[译]微服务架构(Microservices Architecture)

This a translation of an article ( http://microservices.io/patterns/microservices.html) originally written and copyrighted by Chris Richardson ( http://twitter.com/crichardson).



假 设你在开发一个服务端应用。该应用必须支持各种各样的客户端,包括桌面浏览器、手机浏览器和本地手机应用。应用可能也需要公开部分API供第三方使用,还 可能与其他应用通过web service或消息代理(message broker)相集成。应用执行业务逻辑来处理请求(HTTP请求或者消息);访问数据库;与其他系统交换消息;并返回HTML/JSON/XML类型的 响应。


  • 表示组件(Presentation components) - 响应处理HTTP请求,并返回HTML或JSON/XML(对于web service API)

  • 业务逻辑(Business logic) - 应用的业务逻辑

  • 数据库访问逻辑(Database access logic) - 数据访问对象用于访问数据库

  • 应用集成逻辑(Application integration logic) - 消息层,如基于Spring的集成





  • 该应用由一个开发者团队在维护

  • 团队新成员必须快速上手

  • 应用应该易于理解和修改

  • 你想对应用进行持续集成

  • 你必须在多台机器上部署多份应用的拷贝,以满足可伸缩性和可用性的要求

  • 你想使用新技术(框架、编程语言等)


通过采用伸缩立方(Scale Cube)(特别是y轴方向上的伸缩)来架构应用,将应用按功能分解为一组相互协作的服务的集合。每个服务实现一组有限并相关的功能。比如,一个应用可能包含订单管理服务,客户管理服务等。









  • 每个微服务都相对较小

    • 易于开发者理解

    • IDE反应更快,开发者更高效

    • web容器启动更快,开发者更高效,并提升了部署速度

  • 每个服务都可以独立部署 - 易于频繁部署新版本的服务

  • 易于伸缩开发组织结构。你可以对多个团队的开发工作进行组织。每个(双披萨[1])团队负责单个服务。每个团队可以独立于其他团队开发、部署和伸缩服务。

  • 提升故障隔离(fault isolation)。比如,如果一个服务存在内存泄露,那么只有该服务受影响,其他服务仍然可以处理请求。相比之下,一体架构的一个出错组件可以拖垮整个系统。

  • 每个服务可以单独开发和部署

  • 消除了任何对技术栈(technologh stack)的长期投入(long-term commitments)


  • 开发者要处理分布式系统的额外复杂度。

    • 开发者工具/IDE是面向构建一体应用的,并没有显示提供对开发分布式应用的支持

    • 测试更加困难

    • 开发者需要实现服务间通信机制

    • 不使用分布式事务实现跨服务的用例更加困难

    • 实现跨服务的用例需要团队间的细致协作

  • 生产环境的部署复杂度。对于包含多种不同服务类型的系统,部署和管理的操作复杂度仍然存在。

  • 内存消耗增加。微服务架构使用 NxM个服务实例来替代N个一体应用实例。如果每个服务运行在自己独立的JVM(或类似)上,通常有必要对实例进行隔离,对这么多运行的JVN,就有M倍 的开销。另外,如果每个服务运行在独立的VM(如EC2实例),如Netflix,开销会更高。

使 用该方法的一个挑战就是决定何时使用才合理。在开发应用的初期,你通常不会遇到这种方法试图解决的问题。而且,使用这个精细、分布式的架构将会拖慢开发进 度。对初创公司,这是个严重问题,因为它们的最大挑战通常是如何快速发展业务模型及相关应用。使用Y轴切分使快速迭代更加困难。但是之后,当挑战变成如何 伸缩,你需要使用功能分解将一体应用切分为一组服务时,混乱的依赖关系可能使之变得困难。



理论上,每个服务应该只承担很小的职责。Bob Martin(大叔)讲过使用单一职责原则(SRP)来设计类。SRP定义类的职责作为变化的原因,而且类应该只有一个变化的原因。使用SRP来设计服务也是合理的。



一体架构是个替代模式。API网关模式 定义了客户端如何访问服务。


大多数大规模的web站点,如 NetflixAmazoneBay都从一体架构转变为微服务架构。


Amazon.com 原有个两层架构。为了伸缩,他们迁移到一个包含上百个后端服务的基于服务的架构。调用这些服务的应用中包括实现Amazon.com网站和web service API的应用。Amazon.com网站应用调用100-150个服务来获取数据用于构建网页。




注:[1] 双披萨团队(two-pizza team):两个披萨就可以喂饱整个团队,指团队规模很小。


第一篇:一体化架构(Monolithic Architecture)

第二篇:微服务架构(Microservices Architecure)

            伸缩立方(Scale Cube)

第三篇:API网关(API Gateway)



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Microservice architecture has emerged as a common pattern of software develop‐ ment from the practices of a number of leading organizations. These practices includes principles, technologies, methodologies, organizational tendencies, and cul‐ tural characteristics. Companies taking steps to implement microservices and reap their benefits need to consider this broad scope. Who Should Read This Book You should read this book if you are interested in the architectural, organizational, and cultural changes that are needed to succeed with a microservice architecture. We primarily wrote this book for technology leaders and software architects who want to shift their organizations toward the microservices style of application development. You don’t have to be a CTO or enterprise architect to enjoy this book, but we’ve writ‐ ten our guidance under the assumption that you are able to influence the organiza‐ tional design, technology platform, and software architecture at your company. What’s In This Book This book promotes a goal-oriented, design-based approach to microservice architec‐ ture. We offer this design-centric approach because, as we talked to several companies about their programs, we discovered one of the keys to their success was the willing‐ ness to not stick to a single tool or process as they attempted to increase their compa‐ ny’s time-to-market while maintaining—even increasing—their systems’ safety and resilience. The companies we talked to offered a wide range of services including live video and audio streaming service, foundation-level virtual services in the cloud, and support for classic brick-and-mortar operations. While these companies’ products vary, we learned that the principles of speed and safety “at scale” were a common thread. They ix each worked to provide the same system properties in their own unique ways—ways that fit the key business values and goals of the company. It’s the properties and values that we focus on in this book, and the patterns and prac‐ tices we see companies employ in order to reach their unique goals. If you’re looking for a way to identify business goals for your microservices adoption, practical guid‐ ance on how to design individual microservices and the system they form, and tips on how to overcome common architectural challenges, this is your book! The Outline The book is organized into three parts. The first part (Chapters 1–2) identifies the principles and practices of microservice architecture and the benefits they can pro‐ vide. This section will be valuable to anyone who needs to justify the use of microser‐ vices within their organization and provide some background on how other organizations have started on this journey. The second part (Chapters 3–4) introduces a design-based approach to microservice architecture, identifies a series of common processes and practices we see repeated through successful microservice systems, and provides some implementation guid‐ ance on executing the various elements for your company’s microservice implemen‐ tation. The third and final part (Chapters 5–7) provides a set of practical recipes and practi‐ ces to help companies identify ways to introduce and support microservices, meet immediate challenges, and plan for and respond to the inevitably changing business environment ahead. Here’s a quick rundown of the chapters: Chapter 1, The Microservices Way This chapter outlines the principles, practices, and culture that define microser‐ vice architecture. Chapter 2, The Microservices Value Proposition This chapter examines the benefits of microservice architecture and some techni‐ ques to achieve them. Chapter 3, Designing Microservice Systems This chapter explores the system aspects of microservices and illustrates a design process for microservice architecture. Chapter 4, Establishing a Foundation This chapter discusses the core principles for microservice architecture, as well as the platform components and cultural elements needed to thrive. x | Preface Chapter 5, Service Design This chapter takes the “micro” design view, examining the fundamental design concepts for individual microservices. Chapter 6, System Design and Operations This chapter takes the “macro” design view, analyzing the critical design areas for the software system made up of the collection of microservices. Chapter 7, Adopting Microservices in Practice This chapter provides practical guidance on how to deal with common chal‐ lenges organizations encounter as they introduce microservice architecture. Chapter 8, Epilogue Finally, this chapter examines microservices and microservice architecture in a timeless context, and emphasizes the central theme of the book: adaptability to change. What’s Not In This Book The aim of this book is to arm readers with practical information and a way of think‐ ing about microservices that is timeless and effective. This is not a coding book. There is a growing body of code samples and open source projects related to micro‐ services available on the Web, notably on GitHub and on sites like InfoQ. In addition, the scope of this domain is big and we can only go so deep on the topics we cover. For more background on the concepts we discuss, check out our reading list in Appen‐ dix A. While we provide lots of guidance and advice—advice based on our discussions with a number of companies designing and implementing systems using microservice architecture patterns—we do not tell readers which product to buy, which open source project to adopt, or how to design and test component APIs. Instead, we offer insight into the thinking processes and practices of experienced and successful com‐ panies actually doing the work of microservices. If you’re looking for simple answers, you’re likely to be disappointed in some of the material here. If, on the other hand, you’re looking for examples of successful microservice companies and the kinds of principles, practices, and processes they employ, this book is for you.




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