编译 ncurses 库 make install 时遇到以上错误,通过查看帮忙文件,可以禁止 strip 操作。
Testing/development Options:
--disable-echo do not display "compiling" commands
--disable-stripping do not strip (debug info) installed executables
--enable-warnings test: turn on gcc compiler warnings
--enable-stdnoreturn enable C11 _Noreturn feature for diagnostics
--enable-string-hacks work around bogus compiler/loader warnings
--enable-assertions test: turn on generation of assertion code
--with-dmalloc test: use Gray Watson's dmalloc library
--with-dbmalloc test: use Conor Cahill's dbmalloc library
--with-valgrind test: use valgrind
--disable-leaks test: free permanent memory, analyze leaks
--enable-expanded test: generate functions for certain macros
--disable-macros test: use functions rather than macros
--with-trace test: add trace() function to all models of ncurses
--disable-gnat-projects test: disable GNAT projects even if usable
编译选择加上 --disable-stripping 这个即可。