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原创 How to pass MAC address to kernel

for those ethernet devices(dirver is integrated into linux kernel)1 get mfg data in uboot/bootloader, then pass mac address to kernel2 in application, reset mac address with mfg mac address. Disadvantage: it might be a little late, sometime, it causes p

2021-09-22 10:41:33 118

原创 usb emuration process

https://blog.csdn.net/harvey2008/article/details/21228975https://blog.csdn.net/harvey2008/article/details/21229041https://blog.csdn.net/harvey2008/article/details/21229111https://blog.csdn.net/dingzj2000/article/details/90905095枚举流程• 连接了设备的 HUB 在 HOS

2021-09-22 10:22:07 242

原创 nping

wikihttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nmapmanhttps://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/nping.1.htmlgithubhttps://github.com/nmap/nmaphow to build./configuremakemake installthen you get the nping under nmap tools../nping -e eth0 --udp --source-mac 00:11:

2021-09-22 10:19:46 290

转载 MAC 以太网(PAUSE)流量控制原理

https://blog.csdn.net/Ivan804638781/article/details/101771054关键词:以太网  数据链路层  PAUSE帧  流量控制。摘  要:PAUSE操作实现了一种简单的停-等式流量控制机制,可以防止瞬时过载导致缓冲区溢出时不必要的帧丢失。以太网流控的引入硬件成本和数据帧处理速度的限制,缓冲拥塞造成的丢帧率大于链路传输中位出错率,因此必须解决缓冲拥塞造成的丢帧问题。(如何查看哪一层丢帧了?1000M网卡设

2021-04-15 12:06:11 5098

原创 iperf

server -udp modeiperf -s -u -p 12345 -t 20 -i 1------------------------------------------------------------Server listening on UDP port 12345Receiving 1470 byte datagramsUDP buffer size: 224 KByte (default)-------------------------------------------

2021-03-16 15:28:54 124

原创 bash sed awk

original string EFUSE_NODEID = 70 F0 96 53 F9 95output string70F09653F995去掉字符串中的空格echo $VAR | sed 's/ //g'solution~/uctg/tmp$ cat macdump |grep EFUSE_NODEIDEFUSE_NODEID = 70 F0 96 53 F9 95~/uctg/tmp$ cat macdump |grep EFUSE_NODEID |sed "s/.*=//

2021-03-12 14:23:04 79

原创 linux i2c

int i2cdev_ioctl_rdwr_example(void){ struct i2c_adapter *adap; struct i2c_msg msg_info[2]; unsigned char buf_1[2]; unsigned char buf_2[2]; int res=0; printk("allen: i2cdev_ioctl_rdwr_allen.\n"); adap = i2c_get_adapter(3); //minor number of i2c-3

2021-03-04 18:05:27 350 1

原创 linux crash trigger by manual

crash trigger by manualecho 8 > /proc/sys/kernel/printkecho 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrqecho c > /proc/sysrq-trigger

2021-03-04 17:59:47 201 1

原创 enable xhci & UVC trace

cat enable_usb_mini_log.patchdiff --git a/drivers/usb/core/hub.c b/drivers/usb/core/hub.cindex 4ebc1a8ac605…42718e3a1f6e 100644— a/drivers/usb/core/hub.c+++ b/drivers/usb/core/hub.c@@ -33,6 +33,11 @@#include “hub.h”#include “otg_whitelist.h”+#undef

2021-03-04 17:56:45 453 1

原创 linux kernel training

1 vprintk_emit, 可打印结构类型2 dev_vprintk_emit3 sys_log 在用户态4 dmesg不收printk打印级别限制, 但是console上pinrtk打印受级别限制5 /var/logs 可以自动backup到server或者其他机器6 /proc/sys/kernel/panic_on_oops centos上default 1, ubuntu 上default 07 <4096的都是空指针,4096是kerne

2021-02-23 14:29:17 128

原创 An example of secureCRT script

#KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 23: …e = "VBScript"#̲interface = “1.0”crt.Screen.Synchronous = True’ This automatically generated script may need to be’ edited in order to work correctly.Sub MainnoTimeout = 72000 '20hnTimeout

2021-02-22 11:35:55 292

原创 the output of kernel v4.9 build

/linux/linux-xxxx/_build/v2/xxxx.aarch64/root$ tree -L 5.├── boot│ └── Image.gz-dtb├── boot.img├── etc│ └── licenses.d│ └── linux-xxx.gz├── Image.gz-dtb├── include│ ├── asm│ │ ├── auxvec.h│ │ ├── bitsperlong.h│ │ ├── by

2021-02-18 19:27:34 923

原创 the output of busybox build

/linux/busybox/_build/v2/xxx.aarch64/root$ tree -L 4.├── bin│ ├── busybox│ ├── cat -> busybox│ ├── chmod -> busybox│ ├── chown -> busybox│ ├── cp -> busybox│ ├── date -> busybox│ ├── dd -> busybox│ ├── df -> b

2021-02-18 19:22:01 60

原创 the output of glibc2 build

linux/glibc2/_build/v2/xx.aarch64/root$ tree -L 3.├── etc│ ├── init.d│ ├── ld.so.conf│ └── ld.so.conf.d├── lib│ ├── ld-2.29.so│ ├── ld-linux-aarch64.so.1 -> ld-2.29.so│ ├── libanl-2.29.so│ ├── libanl.so.1 -> libanl-2.29.so│

2021-02-18 19:14:49 220 1

原创 C++标准

C++标准由ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21进行。已经出版的标准文档如下:发布时间 文档 通称 备注2018 ISO/IEC TS 21544:2018[6] modules TS 模块2018 ISO/IEC TS 19570:2018[7] parallelism TS 并行扩展2018 ISO/IEC TS 19216:2018[8] networking TS 网络库2017 ISO/IEC 14882:2017[9] C++17 第五个C++标准2017 ISO/IEC

2020-11-23 15:11:51 844

原创 Linux GPIO控制方法

进入 /sys/class/gpio/ 目录假设你想控制的GPIO0_29,步骤如下:echo 29 > export此时会产生一个gpio29 的目录.cd gpio29关注以下几个文件:direction 这个文件是控制你是输出还是输入模式如果想设置为输入:echo in > direction如果想设置为输出:echo out > directionvalue 这个文件是在输出模式时,控制高低电平高电平:echo 1 > value低电平:echo 0.

2020-11-17 17:57:34 329

原创 lsusb & usb-devices

[cisco:~] $ lsusb --helpUsage: lsusb [options]…List USB devices-v, --verboseIncrease verbosity (show descriptors)-s [[bus]:][devnum]Show only devices with specified device and/orbus numbers (in decimal)-d vendor:[product]Show only devices with the

2020-11-13 16:39:35 348

原创 【UDEV】 网卡MAC地址自动设置

1 RTL8153 driver首先使用芯片OTP内部的MAC, 若为空,则take a random MAC2 我们需要读取MAC重MFG DATA然后通过ip link set /ifconfig设置MAC。一次性,在INIT的过程中,强制设置一次。每次HUB1 RESET之后,上面的RTL8153被重新枚举一次KERNEL==“eth*”, SUBSYSTEM==“net”, KERNELS==“2-1.2:1.0”, SUBSYSTEMS==“usb”, DRIVERS==“r8152”

2020-11-05 11:15:00 771

原创 download android src

sudo apt install curlsudo apt install pythoncd /home/xiaoxingguomkdir /home/xiaoxingguo/binPATH=/home/xiaoxingguo/android/bin:$PATHcurl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo &gt...

2020-03-31 17:17:56 325

原创 Vim集成Ctags/Taglist/Cscope/Winmanager/NERDTree/OmniCppComplete


2020-03-31 17:15:43 147


1MAC地址88Q5050的地址若设为0, 以为着其可以接受所有PHY 地址的数据。相当于独享SMI总线模式。在clause 22模式下面,OP CODE + PHY ADD + REG INDEX.在clause 45模式下面,OP CODE + PHY ADD + DEV ID + REG INDEX.不支持 如果88Q5050的地址若设为1-32的任意数值, 则可以工作...

2020-03-31 17:01:15 1009


1 QFIL一种利用USB转串口的IMAGE烧入工具。跟BCM BSS工具类似。但FLASH为空的时候,一定需要使用。在高通的板子上面,需要跳线,才能进入QFIL模式。具体为:靠近串口的3根PIN,短接最靠近外面的两根,即可。注意事项:不可通过USB HUB,必须直接接到PC USB端口,独占。2 FASTBOOT按下下翻按键,重启,进入fastboot模式,可通过串口LOG确认在P...

2020-03-31 17:00:33 1113

原创 Core Dump

(1)GDBFor the crash we can reproduce quickly and easily.(2)Core Dump.For the crash we only see after a long time run.How to enable/disable CoreDump?ulimit -c unlimited -> enableuimit -c 0 ...

2020-03-31 16:59:08 61

原创 Windows与Linux文件传输软件 SSHSecureShellClient

问题:很多公司开发的时候,只开放ssh,没有开放smb等服务,如何从linux work station上拷贝文件出来?办法:SSHSecureShellClient-3.2.9.exe, ssh登录之后,可直接把文件从linux 下载到window本地...

2020-02-18 16:08:17 169



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