Selenium Webdriver Actions基本操作

	 * @param driver
	 * @param abnormElement  需要点击的元素
	 * @param x 需要点击的元素上的点的X坐标
	 * @param y 需要点击的元素上的点的Y坐标
	public static void mouseClick(WebDriver driver, WebElement abnormElement, int x, int y) {
		Actions actions = new Actions(driver);    
		actions.moveToElement(abnormElement, x, y).click().build().perform();
	 * @param driver
	 * @param abnormElement  需要点击的元素
	 * @param x 需要点击的元素上的点的X坐标
	 * @param y 需要点击的元素上的点的Y坐标
	public static void mouseRightClick(WebDriver driver, WebElement abnormElement, int x, int y) {
		Actions actions = new Actions(driver);    
	    actions.moveToElement(abnormElement, x, y).contextClick().build().perform();
	 * @param driver
	 * @param abnormElement  需要点击的元素
	 * @param x 需要点击的元素上的点的X坐标
	 * @param y 需要点击的元素上的点的Y坐标
	public static void mouseRightClick(WebDriver driver,int x, int y) {
		Actions actions = new Actions(driver);    
	    actions.moveByOffset(x, y).contextClick().build().perform();
	 * @param driver
	 * @param abnormElement  需要点击的元素
	 * @param x 需要点击的元素上的点的X坐标
	 * @param y 需要点击的元素上的点的Y坐标
	public static void mouseMovetoAndHold(WebDriver driver, WebElement abnormElement, int x, int y){
		Actions actions = new Actions(driver);    
	    actions.moveToElement(abnormElement, x, y).clickAndHold().release().build().perform();
	 * @param driver
	 * @param abnormElement  需要点击的元素
	 * @param x 需要点击的元素上的点的X坐标
	 * @param y 需要点击的元素上的点的Y坐标
	public static void mouseMoveto(WebDriver driver, WebElement abnormElement, int x, int y){
		Actions actions = new Actions(driver);    
	    actions.moveToElement(abnormElement, x, y).release().build().perform();
	 * 拖拽元素上的具体坐标位置
	 * @param driver
	 * @param abnormElement  需要点击的元素
	 * @param x 需要拖拽元素点的X坐标
	 * @param y 需要拖拽元素点的Y坐标
	 * @param to_x 拖拽元素点目标位置的X坐标
	 * @param to_y 拖拽元素点目标位置的Y坐标
	public static void mouseDragAndDrop(WebDriver driver, WebElement abnormElement, int x, int y,int to_x,int to_y){
		Actions actions = new Actions(driver);    
	    actions.moveToElement(abnormElement, x, y).clickAndHold().moveByOffset(to_x,to_y).release().build().perform();    


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Book Description Selenium WebDriver is an open source automation tool implemented through a browser-specific driver, which sends commands to a browser and retrieves results. The latest version of Selenium 3 brings with it a lot of new features that change the way you use and setup Selenium WebDriver. This book covers all those features along with the source code, including a demo website that allows you to work with an HMTL5 application and other examples throughout the book. Selenium WebDriver 3 Practical Guide will walk you through the various APIs of Selenium WebDriver, which are used in automation tests, followed by a discussion of the various WebDriver implementations available. You will learn to strategize and handle rich web UI using advanced WebDriver API along with real-time challenges faced in WebDriver and solutions to handle them. You will discover different types and domains of testing such as cross-browser testing, load testing, and mobile testing with Selenium. Finally, you will also be introduced to data-driven testing using TestNG to create your own automation framework. By the end of this book, you will be able to select any web application and automate it the way you want. What you will learn Understand what Selenium 3 is and how is has been improved than its predecessor Use different mobile and desktop browser platforms with Selenium 3 Perform advanced actions, such as drag-and-drop and action builders on web page Learn to use Java 8 API and Selenium 3 together Explore remote WebDriver and discover how to use it Perform cross browser and distributed testing with Selenium Grid Use Actions API for performing various keyboard and mouse actions Who this book is for Selenium WebDriver 3 Practical Guide is for software quality assurance/testing professionals, software project managers, or software developers interested in using Selenium for testing their applications. Prior programming experience in Java is necessary. Table of Contents Introducing WebDriver and WebElements Working with Browser Drivers Using Java 8 features along with Selenium Exploring the Features of WebDriver Exploring Advanced Interactions of WebDriver Understanding WebDriver Events Exploring RemoteWebDriver Setting up Selenium Grid The PageObject Pattern Mobile Testing on iOS and Android using Appium Data Driven Testing with TestNG Assessments
amazon 3星+ 好评 Key Features Covers basic to advanced concepts of WebDriver Learn how to design a more effective automation framework Explores all of the APIs within WebDriver Acquire an in-depth understanding of each concept through practical code examples Book Description Selenium WebDriver is an open source web UI automation tool implemented through a browser-specific browser driver, which sends commands to a browser and retrieves results. Selenium WebDriver Practical Guide will guide you through the various APIs of WebDriver which should be used in automation tests, followed by a discussion of the various WebDriver implementations available. This guide will support you by offering you access to source code fi les, including the essential HTML fi les, that allow you to work with jQuery and other examples throughout the book. Finally, you will receive an in-depth explanation of how to deal with the latest features of WebDriver through step-by-step practical tutorials. What you will Learn Learn the basic design of Selenium WebDriver and understand how it overcomes the limitations of its predecessor Set up and use Selenium Grid Discover the various mechanisms used to locate web elements Perform advanced actions such as drag-and-drop, double-click, right-click, and action builders on web pages Explore the advanced features of WebDriver such as handling cookies, taking screenshotsmanaging timeouts, and browser navigations Acquire an understanding of the various WebDriver implementations such as Firefox Driver, IE Driver, and Chrome Driver Explore WebDriver EventListeners Design effective automation frameworks using the PageObject pattern Learn how to deal with the latest features of WebDriver About the Author Satya Avasarala has rich experience in Java development and automation testing. He is an engineer in computer science. He has used WebDriver for many years now and has created several good automation frameworks. He has worked at various large software enterprises such as Oracle Corp, Yahoo! Inc., VMware Inc., and the REA Group. Table of Contents Introducing WebDriver and WebElements Exploring Advanced Interactions of WebDriver Exploring the Features of WebDriver Different Available WebDrivers Understanding WebDriver Events Dealing with I/O Exploring RemoteWebDriver and WebDriverBackedSelenium Understanding Selenium Grid Understanding PageObject Pattern Testing iOS and Android Apps


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