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C++ USB 扫码枪 数据读取【无焦点模式】

无焦点 、获取USB扫码枪的数据,C++ main程序,测试科密USB扫码枪





Professional Team Foundation Server 2013

Team Foundation Server is an integral part of Microsoft's Application Lifecycle Management suite for managing and delivering software projects. The 2013 update has opened up TFS for everyone by expanding capabilities to support iOS, MacOS, Android, and Java development. Professional Team Foundation Server 2013 covers the latest updates for Agile Project Management, Test-Case Management, Release Management, and shows new users the TFS workflow for managing and delivering products. The authors leverage their positions as MVP Microsoft insiders to guide you step-by-step through all things TFS, as well as help prepare you for the Team Foundation Server Certification Exam. Provides a broad overview of Team Foundation Server for developers, software project managers, testers, business analysts, and others wanting to learn how to use TFS Gives TFS administrators the tools they need to efficiently monitor and manage the TFS environment Covers core TFS functions including project management, work item tracking, version control, test case management, build automation, reporting Explains extensibility options and how to write extensions for TFS Helps certification candidates prepare for the Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2013 certification exam Professional Team Foundation Server 2013 is the ultimate guide to mastering this invaluable developer's tool.


Pro Asynchronous Programming with .NET

Pro Asynchronous Programming with .NET teaches the essential skill of asynchronous programming in .NET. It answers critical questions in .NET application development, such as: how do I keep my program responding at all times to keep my users happy? how do I make the most of the available hardware? h


WCF4.5 Multi-Layer Services Development with Entity Framework

If you're looking for a practical, user-friendly guide to WCF and Entity Framework, here it is – a step-by-step tutorial that focuses on the essentials of building SOA applications on Microsoft to get you started straight away. Overview This book will teach you WCF, Entity Framework, LINQ, and LINQ to Entities quickly and easily. Apply best practices to your WCF services and utilize Entity Framework in your WCF services. Practical, with step-by-step instructions and precise screenshots, this is a truly hands-on book for all C++, C#, and VB.NET developers. What will you learn from this book Create a WCF service without using the built-in WCF templates so you can understand what's going on under the hood. Host a WCF service in IIS Express, ASP.NET Development Server, managed applications, IIS, and Windows Service. Explore and learn different debugging options for a WCF service. Build a multi-layer real-world WCF service from scratch to understand every layer of a WCF service and apply it to your real work. Learn basic and advanced concepts and features of Entity Framework, LINQ, and LINQ to Entities. Apply LINQ to Entities to the data access layer of a WCF service with Self Tracking Entities. Control concurrent updates to the database with WCF and LINQ to Entities. Add distributed transaction support to a WCF service. Understand various security settings of WCF, and host a WCF service with Basic Authentication, SSL, and Windows Authentication. Explore extension points of WCF and extend a WCF service with custom behaviors. Approach This book is a step-by-step tutorial to guide you through learning WCF and Entity Framework. Clear step-by-step instructions and relevant screenshots will make sure you won't get lost in the new world of WCF and Entity Framework. Configuration files, host applications, test clients, and WCF services for each solution will also be available for download for you to examine, modify, and debug


Probabilistic Robotics

Stanford牛人 Sebastian THRUN 《Probabilistic Robotics》


Linq 学习指南

Chapter 1 LINQ Fundamentals Chapter 2 Fluent and Query Expression Styles Chapter 3 LINQ Query Operators Chapter 4 LINQ to XML Chapter 5 Interpreted Queries Chapter 6 Parallel LINQ Chapter 7 LINQ Tools and Resources


Programming Entity Framework: DbContext

The DbContext API captures Entity Framework's (EF) most commonly used features and tasks, simplifying development with EF. This concise book shows you how to use the API to perform set operations with the DbSet class, handle change tracking and resolve concurrency conflicts with the Change Tracker API, and validate changes to your data with the Validation API. With DbContext, you'll be able to query and update data, whether you're working with individual objects or graphs of objects and their related data. You'll find numerous C# code samples to help you get started. All you need is experience with Visual Studio and database management basics.


Code-First Development with Entity Framework

Chapter 1: Introducing Entity Framework Chapter 2: Your First Entity Framework Application Chapter 3: Defining the Database Structure Chapter 4: Querying, Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data Chapter 5: Advanced Modeling and Querying Techniques Chapter 6: Working with Views, Stored Procedures, the Asynchronous API, and Concurrency Chapter 7: Database Migrations and Additional Features



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