
  1. 填空(2分)

Ascending write the sequence of followings according to their time complexit:







答案直接写标号,如:(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) (提示:系统基于字符匹配来判定答案,所以您的答案中不要出现空格)

Write down the answer labels such as (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). (Hint:This problem is judged by string matching, Please make sure your answer don’t contain any blanks.


  1. 填空(2分)


After running the following program segment, the value of s is:

n=10; s=0;
for( k = 1; k < n - 1; k++)
for( j = n; j >= k; j–)
s = s + 1;

解析: (n+3)*(n-2)/2

  1. 填空(2分)

Deque can do insert and delete operations on both ends of the queue, can insert / delete in the team head and also in the tail. Existing 11 different elements enter the double-ended queue orderly, then how many different permutations can you get?

解析: 第一个元素从左或右入队没有区别,以后每个元素都有从左和从右两种入队方式,即有2^{x-1}种方法。
The first element through left or right into the team makes no difference. Every elements after it can get in left and right, that is 2^(x-1) methods.

  1. 多选(3分)

Sequential stack stores elements in a contiguous space, which is essentially a sequential list. Linked stack is implemented by a single linked list instead. Which of the following about the two storage methods are correct? (multiple choice)

A.顺序栈的压栈和出栈操作只需常数时间。 The push and pop operation of sequence stack only needs constant time.
B.链式栈的压栈和出栈操作只需常数时间。 The push and pop operation of linked stack only needs constant time.
C.顺序栈需要指定一个具体的长度 Sequential stack needs to be assigned a specific length.
D.链式栈需要一个结构性开销 Linked stack needs a structural cost.


  1. 填空(2分)

According to the description in class about recursive mechanical conversion, rewritten the following recursive procedure into non recursive process, the program needs set ____ statement labels.

void test(int &sum){
    int x;
    if(x == 0){
        sum = 0;
        sum += x;

解析: 根据课程介绍的方法,需要设置t+2个语句标号,其中t为递归调用本函数的语句个数。本题中,test函数调用自身2次(t=2),故需要4个语句标号。
According to the course’s description, it is necessary to set t+2 statement labels, where t is the number of recursive calls to the statement of the function. In this problem, test the function calls itself two time (t = 2), so it requires three statement labels.

  1. 填空(2分)
    若字符串s =“DataMining”,则其子串的数目为 (字串数目应该重复计算)

If the string s = “DataMining”, then the number of its substrings is:________. (If we encounter the same substring , the total should be added one)

解析: 空串和自身各1个,长为1的10个,长为2的9个,…,长为9的2个。 2+10+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2=56
the empty string and itself are both 1 and the number with length 1 is 10 and 2 is 9, ……, length 9 is 2. 2+10+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2=56

  1. 多选(3分)
    在字符{A, C, G, T}组成的DNA序列中,A —— T和C —— G是互补对。



In DNA sequences consisting of characters {A, C, G, T}, A - T and C - G are complementary pairs respectively.

Determine whether a DNA sequence has a complementary palindromic string (For example, ATCATGAT’s complementary string is TAGTACTA, with is the palindromic sequence to the original string; in such case the complementary string is also the reverse of the original string);

Which of the following DNA sequences have complementary palindromic string? (multiple choice)




  1. 填空(2分)
    使用KMP算法求出模式p=”aabcaabbaa”的优化后的next数组。注意:只列出数字,数字之间用一个空格分隔。比如:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Use KMP algorithm to derive the optimized “next” array for the pattern p = “aabcaabbaa”.

Note: Write down the numbers in the next array separated by single space.

For example: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

正确答案:-1 -1 1 0 -1 -1 1 3 -1 -1

  1. 填空(2分)

Use the optimized “next” array above for pattern p = "aabcaabbaa"to match the target string t = “aaabaabcabaabcaabbaab”. How many character comparisons are needed?

(Note: Each comparison of the characters between p and t counts once)


  1. 填空(2分)

For a complete binary tree with four levels, label the nodes starting from 1 according to the preorder traversal. what is the label of the parent node for node 21? (The root is on level 0)

解析: 画出该完全二叉树即可得到答案。
Draw out the complete binary tree and then get the answer.

  1. 填空(2分)


In a binary tree, there are 20 nodes with a degree of 2 and 10 nodes with a degree of 1. How many nodes are with a degree of 0?

解析: 解释:边数=总度数=结点数-1,即答案是度为2的结点个数+1
the amount of edges = the sum of degrees = the amount of nodes minus 1, so the answer is the amount of nodes with a degree of 2 plus 1

  1. 填空(2分)
    某二叉树中序序列为A,B,C,D,E,F,G, 前序序列为E,A,C,B,D,G,F, 则后序序列是?


The infix order sequence of a binary tree is ABCDEFG, and its preorder sequence is EACBDGF. Please write down its postorder sequence. (No blank space or comma in your answer. For example ABCDEFG is a valid format.)

解析: 解释:根据中序序列和前序序列构建出这棵二叉树。
We can get the binary tree according to its sequences of preorder and infix order.

  1. 填空(2分)


For the key value sequence {38,64,52,26,73,40,48,55,15,12}, use the bottom-up heapification method to construct a minimum heap. How many times should we exchange the elements in the array

解析: 解释:73和12进行交换,26和15进行交换,52和40进行交换,64和12进行交换,38和12进行交换,38和15进行交换,38和26进行交换,一共7次。
Exchange 73 and 12, exchange 26 and 15, exchange 52 and 40, exchange 64 and 12, exchange 38 and 12, exchange 38 and 15, exchange 38 and 26, totally 7 times.

  1. 填空(2分)


Construct a Huffman tree with the weights {4,5,6,7,10,12,18}. What is the weighted external path length?

解析: 解释:根据哈夫曼树的构建算法构建该哈夫曼树。
Construct the Huffman tree according to the construction algorithm.

  1. 单选(2分)


For a full k-ary tree with depth h, how many nodes could it have at most? (the depth of a tree with only one node is 0)

A.(k^(h+1) - 1)/(k - 1)
D.(k^(h - 1)/(k - 1)

解析: A、k0 + k1 + k2 + … + kh = (k^(h+1) - 1)/(k - 1)

  1. 填空(2分)

从空二叉树开始,严格按照二叉搜索树的插入算法(不进行旋转平衡),逐个插入关键码{15, 82, 10, 4, 55, 89, 29, 45, 54, 35, 25}构造出一颗二叉搜索树,对该二叉搜索树按照后序遍历得到的序列为(每两个元素之间用一个空格隔开)

Given a null binary tree, insert key values {15, 82, 10, 4, 55, 89, 29, 45, 54, 35, 25} successively according to the insertion algorithm of a binary search tree strictly (no rotation and balance) to construct a binary search tree. Please write down the sequence of post order of this binary search tree. (There is one blank space between two elements)

正确答案:4 10 25 35 54 45 29 55 89 82 15
解析: 解释:依次插入所有元素之后,得到这棵二叉搜索树,对其进行前序遍历即可得到答案。
We get the binary search tree after inserting all the elements, and then we get the answer through preorder traversal.

  1. 单选(2分)

对二叉排序树(即BST,也称“二叉搜索树”)进行什么 遍历,可以得到该二叉树所有结点构成的排序序列?

From which traversal can we get the ordered sequence of the nodes of a binary search tree?

A.前序 preorder
B.后序 postorder
C.按层次 levelorder
D.中序 inorder

解析: D、中序遍历先访问左子节点,再访问自身,最后访问右子节点
inorder traversal first visits the left child (including its entire subtree), then visits the node, and finally visits the right child (including its entire subtree)
preorder traversal first visits the node, then visits the left child (including its entire subtree), and finally visits the right child (including its entire subtree)
postorder traversal first visits the left child (including its entire subtree), then visits the right child (including its entire subtree), and finally visits the node
Level order first prints the root, then all nodes of level 1, then all nodes of level 2, and so on

  1. 多选(3分)



如果一棵2-3树有10个叶结点,那么它可能有_________个非叶结点。 (多选)

2-3 tree is a special kind of tree, which satisfies:

(1) Every internal node has 2 or 3 children nodes. (2) All the leaf nodes have the same path length from the root node.

If a 2-3 tree has 10 leaf nodes, then it may have __________ non-leaf nodes. (multiple choice)


解析: A、深度一定是3.
The depth must be 3.
If the second level from the bottom has 5 nodes, the third level from the bottom will has 2 nodes, and the tree will has 5+2+1=8 non-leaf nodes, including the root node.
If the second level from the bottom has 4 nodes, the third level from the bottom will has 2 nodes, and the tree will has 4+2+1=7 non-leaf nodes.

  1. 填空(2分)

对于以下等价类,采用“加权合并规则”(也 称“重量权衡合并规则”),进行并查运算,给出最后父结点索引序列。

1-2 5-1 1-6 0-3 7-4 6-9 5-3 0-8 4–8


Given the following equivalence pairs, please use the “union-by-weight rule” and the UNION/FIND algorithm to obtain the final parent node index sequence.

1-2 5-1 1-6 0-3 7-4 6-9 5-3 0-8 4-8

Notice: When we merge two trees with the same size, we let the root of the second tree point to the root of the first tree. The parent index of the root node is itself. Separate the numbers with only one space.

正确答案:1 1 1 0 7 1 1 1 1 1
解析: Every time after union, the parent node index changed like the following sequence.
[0, 1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
[0, 1, 1, 3, 4, 1, 6, 7, 8, 9]
[0, 1, 1, 3, 4, 1, 1, 7, 8, 9]
[0, 1, 1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 7, 8, 9]
[0, 1, 1, 0, 7, 1, 1, 7, 8, 9]
[0, 1, 1, 0, 7, 1, 1, 7, 8, 1]
[1, 1, 1, 0, 7, 1, 1, 7, 8, 1]
[1, 1, 1, 0, 7, 1, 1, 7, 1, 1]
[1, 1, 1, 0, 7, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

  1. 填空(2分)



A’ B’ D G’ / H C’ E’ F I /


0A5 0B3 1D-1 1G4 1H-1 0C-1 0E8 1F-1 1I-1



A’ B’ C’ / I H D’ E’ G / F


According to the pre-order traversal sequence of a “pseudo full binary tree”, please write down the pre-order traversal sequence of this binary tree in an “ltag-rlink” form.

For example: Given the pre-order traversal sequence of a “pseudo full binary tree” like this: A’ B’ D G’ / H C’ E’ F I /

Then we can get the pre-order traversal sequence of this binary tree in the “ltag-rlink” form: 0A5 0B3 1D-1 1G4 1H-1 0C-1 0E8 1F-1 1I-1

(P.S. The form of each node should be “LtagNodeRlink”, and all the nodes are separated by a single space.)

Now, given the pre-order traversal sequence of a “pseudo full binary tree” like “A’ B’ C’ / I H D’ E’ G / F”, please write down the pre-order traversal sequence of this binary tree in the “ltag-rlink” form.


 0A5 0B4 1C3 1I-1 1H-1 0D8 0E-1 1G-1 1F-1
  1. 单选(2分)


If the minimum degree of vertices of undirected graph G is bigger than or equal to x, and G have at least one circuit. What is the minimum value of x?



  1. 单选(2分)

用相邻矩阵A表示图,判定任意两个顶点Vi和Vj之间是否有长度为m的路径相连,则只要检查_________的第 i 行第 j 列的元素是否为零即可。

Using an adjacency matrix A to represent a graph, we just need to check whether the element in the row i, column j of ________ is zero to tell whether there is a path with length m connecting vertex Vi and Vj.

A. A^m
B. mA
C. A
D. A^m-1


  1. 填空(2分)


Please use Kruskal algorithm for the following graph to find the minimum spanning tree. Write down the edge labels which are selected in the minimum spanning tree one by one (if there are multiple valid edges, select the vertex with the minimum label). The label of an edge connecting vertex a and vertex b is ab (a<b). For example, the edge with a weight of 1 in the graph is labeled 45. (Separate different labels with a single blank space.)

正确答案:45 35 14 25 02

  1. 填空(2分)

求图的中心点。设V是有向图G的一个顶点, V的偏心度定义为:

Find the central point of the graph. Let V be a vertex of the graph G, the definition of the eccentricity of V is:



If the eccentricity of v is minimal in the graph G, then we call V a central point of G.

请从以下代码语句中选择正确的5条,填入空白处。按空白的标号顺序依次列出代码语句的标号,用一个空格分隔。如A F D H C

Please choose 5 statements from the following, and put them into the blanks.

List the number of the statement you choose according to the order of the blanks, and separate them with a single blank space. For instance, A F D H C.


void FLOYD_PXD(AdjMatrix g){ // 对以带权邻接矩阵表示的有向图g,求其中心点。
    AdjMatrix w = g;
    for(k = 1; k <= n; k++)
        for(i = 1; i< = n; i++)
            for(j = 1; j <= n; j++)
                if( (1) )
                    (2)  ;
    v = 1;
    dist = MAXINT;
    for(j = 1; j <= n; j++){
        s = 0;
        for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            if( (3) )
                s = w[i][j];
        if( (4) ){
            dist = s;
            (5)  ;
    } //for
    printf("有向图g的中心点是顶点%d,偏心度%d\n", v, dist);


def FLOYD_PXD(AdjMatrix g):
    AdjMatrix w = g
    for k in range(1, n+1):
        for i in range(1, n+1):
            for j in range (1, n+1):
                if ( (1) )
    v = 1
    dist = MAXINT
    for j in range(1, n+1):
        s = 0
        for i in range(1, n+1):
            if ( (3) ):
                s = w[i][j]
        if ( (4) )
            dist = s
    print("有向图g的中心点是" + str(v) + ",顶点偏心度" + str(dist))


正确答案:A D E M K

评论 6




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