HPUX系统Oracle RAC如何添加ASM磁盘

前言 HPUX简介

HP-UX (Hewlett-Packard Unix) 是惠普公司开发的类 Unix 操作系统。自 1980 年代问世以来,HP-UX 在技术和功能上不断发展,适应了多种硬件平台和企业计算需求。以下是 HP-UX 的发展历史概述:

1980 年代:起源与早期发展

  • 1983 年:HP-UX 1.0 发布,这是基于 UNIX System III 的操作系统,最初用于 HP 9000 系列计算机。

  • 1984 年:HP-UX 2.0 发布,基于 UNIX System V,这一版本增强了内存管理和文件系统性能。

1990 年代:扩展与创新

  • 1991 年:HP-UX 8.0 发布,引入了对多处理器的支持,并增强了图形用户界面功能。

  • 1993 年:HP-UX 9.0 发布,进一步改进了多任务处理和文件系统性能。

  • 1995 年:HP-UX 10.0 发布,这是一个重要的版本,带来了许多新特性,包括 Logical Volume Manager (LVM)、增强的用户界面、改进的安全功能和对对称多处理 (SMP) 的支持。

  • 1997 年:HP-UX 10.20 发布,提供了对 64 位计算和更大内存寻址的支持。

2000 年代:64 位架构与企业级功能

  • 2000 年:HP-UX 11i 发布,提供了更高的可靠性、可用性和服务性 (RAS) 特性,并引入了用于关键任务企业计算的改进,如动态分区和虚拟分区。

  • 2003 年:HP-UX 11i v2 (11.23) 发布,支持 Integrity 服务器,并提供更强的安全性和可管理性特性。

  • 2007 年:HP-UX 11i v3 (11.31) 发布,进一步改进了虚拟化、安全性、性能和管理功能。

2010 年代:持续改进与现代化

  • 2010 年:HP-UX 11i v3 2010 更新版发布,增强了云计算和大数据支持功能。

  • 2013 年:HP-UX 11i v3 2013 更新版发布,提供了对最新硬件的支持,并进一步改进了虚拟化和安全性。

  • 2017 年:HPE 宣布继续对 HP-UX 提供长期支持,并承诺为现有客户提供增强的功能和安全更新。

2020 年代:向长期支持转型

  • 2020 年及以后:尽管不再推出重大版本更新,HP-UX 仍然继续为企业客户提供关键任务支持。HPE 继续提供补丁、安全更新和技术支持,确保现有 HP-UX 环境的稳定运行




DATABASE: oracle  3*nodes RAC 

Storage:HP-6100 FC disk 



1. cut 2*300G RAID5 FC EVA disk to all nodes of sfc12rc rac


2. os list and find new disk on all nodes:

   ioscan -N -fCdisk   ioscan -N -m lun   ioscan -fnCdisk
   smh to check disk properties: SMH->Disks and File Systems->Disks->Details           VD name             UUID                                       LUN       sfc12rc1       sfc12rc2       sfc12rc3----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------VD_12_ORA_DATA_13   6001-4380-02a5-7554-0001-0000-0096-0000       18       disk98              disk97              disk99VD_12_ORA_DATA_14   6001-4380-02a5-7554-0001-0000-0099-0000       19       disk103        disk103              disk104

3. stop oracle cluster and OS cluster

sqlplus to close database from sfc12rc1 to sfc12rc3   --sqlplus / as sysdba   shutdown immediate on each node.   stop all oracle cluster service:    crs_stop -all   crsctl stop crs              stop OS cluster:   cmviewcl   cmhaltcl -f       cmviewcl     

 session log

sfc12rc1:/# crsctl check crsCSS appears healthyCRS appears healthyEVM appears healthysfc12rc1:/# crsctl stop crs       --stop clusterStopping resources. This could take several minutes.Successfully stopped CRS resources.Stopping CSSD.Shutting down CSS daemon.Shutdown request successfully issued.sfc12rc1:/#sfc12rc1:/#sfc12rc1:/# cmviewcl   -- view information about a high availability cluster           CLUSTER        STATUS      clu_RACSFC12   up             NODE           STATUS       STATE         sfc12rc1       up           running                    PACKAGE        STATUS        STATE         AUTO_RUN     NODE           pkgSFC12IP1    up            running       enabled      sfc12rc1       pkgSFC12DB1    up            running       disabled     sfc12rc1      NODE           STATUS       STATE         sfc12rc2       up           running                    PACKAGE        STATUS        STATE         AUTO_RUN     NODE           pkgSFC12IP2    up            running       enabled      sfc12rc2            pkgSFC12DB2    up            running       disabled     sfc12rc2      NODE           STATUS       STATE         sfc12rc3       up           running                    PACKAGE        STATUS        STATE         AUTO_RUN     NODE           pkgSFC12IP3    up            running       enabled      sfc12rc3       pkgSFC12DB3    up            running       disabled     sfc12rc3              sfc12rc1:/# cmhaltcl             --check a a high availability cluster healthyPackage pkgSFC12IP1 is still running on sfc12rc1.Package pkgSFC12IP2 is still running on sfc12rc2.Package pkgSFC12IP3 is still running on sfc12rc3.Package pkgSFC12DB1 is still running on sfc12rc1.Package pkgSFC12DB2 is still running on sfc12rc2.Package pkgSFC12DB3 is still running on sfc12rc3.Use the -f option to forcefully halt the cluster/node including halting packages.sfc12rc1:/# cmhaltcl -fDisabling all packages from starting on nodes to be halted.Warning:  Do not modify or enable packages until the halt operation is completed.Disabling automatic failover for failover packages to be halted.Halting package pkgSFC12IP1Successfully halted package pkgSFC12IP1Halting package pkgSFC12DB1Successfully halted package pkgSFC12DB1Halting package pkgSFC12IP2Successfully halted package pkgSFC12IP2Halting package pkgSFC12DB2Successfully halted package pkgSFC12DB2Halting package pkgSFC12IP3Successfully halted package pkgSFC12IP3    Halting package pkgSFC12DB3Successfully halted package pkgSFC12DB3This operation may take some time.Waiting for nodes to halt ... doneSuccessfully halted all nodes specified.Halt operation complete.sfc12rc1:/# cmviewcl      --check os cluster is down           CLUSTER        STATUS      clu_RACSFC12   down           NODE           STATUS       STATE         sfc12rc1       down         unknown       sfc12rc2       down         unknown       sfc12rc3       down         unknown        UNOWNED_PACKAGES               PACKAGE        STATUS        STATE         AUTO_RUN     NODE           pkgSFC12IP1    down          halted        enabled      unowned        pkgSFC12IP2    down          halted        enabled      unowned        pkgSFC12IP3    down          halted        enabled      unowned        pkgSFC12DB1    down          halted        disabled     unowned        pkgSFC12DB2    down          halted        disabled     unowned        pkgSFC12DB3    down          halted        disabled     unowned    sfc12rc1:/#           ----------------------------------------------------------------------

4. create VG&LV in sfc12rc1, then export VG mapfile:​​​​​​​

   Sfc12rc1:   pvcreate /dev/rdisk/disk98       pvcreate /dev/rdisk/disk103   mkdir /dev/vg_ora_data04   mknod /dev/vg_ora_data04/group c 64 0x070000              vgcreate -l 10 -s 32 vg_ora_data06 /dev/disk/disk114   vgextend vg_ora_data06 /dev/disk/disk119   vgdisplay vg_ora_data04   vgdisplay -v vg_ora_data04              lvcreate -l 9597 -n lvdata05 vg_ora_data04   lvcreate -l 9597 -n lvdata06 vg_ora_data04              mkdir -p /tmp/20111231  --from sfc12rc1 to sfc12rc3   vgexport -p -v -s -m /tmp/20111231/vg_ora_data04.map vg_ora_data04   rcp /tmp/20111231/vg_ora_data04.map sfc12rc2:/tmp/20111231   rcp /tmp/20111231/vg_ora_data04.map sfc12rc3:/tmp/20111231

sfc12rc1:/# pvcreate /dev/rdisk/disk98      --create physical volumePhysical volume "/dev/rdisk/disk98" has been successfully created.sfc12rc1:/# pvcreate /dev/rdisk/disk103     --create physical volumePhysical volume "/dev/rdisk/disk103" has been successfully created.sfc12rc1:/# ls -lrt /dev/vg_ora_data04/dev/vg_ora_data04 not found                      sfc12rc1:/# mkdir /dev/vg_ora_data04    sfc12rc1:/# mknod /dev/vg_ora_data06/group c 64 0x090000   --最后编号与其他VG不同即可sfc12rc1:/# ls -lrt /dev/vg_ora_data04  total 0crw-r--r--   1 root       sys         64 0x070000 Dec 31 08:53 group               sfc12rc1:/# vgdisplay vg_ora_data04   --display information about LVM volume groups--- Volume groups ---VG Name                     /dev/vg_ora_data04VG Write Access             read/write    VG Status                   available                Max LV                      10    Cur LV                      0     Open LV                     0     Max PV                      16    Cur PV                      2     Act PV                      2     Max PE per PV               9599        VGDA                        4  PE Size (Mbytes)            32             Total PE                    19198  Alloc PE                    0      Free PE                     19198  Total PVG                   0       Total Spare PVs             0             Total Spare PVs in use      0                    VG Version                  1.0      VG Max Size                 4914688m  VG Max Extents              153584                  sfc12rc1:/# vgdisplay -v vg_ora_data04--- Volume groups ---VG Name                     /dev/vg_ora_data04VG Write Access             read/write    VG Status                   available                Max LV                      10    Cur LV                      0     Open LV                     0     Max PV                      16    Cur PV                      2     Act PV                      2     Max PE per PV               9599        VGDA                        4       PE Size (Mbytes)            32             Total PE                    19198  Alloc PE                    0      Free PE                     19198  Total PVG                   0       Total Spare PVs             0             Total Spare PVs in use      0                    VG Version                  1.0      VG Max Size                 4914688m  VG Max Extents              153584                                --- Physical volumes ---   PV Name                     /dev/disk/disk98   PV Status                   available                  Total PE                    9599      Free PE                     9599      Autoswitch                  On          Proactive Polling           On                            PV Name                     /dev/disk/disk103   PV Status                   available                  Total PE                    9599      Free PE                     9599      Autoswitch                  On          Proactive Polling           On                                    sfc12rc1:/#sfc12rc1:/# lvcreate -l 9597 -n lvdata08 vg_ora_data06  --create logical volume / Max PE per PV 9599 但是要预留2个pe给系统使用Logical volume "/dev/vg_ora_data04/lvdata05" has been successfully created withcharacter device "/dev/vg_ora_data04/rlvdata05".Logical volume "/dev/vg_ora_data04/lvdata05" has been successfully extended.    Volume Group configuration for /dev/vg_ora_data04 has been saved in /etc/lvmconf/vg_ora_data04.confsfc12rc1:/# lvcreate -l 9597 -n lvdata09 vg_ora_data06Logical volume "/dev/vg_ora_data04/lvdata06" has been successfully created withcharacter device "/dev/vg_ora_data04/rlvdata06".Logical volume "/dev/vg_ora_data04/lvdata06" has been successfully extended.Volume Group configuration for /dev/vg_ora_data04 has been saved in /etc/lvmconf/vg_ora_data04.confsfc12rc1:/#sfc12rc1:/# lvdisplay /dev/vg_ora_data04/lvdata05   --show LV information--- Logical volumes ---LV Name                     /dev/vg_ora_data04/lvdata05VG Name                     /dev/vg_ora_data04LV Permission               read/write      LV Status                   available/syncd          Mirror copies               0           Consistency Recovery        MWC                Schedule                    parallel     LV Size (Mbytes)            307104         Current LE                  9597     Allocated PE                9597       Stripes                     0      Stripe Size (Kbytes)        0                  Bad block                   on          Allocation                  strict                   IO Timeout (Seconds)        default                       sfc12rc1:/#sfc12rc1:/# mkdir -p /tmp/20111231sfc12rc1:/# vgexport -p -v -s -m /tmp/20181001/vg_ora_data06.map vg_ora_data06--将vg配置信息导入到文件Beginning the export process on Volume Group "vg_ora_data04".    vgexport: Volume group "vg_ora_data04" is still active./dev/disk/disk98/dev/disk/disk103vgexport: Preview of vgexport on volume group "vg_ora_data04" succeeded.sfc12rc1:/#sfc12rc1:/# rcp /tmp/20181001/vg_ora_data06.map sfc12rc2:/tmp/20181001sfc12rc1:/# rcp /tmp/20181001/vg_ora_data06.map sfc12rc3:/tmp/20181001--将VG配置文件copy 到另外两个节点sfc12rc1:/#

5. import VG mapfile from sfc12rc1 to sfc12rc2:​​​​​​​

 sfc12rc2:   mkdir /dev/vg_ora_data04   mknod /dev/vg_ora_data04/group c 64 0x070000   vgimport -v -m /tmp/20181001/vg_ora_data06.map vg_ora_data06 /dev/disk/disk118 \   /dev/disk/disk119           sfc12rc2:/# mkdir /dev/vg_ora_data06sfc12rc2:/# mknod /dev/vg_ora_data06/group c 64 0x090000sfc12rc2:/# ls -lrt /dev/vg_ora_data06total 0crw-r--r--   1 root       sys         64 0x070000 Dec 31 09:03 groupsfc12rc2:/# vgimport -v -m /tmp/20111231/vg_ora_data04.map vg_ora_data04 /dev/disk/disk97 \>    /dev/disk/disk103--将vg配置信息导入到该节点Beginning the import process on Volume Group "vg_ora_data04".vgimport: Warning:  Volume Group belongs to different CPU ID.Can not determine if Volume Group is in use on another system. Continuing.Logical volume "/dev/vg_ora_data04/lvdata05" has been successfully created    with lv number 1.Logical volume "/dev/vg_ora_data04/lvdata06" has been successfully createdwith lv number 2.vgimport: Volume group "/dev/vg_ora_data04" has been successfully created.Warning: A backup of this volume group may not exist on this machine.Please remember to take a backup using the vgcfgbackup command after activating the volume group.sfc12rc2:/# vgdisplay vg_ora_data04 vgdisplay: Volume group not activated.vgdisplay: Cannot display volume group "vg_ora_data04".sfc12rc2:/# vgdisplay -v vg_ora_data04   vgdisplay: Volume group not activated.vgdisplay: Cannot display volume group "vg_ora_data04".sfc12rc2:/# lvdisplay /dev/vg_ora_data04/lvdata05lvdisplay: Couldn't query logical volume "/dev/vg_ora_data04/lvdata05":Volume group not activated.           lvdisplay: Cannot display logical volume "/dev/vg_ora_data04/lvdata05".sfc12rc2:/#           ----------------------------------------------------------------------

6. import VG mapfile from sfc12rc1 to sfc12rc3:

   sfc12rc3:   mkdir /dev/vg_ora_data06   mknod /dev/vg_ora_data06/group c 64 0x090000   vgimport -v -m /tmp/20181001/vg_ora_data06.map vg_ora_data06 /dev/disk/disk118 \   /dev/disk/disk119                      sfc12rc3:/#sfc12rc3:/# mkdir /dev/vg_ora_data04    sfc12rc3:/# mknod /dev/vg_ora_data04/group c 64 0x070000sfc12rc3:/# vgimport -v -m /tmp/20111231/vg_ora_data04.map vg_ora_data04 /dev/disk/disk99 \>    /dev/disk/disk104--将vg配置信息导入到该节点Beginning the import process on Volume Group "vg_ora_data04".vgimport: Warning:  Volume Group belongs to different CPU ID.Can not determine if Volume Group is in use on another system. Continuing.Logical volume "/dev/vg_ora_data04/lvdata05" has been successfully createdwith lv number 1.Logical volume "/dev/vg_ora_data04/lvdata06" has been successfully createdwith lv number 2.vgimport: Volume group "/dev/vg_ora_data04" has been successfully created.Warning: A backup of this volume group may not exist on this machine.Please remember to take a backup using the vgcfgbackup command after activating the volume group.sfc12rc3:/#           ----------------------------------------------------------------------

7. modify cluster configration file and apply in sfc12rc1:

 sfc12rc1:   cd /etc/cmcluster/   备份并且修改 /etc/cmcluster/cluster_sfc12.ascii 文件   在原有的vg下面,加入新的卷組信息    OPS_VOLUME_GROUP               /dev/vg_ora_data04              cmcheckconf -v -C /etc/cmcluster/cluster_sfc12.ascii              cmapplyconf -v -C /etc/cmcluster/cluster_sfc12.ascii                  rcp -p cluster_sfc12.ascii sfc12rc2:/etc/cmcluster/   rcp -p cluster_sfc12.ascii sfc12rc3:/etc/cmcluster/


cd pkgSFC12DB1   修改pkgSFC12DB1配置   备份并且在pkgSFC12DB1.cntl中加入   VG[5]=vg_ora_data04              cmapplyconf -v -C /etc/cmcluster/cluster_sfc12.ascii -P \   /etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB1/pkgSFC12DB1.conf                      sfc12rc1:/# cd /etc/cmcluster/sfc12rc1:/etc/cmcluster# ls -lrttotal 208-r--------   1 bin        bin            118 Mar 16  2007 cmknowncmdsdrwxr-xr-x   2 bin        bin           8192 Oct 22  2008 cfsdr-xr-xr-x   2 bin        bin             96 Oct 22  2008 examplesdr-xr-xr-x   4 root       root            96 Oct 22  2008 modulesdr-xr-xr-x   5 bin        bin             96 Jan  7  2009 scriptsdr-xr-xr-x   2 bin        bin           8192 Jan  7  2009 lib-rw-r--r--   1 root       sys             11 Jan 15  2009 mapfile----------   1 root       root             0 Jan 15  2009 config.lckdrwxr-xr-x   2 root       sys             96 Jan 15  2009 pkgSFC12IP1drwxr-xr-x   2 root       sys             96 Feb  9  2009 pkgSFC12IP3drwxr-xr-x   2 root       sys             96 Feb 20  2009 pkgSFC12IP2-rw-r--r--   1 root       sys          10458 Jun 29  2009 cluster_sfc12.ascii20100921drwx------   2 root       sys           8192 Sep 21  2010 pkgSFC12DB1-rw-r--r--   1 root       sys          10495 Oct  2  2010 cluster_sfc12.ascii    -rw-------   1 root       root         30916 Dec 31 08:45 cmclconfig-rw-------   1 root       root             0 Dec 31 08:45 cmclconfig.tmpsfc12rc1:/etc/cmcluster# cp cluster_sfc12.ascii cluster_sfc12.ascii20111231-- –修改系统文件前 先备份sfc12rc1:/etc/cmcluster# vi /etc/cmcluster/cluster_sfc12.ascii--在文件最后加入新的卷组信息OPS_VOLUME_GROUP  /dev/vg_ora_data04sfc12rc1:/etc/cmcluster#sfc12rc1:/etc/cmcluster# cmcheckconf -v -C /etc/cmcluster/cluster_sfc12.ascii---检查修改后的文件是否有错误Begin cluster verification...Checking cluster file: /etc/cmcluster/cluster_sfc12.asciiChecking nodes ... DoneChecking existing configuration ... DoneGathering storage informationFound 20 devices on node sfc12rc1Found 20 devices on node sfc12rc2Found 20 devices on node sfc12rc3Analysis of 60 devices should take approximately 5 seconds0%----10%----20%----30%----40%----50%----60%----70%----80%----90%----100%Found 8 volume groups on node sfc12rc1Found 8 volume groups on node sfc12rc2Found 8 volume groups on node sfc12rc3Analysis of 24 volume groups should take approximately 1 seconds0%----10%----20%----30%----40%----50%----60%----70%----80%----90%----100%Gathering network informationBeginning network probing (this may take a while)Completed network probingCluster clu_RACSFC12 is an existing cluster    Cluster clu_RACSFC12 is an existing clusterChecking for inconsistenciesMaximum configured packages parameter is 150.Configuring 6 package(s).144 package(s) can be added to this cluster.200 access policies can be added to this cluster.Modifying configuration on node sfc12rc1Modifying configuration on node sfc12rc2Modifying configuration on node sfc12rc3Modifying the cluster configuration for cluster clu_RACSFC12Modifying node sfc12rc1 in cluster clu_RACSFC12Modifying node sfc12rc2 in cluster clu_RACSFC12Modifying node sfc12rc3 in cluster clu_RACSFC12cmcheckconf: Verification completed with no errors found.Use the cmapplyconf command to apply the configuration.sfc12rc1:/etc/cmcluster#sfc12rc1:/etc/cmcluster# cmapplyconf -v -C /etc/cmcluster/cluster_sfc12.ascii--使修改生效Begin cluster verification...Checking cluster file: /etc/cmcluster/cluster_sfc12.asciiChecking nodes ... DoneChecking existing configuration ... DoneGathering storage informationFound 20 devices on node sfc12rc1Found 20 devices on node sfc12rc2Found 20 devices on node sfc12rc3Analysis of 60 devices should take approximately 5 seconds0%----10%----20%----30%----40%----50%----60%----70%----80%----90%----100%Found 8 volume groups on node sfc12rc1Found 8 volume groups on node sfc12rc2Found 8 volume groups on node sfc12rc3Analysis of 24 volume groups should take approximately 1 seconds0%----10%----20%----30%----40%----50%----60%----70%----80%----90%----100%    Gathering network informationBeginning network probing (this may take a while)Completed network probingCluster clu_RACSFC12 is an existing clusterCluster clu_RACSFC12 is an existing clusterChecking for inconsistenciesMaximum configured packages parameter is 150.Configuring 6 package(s).144 package(s) can be added to this cluster.200 access policies can be added to this cluster.Modifying configuration on node sfc12rc1Modifying configuration on node sfc12rc2Modifying configuration on node sfc12rc3Modifying the cluster configuration for cluster clu_RACSFC12Modifying node sfc12rc1 in cluster clu_RACSFC12Modifying node sfc12rc2 in cluster clu_RACSFC12Modifying node sfc12rc3 in cluster clu_RACSFC12           Modify the cluster configuration ([y]/n)? yMarking/unmarking volume groups for use in the clusterCompleted the cluster creationsfc12rc1:/etc/cmcluster#sfc12rc1:/etc/cmcluster# rcp -p cluster_sfc12.ascii sfc12rc2:/etc/cmcluster/sfc12rc1:/etc/cmcluster# rcp -p cluster_sfc12.ascii sfc12rc3:/etc/cmcluster/--将修改OK的cluster_sfc12.ascii文件copy到另外两个节点sfc12rc1:/etc/cmcluster#sfc12rc1:/etc/cmcluster# cd pkgSFC12DB1sfc12rc1:/etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB1# ls -lrttotal 464-rwx------   1 root       sys          26764 Jan 15  2009 pkgSFC12DB1.conf-rwx------   1 root       sys          64281 Jun 29  2009 pkgSFC12DB1.cntl20100921-rwx------   1 root       sys          64301 Oct  2  2010 pkgSFC12DB1.cntl    -rw-r--r--   1 root       root         67729 Dec 31 08:47 pkgSFC12DB1.cntl.logsfc12rc1:/etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB1# cp pkgSFC12DB1.cntl pkgSFC12DB1.cntl20111231sfc12rc1:/etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB1# vi pkgSFC12DB1.cntl#VG[0]=""           VG[0]=vg_ora_voteVG[1]=vg_ora_data01VG[2]=vg_ora_arch01VG[3]=vg_ora_data02VG[4]=vg_ora_data03VG[5]=vg_ora_data04    --新加sfc12rc1:/etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB1#sfc12rc1:/etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB1# cmapplyconf -v -C /etc/cmcluster/cluster_sfc12.ascii -P \>    /etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB1/pkgSFC12DB1.confBegin cluster verification...Checking cluster file: /etc/cmcluster/cluster_sfc12.asciiChecking nodes ... DoneChecking existing configuration ... DoneGathering storage informationFound 20 devices on node sfc12rc1Found 20 devices on node sfc12rc2Found 20 devices on node sfc12rc3Analysis of 60 devices should take approximately 5 seconds0%----10%----20%----30%----40%----50%----60%----70%----80%----90%----100%Found 8 volume groups on node sfc12rc1Found 8 volume groups on node sfc12rc2Found 8 volume groups on node sfc12rc3Analysis of 24 volume groups should take approximately 1 seconds0%----10%----20%----30%----40%----50%----60%----70%----80%----90%----100%Gathering network informationBeginning network probing (this may take a while)    Completed network probingCluster clu_RACSFC12 is an existing clusterParsing package file: /etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB1/pkgSFC12DB1.conf./etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB1/pkgSFC12DB1.conf: A legacy package is being used.Package pkgSFC12DB1 already exists. It will be modified.Cluster clu_RACSFC12 is an existing clusterChecking for inconsistenciesMaximum configured packages parameter is 150.Configuring 6 package(s).144 package(s) can be added to this cluster.200 access policies can be added to this cluster.Modifying configuration on node sfc12rc1Modifying configuration on node sfc12rc2Modifying configuration on node sfc12rc3Modifying the cluster configuration for cluster clu_RACSFC12Modifying node sfc12rc1 in cluster clu_RACSFC12Modifying node sfc12rc2 in cluster clu_RACSFC12Modifying node sfc12rc3 in cluster clu_RACSFC12Modifying the package configuration for package pkgSFC12DB1.           Modify the cluster configuration ([y]/n)? y Marking/unmarking volume groups for use in the clusterCompleted the cluster creationsfc12rc1:/etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB1#           ---------------------------------------------------------------------

8. modify cluster configration file and apply in sfc12rc2:  

sfc12rc2:   cd /etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB2   修改pkgSFC12DB2配置   备份并在pkgSFC12DB2.cntl中加入   VG[5]=vg_ora_data04              cmapplyconf -v -C /etc/cmcluster/cluster_sfc12.ascii -P \       /etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB2/pkgSFC12DB2.conf           sfc12rc2:/# cd /etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB2sfc12rc2:/etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB2# ls -lrttotal 448-rwx------   1 root       sys          26764 Jan 15  2009 pkgSFC12DB2.conf-rwx------   1 root       sys          64281 Jun 29  2009 pkgSFC12DB2.cntl20100921-rwx------   1 root       sys          64301 Oct  2  2010 pkgSFC12DB2.cntl-rw-r--r--   1 root       root         65051 Dec 31 08:47 pkgSFC12DB2.cntl.logsfc12rc2:/etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB2# vi pkgSFC12DB2.cntl#VG[0]=""           VG[0]=vg_ora_voteVG[1]=vg_ora_data01VG[2]=vg_ora_arch01VG[3]=vg_ora_data02VG[4]=vg_ora_data03VG[5]=vg_ora_data04    --新加sfc12rc2:/etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB2#sfc12rc2:/etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB2# cmapplyconf -v -C /etc/cmcluster/cluster_sfc12.ascii -P \>    /etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB2/pkgSFC12DB2.confBegin cluster verification...Checking cluster file: /etc/cmcluster/cluster_sfc12.asciiChecking nodes ... DoneChecking existing configuration ... DoneGathering storage informationFound 20 devices on node sfc12rc1Found 20 devices on node sfc12rc2Found 20 devices on node sfc12rc3Analysis of 60 devices should take approximately 5 seconds0%----10%----20%----30%----40%----50%----60%----70%----80%----90%----100%    Found 8 volume groups on node sfc12rc1Found 8 volume groups on node sfc12rc2Found 8 volume groups on node sfc12rc3Analysis of 24 volume groups should take approximately 1 seconds0%----10%----20%----30%----40%----50%----60%----70%----80%----90%----100%Gathering network informationBeginning network probing (this may take a while)Completed network probingCluster clu_RACSFC12 is an existing clusterParsing package file: /etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB2/pkgSFC12DB2.conf./etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB2/pkgSFC12DB2.conf: A legacy package is being used.Package pkgSFC12DB2 already exists. It will be modified.Cluster clu_RACSFC12 is an existing clusterChecking for inconsistenciesMaximum configured packages parameter is 150.Configuring 6 package(s).144 package(s) can be added to this cluster.200 access policies can be added to this cluster.Modifying configuration on node sfc12rc1Modifying configuration on node sfc12rc2Modifying configuration on node sfc12rc3Modifying the cluster configuration for cluster clu_RACSFC12Modifying node sfc12rc1 in cluster clu_RACSFC12Modifying node sfc12rc2 in cluster clu_RACSFC12Modifying node sfc12rc3 in cluster clu_RACSFC12Modifying the package configuration for package pkgSFC12DB2.           Modify the cluster configuration ([y]/n)? yMarking/unmarking volume groups for use in the clusterCompleted the cluster creationsfc12rc2:/etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB2#           ---------------------------------------------------------------------

9. modify cluster configration file and apply in sfc12rc3:    

sfc12rc3:   cd /etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB3   修改pkgSFC12DB3配置   备份并在pkgSFC12DB3.cntl中加入   VG[5]=vg_ora_data04              cmapplyconf -v -C /etc/cmcluster/cluster_sfc12.ascii -P \   /etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB3/pkgSFC12DB3.conf                      sfc12rc3:/# cd /etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB3sfc12rc3:/etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB3# ls -lrttotal 448-rwx------   1 root       sys          26764 Jan 15  2009 pkgSFC12DB3.conf-rwx------   1 root       sys          64281 Jun 29  2009 pkgSFC12DB3.cntl20100921-rwx------   1 root       sys          64301 Oct  2  2010 pkgSFC12DB3.cntl-rw-r--r--   1 root       root         62722 Dec 31 08:47 pkgSFC12DB3.cntl.logsfc12rc3:/etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB3# cp pkgSFC12DB3.cntl pkgSFC12DB3.cntl20111231sfc12rc3:/etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB3# vi pkgSFC12DB3.cntl#VG[0]=""           VG[0]=vg_ora_voteVG[1]=vg_ora_data01VG[2]=vg_ora_arch01VG[3]=vg_ora_data02VG[4]=vg_ora_data03VG[5]=vg_ora_data04    --新加sfc12rc3:/etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB3# cmapplyconf -v -C /etc/cmcluster/cluster_sfc12.ascii -P \>    /etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB3/pkgSFC12DB3.conf    Begin cluster verification...Checking cluster file: /etc/cmcluster/cluster_sfc12.asciiChecking nodes ... DoneChecking existing configuration ... DoneGathering storage informationFound 20 devices on node sfc12rc1Found 20 devices on node sfc12rc2Found 20 devices on node sfc12rc3Analysis of 60 devices should take approximately 5 seconds0%----10%----20%----30%----40%----50%----60%----70%----80%----90%----100%Found 8 volume groups on node sfc12rc1Found 8 volume groups on node sfc12rc2Found 8 volume groups on node sfc12rc3Analysis of 24 volume groups should take approximately 1 seconds0%----10%----20%----30%----40%----50%----60%----70%----80%----90%----100%Gathering network informationBeginning network probing (this may take a while)Completed network probingCluster clu_RACSFC12 is an existing clusterParsing package file: /etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB3/pkgSFC12DB3.conf./etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB3/pkgSFC12DB3.conf: A legacy package is being used.Package pkgSFC12DB3 already exists. It will be modified.Cluster clu_RACSFC12 is an existing clusterChecking for inconsistenciesMaximum configured packages parameter is 150.Configuring 6 package(s).144 package(s) can be added to this cluster.200 access policies can be added to this cluster.Modifying configuration on node sfc12rc1Modifying configuration on node sfc12rc2Modifying configuration on node sfc12rc3Modifying the cluster configuration for cluster clu_RACSFC12Modifying node sfc12rc1 in cluster clu_RACSFC12    Modifying node sfc12rc2 in cluster clu_RACSFC12Modifying node sfc12rc3 in cluster clu_RACSFC12Modifying the package configuration for package pkgSFC12DB3.           Modify the cluster configuration ([y]/n)? yMarking/unmarking volume groups for use in the clusterCompleted the cluster creationsfc12rc3:/etc/cmcluster/pkgSFC12DB3#           --------------------------------------------------------------------

10. start OS cluster in sfc12rc1:


 vgchange -a n vg_ora_data04    cmruncl    cmviewcl    cmrunpkg -n sfc12rc1 pkgSFC12DB1    cmrunpkg -n sfc12rc2 pkgSFC12DB2    cmrunpkg -n sfc12rc3 pkgSFC12DB3    cmviewcl           sfc12rc1:/#sfc12rc1:/# vgchange -a n vg_ora_data04Volume group "vg_ora_data04" has been successfully changed.sfc12rc1:/# vgdisplay /dev/vg_ora_data04vgdisplay: Volume group not activated.vgdisplay: Cannot display volume group "/dev/vg_ora_data04".sfc12rc1:/# cmruncl   --启动clustercmruncl: Validating network configuration...cmruncl: Network validation completecmruncl: Validating cluster lock disk .... DoneWaiting for cluster to form ....... doneCluster successfully formed.Check the syslog files on all nodes in the cluster to verify that no warnings occurred during startup.sfc12rc1:/# cmviewcl    --查看状态CLUSTER        STATUS      clu_RACSFC12   up                  NODE           STATUS       STATE         sfc12rc1       up           running                    PACKAGE        STATUS        STATE         AUTO_RUN     NODE           pkgSFC12IP1    up            running       enabled      sfc12rc1      NODE           STATUS       STATE         sfc12rc2       up           running                    PACKAGE        STATUS        STATE         AUTO_RUN     NODE           pkgSFC12IP2    up            running       enabled      sfc12rc2      NODE           STATUS       STATE         sfc12rc3       up           running                    PACKAGE        STATUS        STATE         AUTO_RUN     NODE           pkgSFC12IP3    up            running       enabled      sfc12rc3      UNOWNED_PACKAGES               PACKAGE        STATUS        STATE         AUTO_RUN     NODE           pkgSFC12DB1    down          halted        disabled     unowned        pkgSFC12DB2    down          halted        disabled     unowned        pkgSFC12DB3    down          halted        disabled     unowned    sfc12rc1:/# cmrunpkg -n sfc12rc1 pkgSFC12DB1 -PKG不会自动启动 需要手动启动    Running package pkgSFC12DB1 on node sfc12rc1Successfully started package pkgSFC12DB1 on node sfc12rc1cmrunpkg: All specified packages are runningsfc12rc1:/# cmrunpkg -n sfc12rc2 pkgSFC12DB2Running package pkgSFC12DB2 on node sfc12rc2Successfully started package pkgSFC12DB2 on node sfc12rc2cmrunpkg: All specified packages are runningsfc12rc1:/# cmrunpkg -n sfc12rc3 pkgSFC12DB3Running package pkgSFC12DB3 on node sfc12rc3Successfully started package pkgSFC12DB3 on node sfc12rc3cmrunpkg: All specified packages are runningsfc12rc1:/# cmviewcl          --show cluster status                        CLUSTER        STATUS      clu_RACSFC12   up             NODE           STATUS       STATE         sfc12rc1       up           running                    PACKAGE        STATUS        STATE         AUTO_RUN     NODE           pkgSFC12IP1    up            running       enabled      sfc12rc1       pkgSFC12DB1    up            running       disabled     sfc12rc1      NODE           STATUS       STATE         sfc12rc2       up           running                    PACKAGE        STATUS        STATE         AUTO_RUN     NODE           pkgSFC12IP2    up            running       enabled      sfc12rc2       pkgSFC12DB2    up            running       disabled     sfc12rc2      NODE           STATUS       STATE         sfc12rc3       up           running                         PACKAGE        STATUS        STATE         AUTO_RUN     NODE           pkgSFC12IP3    up            running       enabled      sfc12rc3       pkgSFC12DB3    up            running       disabled     sfc12rc3   sfc12rc1:/#           -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

11. chdange rlv properties and start oracle cluster from sfc12rc1 to sfc12rc3:


 chown oracle:dba /dev/vg_ora_data06/rlvdata08     chmod 660 /dev/vg_ora_data06/rlvdata08               chown oracle:dba /dev/vg_ora_data06/rlvdata09    chmod 660 /dev/vg_ora_data06/rlvdata09               ls -lrt /dev/vg_ora_data06/rlvdata*               vi /apps/oracle/admin/+ASM/pfile/init.ora    append ",'/dev/vg_ora_data06/rlvdata08','/dev/vg_ora_data06/rlvdata09'" to asm_diskstring               crsctl start crs           sfc12rc1:/#sfc12rc1:/# chown oracle:dba /dev/vg_ora_data04/rlvdata05   --change ownersfc12rc1:/# chmod 660 /dev/vg_ora_data04/rlvdata05        --change modesfc12rc1:/# chown oracle:dba /dev/vg_ora_data04/rlvdata06sfc12rc1:/# chmod 660 /dev/vg_ora_data04/rlvdata06sfc12rc1:/# ls -lrt /dev/vg_ora_data04/rlvdata*crw-rw----   1 oracle     dba         64 0x070001 Dec 31 08:57 /dev/vg_ora_data04/rlvdata05crw-rw----   1 oracle     dba         64 0x070002 Dec 31 08:57 /dev/vg_ora_data04/rlvdata06    sfc12rc1:/#sfc12rc1:/# crsctl start crs   --start crsAttempting to start CRS stackThe CRS stack will be started shortlysfc12rc1:/# crsctl check crs  --check crs statusCSS appears healthyCRS appears healthyEVM appears healthysfc12rc1:/#           --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

12. check all node find new disks,then add 2 disks to DGDATA diskgroup:

 column name format a20   select name,state,type,total_mb,free_mb,unbalanced from v$asm_diskgroup;   select name,path,total_mb,free_mb,MOUNT_STATUS,HEADER_STATUS,MODE_STATUS from v$asm_disk order by 1,2;              alter diskgroup dgdata add disk '/dev/vg_ora_data04/rlvdata05';   alter diskgroup dgdata add disk '/dev/vg_ora_data04/rlvdata06';   --   alter diskgroup dgdata rebalance power 11;              select * from v$asm_operation;   select name,total_mb,free_mb,unbalanced from v$asm_diskgroup;               select group_number,name,path,total_mb,free_mb,header_status from v$asm_disk order by 1,2;               idle>    column name format a20idle>    select name,state,type,total_mb,free_mb,unbalanced from v$asm_diskgroup;           NAME                 STATE                  TYPE           TOTAL_MB    FREE_MB UN-------------------- ---------------------- ------------ ---------- ---------- --DGARCH               MOUNTED                EXTERN           307104     304314 NDGDATA               MOUNTED                EXTERN          1228416     168358 N           idle>    select name,path,total_mb,free_mb,MOUNT_STATUS,HEADER_STATUS,MODE_STATUS from v$asm_disk order by 1,2;           NAME                 PATH                             TOTAL_MB    FREE_MB MOUNT_STATUS   HEADER_STATUS            MODE_STATUS-------------------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- -------------- ------------------------ --------------DGARCH_0000          /dev/vg_ora_arch01/rlvarch01       307104     304314 CACHED         MEMBER                   ONLINEDGDATA_0000          /dev/vg_ora_data01/rlvdata01       307104      42084 CACHED         MEMBER                   ONLINEDGDATA_0001          /dev/vg_ora_data02/rlvdata02       307104      42090 CACHED         MEMBER                   ONLINEDGDATA_0002          /dev/vg_ora_data03/rlvdata04       307104      42096 CACHED         MEMBER                   ONLINEDGDATA_0003          /dev/vg_ora_data03/rlvdata03       307104      42088 CACHED         MEMBER                   ONLINE                     /dev/vg_ora_data04/rlvdata05       307104          0 CLOSED         CANDIDATE                ONLINE                         /dev/vg_ora_data04/rlvdata06       307104          0 CLOSED         CANDIDATE                ONLINE           7 rows selected.           idle>idle> alter diskgroup dgdata add disk '/dev/vg_ora_data06/rlvdata08'; --add disk to diskgroupDiskgroup altered.           idle> alter diskgroup dgdata add disk '/dev/vg_ora_data06/rlvdata09'; --add disk to diskgroupDiskgroup altered.           idle> alter diskgroup dgdata rebalance power 11;  --rebalance diskgroup           Diskgroup altered.           idle>idle>idle>    select * from v$asm_operation;   select name,total_mb,free_mb,unbalanced from v$asm_diskgroup;           GROUP_NUMBER OPERATION  STATE         POWER     ACTUAL      SOFAR   EST_WORK   EST_RATE EST_MINUTES------------ ---------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------           2 REBAL      RUN              11         11         35     353309       6160          57           idle>    select group_number,name,path,total_mb,free_mb,header_status from v$asm_disk order by 1,2;NAME                   TOTAL_MB    FREE_MB UN    -------------------- ---------- ---------- --DGARCH                   307104     304314 NDGDATA                  1842624     782558 N           idle> idle>           GROUP_NUMBER NAME                 PATH                             TOTAL_MB    FREE_MB HEADER_STATUS------------ -------------------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ------------------------           1 DGARCH_0000          /dev/vg_ora_arch01/rlvarch01       307104     304314 MEMBER           2 DGDATA_0000          /dev/vg_ora_data01/rlvdata01       307104      42095 MEMBER           2 DGDATA_0001          /dev/vg_ora_data02/rlvdata02       307104      42102 MEMBER           2 DGDATA_0002          /dev/vg_ora_data03/rlvdata04       307104      42107 MEMBER           2 DGDATA_0003          /dev/vg_ora_data03/rlvdata03       307104      42098 MEMBER           2 DGDATA_0004          /dev/vg_ora_data04/rlvdata05       307104     307078 MEMBER           2 DGDATA_0005          /dev/vg_ora_data04/rlvdata06       307104     307078 MEMBER           7 rows selected.           idle>           -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------             --do from sfc12rc1 to sfc12rc3 if necessary, check init file is right:   alter system set asm_diskstring='/dev/vg_ora_arch01/rlvarch01','/dev/vg_ora_data01/rlvdata01','/dev/vg_ora_data02/rlvdata02','/dev/vg_ora_data03/rlvdata03','/dev/vg_ora_data03/rlvdata04','/dev/vg_ora_data04/rlvdata05','/dev/vg_ora_data04/rlvdata06';                   
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