")            = ""
 * StringUtils.trimToEmpty("     ")       = ""
 * StringUtils.trimToEmpty("abc")         = "abc"
 * StringUtils.trimToEmpty("    abc    ") = "abc"

public static String trimToEmpty(final String str) {
    return str == null ? EMPTY : str.trim();

// Stripping

 * StringUtils.strip(null)     = null
 * StringUtils.strip("")       = ""
 * StringUtils.strip("   ")    = ""
 * StringUtils.strip("abc")    = "abc"
 * StringUtils.strip("  abc")  = "abc"
 * StringUtils.strip("abc  ")  = "abc"
 * StringUtils.strip(" abc ")  = "abc"
 * StringUtils.strip(" ab c ") = "ab c"

public static String strip(final String str) {
    return strip(str, null);

 * StringUtils.stripToNull(null)     = null
 * StringUtils.stripToNull("")       = null
 * StringUtils.stripToNull("   ")    = null
 * StringUtils.stripToNull("abc")    = "abc"
 * StringUtils.stripToNull("  abc")  = "abc"
 * StringUtils.stripToNull("abc  ")  = "abc"
 * StringUtils.stripToNull(" abc ")  = "abc"
 * StringUtils.stripToNull(" ab c ") = "ab c"

public static String stripToNull(String str) {
    if (str == null) {
        return null;
    str = strip(str, null);
    return str.isEmpty() ? null : str;

 * StringUtils.stripToEmpty(null)     = ""
 * StringUtils.stripToEmpty("")       = ""
 * StringUtils.stripToEmpty("   ")    = ""
 * StringUtils.stripToEmpty("abc")    = "abc"
 * StringUtils.stripToEmpty("  abc")  = "abc"
 * StringUtils.stripToEmpty("abc  ")  = "abc"
 * StringUtils.stripToEmpty(" abc ")  = "abc"
 * StringUtils.stripToEmpty(" ab c ") = "ab c"

public static String stripToEmpty(final String str) {
    return str == null ? EMPTY : strip(str, null);

 * StringUtils.strip(null, *)          = null
 * StringUtils.strip("", *)            = ""
 * StringUtils.strip("abc", null)      = "abc"
 * StringUtils.strip("  abc", null)    = "abc"
 * StringUtils.strip("abc  ", null)    = "abc"
 * StringUtils.strip(" abc ", null)    = "abc"
 * StringUtils.strip("  abcyx", "xyz") = "  abc"

public static String strip(String str, final String stripChars) {
    if (isEmpty(str)) {
        return str;
    str = stripStart(str, stripChars);
    return stripEnd(str, stripChars);

 * StringUtils.stripStart(null, *)          = null
 * StringUtils.stripStart("", *)            = ""
 * StringUtils.stripStart("abc", "")        = "abc"
 * StringUtils.stripStart("abc", null)      = "abc"
 * StringUtils.stripStart("  abc", null)    = "abc"
 * StringUtils.stripStart("abc  ", null)    = "abc  "
 * StringUtils.stripStart(" abc ", null)    = "abc "
 * StringUtils.stripStart("yxabc  ", "xyz") = "abc  "

public static String stripStart(final String str, final String stripChars) {
    int strLen;
    if (str == null || (strLen = str.length()) == 0) {
        return str;
    int start = 0;
    if (stripChars == null) {
        while (start != strLen && Character.isWhitespace(str.charAt(start))) {
    } else if (stripChars.isEmpty()) {
        return str;
    } else {
        while (start != strLen && stripChars.indexOf(str.charAt(start)) != INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {
    return str.substring(start);

 * StringUtils.stripEnd(null, *)          = null
 * StringUtils.stripEnd("", *)            = ""
 * StringUtils.stripEnd("abc", "")        = "abc"
 * StringUtils.stripEnd("abc", null)      = "abc"
 * StringUtils.stripEnd("  abc", null)    = "  abc"
 * StringUtils.stripEnd("abc  ", null)    = "abc"
 * StringUtils.stripEnd(" abc ", null)    = " abc"
 * StringUtils.stripEnd("  abcyx", "xyz") = "  abc"
 * StringUtils.stripEnd("120.00", ".0")   = "12"

public static String stripEnd(final String str, final String stripChars) {
    int end;
    if (str == null || (end = str.length()) == 0) {
        return str;

    if (stripChars == null) {
        while (end != 0 && Character.isWhitespace(str.charAt(end - 1))) {
    } else if (stripChars.isEmpty()) {
        return str;
    } else {
        while (end != 0 && stripChars.indexOf(str.charAt(end - 1)) != INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {
    return str.substring(0, end);

// StripAll

 * StringUtils.stripAll(null)             = null
 * StringUtils.stripAll([])               = []
 * StringUtils.stripAll(["abc", "  abc"]) = ["abc", "abc"]
 * StringUtils.stripAll(["abc  ", null])  = ["abc", null]

public static String[] stripAll(final String... strs) {
    return stripAll(strs, null);

 * StringUtils.stripAll(null, *)                = null
 * StringUtils.stripAll([], *)                  = []
 * StringUtils.stripAll(["abc", "  abc"], null) = ["abc", "abc"]
 * StringUtils.stripAll(["abc  ", null], null)  = ["abc", null]
 * StringUtils.stripAll(["abc  ", null], "yz")  = ["abc  ", null]
 * StringUtils.stripAll(["yabcz", null], "yz")  = ["abc", null]

public static String[] stripAll(final String[] strs, final String stripChars) {
    int strsLen;
    if (strs == null || (strsLen = strs.length) == 0) {
        return strs;
    final String[] newArr = new String[strsLen];
    for (int i = 0; i < strsLen; i++) {
        newArr[i] = strip(strs[i], stripChars);
    return newArr;

 * StringUtils.stripAccents(null)                = null
 * StringUtils.stripAccents("")                  = ""
 * StringUtils.stripAccents("control")           = "control"
 * StringUtils.stripAccents("éclair")     = "eclair"

public static String stripAccents(final String input) {
    if(input == null) {
        return null;
    final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+");//$NON-NLS-1$
    final String decomposed = Normalizer.normalize(input, Normalizer.Form.NFD);
    // Note that this doesn't correctly remove ligatures...
    return pattern.matcher(decomposed).replaceAll("");//$NON-NLS-1$

// Equals

 * StringUtils.equals(null, null)   = true
 * StringUtils.equals(null, "abc")  = false
 * StringUtils.equals("abc", null)  = false
 * StringUtils.equals("abc", "abc") = true
 * StringUtils.equals("abc", "ABC") = false

public static boolean equals(final CharSequence cs1, final CharSequence cs2) {
    if (cs1 == cs2) {
        return true;
    if (cs1 == null || cs2 == null) {
        return false;
    if (cs1 instanceof String && cs2 instanceof String) {
        return cs1.equals(cs2);
    return CharSequenceUtils.regionMatches(cs1, false, 0, cs2, 0, Math.max(cs1.length(), cs2.length()));

 * StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(null, null)   = true
 * StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(null, "abc")  = false
 * StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("abc", null)  = false
 * StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("abc", "abc") = true
 * StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("abc", "ABC") = true
public static boolean equalsIgnoreCase(final CharSequence str1, final CharSequence str2) {
    if (str1 == null || str2 == null) {
        return str1 == str2;
    } else if (str1 == str2) {
        return true;
    } else if (str1.length() != str2.length()) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return CharSequenceUtils.regionMatches(str1, true, 0, str2, 0, str1.length());

// IndexOf

 * StringUtils.indexOf(null, *)         = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOf("", *)           = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", 'a') = 0
 * StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", 'b') = 2

public static int indexOf(final CharSequence seq, final int searchChar) {
    if (isEmpty(seq)) {
        return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
    return CharSequenceUtils.indexOf(seq, searchChar, 0);

 * StringUtils.indexOf(null, *, *)          = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOf("", *, *)            = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", 'b', 0)  = 2
 * StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", 'b', 3)  = 5
 * StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", 'b', 9)  = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", 'b', -1) = 2
public static int indexOf(final CharSequence seq, final int searchChar, final int startPos) {
    if (isEmpty(seq)) {
        return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
    return CharSequenceUtils.indexOf(seq, searchChar, startPos);

 * StringUtils.indexOf(null, *)          = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOf(*, null)          = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOf("", "")           = 0
 * StringUtils.indexOf("", *)            = -1 (except when * = "")
 * StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "a")  = 0
 * StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "b")  = 2
 * StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "ab") = 1
 * StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "")   = 0
 * </pre>
public static int indexOf(final CharSequence seq, final CharSequence searchSeq) {
    if (seq == null || searchSeq == null) {
        return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
    return CharSequenceUtils.indexOf(seq, searchSeq, 0);

 * StringUtils.indexOf(null, *, *)          = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOf(*, null, *)          = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOf("", "", 0)           = 0
 * StringUtils.indexOf("", *, 0)            = -1 (except when * = "")
 * StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "a", 0)  = 0
 * StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 0)  = 2
 * StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "ab", 0) = 1
 * StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 3)  = 5
 * StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 9)  = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "b", -1) = 2
 * StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "", 2)   = 2
 * StringUtils.indexOf("abc", "", 9)        = 3
public static int indexOf(final CharSequence seq, final CharSequence searchSeq, final int startPos) {
    if (seq == null || searchSeq == null) {
        return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
    return CharSequenceUtils.indexOf(seq, searchSeq, startPos);

 * StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf(null, *, *)          = -1
 * StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf(*, null, *)          = -1
 * StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf("", "", *)           = 0
 * StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "a", 1)  = 0
 * StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "a", 2)  = 1
 * StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 1)  = 2
 * StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 2)  = 5
 * StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "ab", 1) = 1
 * StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "ab", 2) = 4
 * StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "", 1)   = 0
 * StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "", 2)   = 0
public static int ordinalIndexOf(final CharSequence str, final CharSequence searchStr, final int ordinal) {
    return ordinalIndexOf(str, searchStr, ordinal, false);

// Shared code between ordinalIndexOf(String,String,int) and lastOrdinalIndexOf(String,String,int)
private static int ordinalIndexOf(final CharSequence str, final CharSequence searchStr, final int ordinal, final boolean lastIndex) {
    if (str == null || searchStr == null || ordinal <= 0) {
        return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
    if (searchStr.length() == 0) {
        return lastIndex ? str.length() : 0;
    int found = 0;
    int index = lastIndex ? str.length() : INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
    do {
        if (lastIndex) {
            index = CharSequenceUtils.lastIndexOf(str, searchStr, index - 1);
        } else {
            index = CharSequenceUtils.indexOf(str, searchStr, index + 1);
        if (index < 0) {
            return index;
    } while (found < ordinal);
    return index;

 * StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(null, *)          = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(*, null)          = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase("", "")           = 0
 * StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase("aabaabaa", "a")  = 0
 * StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase("aabaabaa", "b")  = 2
 * StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase("aabaabaa", "ab") = 1
public static int indexOfIgnoreCase(final CharSequence str, final CharSequence searchStr) {
    return indexOfIgnoreCase(str, searchStr, 0);

 * StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(null, *, *)          = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(*, null, *)          = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase("", "", 0)           = 0
 * StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase("aabaabaa", "A", 0)  = 0
 * StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase("aabaabaa", "B", 0)  = 2
 * StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase("aabaabaa", "AB", 0) = 1
 * StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase("aabaabaa", "B", 3)  = 5
 * StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase("aabaabaa", "B", 9)  = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase("aabaabaa", "B", -1) = 2
 * StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase("aabaabaa", "", 2)   = 2
 * StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase("abc", "", 9)        = 3
public static int indexOfIgnoreCase(final CharSequence str, final CharSequence searchStr, int startPos) {
    if (str == null || searchStr == null) {
        return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
    if (startPos < 0) {
        startPos = 0;
    final int endLimit = str.length() - searchStr.length() + 1;
    if (startPos > endLimit) {
        return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
    if (searchStr.length() == 0) {
        return startPos;
    for (int i = startPos; i < endLimit; i++) {
        if (CharSequenceUtils.regionMatches(str, true, i, searchStr, 0, searchStr.length())) {
            return i;
    return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;

// LastIndexOf

 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf(null, *)         = -1
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf("", *)           = -1
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", 'a') = 7
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", 'b') = 5

public static int lastIndexOf(final CharSequence seq, final int searchChar) {
    if (isEmpty(seq)) {
        return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
    return CharSequenceUtils.lastIndexOf(seq, searchChar, seq.length());

 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf(null, *, *)          = -1
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf("", *,  *)           = -1
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", 'b', 8)  = 5
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", 'b', 4)  = 2
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", 'b', 0)  = -1
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", 'b', 9)  = 5
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", 'b', -1) = -1
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", 'a', 0)  = 0

public static int lastIndexOf(final CharSequence seq, final int searchChar, final int startPos) {
    if (isEmpty(seq)) {
        return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
    return CharSequenceUtils.lastIndexOf(seq, searchChar, startPos);

 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf(null, *)          = -1
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf(*, null)          = -1
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf("", "")           = 0
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "a")  = 7
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "b")  = 5
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "ab") = 4
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "")   = 8
public static int lastIndexOf(final CharSequence seq, final CharSequence searchSeq) {
    if (seq == null || searchSeq == null) {
        return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
    return CharSequenceUtils.lastIndexOf(seq, searchSeq, seq.length());

 * StringUtils.lastOrdinalIndexOf(null, *, *)          = -1
 * StringUtils.lastOrdinalIndexOf(*, null, *)          = -1
 * StringUtils.lastOrdinalIndexOf("", "", *)           = 0
 * StringUtils.lastOrdinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "a", 1)  = 7
 * StringUtils.lastOrdinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "a", 2)  = 6
 * StringUtils.lastOrdinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 1)  = 5
 * StringUtils.lastOrdinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 2)  = 2
 * StringUtils.lastOrdinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "ab", 1) = 4
 * StringUtils.lastOrdinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "ab", 2) = 1
 * StringUtils.lastOrdinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "", 1)   = 8
 * StringUtils.lastOrdinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "", 2)   = 8
public static int lastOrdinalIndexOf(final CharSequence str, final CharSequence searchStr, final int ordinal) {
    return ordinalIndexOf(str, searchStr, ordinal, true);

 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf(null, *, *)          = -1
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf(*, null, *)          = -1
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "a", 8)  = 7
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 8)  = 5
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "ab", 8) = 4
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 9)  = 5
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "b", -1) = -1
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "a", 0)  = 0
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 0)  = -1
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 1)  = -1
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 2)  = 2
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "ba", 2)  = -1
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "ba", 2)  = 2
public static int lastIndexOf(final CharSequence seq, final CharSequence searchSeq, final int startPos) {
    if (seq == null || searchSeq == null) {
        return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
    return CharSequenceUtils.lastIndexOf(seq, searchSeq, startPos);

 * StringUtils.lastIndexOfIgnoreCase(null, *)          = -1
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOfIgnoreCase(*, null)          = -1
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOfIgnoreCase("aabaabaa", "A")  = 7
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOfIgnoreCase("aabaabaa", "B")  = 5
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOfIgnoreCase("aabaabaa", "AB") = 4

public static int lastIndexOfIgnoreCase(final CharSequence str, final CharSequence searchStr) {
    if (str == null || searchStr == null) {
        return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
    return lastIndexOfIgnoreCase(str, searchStr, str.length());

 * StringUtils.lastIndexOfIgnoreCase(null, *, *)          = -1
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOfIgnoreCase(*, null, *)          = -1
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOfIgnoreCase("aabaabaa", "A", 8)  = 7
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOfIgnoreCase("aabaabaa", "B", 8)  = 5
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOfIgnoreCase("aabaabaa", "AB", 8) = 4
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOfIgnoreCase("aabaabaa", "B", 9)  = 5
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOfIgnoreCase("aabaabaa", "B", -1) = -1
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOfIgnoreCase("aabaabaa", "A", 0)  = 0
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOfIgnoreCase("aabaabaa", "B", 0)  = -1
public static int lastIndexOfIgnoreCase(final CharSequence str, final CharSequence searchStr, int startPos) {
    if (str == null || searchStr == null) {
        return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
    if (startPos > str.length() - searchStr.length()) {
        startPos = str.length() - searchStr.length();
    if (startPos < 0) {
        return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
    if (searchStr.length() == 0) {
        return startPos;

    for (int i = startPos; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (CharSequenceUtils.regionMatches(str, true, i, searchStr, 0, searchStr.length())) {
            return i;
    return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;

// Contains

 * StringUtils.contains(null, *)    = false
 * StringUtils.contains("", *)      = false
 * StringUtils.contains("abc", 'a') = true
 * StringUtils.contains("abc", 'z') = false
public static boolean contains(final CharSequence seq, final int searchChar) {
    if (isEmpty(seq)) {
        return false;
    return CharSequenceUtils.indexOf(seq, searchChar, 0) >= 0;

 * StringUtils.contains(null, *)     = false
 * StringUtils.contains(*, null)     = false
 * StringUtils.contains("", "")      = true
 * StringUtils.contains("abc", "")   = true
 * StringUtils.contains("abc", "a")  = true
 * StringUtils.contains("abc", "z")  = false
public static boolean contains(final CharSequence seq, final CharSequence searchSeq) {
    if (seq == null || searchSeq == null) {
        return false;
    return CharSequenceUtils.indexOf(seq, searchSeq, 0) >= 0;

 * StringUtils.contains(null, *) = false
 * StringUtils.contains(*, null) = false
 * StringUtils.contains("", "") = true
 * StringUtils.contains("abc", "") = true
 * StringUtils.contains("abc", "a") = true
 * StringUtils.contains("abc", "z") = false
 * StringUtils.contains("abc", "A") = true
 * StringUtils.contains("abc", "Z") = false

public static boolean containsIgnoreCase(final CharSequence str, final CharSequence searchStr) {
    if (str == null || searchStr == null) {
        return false;
    final int len = searchStr.length();
    final int max = str.length() - len;
    for (int i = 0; i <= max; i++) {
        if (CharSequenceUtils.regionMatches(str, true, i, searchStr, 0, len)) {
            return true;
    return false;

public static boolean containsWhitespace(final CharSequence seq) {
    if (isEmpty(seq)) {
        return false;
    final int strLen = seq.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < strLen; i++) {
        if (Character.isWhitespace(seq.charAt(i))) {
            return true;
    return false;

// IndexOfAny chars

 * StringUtils.indexOfAny(null, *)                = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfAny("", *)                  = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfAny(*, null)                = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfAny(*, [])                  = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfAny("zzabyycdxx",['z','a']) = 0
 * StringUtils.indexOfAny("zzabyycdxx",['b','y']) = 3
 * StringUtils.indexOfAny("aba", ['z'])           = -1
public static int indexOfAny(final CharSequence cs, final char... searchChars) {
    if (isEmpty(cs) || ArrayUtils.isEmpty(searchChars)) {
        return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
    final int csLen = cs.length();
    final int csLast = csLen - 1;
    final int searchLen = searchChars.length;
    final int searchLast = searchLen - 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < csLen; i++) {
        final char ch = cs.charAt(i);
        for (int j = 0; j < searchLen; j++) {
            if (searchChars[j] == ch) {
                if (i < csLast && j < searchLast && Character.isHighSurrogate(ch)) {
                    // ch is a supplementary character
                    if (searchChars[j + 1] == cs.charAt(i + 1)) {
                        return i;
                } else {
                    return i;
    return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;

 * StringUtils.indexOfAny(null, *)            = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfAny("", *)              = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfAny(*, null)            = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfAny(*, "")              = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", "za") = 0
 * StringUtils.indexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", "by") = 3
 * StringUtils.indexOfAny("aba","z")          = -1
public static int indexOfAny(final CharSequence cs, final String searchChars) {
    if (isEmpty(cs) || isEmpty(searchChars)) {
        return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
    return indexOfAny(cs, searchChars.toCharArray());

// ContainsAny

 * StringUtils.containsAny(null, *)                = false
 * StringUtils.containsAny("", *)                  = false
 * StringUtils.containsAny(*, null)                = false
 * StringUtils.containsAny(*, [])                  = false
 * StringUtils.containsAny("zzabyycdxx",['z','a']) = true
 * StringUtils.containsAny("zzabyycdxx",['b','y']) = true
 * StringUtils.containsAny("aba", ['z'])           = false

public static boolean containsAny(final CharSequence cs, final char... searchChars) {
    if (isEmpty(cs) || ArrayUtils.isEmpty(searchChars)) {
        return false;
    final int csLength = cs.length();
    final int searchLength = searchChars.length;
    final int csLast = csLength - 1;
    final int searchLast = searchLength - 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < csLength; i++) {
        final char ch = cs.charAt(i);
        for (int j = 0; j < searchLength; j++) {
            if (searchChars[j] == ch) {
                if (Character.isHighSurrogate(ch)) {
                    if (j == searchLast) {
                        // missing low surrogate, fine, like String.indexOf(String)
                        return true;
                    if (i < csLast && searchChars[j + 1] == cs.charAt(i + 1)) {
                        return true;
                } else {
                    // ch is in the Basic Multilingual Plane
                    return true;
    return false;

 * StringUtils.containsAny(null, *)            = false
 * StringUtils.containsAny("", *)              = false
 * StringUtils.containsAny(*, null)            = false
 * StringUtils.containsAny(*, "")              = false
 * StringUtils.containsAny("zzabyycdxx", "za") = true
 * StringUtils.containsAny("zzabyycdxx", "by") = true
 * StringUtils.containsAny("aba","z")          = false
public static boolean containsAny(final CharSequence cs, final CharSequence searchChars) {
    if (searchChars == null) {
        return false;
    return containsAny(cs, CharSequenceUtils.toCharArray(searchChars));

// IndexOfAnyBut chars

 * StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut(null, *)                              = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut("", *)                                = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut(*, null)                              = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut(*, [])                                = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut("zzabyycdxx", new char[] {'z', 'a'} ) = 3
 * StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut("aba", new char[] {'z'} )             = 0
 * StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut("aba", new char[] {'a', 'b'} )        = -1

public static int indexOfAnyBut(final CharSequence cs, final char... searchChars) {
    if (isEmpty(cs) || ArrayUtils.isEmpty(searchChars)) {
        return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
    final int csLen = cs.length();
    final int csLast = csLen - 1;
    final int searchLen = searchChars.length;
    final int searchLast = searchLen - 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < csLen; i++) {
        final char ch = cs.charAt(i);
        for (int j = 0; j < searchLen; j++) {
            if (searchChars[j] == ch) {
                if (i < csLast && j < searchLast && Character.isHighSurrogate(ch)) {
                    if (searchChars[j + 1] == cs.charAt(i + 1)) {
                        continue outer;
                } else {
                    continue outer;
        return i;
    return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;

 * StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut(null, *)            = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut("", *)              = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut(*, null)            = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut(*, "")              = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut("zzabyycdxx", "za") = 3
 * StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut("zzabyycdxx", "")   = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut("aba","ab")         = -1

public static int indexOfAnyBut(final CharSequence seq, final CharSequence searchChars) {
    if (isEmpty(seq) || isEmpty(searchChars)) {
        return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
    final int strLen = seq.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < strLen; i++) {
        final char ch = seq.charAt(i);
        final boolean chFound = CharSequenceUtils.indexOf(searchChars, ch, 0) >= 0;
        if (i + 1 < strLen && Character.isHighSurrogate(ch)) {
            final char ch2 = seq.charAt(i + 1);
            if (chFound && CharSequenceUtils.indexOf(searchChars, ch2, 0) < 0) {
                return i;
        } else {
            if (!chFound) {
                return i;
    return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;

// ContainsOnly

 * StringUtils.containsOnly(null, *)       = false
 * StringUtils.containsOnly(*, null)       = false
 * StringUtils.containsOnly("", *)         = true
 * StringUtils.containsOnly("ab", '')      = false
 * StringUtils.containsOnly("abab", 'abc') = true
 * StringUtils.containsOnly("ab1", 'abc')  = false
 * StringUtils.containsOnly("abz", 'abc')  = false
public static boolean containsOnly(final CharSequence cs, final char... valid) {
    // All these pre-checks are to maintain API with an older version
    if (valid == null || cs == null) {
        return false;
    if (cs.length() == 0) {
        return true;
    if (valid.length == 0) {
        return false;
    return indexOfAnyBut(cs, valid) == INDEX_NOT_FOUND;

 * StringUtils.containsOnly(null, *)       = false
 * StringUtils.containsOnly(*, null)       = false
 * StringUtils.containsOnly("", *)         = true
 * StringUtils.containsOnly("ab", "")      = false
 * StringUtils.containsOnly("abab", "abc") = true
 * StringUtils.containsOnly("ab1", "abc")  = false
 * StringUtils.containsOnly("abz", "abc")  = false
public static boolean containsOnly(final CharSequence cs, final String validChars) {
    if (cs == null || validChars == null) {
        return false;
    return containsOnly(cs, validChars.toCharArray());

// ContainsNone

 * StringUtils.containsNone(null, *)       = true
 * StringUtils.containsNone(*, null)       = true
 * StringUtils.containsNone("", *)         = true
 * StringUtils.containsNone("ab", '')      = true
 * StringUtils.containsNone("abab", 'xyz') = true
 * StringUtils.containsNone("ab1", 'xyz')  = true
 * StringUtils.containsNone("abz", 'xyz')  = false
public static boolean containsNone(final CharSequence cs, final char... searchChars) {
    if (cs == null || searchChars == null) {
        return true;
    final int csLen = cs.length();
    final int csLast = csLen - 1;
    final int searchLen = searchChars.length;
    final int searchLast = searchLen - 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < csLen; i++) {
        final char ch = cs.charAt(i);
        for (int j = 0; j < searchLen; j++) {
            if (searchChars[j] == ch) {
                if (Character.isHighSurrogate(ch)) {
                    if (j == searchLast) {
                        // missing low surrogate, fine, like String.indexOf(String)
                        return false;
                    if (i < csLast && searchChars[j + 1] == cs.charAt(i + 1)) {
                        return false;
                } else {
                    // ch is in the Basic Multilingual Plane
                    return false;
    return true;

 * StringUtils.containsNone(null, *)       = true
 * StringUtils.containsNone(*, null)       = true
 * StringUtils.containsNone("", *)         = true
 * StringUtils.containsNone("ab", "")      = true
 * StringUtils.containsNone("abab", "xyz") = true
 * StringUtils.containsNone("ab1", "xyz")  = true
 * StringUtils.containsNone("abz", "xyz")  = false
public static boolean containsNone(final CharSequence cs, final String invalidChars) {
    if (cs == null || invalidChars == null) {
        return true;
    return containsNone(cs, invalidChars.toCharArray());

// IndexOfAny strings

 * StringUtils.indexOfAny(null, *)                     = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfAny(*, null)                     = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfAny(*, [])                       = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", ["ab","cd"])   = 2
 * StringUtils.indexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", ["cd","ab"])   = 2
 * StringUtils.indexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", ["mn","op"])   = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", ["zab","aby"]) = 1
 * StringUtils.indexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", [""])          = 0
 * StringUtils.indexOfAny("", [""])                    = 0
 * StringUtils.indexOfAny("", ["a"])                   = -1
static int indexOfAny(final CharSequence str, final CharSequence... searchStrs) {
    if (str == null || searchStrs == null) {
        return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
    final int sz = searchStrs.length;

    // String's can't have a MAX_VALUEth index.
    int ret = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    int tmp = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
        final CharSequence search = searchStrs[i];
        if (search == null) {
        tmp = CharSequenceUtils.indexOf(str, search, 0);
        if (tmp == INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {

        if (tmp < ret) {
            ret = tmp;

    return ret == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? INDEX_NOT_FOUND : ret;

 * StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny(null, *)                   = -1
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny(*, null)                   = -1
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny(*, [])                     = -1
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny(*, [null])                 = -1
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", ["ab","cd"]) = 6
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", ["cd","ab"]) = 6
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", ["mn","op"]) = -1
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", ["mn","op"]) = -1
 * StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", ["mn",""])   = 10
public static int lastIndexOfAny(final CharSequence str, final CharSequence... searchStrs) {
    if (str == null || searchStrs == null) {
        return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
    final int sz = searchStrs.length;
    int ret = INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
    int tmp = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
        final CharSequence search = searchStrs[i];
        if (search == null) {
        tmp = CharSequenceUtils.lastIndexOf(str, search, str.length());
        if (tmp > ret) {
            ret = tmp;
    return ret;

// Substring

 * StringUtils.substring(null, *)   = null
 * StringUtils.substring("", *)     = ""
 * StringUtils.substring("abc", 0)  = "abc"
 * StringUtils.substring("abc", 2)  = "c"
 * StringUtils.substring("abc", 4)  = ""
 * StringUtils.substring("abc", -2) = "bc"
 * StringUtils.substring("abc", -4) = "abc"

public static String substring(final String str, int start) {
    if (str == null) {
        return null;

    // handle negatives, which means last n characters
    if (start < 0) {
        start = str.length() + start; // remember start is negative

    if (start < 0) {
        start = 0;
    if (start > str.length()) {
        return EMPTY;

    return str.substring(start);

 * StringUtils.substring(null, *, *)    = null
 * StringUtils.substring("", * ,  *)    = "";
 * StringUtils.substring("abc", 0, 2)   = "ab"
 * StringUtils.substring("abc", 2, 0)   = ""
 * StringUtils.substring("abc", 2, 4)   = "c"
 * StringUtils.substring("abc", 4, 6)   = ""
 * StringUtils.substring("abc", 2, 2)   = ""
 * StringUtils.substring("abc", -2, -1) = "b"
 * StringUtils.substring("abc", -4, 2)  = "ab"
public static String substring(final String str, int start, int end) {
    if (str == null) {
        return null;

    // handle negatives
    if (end < 0) {
        end = str.length() + end; // remember end is negative
    if (start < 0) {
        start = str.length() + start; // remember start is negative

    // check length next
    if (end > str.length()) {
        end = str.length();

    // if start is greater than end, return ""
    if (start > end) {
        return EMPTY;

    if (start < 0) {
        start = 0;
    if (end < 0) {
        end = 0;

    return str.substring(start, end);

// Left/Right/Mid

 * StringUtils.left(null, *)    = null
 * StringUtils.left(*, -ve)     = ""
 * StringUtils.left("", *)      = ""
 * StringUtils.left("abc", 0)   = ""
 * StringUtils.left("abc", 2)   = "ab"
 * StringUtils.left("abc", 4)   = "abc"
public static String left(final String str, final int len) {
    if (str == null) {
        return null;
    if (len < 0) {
        return EMPTY;
    if (str.length() <= len) {
        return str;
    return str.substring(0, len);

 * StringUtils.right(null, *)    = null
 * StringUtils.right(*, -ve)     = ""
 * StringUtils.right("", *)      = ""
 * StringUtils.right("abc", 0)   = ""
 * StringUtils.right("abc", 2)   = "bc"
 * StringUtils.right("abc", 4)   = "abc"
public static String right(final String str, final int len) {
    if (str == null) {
        return null;
    if (len < 0) {
        return EMPTY;
    if (str.length() <= len) {
        return str;
    return str.substring(str.length() - len);

 * StringUtils.mid(null, *, *)    = null
 * StringUtils.mid(*, *, -ve)     = ""
 * StringUtils.mid("", 0, *)      = ""
 * StringUtils.mid("abc", 0, 2)   = "ab"
 * StringUtils.mid("abc", 0, 4)   = "abc"
 * StringUtils.mid("abc", 2, 4)   = "c"
 * StringUtils.mid("abc", 4, 2)   = ""
 * StringUtils.mid("abc", -2, 2)  = "ab"

public static String mid(final String str, int pos, final int len) {
    if (str == null) {
        return null;
    if (len < 0 || pos > str.length()) {
        return EMPTY;
    if (pos < 0) {
        pos = 0;
    if (str.length() <= pos + len) {
        return str.substring(pos);
    return str.substring(pos, pos + len);

// SubStringAfter/SubStringBefore

 * StringUtils.substringBefore(null, *)      = null
 * StringUtils.substringBefore("", *)        = ""
 * StringUtils.substringBefore("abc", "a")   = ""
 * StringUtils.substringBefore("abcba", "b") = "a"
 * StringUtils.substringBefore("abc", "c")   = "ab"
 * StringUtils.substringBefore("abc", "d")   = "abc"
 * StringUtils.substringBefore("abc", "")    = ""
 * StringUtils.substringBefore("abc", null)  = "abc"

public static String substringBefore(final String str, final String separator) {
    if (isEmpty(str) || separator == null) {
        return str;
    if (separator.isEmpty()) {
        return EMPTY;
    final int pos = str.indexOf(separator);
    if (pos == INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {
        return str;
    return str.substring(0, pos);

 * StringUtils.substringAfter(null, *)      = null
 * StringUtils.substringAfter("", *)        = ""
 * StringUtils.substringAfter(*, null)      = ""
 * StringUtils.substringAfter("abc", "a")   = "bc"
 * StringUtils.substringAfter("abcba", "b") = "cba"
 * StringUtils.substringAfter("abc", "c")   = ""
 * StringUtils.substringAfter("abc", "d")   = ""
 * StringUtils.substringAfter("abc", "")    = "abc"

public static String substringAfter(final String str, final String separator) {
    if (isEmpty(str)) {
        return str;
    if (separator == null) {
        return EMPTY;
    final int pos = str.indexOf(separator);
    if (pos == INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {
        return EMPTY;
    return str.substring(pos + separator.length());

 * StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(null, *)      = null
 * StringUtils.substringBeforeLast("", *)        = ""
 * StringUtils.substringBeforeLast("abcba", "b") = "abc"
 * StringUtils.substringBeforeLast("abc", "c")   = "ab"
 * StringUtils.substringBeforeLast("a", "a")     = ""
 * StringUtils.substringBeforeLast("a", "z")     = "a"
 * StringUtils.substringBeforeLast("a", null)    = "a"
 * StringUtils.substringBeforeLast("a", "")      = "a"
public static String substringBeforeLast(final String str, final String separator) {
    if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(separator)) {
        return str;
    final int pos = str.lastIndexOf(separator);
    if (pos == INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {
        return str;
    return str.substring(0, pos);

 * StringUtils.substringAfterLast(null, *)      = null
 * StringUtils.substringAfterLast("", *)        = ""
 * StringUtils.substringAfterLast(*, "")        = ""
 * StringUtils.substringAfterLast(*, null)      = ""
 * StringUtils.substringAfterLast("abc", "a")   = "bc"
 * StringUtils.substringAfterLast("abcba", "b") = "a"
 * StringUtils.substringAfterLast("abc", "c")   = ""
 * StringUtils.substringAfterLast("a", "a")     = ""
 * StringUtils.substringAfterLast("a", "z")     = ""
public static String substringAfterLast(final String str, final String separator) {
    if (isEmpty(str)) {
        return str;
    if (isEmpty(separator)) {
        return EMPTY;
    final int pos = str.lastIndexOf(separator);
    if (pos == INDEX_NOT_FOUND || pos == str.length() - separator.length()) {
        return EMPTY;
    return str.substring(pos + separator.length());

// Substring between

 * StringUtils.substringBetween(null, *)            = null
 * StringUtils.substringBetween("", "")             = ""
 * StringUtils.substringBetween("", "tag")          = null
 * StringUtils.substringBetween("tagabctag", null)  = null
 * StringUtils.substringBetween("tagabctag", "")    = ""
 * StringUtils.substringBetween("tagabctag", "tag") = "abc"
public static String substringBetween(final String str, final String tag) {
    return substringBetween(str, tag, tag);

 * StringUtils.substringBetween("wx[b]yz", "[", "]") = "b"
 * StringUtils.substringBetween(null, *, *)          = null
 * StringUtils.substringBetween(*, null, *)          = null
 * StringUtils.substringBetween(*, *, null)          = null
 * StringUtils.substringBetween("", "", "")          = ""
 * StringUtils.substringBetween("", "", "]")         = null
 * StringUtils.substringBetween("", "[", "]")        = null
 * StringUtils.substringBetween("yabcz", "", "")     = ""
 * StringUtils.substringBetween("yabcz", "y", "z")   = "abc"
 * StringUtils.substringBetween("yabczyabcz", "y", "z")   = "abc"
public static String substringBetween(final String str, final String open, final String close) {
    if (str == null || open == null || close == null) {
        return null;
    final int start = str.indexOf(open);
    if (start != INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {
        final int end = str.indexOf(close, start + open.length());
        if (end != INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {
            return str.substring(start + open.length(), end);
    return null;

 * StringUtils.substringsBetween("[a][b][c]", "[", "]") = ["a","b","c"]
 * StringUtils.substringsBetween(null, *, *)            = null
 * StringUtils.substringsBetween(*, null, *)            = null
 * StringUtils.substringsBetween(*, *, null)            = null
 * StringUtils.substringsBetween("", "[", "]")          = []
public static String[] substringsBetween(final String str, final String open, final String close) {
    if (str == null || isEmpty(open) || isEmpty(close)) {
        return null;
    final int strLen = str.length();
    if (strLen == 0) {
        return ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
    final int closeLen = close.length();
    final int openLen = open.length();
    final List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
    int pos = 0;
    while (pos < strLen - closeLen) {
        int start = str.indexOf(open, pos);
        if (start < 0) {
        start += openLen;
        final int end = str.indexOf(close, start);
        if (end < 0) {
        list.add(str.substring(start, end));
        pos = end + closeLen;
    if (list.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
    return list.toArray(new String [list.size()]);

// Nested extraction

// Splitting

 * StringUtils.split(null)       = null
 * StringUtils.split("")         = []
 * StringUtils.split("abc def")  = ["abc", "def"]
 * StringUtils.split("abc  def") = ["abc", "def"]
 * StringUtils.split(" abc ")    = ["abc"]
public static String[] split(final String str) {
    return split(str, null, -1);

 * StringUtils.split(null, *)         = null
 * StringUtils.split("", *)           = []
 * StringUtils.split("a.b.c", '.')    = ["a", "b", "c"]
 * StringUtils.split("a..b.c", '.')   = ["a", "b", "c"]
 * StringUtils.split("a:b:c", '.')    = ["a:b:c"]
 * StringUtils.split("a b c", ' ')    = ["a", "b", "c"]
public static String[] split(final String str, final char separatorChar) {
    return splitWorker(str, separatorChar, false);

 * StringUtils.split(null, *)         = null
 * StringUtils.split("", *)           = []
 * StringUtils.split("abc def", null) = ["abc", "def"]
 * StringUtils.split("abc def", " ")  = ["abc", "def"]
 * StringUtils.split("abc  def", " ") = ["abc", "def"]
 * StringUtils.split("ab:cd:ef", ":") = ["ab", "cd", "ef"]
public static String[] split(final String str, final String separatorChars) {
    return splitWorker(str, separatorChars, -1, false);

 * StringUtils.split(null, *, *)            = null
 * StringUtils.split("", *, *)              = []
 * StringUtils.split("ab cd ef", null, 0)   = ["ab", "cd", "ef"]
 * StringUtils.split("ab   cd ef", null, 0) = ["ab", "cd", "ef"]
 * StringUtils.split("ab:cd:ef", ":", 0)    = ["ab", "cd", "ef"]
 * StringUtils.split("ab:cd:ef", ":", 2)    = ["ab", "cd:ef"]

public static String[] split(final String str, final String separatorChars, final int max) {
    return splitWorker(str, separatorChars, max, false);

 * StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(null, *)               = null
 * StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator("", *)                 = []
 * StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator("ab de fg", null)      = ["ab", "de", "fg"]
 * StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator("ab   de fg", null)    = ["ab", "de", "fg"]
 * StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator("ab:cd:ef", ":")       = ["ab", "cd", "ef"]
 * StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator("ab-!-cd-!-ef", "-!-") = ["ab", "cd", "ef"]

public static String[] splitByWholeSeparator(final String str, final String separator) {
    return splitByWholeSeparatorWorker( str, separator, -1, false ) ;

 * StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(null, *, *)               = null
 * StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator("", *, *)                 = []
 * StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator("ab de fg", null, 0)      = ["ab", "de", "fg"]
 * StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator("ab   de fg", null, 0)    = ["ab", "de", "fg"]
 * StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator("ab:cd:ef", ":", 2)       = ["ab", "cd:ef"]
 * StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator("ab-!-cd-!-ef", "-!-", 5) = ["ab", "cd", "ef"]
 * StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator("ab-!-cd-!-ef", "-!-", 2) = ["ab", "cd-!-ef"]
public static String[] splitByWholeSeparator( final String str, final String separator, final int max ) {
    return splitByWholeSeparatorWorker(str, separator, max, false);

 * StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens(null, *)               = null
 * StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens("", *)                 = []
 * StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens("ab de fg", null)      = ["ab", "de", "fg"]
 * StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens("ab   de fg", null)    = ["ab", "", "", "de", "fg"]
 * StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens("ab:cd:ef", ":")       = ["ab", "cd", "ef"]
 * StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens("ab-!-cd-!-ef", "-!-") = ["ab", "cd", "ef"]

public static String[] splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens(final String str, final String separator) {
    return splitByWholeSeparatorWorker(str, separator, -1, true);

 * StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens(null, *, *)               = null
 * StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens("", *, *)                 = []
 * StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens("ab de fg", null, 0)      = ["ab", "de", "fg"]
 * StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens("ab   de fg", null, 0)    = ["ab", "", "", "de", "fg"]
 * StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens("ab:cd:ef", ":", 2)       = ["ab", "cd:ef"]
 * StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens("ab-!-cd-!-ef", "-!-", 5) = ["ab", "cd", "ef"]
 * StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens("ab-!-cd-!-ef", "-!-", 2) = ["ab", "cd-!-ef"]
public static String[] splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens(final String str, final String separator, final int max) {
    return splitByWholeSeparatorWorker(str, separator, max, true);

private static String[] splitByWholeSeparatorWorker(
        final String str, final String separator, final int max, final boolean preserveAllTokens) {
    if (str == null) {
        return null;

    final int len = str.length();

    if (len == 0) {
        return ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;

    if (separator == null || EMPTY.equals(separator)) {
        // Split on whitespace.
        return splitWorker(str, null, max, preserveAllTokens);

    final int separatorLength = separator.length();

    final ArrayList<String> substrings = new ArrayList<String>();
    int numberOfSubstrings = 0;
    int beg = 0;
    int end = 0;
    while (end < len) {
        end = str.indexOf(separator, beg);

        if (end > -1) {
            if (end > beg) {
                numberOfSubstrings += 1;

                if (numberOfSubstrings == max) {
                    end = len;
                } else {
                    // The following is OK, because String.substring( beg, end ) excludes
                    // the character at the position 'end'.
                    substrings.add(str.substring(beg, end));

                    // Set the starting point for the next search.
                    // The following is equivalent to beg = end + (separatorLength - 1) + 1,
                    // which is the right calculation:
                    beg = end + separatorLength;
            } else {
                // We found a consecutive occurrence of the separator, so skip it.
                if (preserveAllTokens) {
                    numberOfSubstrings += 1;
                    if (numberOfSubstrings == max) {
                        end = len;
                    } else {
                beg = end + separatorLength;
        } else {
            // String.substring( beg ) goes from 'beg' to the end of the String.
            end = len;

    return substrings.toArray(new String[substrings.size()]);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(null)       = null
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("")         = []
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("abc def")  = ["abc", "def"]
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("abc  def") = ["abc", "", "def"]
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(" abc ")    = ["", "abc", ""]

public static String[] splitPreserveAllTokens(final String str) {
    return splitWorker(str, null, -1, true);

 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(null, *)         = null
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("", *)           = []
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("a.b.c", '.')    = ["a", "b", "c"]
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("a..b.c", '.')   = ["a", "", "b", "c"]
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("a:b:c", '.')    = ["a:b:c"]
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("a\tb\nc", null) = ["a", "b", "c"]
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("a b c", ' ')    = ["a", "b", "c"]
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("a b c ", ' ')   = ["a", "b", "c", ""]
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("a b c  ", ' ')   = ["a", "b", "c", "", ""]
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(" a b c", ' ')   = ["", a", "b", "c"]
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("  a b c", ' ')  = ["", "", a", "b", "c"]
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(" a b c ", ' ')  = ["", a", "b", "c", ""]
public static String[] splitPreserveAllTokens(final String str, final char separatorChar) {
    return splitWorker(str, separatorChar, true);

private static String[] splitWorker(final String str, final char separatorChar, final boolean preserveAllTokens) {
    // Performance tuned for 2.0 (JDK1.4)

    if (str == null) {
        return null;
    final int len = str.length();
    if (len == 0) {
        return ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
    final List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
    int i = 0, start = 0;
    boolean match = false;
    boolean lastMatch = false;
    while (i < len) {
        if (str.charAt(i) == separatorChar) {
            if (match || preserveAllTokens) {
                list.add(str.substring(start, i));
                match = false;
                lastMatch = true;
            start = ++i;
        lastMatch = false;
        match = true;
    if (match || preserveAllTokens && lastMatch) {
        list.add(str.substring(start, i));
    return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);

 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(null, *)           = null
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("", *)             = []
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("abc def", null)   = ["abc", "def"]
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("abc def", " ")    = ["abc", "def"]
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("abc  def", " ")   = ["abc", "", def"]
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("ab:cd:ef", ":")   = ["ab", "cd", "ef"]
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("ab:cd:ef:", ":")  = ["ab", "cd", "ef", ""]
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("ab:cd:ef::", ":") = ["ab", "cd", "ef", "", ""]
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("ab::cd:ef", ":")  = ["ab", "", cd", "ef"]
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(":cd:ef", ":")     = ["", cd", "ef"]
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("::cd:ef", ":")    = ["", "", cd", "ef"]
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(":cd:ef:", ":")    = ["", cd", "ef", ""]
public static String[] splitPreserveAllTokens(final String str, final String separatorChars) {
    return splitWorker(str, separatorChars, -1, true);

 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(null, *, *)            = null
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("", *, *)              = []
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("ab de fg", null, 0)   = ["ab", "cd", "ef"]
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("ab   de fg", null, 0) = ["ab", "cd", "ef"]
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("ab:cd:ef", ":", 0)    = ["ab", "cd", "ef"]
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("ab:cd:ef", ":", 2)    = ["ab", "cd:ef"]
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("ab   de fg", null, 2) = ["ab", "  de fg"]
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("ab   de fg", null, 3) = ["ab", "", " de fg"]
 * StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens("ab   de fg", null, 4) = ["ab", "", "", "de fg"]
public static String[] splitPreserveAllTokens(final String str, final String separatorChars, final int max) {
    return splitWorker(str, separatorChars, max, true);

private static String[] splitWorker(final String str, final String separatorChars, final int max, final boolean preserveAllTokens) {
    // Performance tuned for 2.0 (JDK1.4)
    // Direct code is quicker than StringTokenizer.
    // Also, StringTokenizer uses isSpace() not isWhitespace()

    if (str == null) {
        return null;
    final int len = str.length();
    if (len == 0) {
        return ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
    final List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
    int sizePlus1 = 1;
    int i = 0, start = 0;
    boolean match = false;
    boolean lastMatch = false;
    if (separatorChars == null) {
        // Null separator means use whitespace
        while (i < len) {
            if (Character.isWhitespace(str.charAt(i))) {
                if (match || preserveAllTokens) {
                    lastMatch = true;
                    if (sizePlus1++ == max) {
                        i = len;
                        lastMatch = false;
                    list.add(str.substring(start, i));
                    match = false;
                start = ++i;
            lastMatch = false;
            match = true;
    } else if (separatorChars.length() == 1) {
        // Optimise 1 character case
        final char sep = separatorChars.charAt(0);
        while (i < len) {
            if (str.charAt(i) == sep) {
                if (match || preserveAllTokens) {
                    lastMatch = true;
                    if (sizePlus1++ == max) {
                        i = len;
                        lastMatch = false;
                    list.add(str.substring(start, i));
                    match = false;
                start = ++i;
            lastMatch = false;
            match = true;
    } else {
        // standard case
        while (i < len) {
            if (separatorChars.indexOf(str.charAt(i)) >= 0) {
                if (match || preserveAllTokens) {
                    lastMatch = true;
                    if (sizePlus1++ == max) {
                        i = len;
                        lastMatch = false;
                    list.add(str.substring(start, i));
                    match = false;
                start = ++i;
            lastMatch = false;
            match = true;
    if (match || preserveAllTokens && lastMatch) {
        list.add(str.substring(start, i));
    return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);

 * StringUtils.splitByCharacterType(null)         = null
 * StringUtils.splitByCharacterType("")           = []
 * StringUtils.splitByCharacterType("ab de fg")   = ["ab", " ", "de", " ", "fg"]
 * StringUtils.splitByCharacterType("ab   de fg") = ["ab", "   ", "de", " ", "fg"]
 * StringUtils.splitByCharacterType("ab:cd:ef")   = ["ab", ":", "cd", ":", "ef"]
 * StringUtils.splitByCharacterType("number5")    = ["number", "5"]
 * StringUtils.splitByCharacterType("fooBar")     = ["foo", "B", "ar"]
 * StringUtils.splitByCharacterType("foo200Bar")  = ["foo", "200", "B", "ar"]
 * StringUtils.splitByCharacterType("ASFRules")   = ["ASFR", "ules"]
public static String[] splitByCharacterType(final String str) {
    return splitByCharacterType(str, false);

 * StringUtils.splitByCharacterTypeCamelCase(null)         = null
 * StringUtils.splitByCharacterTypeCamelCase("")           = []
 * StringUtils.splitByCharacterTypeCamelCase("ab de fg")   = ["ab", " ", "de", " ", "fg"]
 * StringUtils.splitByCharacterTypeCamelCase("ab   de fg") = ["ab", "   ", "de", " ", "fg"]
 * StringUtils.splitByCharacterTypeCamelCase("ab:cd:ef")   = ["ab", ":", "cd", ":", "ef"]
 * StringUtils.splitByCharacterTypeCamelCase("number5")    = ["number", "5"]
 * StringUtils.splitByCharacterTypeCamelCase("fooBar")     = ["foo", "Bar"]
 * StringUtils.splitByCharacterTypeCamelCase("foo200Bar")  = ["foo", "200", "Bar"]
 * StringUtils.splitByCharacterTypeCamelCase("ASFRules")   = ["ASF", "Rules"]

public static String[] splitByCharacterTypeCamelCase(final String str) {
    return splitByCharacterType(str, true);

private static String[] splitByCharacterType(final String str, final boolean camelCase) {
    if (str == null) {
        return null;
    if (str.isEmpty()) {
        return ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
    final char[] c = str.toCharArray();
    final List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
    int tokenStart = 0;
    int currentType = Character.getType(c[tokenStart]);
    for (int pos = tokenStart + 1; pos < c.length; pos++) {
        final int type = Character.getType(c[pos]);
        if (type == currentType) {
        if (camelCase && type == Character.LOWERCASE_LETTER && currentType == Character.UPPERCASE_LETTER) {
            final int newTokenStart = pos - 1;
            if (newTokenStart != tokenStart) {
                list.add(new String(c, tokenStart, newTokenStart - tokenStart));
                tokenStart = newTokenStart;
        } else {
            list.add(new String(c, tokenStart, pos - tokenStart));
            tokenStart = pos;
        currentType = type;
    list.add(new String(c, tokenStart, c.length - tokenStart));
    return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);

// Joining

 * StringUtils.join(null)            = null
 * StringUtils.join([])              = ""
 * StringUtils.join([null])          = ""
 * StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"]) = "abc"
 * StringUtils.join([null, "", "a"]) = "a"
public static <T> String join(final T... elements) {
    return join(elements, null);

 * StringUtils.join(null, *)               = null
 * StringUtils.join([], *)                 = ""
 * StringUtils.join([null], *)             = ""
 * StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], ';')  = "a;b;c"
 * StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], null) = "abc"
 * StringUtils.join([null, "", "a"], ';')  = ";;a"
public static String join(final Object[] array, final char separator) {
    if (array == null) {
        return null;
    return join(array, separator, 0, array.length);

 * StringUtils.join(null, *)               = null
 * StringUtils.join([], *)                 = ""
 * StringUtils.join([null], *)             = ""
 * StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], ';')  = "1;2;3"
 * StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], null) = "123"
public static String join(final long[] array, final char separator) {
    if (array == null) {
        return null;
    return join(array, separator, 0, array.length);

 * StringUtils.join(null, *)               = null
 * StringUtils.join([], *)                 = ""
 * StringUtils.join([null], *)             = ""
 * StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], ';')  = "1;2;3"
 * StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], null) = "123"
public static String join(final int[] array, final char separator) {
    if (array == null) {
        return null;
    return join(array, separator, 0, array.length);

 * StringUtils.join(null, *)               = null
 * StringUtils.join([], *)                 = ""
 * StringUtils.join([null], *)             = ""
 * StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], ';')  = "1;2;3"
 * StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], null) = "123"
public static String join(final short[] array, final char separator) {
    if (array == null) {
        return null;
    return join(array, separator, 0, array.length);

 * StringUtils.join(null, *)               = null
 * StringUtils.join([], *)                 = ""
 * StringUtils.join([null], *)             = ""
 * StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], ';')  = "1;2;3"
 * StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], null) = "123"
public static String join(final byte[] array, final char separator) {
    if (array == null) {
        return null;
    return join(array, separator, 0, array.length);

 * StringUtils.join(null, *)               = null
 * StringUtils.join([], *)                 = ""
 * StringUtils.join([null], *)             = ""
 * StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], ';')  = "1;2;3"
 * StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], null) = "123"
public static String join(final char[] array, final char separator) {
    if (array == null) {
        return null;
    return join(array, separator, 0, array.length);

 * StringUtils.join(null, *)               = null
 * StringUtils.join([], *)                 = ""
 * StringUtils.join([null], *)             = ""
 * StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], ';')  = "1;2;3"
 * StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], null) = "123"
public static String join(final float[] array, final char separator) {
    if (array == null) {
        return null;
    return join(array, separator, 0, array.length);

 * StringUtils.join(null, *)               = null
 * StringUtils.join([], *)                 = ""
 * StringUtils.join([null], *)             = ""
 * StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], ';')  = "1;2;3"
 * StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], null) = "123"
public static String join(final double[] array, final char separator) {
    if (array == null) {
        return null;
    return join(array, separator, 0, array.length);

 * StringUtils.join(null, *)               = null
 * StringUtils.join([], *)                 = ""
 * StringUtils.join([null], *)             = ""
 * StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], ';')  = "a;b;c"
 * StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], null) = "abc"
 * StringUtils.join([null, "", "a"], ';')  = ";;a"

public static String join(final Object[] array, final char separator, final int startIndex, final int endIndex) {
    if (array == null) {
        return null;
    final int noOfItems = endIndex - startIndex;
    if (noOfItems <= 0) {
        return EMPTY;
    final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(noOfItems * 16);
    for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
        if (i > startIndex) {
        if (array[i] != null) {
    return buf.toString();

 * StringUtils.join(null, *)               = null
 * StringUtils.join([], *)                 = ""
 * StringUtils.join([null], *)             = ""
 * StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], ';')  = "1;2;3"
 * StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], null) = "123"
public static String join(final long[] array, final char separator, final int startIndex, final int endIndex) {
    if (array == null) {
        return null;
    final int noOfItems = endIndex - startIndex;
    if (noOfItems <= 0) {
        return EMPTY;
    final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(noOfItems * 16);
    for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
        if (i > startIndex) {
    return buf.toString();

 * StringUtils.join(null, *)               = null
 * StringUtils.join([], *)                 = ""
 * StringUtils.join([null], *)             = ""
 * StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], ';')  = "1;2;3"
 * StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], null) = "123"
public static String join(final int[] array, final char separator, final int startIndex, final int endIndex) {
    if (array == null) {
        return null;
    final int noOfItems = endIndex - startIndex;
    if (noOfItems <= 0) {
        return EMPTY;
    final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(noOfItems * 16);
    for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
        if (i > startIndex) {
    return buf.toString();

 * StringUtils.join(null, *)               = null
 * StringUtils.join([], *)                 = ""
 * StringUtils.join([null], *)             = ""
 * StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], ';')  = "1;2;3"
 * StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], null) = "123"

public static String join(final byte[] array, final char separator, final int startIndex, final int endIndex) {
    if (array == null) {
        return null;
    final int noOfItems = endIndex - startIndex;
    if (noOfItems <= 0) {
        return EMPTY;
    final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(noOfItems * 16);
    for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
        if (i > startIndex) {
    return buf.toString();

 * StringUtils.join(null, *)               = null
 * StringUtils.join([], *)                 = ""
 * StringUtils.join([null], *)             = ""
 * StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], ';')  = "1;2;3"
 * StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], null) = "123"

public static String join(final short[] array, final char separator, final int startIndex, final int endIndex) {
    if (array == null) {
        return null;
    final int noOfItems = endIndex - startIndex;
    if (noOfItems <= 0) {
        return EMPTY;
    final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(noOfItems * 16);
    for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
        if (i > startIndex) {
    return buf.toString();

 * StringUtils.join(null, *)               = null
 * StringUtils.join([], *)                 = ""
 * StringUtils.join([null], *)             = ""
 * StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], ';')  = "1;2;3"
 * StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], null) = "123"

public static String join(final char[] array, final char separator, final int startIndex, final int endIndex) {
    if (array == null) {
        return null;
    final int noOfItems = endIndex - startIndex;
    if (noOfItems <= 0) {
        return EMPTY;
    final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(noOfItems * 16);
    for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
        if (i > startIndex) {
    return buf.toString();

 * StringUtils.join(null, *)               = null
 * StringUtils.join([], *)                 = ""
 * StringUtils.join([null], *)             = ""
 * StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], ';')  = "1;2;3"
 * StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], null) = "123"
public static String join(final double[] array, final char separator, final int startIndex, final int endIndex) {
    if (array == null) {
        return null;
    final int noOfItems = endIndex - startIndex;
    if (noOfItems <= 0) {
        return EMPTY;
    final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(noOfItems * 16);
    for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
        if (i > startIndex) {
    return buf.toString();

 * StringUtils.join(null, *)               = null
 * StringUtils.join([], *)                 = ""
 * StringUtils.join([null], *)             = ""
 * StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], ';')  = "1;2;3"
 * StringUtils.join([1, 2, 3], null) = "123"
public static String join(final float[] array, final char separator, final int startIndex, final int endIndex) {
    if (array == null) {
        return null;
    final int noOfItems = endIndex - startIndex;
    if (noOfItems <= 0) {
        return EMPTY;
    final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(noOfItems * 16);
    for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
        if (i > startIndex) {
    return buf.toString();

 * StringUtils.join(null, *)                = null
 * StringUtils.join([], *)                  = ""
 * StringUtils.join([null], *)              = ""
 * StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], "--")  = "a--b--c"
 * StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], null)  = "abc"
 * StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], "")    = "abc"
 * StringUtils.join([null, "", "a"], ',')   = ",,a"
public static String join(final Object[] array, final String separator) {
    if (array == null) {
        return null;
    return join(array, separator, 0, array.length);

 * StringUtils.join(null, *, *, *)                = null
 * StringUtils.join([], *, *, *)                  = ""
 * StringUtils.join([null], *, *, *)              = ""
 * StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], "--", 0, 3)  = "a--b--c"
 * StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], "--", 1, 3)  = "b--c"
 * StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], "--", 2, 3)  = "c"
 * StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], "--", 2, 2)  = ""
 * StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], null, 0, 3)  = "abc"
 * StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], "", 0, 3)    = "abc"
 * StringUtils.join([null, "", "a"], ',', 0, 3)   = ",,a"
public static String join(final Object[] array, String separator, final int startIndex, final int endIndex) {
    if (array == null) {
        return null;
    if (separator == null) {
        separator = EMPTY;

    // endIndex - startIndex > 0:   Len = NofStrings *(len(firstString) + len(separator))
    //           (Assuming that all Strings are roughly equally long)
    final int noOfItems = endIndex - startIndex;
    if (noOfItems <= 0) {
        return EMPTY;

    final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(noOfItems * 16);

    for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
        if (i > startIndex) {
        if (array[i] != null) {
    return buf.toString();

public static String join(final Iterator<?> iterator, final char separator) {

    // handle null, zero and one elements before building a buffer
    if (iterator == null) {
        return null;
    if (!iterator.hasNext()) {
        return EMPTY;
    final Object first =;
    if (!iterator.hasNext()) {
        @SuppressWarnings( "deprecation" ) // ObjectUtils.toString(Object) has been deprecated in 3.2
        String result = ObjectUtils.toString(first);
        return result;

    // two or more elements
    final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(256); // Java default is 16, probably too small
    if (first != null) {

    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        final Object obj =;
        if (obj != null) {

    return buf.toString();

public static String join(final Iterator<?> iterator, final String separator) {

    // handle null, zero and one elements before building a buffer
    if (iterator == null) {
        return null;
    if (!iterator.hasNext()) {
        return EMPTY;
    final Object first =;
    if (!iterator.hasNext()) {
        @SuppressWarnings( "deprecation" ) // ObjectUtils.toString(Object) has been deprecated in 3.2
        final String result = ObjectUtils.toString(first);
        return result;

    // two or more elements
    final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(256); // Java default is 16, probably too small
    if (first != null) {

    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        if (separator != null) {
        final Object obj =;
        if (obj != null) {
    return buf.toString();

public static String join(final Iterable<?> iterable, final char separator) {
    if (iterable == null) {
        return null;
    return join(iterable.iterator(), separator);

public static String join(final Iterable<?> iterable, final String separator) {
    if (iterable == null) {
        return null;
    return join(iterable.iterator(), separator);

// Delete

 * StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(null)         = null
 * StringUtils.deleteWhitespace("")           = ""
 * StringUtils.deleteWhitespace("abc")        = "abc"
 * StringUtils.deleteWhitespace("   ab  c  ") = "abc"
public static String deleteWhitespace(final String str) {
    if (isEmpty(str)) {
        return str;
    final int sz = str.length();
    final char[] chs = new char[sz];
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
        if (!Character.isWhitespace(str.charAt(i))) {
            chs[count++] = str.charAt(i);
    if (count == sz) {
        return str;
    return new String(chs, 0, count);

// Remove

 * StringUtils.removeStart(null, *)      = null
 * StringUtils.removeStart("", *)        = ""
 * StringUtils.removeStart(*, null)      = *
 * StringUtils.removeStart("", "www.")   = ""
 * StringUtils.removeStart("", "www.")       = ""
 * StringUtils.removeStart("", "domain") = ""
 * StringUtils.removeStart("abc", "")    = "abc"
public static String removeStart(final String str, final String remove) {
    if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(remove)) {
        return str;
    if (str.startsWith(remove)){
        return str.substring(remove.length());
    return str;

 * StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase(null, *)      = null
 * StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase("", *)        = ""
 * StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase(*, null)      = *
 * StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase("", "www.")   = ""
 * StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase("", "WWW.")   = ""
 * StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase("", "www.")       = ""
 * StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase("", "domain") = ""
 * StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase("abc", "")    = "abc"
public static String removeStartIgnoreCase(final String str, final String remove) {
    if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(remove)) {
        return str;
    if (startsWithIgnoreCase(str, remove)) {
        return str.substring(remove.length());
    return str;

 * StringUtils.removeEnd(null, *)      = null
 * StringUtils.removeEnd("", *)        = ""
 * StringUtils.removeEnd(*, null)      = *
 * StringUtils.removeEnd("", ".com.")  = ""
 * StringUtils.removeEnd("", ".com")   = "www.domain"
 * StringUtils.removeEnd("", "domain") = ""
 * StringUtils.removeEnd("abc", "")    = "abc"
public static String removeEnd(final String str, final String remove) {
    if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(remove)) {
        return str;
    if (str.endsWith(remove)) {
        return str.substring(0, str.length() - remove.length());
    return str;

 * StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(null, *)      = null
 * StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("", *)        = ""
 * StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(*, null)      = *
 * StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("", ".com.")  = ""
 * StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("", ".com")   = "www.domain"
 * StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("", "domain") = ""
 * StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("abc", "")    = "abc"
 * StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("", ".COM") = "www.domain")
 * StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase("www.domain.COM", ".com") = "www.domain")
public static String removeEndIgnoreCase(final String str, final String remove) {
    if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(remove)) {
        return str;
    if (endsWithIgnoreCase(str, remove)) {
        return str.substring(0, str.length() - remove.length());
    return str;

 * StringUtils.remove(null, *)        = null
 * StringUtils.remove("", *)          = ""
 * StringUtils.remove(*, null)        = *
 * StringUtils.remove(*, "")          = *
 * StringUtils.remove("queued", "ue") = "qd"
 * StringUtils.remove("queued", "zz") = "queued"
public static String remove(final String str, final String remove) {
    if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(remove)) {
        return str;
    return replace(str, remove, EMPTY, -1);

 * StringUtils.remove(null, *)       = null
 * StringUtils.remove("", *)         = ""
 * StringUtils.remove("queued", 'u') = "qeed"
 * StringUtils.remove("queued", 'z') = "queued"
public static String remove(final String str, final char remove) {
    if (isEmpty(str) || str.indexOf(remove) == INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {
        return str;
    final char[] chars = str.toCharArray();
    int pos = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
        if (chars[i] != remove) {
            chars[pos++] = chars[i];
    return new String(chars, 0, pos);

// Replacing

 * StringUtils.replaceOnce(null, *, *)        = null
 * StringUtils.replaceOnce("", *, *)          = ""
 * StringUtils.replaceOnce("any", null, *)    = "any"
 * StringUtils.replaceOnce("any", *, null)    = "any"
 * StringUtils.replaceOnce("any", "", *)      = "any"
 * StringUtils.replaceOnce("aba", "a", null)  = "aba"
 * StringUtils.replaceOnce("aba", "a", "")    = "ba"
 * StringUtils.replaceOnce("aba", "a", "z")   = "zba"
public static String replaceOnce(final String text, final String searchString, final String replacement) {
    return replace(text, searchString, replacement, 1);
public static String replacePattern(final String source, final String regex, final String replacement) {
    return Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.DOTALL).matcher(source).replaceAll(replacement);

public static String removePattern(final String source, final String regex) {
    return replacePattern(source, regex, StringUtils.EMPTY);

 * StringUtils.replace(null, *, *)        = null
 * StringUtils.replace("", *, *)          = ""
 * StringUtils.replace("any", null, *)    = "any"
 * StringUtils.replace("any", *, null)    = "any"
 * StringUtils.replace("any", "", *)      = "any"
 * StringUtils.replace("aba", "a", null)  = "aba"
 * StringUtils.replace("aba", "a", "")    = "b"
 * StringUtils.replace("aba", "a", "z")   = "zbz"
public static String replace(final String text, final String searchString, final String replacement) {
    return replace(text, searchString, replacement, -1);

 * StringUtils.replace(null, *, *, *)         = null
 * StringUtils.replace("", *, *, *)           = ""
 * StringUtils.replace("any", null, *, *)     = "any"
 * StringUtils.replace("any", *, null, *)     = "any"
 * StringUtils.replace("any", "", *, *)       = "any"
 * StringUtils.replace("any", *, *, 0)        = "any"
 * StringUtils.replace("abaa", "a", null, -1) = "abaa"
 * StringUtils.replace("abaa", "a", "", -1)   = "b"
 * StringUtils.replace("abaa", "a", "z", 0)   = "abaa"
 * StringUtils.replace("abaa", "a", "z", 1)   = "zbaa"
 * StringUtils.replace("abaa", "a", "z", 2)   = "zbza"
 * StringUtils.replace("abaa", "a", "z", -1)  = "zbzz"
public static String replace(final String text, final String searchString, final String replacement, int max) {
    if (isEmpty(text) || isEmpty(searchString) || replacement == null || max == 0) {
        return text;
    int start = 0;
    int end = text.indexOf(searchString, start);
    if (end == INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {
        return text;
    final int replLength = searchString.length();
    int increase = replacement.length() - replLength;
    increase = increase < 0 ? 0 : increase;
    increase *= max < 0 ? 16 : max > 64 ? 64 : max;
    final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(text.length() + increase);
    while (end != INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {
        buf.append(text.substring(start, end)).append(replacement);
        start = end + replLength;
        if (--max == 0) {
        end = text.indexOf(searchString, start);
    return buf.toString();

 *  StringUtils.replaceEach(null, *, *)        = null
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("", *, *)          = ""
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", null, null) = "aba"
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[0], null) = "aba"
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", null, new String[0]) = "aba"
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{"a"}, null)  = "aba"
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{"a"}, new String[]{""})  = "b"
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{null}, new String[]{"a"})  = "aba"
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"w", "t"})  = "wcte"
 *  (example of how it does not repeat)
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"d", "t"})  = "dcte"
public static String replaceEach(final String text, final String[] searchList, final String[] replacementList) {
    return replaceEach(text, searchList, replacementList, false, 0);

 *  StringUtils.replaceEach(null, *, *, *) = null
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("", *, *, *) = ""
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", null, null, *) = "aba"
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[0], null, *) = "aba"
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", null, new String[0], *) = "aba"
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{"a"}, null, *) = "aba"
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{"a"}, new String[]{""}, *) = "b"
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{null}, new String[]{"a"}, *) = "aba"
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"w", "t"}, *) = "wcte"
 *  (example of how it repeats)
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"d", "t"}, false) = "dcte"
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"d", "t"}, true) = "tcte"
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"d", "ab"}, true) = IllegalStateException
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"d", "ab"}, false) = "dcabe"
public static String replaceEachRepeatedly(final String text, final String[] searchList, final String[] replacementList) {
    // timeToLive should be 0 if not used or nothing to replace, else it's
    // the length of the replace array
    final int timeToLive = searchList == null ? 0 : searchList.length;
    return replaceEach(text, searchList, replacementList, true, timeToLive);

 *  StringUtils.replaceEach(null, *, *, *) = null
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("", *, *, *) = ""
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", null, null, *) = "aba"
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[0], null, *) = "aba"
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", null, new String[0], *) = "aba"
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{"a"}, null, *) = "aba"
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{"a"}, new String[]{""}, *) = "b"
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{null}, new String[]{"a"}, *) = "aba"
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"w", "t"}, *) = "wcte"
 *  (example of how it repeats)
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"d", "t"}, false) = "dcte"
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"d", "t"}, true) = "tcte"
 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"d", "ab"}, *) = IllegalStateException
private static String replaceEach(
        final String text, final String[] searchList, final String[] replacementList, final boolean repeat, final int timeToLive) {

    // mchyzer Performance note: This creates very few new objects (one major goal)
    // let me know if there are performance requests, we can create a harness to measure

    if (text == null || text.isEmpty() || searchList == null ||
            searchList.length == 0 || replacementList == null || replacementList.length == 0) {
        return text;

    // if recursing, this shouldn't be less than 0
    if (timeToLive < 0) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Aborting to protect against StackOverflowError - " +
                                        "output of one loop is the input of another");

    final int searchLength = searchList.length;
    final int replacementLength = replacementList.length;

    // make sure lengths are ok, these need to be equal
    if (searchLength != replacementLength) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Search and Replace array lengths don't match: "
            + searchLength
            + " vs "
            + replacementLength);

    // keep track of which still have matches
    final boolean[] noMoreMatchesForReplIndex = new boolean[searchLength];

    // index on index that the match was found
    int textIndex = -1;
    int replaceIndex = -1;
    int tempIndex = -1;

    // index of replace array that will replace the search string found
    // NOTE: logic duplicated below START
    for (int i = 0; i < searchLength; i++) {
        if (noMoreMatchesForReplIndex[i] || searchList[i] == null ||
                searchList[i].isEmpty() || replacementList[i] == null) {
        tempIndex = text.indexOf(searchList[i]);

        // see if we need to keep searching for this
        if (tempIndex == -1) {
            noMoreMatchesForReplIndex[i] = true;
        } else {
            if (textIndex == -1 || tempIndex < textIndex) {
                textIndex = tempIndex;
                replaceIndex = i;
    // NOTE: logic mostly below END

    // no search strings found, we are done
    if (textIndex == -1) {
        return text;

    int start = 0;

    // get a good guess on the size of the result buffer so it doesn't have to double if it goes over a bit
    int increase = 0;

    // count the replacement text elements that are larger than their corresponding text being replaced
    for (int i = 0; i < searchList.length; i++) {
        if (searchList[i] == null || replacementList[i] == null) {
        final int greater = replacementList[i].length() - searchList[i].length();
        if (greater > 0) {
            increase += 3 * greater; // assume 3 matches
    // have upper-bound at 20% increase, then let Java take over
    increase = Math.min(increase, text.length() / 5);

    final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(text.length() + increase);

    while (textIndex != -1) {

        for (int i = start; i < textIndex; i++) {

        start = textIndex + searchList[replaceIndex].length();

        textIndex = -1;
        replaceIndex = -1;
        tempIndex = -1;
        // find the next earliest match
        // NOTE: logic mostly duplicated above START
        for (int i = 0; i < searchLength; i++) {
            if (noMoreMatchesForReplIndex[i] || searchList[i] == null ||
                    searchList[i].isEmpty() || replacementList[i] == null) {
            tempIndex = text.indexOf(searchList[i], start);

            // see if we need to keep searching for this
            if (tempIndex == -1) {
                noMoreMatchesForReplIndex[i] = true;
            } else {
                if (textIndex == -1 || tempIndex < textIndex) {
                    textIndex = tempIndex;
                    replaceIndex = i;
        // NOTE: logic duplicated above END

    final int textLength = text.length();
    for (int i = start; i < textLength; i++) {
    final String result = buf.toString();
    if (!repeat) {
        return result;

    return replaceEach(result, searchList, replacementList, repeat, timeToLive - 1);

// Replace, character based

 * StringUtils.replaceChars(null, *, *)        = null
 * StringUtils.replaceChars("", *, *)          = ""
 * StringUtils.replaceChars("abcba", 'b', 'y') = "aycya"
 * StringUtils.replaceChars("abcba", 'z', 'y') = "abcba"
public static String replaceChars(final String str, final char searchChar, final char replaceChar) {
    if (str == null) {
        return null;
    return str.replace(searchChar, replaceChar);

 * StringUtils.replaceChars(null, *, *)           = null
 * StringUtils.replaceChars("", *, *)             = ""
 * StringUtils.replaceChars("abc", null, *)       = "abc"
 * StringUtils.replaceChars("abc", "", *)         = "abc"
 * StringUtils.replaceChars("abc", "b", null)     = "ac"
 * StringUtils.replaceChars("abc", "b", "")       = "ac"
 * StringUtils.replaceChars("abcba", "bc", "yz")  = "ayzya"
 * StringUtils.replaceChars("abcba", "bc", "y")   = "ayya"
 * StringUtils.replaceChars("abcba", "bc", "yzx") = "ayzya"
public static String replaceChars(final String str, final String searchChars, String replaceChars) {
    if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(searchChars)) {
        return str;
    if (replaceChars == null) {
        replaceChars = EMPTY;
    boolean modified = false;
    final int replaceCharsLength = replaceChars.length();
    final int strLength = str.length();
    final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(strLength);
    for (int i = 0; i < strLength; i++) {
        final char ch = str.charAt(i);
        final int index = searchChars.indexOf(ch);
        if (index >= 0) {
            modified = true;
            if (index < replaceCharsLength) {
        } else {
    if (modified) {
        return buf.toString();
    return str;

// Overlay

 * StringUtils.overlay(null, *, *, *)            = null
 * StringUtils.overlay("", "abc", 0, 0)          = "abc"
 * StringUtils.overlay("abcdef", null, 2, 4)     = "abef"
 * StringUtils.overlay("abcdef", "", 2, 4)       = "abef"
 * StringUtils.overlay("abcdef", "", 4, 2)       = "abef"
 * StringUtils.overlay("abcdef", "zzzz", 2, 4)   = "abzzzzef"
 * StringUtils.overlay("abcdef", "zzzz", 4, 2)   = "abzzzzef"
 * StringUtils.overlay("abcdef", "zzzz", -1, 4)  = "zzzzef"
 * StringUtils.overlay("abcdef", "zzzz", 2, 8)   = "abzzzz"
 * StringUtils.overlay("abcdef", "zzzz", -2, -3) = "zzzzabcdef"
 * StringUtils.overlay("abcdef", "zzzz", 8, 10)  = "abcdefzzzz"
public static String overlay(final String str, String overlay, int start, int end) {
    if (str == null) {
        return null;
    if (overlay == null) {
        overlay = EMPTY;
    final int len = str.length();
    if (start < 0) {
        start = 0;
    if (start > len) {
        start = len;
    if (end < 0) {
        end = 0;
    if (end > len) {
        end = len;
    if (start > end) {
        final int temp = start;
        start = end;
        end = temp;
    return new StringBuilder(len + start - end + overlay.length() + 1)
        .append(str.substring(0, start))

// Chomping

 * StringUtils.chomp(null)          = null
 * StringUtils.chomp("")            = ""
 * StringUtils.chomp("abc \r")      = "abc "
 * StringUtils.chomp("abc\n")       = "abc"
 * StringUtils.chomp("abc\r\n")     = "abc"
 * StringUtils.chomp("abc\r\n\r\n") = "abc\r\n"
 * StringUtils.chomp("abc\n\r")     = "abc\n"
 * StringUtils.chomp("abc\n\rabc")  = "abc\n\rabc"
 * StringUtils.chomp("\r")          = ""
 * StringUtils.chomp("\n")          = ""
 * StringUtils.chomp("\r\n")        = ""
public static String chomp(final String str) {
    if (isEmpty(str)) {
        return str;

    if (str.length() == 1) {
        final char ch = str.charAt(0);
        if (ch == CharUtils.CR || ch == CharUtils.LF) {
            return EMPTY;
        return str;

    int lastIdx = str.length() - 1;
    final char last = str.charAt(lastIdx);

    if (last == CharUtils.LF) {
        if (str.charAt(lastIdx - 1) == CharUtils.CR) {
    } else if (last != CharUtils.CR) {
    return str.substring(0, lastIdx);

 * StringUtils.chomp(null, *)         = null
 * StringUtils.chomp("", *)           = ""
 * StringUtils.chomp("foobar", "bar") = "foo"
 * StringUtils.chomp("foobar", "baz") = "foobar"
 * StringUtils.chomp("foo", "foo")    = ""
 * StringUtils.chomp("foo ", "foo")   = "foo "
 * StringUtils.chomp(" foo", "foo")   = " "
 * StringUtils.chomp("foo", "foooo")  = "foo"
 * StringUtils.chomp("foo", "")       = "foo"
 * StringUtils.chomp("foo", null)     = "foo"

public static String chomp(final String str, final String separator) {
    return removeEnd(str,separator);

// Chopping

 * StringUtils.chop(null)          = null
 * StringUtils.chop("")            = ""
 * StringUtils.chop("abc \r")      = "abc "
 * StringUtils.chop("abc\n")       = "abc"
 * StringUtils.chop("abc\r\n")     = "abc"
 * StringUtils.chop("abc")         = "ab"
 * StringUtils.chop("abc\nabc")    = "abc\nab"
 * StringUtils.chop("a")           = ""
 * StringUtils.chop("\r")          = ""
 * StringUtils.chop("\n")          = ""
 * StringUtils.chop("\r\n")        = ""

public static String chop(final String str) {
    if (str == null) {
        return null;
    final int strLen = str.length();
    if (strLen < 2) {
        return EMPTY;
    final int lastIdx = strLen - 1;
    final String ret = str.substring(0, lastIdx);
    final char last = str.charAt(lastIdx);
    if (last == CharUtils.LF && ret.charAt(lastIdx - 1) == CharUtils.CR) {
        return ret.substring(0, lastIdx - 1);
    return ret;

// Conversion

 * StringUtils.repeat(null, 2) = null
 * StringUtils.repeat("", 0)   = ""
 * StringUtils.repeat("", 2)   = ""
 * StringUtils.repeat("a", 3)  = "aaa"
 * StringUtils.repeat("ab", 2) = "abab"
 * StringUtils.repeat("a", -2) = ""

public static String repeat(final String str, final int repeat) {
    // Performance tuned for 2.0 (JDK1.4)

    if (str == null) {
        return null;
    if (repeat <= 0) {
        return EMPTY;
    final int inputLength = str.length();
    if (repeat == 1 || inputLength == 0) {
        return str;
    if (inputLength == 1 && repeat <= PAD_LIMIT) {
        return repeat(str.charAt(0), repeat);

    final int outputLength = inputLength * repeat;
    switch (inputLength) {
        case 1 :
            return repeat(str.charAt(0), repeat);
        case 2 :
            final char ch0 = str.charAt(0);
            final char ch1 = str.charAt(1);
            final char[] output2 = new char[outputLength];
            for (int i = repeat * 2 - 2; i >= 0; i--, i--) {
                output2[i] = ch0;
                output2[i + 1] = ch1;
            return new String(output2);
        default :
            final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(outputLength);
            for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++) {
            return buf.toString();

 * StringUtils.repeat(null, null, 2) = null
 * StringUtils.repeat(null, "x", 2)  = null
 * StringUtils.repeat("", null, 0)   = ""
 * StringUtils.repeat("", "", 2)     = ""
 * StringUtils.repeat("", "x", 3)    = "xxx"
 * StringUtils.repeat("?", ", ", 3)  = "?, ?, ?"
public static String repeat(final String str, final String separator, final int repeat) {
    if(str == null || separator == null) {
        return repeat(str, repeat);
    // given that repeat(String, int) is quite optimized, better to rely on it than try and splice this into it
    final String result = repeat(str + separator, repeat);
    return removeEnd(result, separator);

 * StringUtils.repeat('e', 0)  = ""
 * StringUtils.repeat('e', 3)  = "eee"
 * StringUtils.repeat('e', -2) = ""

public static String repeat(final char ch, final int repeat) {
    final char[] buf = new char[repeat];
    for (int i = repeat - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        buf[i] = ch;
    return new String(buf);

 * StringUtils.rightPad(null, *)   = null
 * StringUtils.rightPad("", 3)     = "   "
 * StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 3)  = "bat"
 * StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 5)  = "bat  "
 * StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 1)  = "bat"
 * StringUtils.rightPad("bat", -1) = "bat"
public static String rightPad(final String str, final int size) {
    return rightPad(str, size, ' ');

 * StringUtils.rightPad(null, *, *)     = null
 * StringUtils.rightPad("", 3, 'z')     = "zzz"
 * StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 3, 'z')  = "bat"
 * StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 5, 'z')  = "batzz"
 * StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 1, 'z')  = "bat"
 * StringUtils.rightPad("bat", -1, 'z') = "bat"
public static String rightPad(final String str, final int size, final char padChar) {
    if (str == null) {
        return null;
    final int pads = size - str.length();
    if (pads <= 0) {
        return str; // returns original String when possible
    if (pads > PAD_LIMIT) {
        return rightPad(str, size, String.valueOf(padChar));
    return str.concat(repeat(padChar, pads));

 * StringUtils.rightPad(null, *, *)      = null
 * StringUtils.rightPad("", 3, "z")      = "zzz"
 * StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 3, "yz")  = "bat"
 * StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 5, "yz")  = "batyz"
 * StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 8, "yz")  = "batyzyzy"
 * StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 1, "yz")  = "bat"
 * StringUtils.rightPad("bat", -1, "yz") = "bat"
 * StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 5, null)  = "bat  "
 * StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 5, "")    = "bat  "
public static String rightPad(final String str, final int size, String padStr) {
    if (str == null) {
        return null;
    if (isEmpty(padStr)) {
        padStr = SPACE;
    final int padLen = padStr.length();
    final int strLen = str.length();
    final int pads = size - strLen;
    if (pads <= 0) {
        return str; // returns original String when possible
    if (padLen == 1 && pads <= PAD_LIMIT) {
        return rightPad(str, size, padStr.charAt(0));

    if (pads == padLen) {
        return str.concat(padStr);
    } else if (pads < padLen) {
        return str.concat(padStr.substring(0, pads));
    } else {
        final char[] padding = new char[pads];
        final char[] padChars = padStr.toCharArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < pads; i++) {
            padding[i] = padChars[i % padLen];
        return str.concat(new String(padding));

 * StringUtils.leftPad(null, *)   = null
 * StringUtils.leftPad("", 3)     = "   "
 * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 3)  = "bat"
 * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 5)  = "  bat"
 * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 1)  = "bat"
 * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", -1) = "bat"

public static String leftPad(final String str, final int size) {
    return leftPad(str, size, ' ');

 * StringUtils.leftPad(null, *, *)     = null
 * StringUtils.leftPad("", 3, 'z')     = "zzz"
 * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 3, 'z')  = "bat"
 * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 5, 'z')  = "zzbat"
 * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 1, 'z')  = "bat"
 * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", -1, 'z') = "bat"
public static String leftPad(final String str, final int size, final char padChar) {
    if (str == null) {
        return null;
    final int pads = size - str.length();
    if (pads <= 0) {
        return str; // returns original String when possible
    if (pads > PAD_LIMIT) {
        return leftPad(str, size, String.valueOf(padChar));
    return repeat(padChar, pads).concat(str);

 * StringUtils.leftPad(null, *, *)      = null
 * StringUtils.leftPad("", 3, "z")      = "zzz"
 * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 3, "yz")  = "bat"
 * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 5, "yz")  = "yzbat"
 * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 8, "yz")  = "yzyzybat"
 * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 1, "yz")  = "bat"
 * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", -1, "yz") = "bat"
 * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 5, null)  = "  bat"
 * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 5, "")    = "  bat"
public static String leftPad(final String str, final int size, String padStr) {
    if (str == null) {
        return null;
    if (isEmpty(padStr)) {
        padStr = SPACE;
    final int padLen = padStr.length();
    final int strLen = str.length();
    final int pads = size - strLen;
    if (pads <= 0) {
        return str; // returns original String when possible
    if (padLen == 1 && pads <= PAD_LIMIT) {
        return leftPad(str, size, padStr.charAt(0));

    if (pads == padLen) {
        return padStr.concat(str);
    } else if (pads < padLen) {
        return padStr.substring(0, pads).concat(str);
    } else {
        final char[] padding = new char[pads];
        final char[] padChars = padStr.toCharArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < pads; i++) {
            padding[i] = padChars[i % padLen];
        return new String(padding).concat(str);

public static int length(final CharSequence cs) {
    return cs == null ? 0 : cs.length();

// Centering

 *, *)   = null
 *"", 4)     = "    "
 *"ab", -1)  = "ab"
 *"ab", 4)   = " ab "
 *"abcd", 2) = "abcd"
 *"a", 4)    = " a  "

public static String center(final String str, final int size) {
    return center(str, size, ' ');

 *, *, *)     = null
 *"", 4, ' ')     = "    "
 *"ab", -1, ' ')  = "ab"
 *"ab", 4, ' ')   = " ab "
 *"abcd", 2, ' ') = "abcd"
 *"a", 4, ' ')    = " a  "
 *"a", 4, 'y')    = "yayy"
public static String center(String str, final int size, final char padChar) {
    if (str == null || size <= 0) {
        return str;
    final int strLen = str.length();
    final int pads = size - strLen;
    if (pads <= 0) {
        return str;
    str = leftPad(str, strLen + pads / 2, padChar);
    str = rightPad(str, size, padChar);
    return str;

 *, *, *)     = null
 *"", 4, " ")     = "    "
 *"ab", -1, " ")  = "ab"
 *"ab", 4, " ")   = " ab "
 *"abcd", 2, " ") = "abcd"
 *"a", 4, " ")    = " a  "
 *"a", 4, "yz")   = "yayz"
 *"abc", 7, null) = "  abc  "
 *"abc", 7, "")   = "  abc  "

public static String center(String str, final int size, String padStr) {
    if (str == null || size <= 0) {
        return str;
    if (isEmpty(padStr)) {
        padStr = SPACE;
    final int strLen = str.length();
    final int pads = size - strLen;
    if (pads <= 0) {
        return str;
    str = leftPad(str, strLen + pads / 2, padStr);
    str = rightPad(str, size, padStr);
    return str;

// Case conversion

 * StringUtils.upperCase(null)  = null
 * StringUtils.upperCase("")    = ""
 * StringUtils.upperCase("aBc") = "ABC"
public static String upperCase(final String str) {
    if (str == null) {
        return null;
    return str.toUpperCase();

 * StringUtils.upperCase(null, Locale.ENGLISH)  = null
 * StringUtils.upperCase("", Locale.ENGLISH)    = ""
 * StringUtils.upperCase("aBc", Locale.ENGLISH) = "ABC"
public static String upperCase(final String str, final Locale locale) {
    if (str == null) {
        return null;
    return str.toUpperCase(locale);

 * StringUtils.lowerCase(null)  = null
 * StringUtils.lowerCase("")    = ""
 * StringUtils.lowerCase("aBc") = "abc"

public static String lowerCase(final String str) {
    if (str == null) {
        return null;
    return str.toLowerCase();

 * StringUtils.lowerCase(null, Locale.ENGLISH)  = null
 * StringUtils.lowerCase("", Locale.ENGLISH)    = ""
 * StringUtils.lowerCase("aBc", Locale.ENGLISH) = "abc"
public static String lowerCase(final String str, final Locale locale) {
    if (str == null) {
        return null;
    return str.toLowerCase(locale);

 * StringUtils.capitalize(null)  = null
 * StringUtils.capitalize("")    = ""
 * StringUtils.capitalize("cat") = "Cat"
 * StringUtils.capitalize("cAt") = "CAt"
public static String capitalize(final String str) {
    int strLen;
    if (str == null || (strLen = str.length()) == 0) {
        return str;

    char firstChar = str.charAt(0);
    if (Character.isTitleCase(firstChar)) {
        // already capitalized
        return str;

    return new StringBuilder(strLen)

 * StringUtils.uncapitalize(null)  = null
 * StringUtils.uncapitalize("")    = ""
 * StringUtils.uncapitalize("Cat") = "cat"
 * StringUtils.uncapitalize("CAT") = "cAT"
public static String uncapitalize(final String str) {
    int strLen;
    if (str == null || (strLen = str.length()) == 0) {
        return str;

    char firstChar = str.charAt(0);
    if (Character.isLowerCase(firstChar)) {
        // already uncapitalized
        return str;

    return new StringBuilder(strLen)

 * StringUtils.swapCase(null)                 = null
 * StringUtils.swapCase("")                   = ""
 * StringUtils.swapCase("The dog has a BONE") = "tHE DOG HAS A bone"
public static String swapCase(final String str) {
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
        return str;

    final char[] buffer = str.toCharArray();

    for (int i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
        final char ch = buffer[i];
        if (Character.isUpperCase(ch)) {
            buffer[i] = Character.toLowerCase(ch);
        } else if (Character.isTitleCase(ch)) {
            buffer[i] = Character.toLowerCase(ch);
        } else if (Character.isLowerCase(ch)) {
            buffer[i] = Character.toUpperCase(ch);
    return new String(buffer);

// Count matches

 * StringUtils.countMatches(null, *)       = 0
 * StringUtils.countMatches("", *)         = 0
 * StringUtils.countMatches("abba", null)  = 0
 * StringUtils.countMatches("abba", "")    = 0
 * StringUtils.countMatches("abba", "a")   = 2
 * StringUtils.countMatches("abba", "ab")  = 1
 * StringUtils.countMatches("abba", "xxx") = 0

public static int countMatches(final CharSequence str, final CharSequence sub) {
    if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(sub)) {
        return 0;
    int count = 0;
    int idx = 0;
    while ((idx = CharSequenceUtils.indexOf(str, sub, idx)) != INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {
        idx += sub.length();
    return count;

// Character Tests

 * StringUtils.isAlpha(null)   = false
 * StringUtils.isAlpha("")     = false
 * StringUtils.isAlpha("  ")   = false
 * StringUtils.isAlpha("abc")  = true
 * StringUtils.isAlpha("ab2c") = false
 * StringUtils.isAlpha("ab-c") = false

public static boolean isAlpha(final CharSequence cs) {
    if (isEmpty(cs)) {
        return false;
    final int sz = cs.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
        if (Character.isLetter(cs.charAt(i)) == false) {
            return false;
    return true;

 * StringUtils.isAlphaSpace(null)   = false
 * StringUtils.isAlphaSpace("")     = true
 * StringUtils.isAlphaSpace("  ")   = true
 * StringUtils.isAlphaSpace("abc")  = true
 * StringUtils.isAlphaSpace("ab c") = true
 * StringUtils.isAlphaSpace("ab2c") = false
 * StringUtils.isAlphaSpace("ab-c") = false
public static boolean isAlphaSpace(final CharSequence cs) {
    if (cs == null) {
        return false;
    final int sz = cs.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
        if (Character.isLetter(cs.charAt(i)) == false && cs.charAt(i) != ' ') {
            return false;
    return true;

 * StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(null)   = false
 * StringUtils.isAlphanumeric("")     = false
 * StringUtils.isAlphanumeric("  ")   = false
 * StringUtils.isAlphanumeric("abc")  = true
 * StringUtils.isAlphanumeric("ab c") = false
 * StringUtils.isAlphanumeric("ab2c") = true
 * StringUtils.isAlphanumeric("ab-c") = false

public static boolean isAlphanumeric(final CharSequence cs) {
    if (isEmpty(cs)) {
        return false;
    final int sz = cs.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
        if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(cs.charAt(i)) == false) {
            return false;
    return true;

 * StringUtils.isAlphanumericSpace(null)   = false
 * StringUtils.isAlphanumericSpace("")     = true
 * StringUtils.isAlphanumericSpace("  ")   = true
 * StringUtils.isAlphanumericSpace("abc")  = true
 * StringUtils.isAlphanumericSpace("ab c") = true
 * StringUtils.isAlphanumericSpace("ab2c") = true
 * StringUtils.isAlphanumericSpace("ab-c") = false
public static boolean isAlphanumericSpace(final CharSequence cs) {
    if (cs == null) {
        return false;
    final int sz = cs.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
        if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(cs.charAt(i)) == false && cs.charAt(i) != ' ') {
            return false;
    return true;

 * StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable(null)     = false
 * StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable("")       = true
 * StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable(" ")      = true
 * StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable("Ceki")   = true
 * StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable("ab2c")   = true
 * StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable("!ab-c~") = true
 * StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable("\u0020") = true
 * StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable("\u0021") = true
 * StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable("\u007e") = true
 * StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable("\u007f") = false
 * StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable("Ceki G\u00fclc\u00fc") = false
public static boolean isAsciiPrintable(final CharSequence cs) {
    if (cs == null) {
        return false;
    final int sz = cs.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
        if (CharUtils.isAsciiPrintable(cs.charAt(i)) == false) {
            return false;
    return true;

 * StringUtils.isNumeric(null)   = false
 * StringUtils.isNumeric("")     = false
 * StringUtils.isNumeric("  ")   = false
 * StringUtils.isNumeric("123")  = true
 * StringUtils.isNumeric("12 3") = false
 * StringUtils.isNumeric("ab2c") = false
 * StringUtils.isNumeric("12-3") = false
 * StringUtils.isNumeric("12.3") = false
 * StringUtils.isNumeric("-123") = false
 * StringUtils.isNumeric("+123") = false

public static boolean isNumeric(final CharSequence cs) {
    if (isEmpty(cs)) {
        return false;
    final int sz = cs.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
        if (Character.isDigit(cs.charAt(i)) == false) {
            return false;
    return true;

 * StringUtils.isNumericSpace(null)   = false
 * StringUtils.isNumericSpace("")     = true
 * StringUtils.isNumericSpace("  ")   = true
 * StringUtils.isNumericSpace("123")  = true
 * StringUtils.isNumericSpace("12 3") = true
 * StringUtils.isNumericSpace("ab2c") = false
 * StringUtils.isNumericSpace("12-3") = false
 * StringUtils.isNumericSpace("12.3") = false
public static boolean isNumericSpace(final CharSequence cs) {
    if (cs == null) {
        return false;
    final int sz = cs.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
        if (Character.isDigit(cs.charAt(i)) == false && cs.charAt(i) != ' ') {
            return false;
    return true;

 * StringUtils.isWhitespace(null)   = false
 * StringUtils.isWhitespace("")     = true
 * StringUtils.isWhitespace("  ")   = true
 * StringUtils.isWhitespace("abc")  = false
 * StringUtils.isWhitespace("ab2c") = false
 * StringUtils.isWhitespace("ab-c") = false

public static boolean isWhitespace(final CharSequence cs) {
    if (cs == null) {
        return false;
    final int sz = cs.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
        if (Character.isWhitespace(cs.charAt(i)) == false) {
            return false;
    return true;

 * StringUtils.isAllLowerCase(null)   = false
 * StringUtils.isAllLowerCase("")     = false
 * StringUtils.isAllLowerCase("  ")   = false
 * StringUtils.isAllLowerCase("abc")  = true
 * StringUtils.isAllLowerCase("abC") = false
public static boolean isAllLowerCase(final CharSequence cs) {
    if (cs == null || isEmpty(cs)) {
        return false;
    final int sz = cs.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
        if (Character.isLowerCase(cs.charAt(i)) == false) {
            return false;
    return true;

 * StringUtils.isAllUpperCase(null)   = false
 * StringUtils.isAllUpperCase("")     = false
 * StringUtils.isAllUpperCase("  ")   = false
 * StringUtils.isAllUpperCase("ABC")  = true
 * StringUtils.isAllUpperCase("aBC") = false
public static boolean isAllUpperCase(final CharSequence cs) {
    if (cs == null || isEmpty(cs)) {
        return false;
    final int sz = cs.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
        if (Character.isUpperCase(cs.charAt(i)) == false) {
            return false;
    return true;

// Defaults

 * StringUtils.defaultString(null)  = ""
 * StringUtils.defaultString("")    = ""
 * StringUtils.defaultString("bat") = "bat"
public static String defaultString(final String str) {
    return str == null ? EMPTY : str;

 * StringUtils.defaultString(null, "NULL")  = "NULL"
 * StringUtils.defaultString("", "NULL")    = ""
 * StringUtils.defaultString("bat", "NULL") = "bat"
public static String defaultString(final String str, final String defaultStr) {
    return str == null ? defaultStr : str;

 * StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(null, "NULL")  = "NULL"
 * StringUtils.defaultIfBlank("", "NULL")    = "NULL"
 * StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(" ", "NULL")   = "NULL"
 * StringUtils.defaultIfBlank("bat", "NULL") = "bat"
 * StringUtils.defaultIfBlank("", null)      = null

public static <T extends CharSequence> T defaultIfBlank(final T str, final T defaultStr) {
    return StringUtils.isBlank(str) ? defaultStr : str;

 * StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(null, "NULL")  = "NULL"
 * StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty("", "NULL")    = "NULL"
 * StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(" ", "NULL")   = " "
 * StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty("bat", "NULL") = "bat"
 * StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty("", null)      = null
public static <T extends CharSequence> T defaultIfEmpty(final T str, final T defaultStr) {
    return StringUtils.isEmpty(str) ? defaultStr : str;

// Reversing

 * StringUtils.reverse(null)  = null
 * StringUtils.reverse("")    = ""
 * StringUtils.reverse("bat") = "tab"

public static String reverse(final String str) {
    if (str == null) {
        return null;
    return new StringBuilder(str).reverse().toString();

 * StringUtils.reverseDelimited(null, *)      = null
 * StringUtils.reverseDelimited("", *)        = ""
 * StringUtils.reverseDelimited("a.b.c", 'x') = "a.b.c"
 * StringUtils.reverseDelimited("a.b.c", ".") = "c.b.a"
public static String reverseDelimited(final String str, final char separatorChar) {
    if (str == null) {
        return null;
    // could implement manually, but simple way is to reuse other,
    // probably slower, methods.
    final String[] strs = split(str, separatorChar);
    return join(strs, separatorChar);

// Abbreviating

 * StringUtils.abbreviate(null, *)      = null
 * StringUtils.abbreviate("", 4)        = ""
 * StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefg", 6) = "abc..."
 * StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefg", 7) = "abcdefg"
 * StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefg", 8) = "abcdefg"
 * StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefg", 4) = "a..."
 * StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefg", 3) = IllegalArgumentException

public static String abbreviate(final String str, final int maxWidth) {
    return abbreviate(str, 0, maxWidth);

 * StringUtils.abbreviate(null, *, *)                = null
 * StringUtils.abbreviate("", 0, 4)                  = ""
 * StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", -1, 10) = "abcdefg..."
 * StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 0, 10)  = "abcdefg..."
 * StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 1, 10)  = "abcdefg..."
 * StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 4, 10)  = "abcdefg..."
 * StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 5, 10)  = "...fghi..."
 * StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 6, 10)  = "...ghij..."
 * StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 8, 10)  = "...ijklmno"
 * StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 10, 10) = "...ijklmno"
 * StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 12, 10) = "...ijklmno"
 * StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghij", 0, 3)        = IllegalArgumentException
 * StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghij", 5, 6)        = IllegalArgumentException
public static String abbreviate(final String str, int offset, final int maxWidth) {
    if (str == null) {
        return null;
    if (maxWidth < 4) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Minimum abbreviation width is 4");
    if (str.length() <= maxWidth) {
        return str;
    if (offset > str.length()) {
        offset = str.length();
    if (str.length() - offset < maxWidth - 3) {
        offset = str.length() - (maxWidth - 3);
    final String abrevMarker = "...";
    if (offset <= 4) {
        return str.substring(0, maxWidth - 3) + abrevMarker;
    if (maxWidth < 7) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Minimum abbreviation width with offset is 7");
    if (offset + maxWidth - 3 < str.length()) {
        return abrevMarker + abbreviate(str.substring(offset), maxWidth - 3);
    return abrevMarker + str.substring(str.length() - (maxWidth - 3));

 * StringUtils.abbreviateMiddle(null, null, 0)      = null
 * StringUtils.abbreviateMiddle("abc", null, 0)      = "abc"
 * StringUtils.abbreviateMiddle("abc", ".", 0)      = "abc"
 * StringUtils.abbreviateMiddle("abc", ".", 3)      = "abc"
 * StringUtils.abbreviateMiddle("abcdef", ".", 4)     = "ab.f"
public static String abbreviateMiddle(final String str, final String middle, final int length) {
    if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(middle)) {
        return str;

    if (length >= str.length() || length < middle.length()+2) {
        return str;

    final int targetSting = length-middle.length();
    final int startOffset = targetSting/2+targetSting%2;
    final int endOffset = str.length()-targetSting/2;

    final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(length);

    return builder.toString();

// Difference

 * StringUtils.difference(null, null) = null
 * StringUtils.difference("", "") = ""
 * StringUtils.difference("", "abc") = "abc"
 * StringUtils.difference("abc", "") = ""
 * StringUtils.difference("abc", "abc") = ""
 * StringUtils.difference("abc", "ab") = ""
 * StringUtils.difference("ab", "abxyz") = "xyz"
 * StringUtils.difference("abcde", "abxyz") = "xyz"
 * StringUtils.difference("abcde", "xyz") = "xyz"

public static String difference(final String str1, final String str2) {
    if (str1 == null) {
        return str2;
    if (str2 == null) {
        return str1;
    final int at = indexOfDifference(str1, str2);
    if (at == INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {
        return EMPTY;
    return str2.substring(at);

 * StringUtils.indexOfDifference(null, null) = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfDifference("", "") = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfDifference("", "abc") = 0
 * StringUtils.indexOfDifference("abc", "") = 0
 * StringUtils.indexOfDifference("abc", "abc") = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfDifference("ab", "abxyz") = 2
 * StringUtils.indexOfDifference("abcde", "abxyz") = 2
 * StringUtils.indexOfDifference("abcde", "xyz") = 0
public static int indexOfDifference(final CharSequence cs1, final CharSequence cs2) {
    if (cs1 == cs2) {
        return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
    if (cs1 == null || cs2 == null) {
        return 0;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < cs1.length() && i < cs2.length(); ++i) {
        if (cs1.charAt(i) != cs2.charAt(i)) {
    if (i < cs2.length() || i < cs1.length()) {
        return i;
    return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;

 * StringUtils.indexOfDifference(null) = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {}) = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"abc"}) = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {null, null}) = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"", ""}) = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"", null}) = 0
 * StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"abc", null, null}) = 0
 * StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {null, null, "abc"}) = 0
 * StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"", "abc"}) = 0
 * StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"abc", ""}) = 0
 * StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"abc", "abc"}) = -1
 * StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"abc", "a"}) = 1
 * StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"ab", "abxyz"}) = 2
 * StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"abcde", "abxyz"}) = 2
 * StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"abcde", "xyz"}) = 0
 * StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"xyz", "abcde"}) = 0
 * StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"i am a machine", "i am a robot"}) = 7

public static int indexOfDifference(final CharSequence... css) {
    if (css == null || css.length <= 1) {
        return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
    boolean anyStringNull = false;
    boolean allStringsNull = true;
    final int arrayLen = css.length;
    int shortestStrLen = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    int longestStrLen = 0;

    // find the min and max string lengths; this avoids checking to make
    // sure we are not exceeding the length of the string each time through
    // the bottom loop.
    for (int i = 0; i < arrayLen; i++) {
        if (css[i] == null) {
            anyStringNull = true;
            shortestStrLen = 0;
        } else {
            allStringsNull = false;
            shortestStrLen = Math.min(css[i].length(), shortestStrLen);
            longestStrLen = Math.max(css[i].length(), longestStrLen);

    // handle lists containing all nulls or all empty strings
    if (allStringsNull || longestStrLen == 0 && !anyStringNull) {
        return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;

    // handle lists containing some nulls or some empty strings
    if (shortestStrLen == 0) {
        return 0;

    // find the position with the first difference across all strings
    int firstDiff = -1;
    for (int stringPos = 0; stringPos < shortestStrLen; stringPos++) {
        final char comparisonChar = css[0].charAt(stringPos);
        for (int arrayPos = 1; arrayPos < arrayLen; arrayPos++) {
            if (css[arrayPos].charAt(stringPos) != comparisonChar) {
                firstDiff = stringPos;
        if (firstDiff != -1) {

    if (firstDiff == -1 && shortestStrLen != longestStrLen) {
        // we compared all of the characters up to the length of the
        // shortest string and didn't find a match, but the string lengths
        // vary, so return the length of the shortest string.
        return shortestStrLen;
    return firstDiff;

 * StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(null) = ""
 * StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {}) = ""
 * StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"abc"}) = "abc"
 * StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {null, null}) = ""
 * StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"", ""}) = ""
 * StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"", null}) = ""
 * StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"abc", null, null}) = ""
 * StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {null, null, "abc"}) = ""
 * StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"", "abc"}) = ""
 * StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"abc", ""}) = ""
 * StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"abc", "abc"}) = "abc"
 * StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"abc", "a"}) = "a"
 * StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"ab", "abxyz"}) = "ab"
 * StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"abcde", "abxyz"}) = "ab"
 * StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"abcde", "xyz"}) = ""
 * StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"xyz", "abcde"}) = ""
 * StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"i am a machine", "i am a robot"}) = "i am a "

public static String getCommonPrefix(final String... strs) {
    if (strs == null || strs.length == 0) {
        return EMPTY;
    final int smallestIndexOfDiff = indexOfDifference(strs);
    if (smallestIndexOfDiff == INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {
        // all strings were identical
        if (strs[0] == null) {
            return EMPTY;
        return strs[0];
    } else if (smallestIndexOfDiff == 0) {
        // there were no common initial characters
        return EMPTY;
    } else {
        // we found a common initial character sequence
        return strs[0].substring(0, smallestIndexOfDiff);

// Misc

 * StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(null, *)             = IllegalArgumentException
 * StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(*, null)             = IllegalArgumentException
 * StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("","")               = 0
 * StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("","a")              = 1
 * StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("aaapppp", "")       = 7
 * StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("frog", "fog")       = 1
 * StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("fly", "ant")        = 3
 * StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("elephant", "hippo") = 7
 * StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("hippo", "elephant") = 7
 * StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("hippo", "zzzzzzzz") = 8
 * StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("hello", "hallo")    = 1
public static int getLevenshteinDistance(CharSequence s, CharSequence t) {
    if (s == null || t == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Strings must not be null");

    int n = s.length(); // length of s
    int m = t.length(); // length of t

    if (n == 0) {
        return m;
    } else if (m == 0) {
        return n;

    if (n > m) {
        // swap the input strings to consume less memory
        final CharSequence tmp = s;
        s = t;
        t = tmp;
        n = m;
        m = t.length();

    int p[] = new int[n + 1]; //'previous' cost array, horizontally
    int d[] = new int[n + 1]; // cost array, horizontally
    int _d[]; //placeholder to assist in swapping p and d

    // indexes into strings s and t
    int i; // iterates through s
    int j; // iterates through t

    char t_j; // jth character of t

    int cost; // cost

    for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
        p[i] = i;

    for (j = 1; j <= m; j++) {
        t_j = t.charAt(j - 1);
        d[0] = j;

        for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
            cost = s.charAt(i - 1) == t_j ? 0 : 1;
            // minimum of cell to the left+1, to the top+1, diagonally left and up +cost
            d[i] = Math.min(Math.min(d[i - 1] + 1, p[i] + 1), p[i - 1] + cost);

        // copy current distance counts to 'previous row' distance counts
        _d = p;
        p = d;
        d = _d;

    // our last action in the above loop was to switch d and p, so p now
    // actually has the most recent cost counts
    return p[n];

 * StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(null, *, *)             = IllegalArgumentException
 * StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(*, null, *)             = IllegalArgumentException
 * StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(*, *, -1)               = IllegalArgumentException
 * StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("","", 0)               = 0
 * StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("aaapppp", "", 8)       = 7
 * StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("aaapppp", "", 7)       = 7
 * StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("aaapppp", "", 6))      = -1
 * StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("elephant", "hippo", 7) = 7
 * StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("elephant", "hippo", 6) = -1
 * StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("hippo", "elephant", 7) = 7
 * StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("hippo", "elephant", 6) = -1
public static int getLevenshteinDistance(CharSequence s, CharSequence t, final int threshold) {
    if (s == null || t == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Strings must not be null");
    if (threshold < 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Threshold must not be negative");


    int n = s.length(); // length of s
    int m = t.length(); // length of t

    if (n == 0) {
        return m <= threshold ? m : -1;
    } else if (m == 0) {
        return n <= threshold ? n : -1;

    if (n > m) {
        // swap the two strings to consume less memory
        final CharSequence tmp = s;
        s = t;
        t = tmp;
        n = m;
        m = t.length();

    int p[] = new int[n + 1]; 
    int d[] = new int[n + 1]; 
    int _d[];

    final int boundary = Math.min(n, threshold) + 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < boundary; i++) {
        p[i] = i;
    Arrays.fill(p, boundary, p.length, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    Arrays.fill(d, Integer.MAX_VALUE);

    for (int j = 1; j <= m; j++) {
        final char t_j = t.charAt(j - 1); 
        d[0] = j;

        final int min = Math.max(1, j - threshold);
        final int max = (j > Integer.MAX_VALUE - threshold) ? n : Math.min(n, j + threshold);

        if (min > max) {
            return -1;

        // ignore entry left of leftmost
        if (min > 1) {
            d[min - 1] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

        for (int i = min; i <= max; i++) {
            if (s.charAt(i - 1) == t_j) {
                d[i] = p[i - 1];
            } else {
                d[i] = 1 + Math.min(Math.min(d[i - 1], p[i]), p[i - 1]);

        _d = p;
        p = d;
        d = _d;

    if (p[n] <= threshold) {
        return p[n];
    return -1;

 * StringUtils.getJaroWinklerDistance(null, null)          = IllegalArgumentException
 * StringUtils.getJaroWinklerDistance("","")               = 0.0
 * StringUtils.getJaroWinklerDistance("","a")              = 0.0
 * StringUtils.getJaroWinklerDistance("aaapppp", "")       = 0.0
 * StringUtils.getJaroWinklerDistance("frog", "fog")       = 0.93
 * StringUtils.getJaroWinklerDistance("fly", "ant")        = 0.0
 * StringUtils.getJaroWinklerDistance("elephant", "hippo") = 0.44
 * StringUtils.getJaroWinklerDistance("hippo", "elephant") = 0.44
 * StringUtils.getJaroWinklerDistance("hippo", "zzzzzzzz") = 0.0
 * StringUtils.getJaroWinklerDistance("hello", "hallo")    = 0.88
 * StringUtils.getJaroWinklerDistance("ABC Corporation", "ABC Corp") = 0.91
 * StringUtils.getJaroWinklerDistance("D N H Enterprises Inc", "D & H Enterprises, Inc.") = 0.93
 * StringUtils.getJaroWinklerDistance("My Gym Children's Fitness Center", "My Gym. Childrens Fitness") = 0.94
 * StringUtils.getJaroWinklerDistance("PENNSYLVANIA", "PENNCISYLVNIA")    = 0.9
public static double getJaroWinklerDistance(final CharSequence first, final CharSequence second) {
    final double DEFAULT_SCALING_FACTOR = 0.1;

    if (first == null || second == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Strings must not be null");

    final double jaro = score(first,second);
    final int cl = commonPrefixLength(first, second);
    final double matchScore = Math.round((jaro + (DEFAULT_SCALING_FACTOR * cl * (1.0 - jaro))) *100.0)/100.0;

    return  matchScore;

private static double score(final CharSequence first, final CharSequence second) {
    String shorter;
    String longer;

    // Determine which String is longer.
    if (first.length() > second.length()) {
        longer = first.toString().toLowerCase();
        shorter = second.toString().toLowerCase();
    } else {
        longer = second.toString().toLowerCase();
        shorter = first.toString().toLowerCase();

    // Calculate the half length() distance of the shorter String.
    final int halflength = (shorter.length() / 2) + 1;

    // Find the set of matching characters between the shorter and longer strings. Note that
    // the set of matching characters may be different depending on the order of the strings.
    final String m1 = getSetOfMatchingCharacterWithin(shorter, longer, halflength);
    final String m2 = getSetOfMatchingCharacterWithin(longer, shorter, halflength);

    // If one or both of the sets of common characters is empty, then
    // there is no similarity between the two strings.
    if (m1.length() == 0 || m2.length() == 0) {
        return 0.0;

    // If the set of common characters is not the same size, then
    // there is no similarity between the two strings, either.
    if (m1.length() != m2.length()) {
        return 0.0;

    // Calculate the number of transposition between the two sets
    // of common characters.
    final int transpositions = transpositions(m1, m2);

    // Calculate the distance.
    final double dist =
            (m1.length() / ((double)shorter.length()) +
                    m2.length() / ((double)longer.length()) +
                    (m1.length() - transpositions) / ((double)m1.length())) / 3.0;
    return dist;

private static String getSetOfMatchingCharacterWithin(final CharSequence first, final CharSequence second, final int limit) {
    final StringBuilder common = new StringBuilder();
    final StringBuilder copy = new StringBuilder(second);

    for (int i = 0; i < first.length(); i++) {
        final char ch = first.charAt(i);
        boolean found = false;

        // See if the character is within the limit positions away from the original position of that character.
        for (int j = Math.max(0, i - limit); !found && j < Math.min(i + limit, second.length()); j++) {
            if (copy.charAt(j) == ch) {
                found = true;
    return common.toString();

private static int transpositions(CharSequence first, CharSequence second) {
    int transpositions = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < first.length(); i++) {
        if (first.charAt(i) != second.charAt(i)) {
    return transpositions / 2;

private static int commonPrefixLength(CharSequence first, CharSequence second) {
    final int result = getCommonPrefix(first.toString(), second.toString()).length();

    // Limit the result to 4.
    return result > 4 ? 4 : result;

// startsWith

 * StringUtils.startsWith(null, null)      = true
 * StringUtils.startsWith(null, "abc")     = false
 * StringUtils.startsWith("abcdef", null)  = false
 * StringUtils.startsWith("abcdef", "abc") = true
 * StringUtils.startsWith("ABCDEF", "abc") = false

public static boolean startsWith(final CharSequence str, final CharSequence prefix) {
    return startsWith(str, prefix, false);

 * StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(null, null)      = true
 * StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(null, "abc")     = false
 * StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase("abcdef", null)  = false
 * StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase("abcdef", "abc") = true
 * StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase("ABCDEF", "abc") = true
public static boolean startsWithIgnoreCase(final CharSequence str, final CharSequence prefix) {
    return startsWith(str, prefix, true);

private static boolean startsWith(final CharSequence str, final CharSequence prefix, final boolean ignoreCase) {
    if (str == null || prefix == null) {
        return str == null && prefix == null;
    if (prefix.length() > str.length()) {
        return false;
    return CharSequenceUtils.regionMatches(str, ignoreCase, 0, prefix, 0, prefix.length());

 * StringUtils.startsWithAny(null, null)      = false
 * StringUtils.startsWithAny(null, new String[] {"abc"})  = false
 * StringUtils.startsWithAny("abcxyz", null)     = false
 * StringUtils.startsWithAny("abcxyz", new String[] {""}) = false
 * StringUtils.startsWithAny("abcxyz", new String[] {"abc"}) = true
 * StringUtils.startsWithAny("abcxyz", new String[] {null, "xyz", "abc"}) = true
public static boolean startsWithAny(final CharSequence string, final CharSequence... searchStrings) {
    if (isEmpty(string) || ArrayUtils.isEmpty(searchStrings)) {
        return false;
    for (final CharSequence searchString : searchStrings) {
        if (StringUtils.startsWith(string, searchString)) {
            return true;
    return false;

// endsWith

 * StringUtils.endsWith(null, null)      = true
 * StringUtils.endsWith(null, "def")     = false
 * StringUtils.endsWith("abcdef", null)  = false
 * StringUtils.endsWith("abcdef", "def") = true
 * StringUtils.endsWith("ABCDEF", "def") = false
 * StringUtils.endsWith("ABCDEF", "cde") = false
public static boolean endsWith(final CharSequence str, final CharSequence suffix) {
    return endsWith(str, suffix, false);

 * StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(null, null)      = true
 * StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(null, "def")     = false
 * StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase("abcdef", null)  = false
 * StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase("abcdef", "def") = true
 * StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase("ABCDEF", "def") = true
 * StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase("ABCDEF", "cde") = false
public static boolean endsWithIgnoreCase(final CharSequence str, final CharSequence suffix) {
    return endsWith(str, suffix, true);

private static boolean endsWith(final CharSequence str, final CharSequence suffix, final boolean ignoreCase) {
    if (str == null || suffix == null) {
        return str == null && suffix == null;
    if (suffix.length() > str.length()) {
        return false;
    final int strOffset = str.length() - suffix.length();
    return CharSequenceUtils.regionMatches(str, ignoreCase, strOffset, suffix, 0, suffix.length());

public static String normalizeSpace(final String str) {
    if (str == null) {
        return null;
    return WHITESPACE_PATTERN.matcher(trim(str)).replaceAll(SPACE);

 * StringUtils.endsWithAny(null, null)      = false
 * StringUtils.endsWithAny(null, new String[] {"abc"})  = false
 * StringUtils.endsWithAny("abcxyz", null)     = false
 * StringUtils.endsWithAny("abcxyz", new String[] {""}) = true
 * StringUtils.endsWithAny("abcxyz", new String[] {"xyz"}) = true
 * StringUtils.endsWithAny("abcxyz", new String[] {null, "xyz", "abc"}) = true
public static boolean endsWithAny(final CharSequence string, final CharSequence... searchStrings) {
    if (isEmpty(string) || ArrayUtils.isEmpty(searchStrings)) {
        return false;
    for (final CharSequence searchString : searchStrings) {
        if (StringUtils.endsWith(string, searchString)) {
            return true;
    return false;

private static String appendIfMissing(final String str, final CharSequence suffix, final boolean ignoreCase, final CharSequence... suffixes) {
    if (str == null || isEmpty(suffix) || endsWith(str, suffix, ignoreCase)) {
        return str;
    if (suffixes != null && suffixes.length > 0) {
        for (final CharSequence s : suffixes) {
            if (endsWith(str, s, ignoreCase)) {
                return str;
    return str + suffix.toString();

 * StringUtils.appendIfMissing(null, null) = null
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissing("abc", null) = "abc"
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissing("", "xyz") = "xyz"
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissing("abc", "xyz") = "abcxyz"
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissing("abcxyz", "xyz") = "abcxyz"
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissing("abcXYZ", "xyz") = "abcXYZxyz"
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissing(null, null, null) = null
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissing("abc", null, null) = "abc"
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissing("", "xyz", null) = "xyz"
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissing("abc", "xyz", new CharSequence[]{null}) = "abcxyz"
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissing("abc", "xyz", "") = "abc"
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissing("abc", "xyz", "mno") = "abcxyz"
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissing("abcxyz", "xyz", "mno") = "abcxyz"
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissing("abcmno", "xyz", "mno") = "abcmno"
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissing("abcXYZ", "xyz", "mno") = "abcXYZxyz"
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissing("abcMNO", "xyz", "mno") = "abcMNOxyz"
public static String appendIfMissing(final String str, final CharSequence suffix, final CharSequence... suffixes) {
    return appendIfMissing(str, suffix, false, suffixes);

 * StringUtils.appendIfMissingIgnoreCase(null, null) = null
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissingIgnoreCase("abc", null) = "abc"
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissingIgnoreCase("", "xyz") = "xyz"
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissingIgnoreCase("abc", "xyz") = "abcxyz"
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissingIgnoreCase("abcxyz", "xyz") = "abcxyz"
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissingIgnoreCase("abcXYZ", "xyz") = "abcXYZ"

 * StringUtils.appendIfMissingIgnoreCase(null, null, null) = null
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissingIgnoreCase("abc", null, null) = "abc"
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissingIgnoreCase("", "xyz", null) = "xyz"
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissingIgnoreCase("abc", "xyz", new CharSequence[]{null}) = "abcxyz"
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissingIgnoreCase("abc", "xyz", "") = "abc"
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissingIgnoreCase("abc", "xyz", "mno") = "axyz"
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissingIgnoreCase("abcxyz", "xyz", "mno") = "abcxyz"
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissingIgnoreCase("abcmno", "xyz", "mno") = "abcmno"
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissingIgnoreCase("abcXYZ", "xyz", "mno") = "abcXYZ"
 * StringUtils.appendIfMissingIgnoreCase("abcMNO", "xyz", "mno") = "abcMNO"
public static String appendIfMissingIgnoreCase(final String str, final CharSequence suffix, final CharSequence... suffixes) {
    return appendIfMissing(str, suffix, true, suffixes);

private static String prependIfMissing(final String str, final CharSequence prefix, final boolean ignoreCase, final CharSequence... prefixes) {
    if (str == null || isEmpty(prefix) || startsWith(str, prefix, ignoreCase)) {
        return str;
    if (prefixes != null && prefixes.length > 0) {
        for (final CharSequence p : prefixes) {
            if (startsWith(str, p, ignoreCase)) {
                return str;
    return prefix.toString() + str;

 * StringUtils.prependIfMissing(null, null) = null
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissing("abc", null) = "abc"
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissing("", "xyz") = "xyz"
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissing("abc", "xyz") = "xyzabc"
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissing("xyzabc", "xyz") = "xyzabc"
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissing("XYZabc", "xyz") = "xyzXYZabc"
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissing(null, null, null) = null
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissing("abc", null, null) = "abc"
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissing("", "xyz", null) = "xyz"
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissing("abc", "xyz", new CharSequence[]{null}) = "xyzabc"
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissing("abc", "xyz", "") = "abc"
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissing("abc", "xyz", "mno") = "xyzabc"
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissing("xyzabc", "xyz", "mno") = "xyzabc"
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissing("mnoabc", "xyz", "mno") = "mnoabc"
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissing("XYZabc", "xyz", "mno") = "xyzXYZabc"
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissing("MNOabc", "xyz", "mno") = "xyzMNOabc"
 e 3.2
public static String prependIfMissing(final String str, final CharSequence prefix, final CharSequence... prefixes) {
    return prependIfMissing(str, prefix, false, prefixes);

 * StringUtils.prependIfMissingIgnoreCase(null, null) = null
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissingIgnoreCase("abc", null) = "abc"
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissingIgnoreCase("", "xyz") = "xyz"
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissingIgnoreCase("abc", "xyz") = "xyzabc"
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissingIgnoreCase("xyzabc", "xyz") = "xyzabc"
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissingIgnoreCase("XYZabc", "xyz") = "XYZabc"
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissingIgnoreCase(null, null, null) = null
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissingIgnoreCase("abc", null, null) = "abc"
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissingIgnoreCase("", "xyz", null) = "xyz"
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissingIgnoreCase("abc", "xyz", new CharSequence[]{null}) = "xyzabc"
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissingIgnoreCase("abc", "xyz", "") = "abc"
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissingIgnoreCase("abc", "xyz", "mno") = "xyzabc"
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissingIgnoreCase("xyzabc", "xyz", "mno") = "xyzabc"
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissingIgnoreCase("mnoabc", "xyz", "mno") = "mnoabc"
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissingIgnoreCase("XYZabc", "xyz", "mno") = "XYZabc"
 * StringUtils.prependIfMissingIgnoreCase("MNOabc", "xyz", "mno") = "MNOabc"

public static String prependIfMissingIgnoreCase(final String str, final CharSequence prefix, final CharSequence... prefixes) {
    return prependIfMissing(str, prefix, true, prefixes);

public static String toString(final byte[] bytes, final String charsetName) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    return charsetName != null ? new String(bytes, charsetName) : new String(bytes, Charset.defaultCharset());

public static String toEncodedString(byte[] bytes, Charset charset) {
    return new String(bytes, charset != null ? charset : Charset.defaultCharset());

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