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原创 大小写转换

Oracle Sqlselect s.* from dev_part_status p right join dev_status_code_info s on p.device_type_code = s.dev_type_code and p.status_id = s.status_id and LOWER(p.part_type) =LOWER(s.part_type)

2007-12-25 16:49:00 575

原创 今天参加老乡聚会--新余

非常高兴今天去了、在这里见好多新余的同胞,有帅哥,有美女,虽然有好多的人的名字都不认识,但是这至少在外面有这么多新余人说新余话,真的好开心。 这是我来北方四年半以来第一次老乡聚会,一开始是我们高中同学三人先在一起然后我们三个人一起双榆树宾馆那儿的。 我们十一点在清华大学西门见面,我第一个到十点过四分,然后我就自己一个人先去清华大学里逛的,后来章萍是十一点过三分到的,最后是刘荣彬快十

2007-12-22 23:22:00 1351

原创 哈哈!我们组乒乓球联赛我得一球拍

我们组五个人,我、白杰、张军(组长)、沈克涛、程智勇。我是两胜有负我-白杰   3:0我-张军(组长)1:3我-沈克涛 3:0我-程智勇  2:3张军是四战全胜,本来是他的,但是他说不要,我和沈克涛一人一只球拍。打得挺爽的。

2007-12-19 23:14:00 732

原创 今天买了部数码相机NiKon S510

今天到中关村买了一部数码相机,NiKon S510  1997元 含发票。自己到别的地方买了一个2G的SD卡110元,还有一包装相机的35元。以后可以多出出去玩了哈哈~~。

2007-12-08 23:16:00 834

原创 看三国演义中的生字

暹(xian)太阳升起的样子。鏖(ao)短兵相交时中的苦战。谶(chen)一种迷信。蕤(rui)草木华垂貌。垕(hou)同"厚"。神垕镇,在河南省,它是我国重要的瓷器产地之一煨(wei)古作埋入炭灰至熟方法。今指利用姜葱和汤水使食物入味及辟去食物本身的异味的加工方法。北方菜系又指食物连同汤水放入密封的瓦坛中,在文火中致熟的烹调方法      (1) ㄨㄟˉ      (

2007-12-05 23:21:00 2962

原创 《文渊阁四库全书》书目

《文渊阁四库全书》书目经部         经部.易类 子夏易传周易郑康成注新本郑氏周易陆氏易解周易注周易正义周易集解周易口诀义周易举正易数钩隐图周易口义易说横渠易说东坡易传伊川易传易学辨惑了斋易说吴园周易解周易新讲义紫岩易传读易详说易小传汉上易传周易窥余易璇玑易变体义周易经传集解易原周易古占法原本周易本义周易本义郭氏传家易说周易义海撮要南轩易说复斋易说杨氏易传周易玩辞易说诚斋易传大易粹言易图说古

2007-12-02 17:12:00 17397

DB2 Universal Database v8 Handbook

Publisher : Prentice Hall PTR Pub Date : August 04, 2003 ISBN : 0-13-066111-2 Pages : 496 IBM DB2 Universal Database V8 offers breakthrough availability, manageability, performance, and scalability. Now, straight from IBM, there's a start-to-finish guide to DB2 Universal Database V8 administration and development for UNIX, Linux, and Windows. This definitive reference covers every aspect of deploying and managing DB2 Universal Database V8, including database design for optimal performance, availability, and recoverability; day-to-day administration and backup; comparing, selecting, and using appropriate DB2 programming techniques; deploying networked and Internet-centered database applications; migrating to DB2 UDB from other databases or earlier versions of DB2; and much more. Using real-world examples, this book shows how to take full advantage of DB2 V8's most powerful enhancements. Philip K. Gunning brings together IBM's best tips and techniques for saving time and money in every facet of database design, development, deployment, and administration. Coverage includes: Leveraging DB2 V8's new Wizards, Advisors, and other automation/self-management features Using the enhanced DB2 XML Extender to build next-generation B2B applications Quickly creating Stored Procedures and UDFs with the new Development Center Exploiting multidimensional clustering, prefetching, materialized query tables, Java threading, and other performance improvements Using the DB2 improved monitoring and logging facilities Maximizing availability via online table and index reorganization and dynamic configuration Understanding the latest changes in the DB2 product family


Oracle to DB2 UDB Conversion Guide

< Day Day Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle to DB2 UDB Conversion Guide by Whei-Jen Chen et al. ISBN:0738499455 IBM Redbooks © 2003 (448 pages) This informative guide describes how to migrate the database system from Oracle to DB2 UDB Version 8.1 on AIX, Linux, and the Microsoft Windows platform. It presents the best practices in migration strategy and planning, migration tools, and more. Table of Contents Oracle to DB2 UDB Conversion Guide Notices Preface Chapter 1 - Introduction Chapter 2 - Oracle Migration Project Planning Chapter 3 - MTK Chapter 4 - Porting with MTK Chapter 5 - Conversion Reference Chapter 6 - Data Conversion Chapter 7 - Application Conversion Chapter 8 - Script Conversion Chapter 9 - Testing Appendix A - DB2 UDB Product Overview Appendix B - Data Types Appendix C - Oracle Call Interface (OCI) Mapping Appendix D - Converter for SQL*Loader Appendix E - Terminology Mapping Appendix F - Example Oracle Database Appendix G - Additional Material Related Publications Index List of Figures List of Tables List of Examples -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < Day Day Up >


PL/SQL Developer 7.0 User’s Guide

英文版<br>PL/SQL Developer is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for developing stored program<br>units in an Oracle Database. Using PL/SQL Developer you can conveniently create the server-part of<br>your client/server applications.


Using NetBeansTM IDE 5.5

Your Guide to Getting Work Done in NetBeans IDE<br/>Welcome to the Using NetBeans™ IDE 5.5 guide. This guide is designed to give you<br/>a more detailed introduction to the IDE than is available in the Quick Start guide by<br/>exploring the main aspects of the IDE. This guide is geared mostly to newcomers to<br/>NetBeans IDE 5.5, whether you are new to using IDEs or an experienced IDE user<br/>that is switching over from a different development environment. However, readers<br/>of this guide are assumed to have at least a basic understanding of the Java<br/>programming language and related technologies.





IBM Lotus Domino 7 邮件服务器配置全程攻略

IBM Lotus Domino 7 邮件服务器配置全程攻略


MySQL/PHP Database Applications 英文版

MySQL/PHP Database Applications Welcome to the world of IDG Books Worldwide. IDG Books Worldwide, Inc., is a subsidiary of International Data Group, the world’s largest publisher of computer-related information and the leading global provider of information services on information technology. IDG was founded more than 30 years ago by Patrick J. McGovern and now employs more than 9,000 people worldwide. IDG publishes more than 290 computer publications in over 75 countries. More than 90 million people read one or more IDG publications each month. Launched in 1990, IDG Books Worldwide is today the #1 publisher of best-selling computer books in the United States. We are proud to have received eight awards from the Computer Press Association in recognition of editorial excellence and three from Computer Currents’ First Annual Readers’ Choice Awards. Our bestselling ...For Dummies® series has more than 50 million copies in print with translations in 31 languages. IDG Books Worldwide, through a joint venture with IDG’s Hi-Tech Beijing, became the first U.S. publisher to publish a computer book in the People’s Republic of China. In record time, IDG Books Worldwide has become the first choice for millions of readers around the world who want to learn how to better manage their businesses. Our mission is simple: Every one of our books is designed to bring extra value and skill-building instructions to the reader. Our books are written by experts who understand and care about our readers. The knowledge base of our editorial staff comes from years of experience in publishing, education, and journalism — experience we use to produce books to carry us into the new millennium. In short, we care about books, so we attract the best people. We devote special attention to details such as audience, interior design, use of icons, and illustrations. And because we use an efficient process of authoring, editing, and desktop publishing our books electronically, we can spend more time ensuring superior content and less time on the technicalities of making books. You can count on our commitment to deliver high-quality books at competitive prices on topics you want to read about. At IDG Books Worldwide, we continue in the IDG tradition of delivering quality for more than 30 years. You’ll find no better book on a subject than one from IDG Books Worldwide.






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