数据表中存储着不同种类的内容,用Type1、Type2列的不同值来区分,如果我们想查询各类型的数据有多少条,而且是以行的形式展示时,只用group就有点不够了,刚学的select into结构,分享一下。
select CityCode,CityName into #city01 from Sys_City where ProvinceCode = 10
select CityCode,CityName into city02 from Sys_City where ProvinceCode = 10
select * from tempdb..sysobjects where id=object_id('tempdb..#MY_TA01')
select * from sysobjects where xtype='u' AND name='Temp_MY_TA01'
select CityCode,CityName into #city from Sys_City where ProvinceCode = 10,表示把从Sys_City表中查询到的内容插入到表名为"#city"的临时表中,注意表名不能重复。
select CityCode,CityName into #city from Sys_City where ProvinceCode = 10;
select CityCode,COUNT(1) as c into #c1 from dbo.StoreInfo where StoreType=601 and StoreRank=701 /*自营一级店*/ group by CityCode;
select CityCode,COUNT(1) as c into #c2 from dbo.StoreInfo where StoreType=601 and StoreRank=702 /*自营二级店*/ group by CityCode;
select CityCode,COUNT(1) as c into #c3 from dbo.StoreInfo where StoreType=602 and StoreRank=701 /*加盟一级店*/ group by CityCode;
select CityCode,COUNT(1) as c into #c4 from dbo.StoreInfo where StoreType=602 and StoreRank=702 /*加盟二级店*/ group by CityCode;
select CityName,
ISNULL(#c1.c,0) as Count1,
ISNULL(#c2.c,0) as Count2,
ISNULL(#c3.c,0) as Count3,
ISNULL(#c4.c,0) as Count4,
SUM(ISNULL(#c1.c,0)+ISNULL(#c2.c,0)+ISNULL(#c3.c,0)+ISNULL(#c4.c,0)) as Total
from #city
left join #c1 on #c1.CityCode = #city.CityCode
left join #c2 on #c2.CityCode = #city.CityCode
left join #c3 on #c3.CityCode = #city.CityCode
left join #c4 on #c4.CityCode = #city.CityCode
group by CityName,#c1.c,#c2.c,#c3.c,#c4.c
drop table #city
drop table #c1
drop table #c2
drop table #c3
drop table #c4
select CityCode,CityName into #city from Sys_City where ProvinceCode = 10;
select CityCode,COUNT(1) as c into #c1 from dbo.StoreInfo where StoreType=601 and StoreRank=701 /*自营一级店*/ group by CityCode;
select CityCode,COUNT(1) as c into #c2 from dbo.StoreInfo where StoreType=601 and StoreRank=702 /*自营二级店*/ group by CityCode;
select CityCode,COUNT(1) as c into #c3 from dbo.StoreInfo where StoreType=602 and StoreRank=701 /*加盟一级店*/ group by CityCode;
select CityCode,COUNT(1) as c into #c4 from dbo.StoreInfo where StoreType=602 and StoreRank=702 /*加盟二级店*/ group by CityCode;
select CityName,CountyName,
ISNULL(#c1.c,0) as Count1,
ISNULL(#c2.c,0) as Count2,
ISNULL(#c3.c,0) as Count3,
ISNULL(#c4.c,0) as Count4,
SUM(ISNULL(#c1.c,0)+ISNULL(#c2.c,0)+ISNULL(#c3.c,0)+ISNULL(#c4.c,0)) as Total
from Sys_County
left join #city on #city.CityCode=Sys_County.CityCode
left join #c1 on #c1.CityCode = #city.CityCode
left join #c2 on #c2.CityCode = #city.CityCode
left join #c3 on #c3.CityCode = #city.CityCode
left join #c4 on #c4.CityCode = #city.CityCode
group by CityName,CountyName,#c1.c,#c2.c,#c3.c,#c4.c
drop table #city
drop table #c1
drop table #c2
drop table #c3
drop table #c4
select CityCode,CityName into #city from Sys_City where ProvinceCode = 10;
select CityCode,COUNT(1) as c into #c1 from dbo.StoreInfo where StoreType=601 and StoreRank=701 /*自营一级店*/ group by CityCode;
select CityCode,COUNT(1) as c into #c2 from dbo.StoreInfo where StoreType=601 and StoreRank=702 /*自营二级店*/ group by CityCode;
select CityCode,COUNT(1) as c into #c3 from dbo.StoreInfo where StoreType=602 and StoreRank=701 /*加盟一级店*/ group by CityCode;
select CityCode,COUNT(1) as c into #c4 from dbo.StoreInfo where StoreType=602 and StoreRank=702 /*加盟二级店*/ group by CityCode;
select CityName,CountyName,
ISNULL(#c1.c,0) as Count1,
ISNULL(#c2.c,0) as Count2,
ISNULL(#c3.c,0) as Count3,
ISNULL(#c4.c,0) as Count4,
SUM(ISNULL(#c1.c,0)+ISNULL(#c2.c,0)+ISNULL(#c3.c,0)+ISNULL(#c4.c,0)) as Total
from Sys_County
left join #city on #city.CityCode=Sys_County.CityCode
left join #c1 on #c1.CityCode = #city.CityCode
left join #c2 on #c2.CityCode = #city.CityCode
left join #c3 on #c3.CityCode = #city.CityCode
left join #c4 on #c4.CityCode = #city.CityCode
where Sys_County.CityCode=1001
group by CityName,CountyName,#c1.c,#c2.c,#c3.c,#c4.c
drop table #city
drop table #c1
drop table #c2
drop table #c3
drop table #c4