

storm集群上运行的是一个个topology,一个topology是spouts和bolts组成的图。当我们开发完topology程序后将其打成jar包,然后在shell中执行storm jar xxxxxx.jar xxxxxxxClass就可以将jar包上传到storm集群的nimbus上,并执行topology。本文主要分析下topology的jar包是如何上传到nimbus上的。首先我们从storm的jar命令入手,jar命令的实现位于storm根目录的bin/storm文件里。定义如下:

def  jar( jarfile ,  klass ,  * args ):
    """Syntax: [storm jar topology-jar-path class ...]

   Runs the main method of class with the specified arguments. 
   The storm jars and configs in ~/.storm are put on the classpath. 
   The process is configured so that StormSubmitter 
   will upload the jar at topology-jar-path when the topology is submitted.
        klass ,
        jvmtype = "-client" ,
        extrajars = [ jarfile ,  USER_CONF_DIR ,  STORM_DIR  +  "/bin" ],
        args = args ,
        jvmopts = [ ' ' . join( filter( None ,  [ JAR_JVM_OPTS ,  "-Dstorm.jar="  +  jarfile ]))])


def  exec_storm_class( klass ,  jvmtype = "-server" ,  jvmopts = [],  extrajars = [],  args = [],  fork = False ):
    global  CONFFILE
    all_args  =  [
        "java" ,  jvmtype ,  get_config_opts (),
        "-Dstorm.home="  +  STORM_DIR , 
        "-Djava.library.path="  +  confvalue( "java.library.path" ,  extrajars ),
        "-Dstorm.conf.file="  +  CONFFILE ,
        "-cp" ,  get_classpath( extrajars ),
    ]  +  jvmopts  +  [ klass ]  +  list( args)
    print  "Running: "  +  " " . join( all_args)
    if  fork :
        os . spawnvp( os . P_WAIT ,  "java" ,  all_args)
    else :
        os . execvp( "java" ,  all_args# replaces the current process and never returns

get_config_opts()获取jvm的默认配置信息,confvalue("java.library.path", extrajars)获取storm使用的本地库JZMQ加载路径,get_classpath(extrajars)获取所有依赖jar包的完整路径,然后拼接一个java -cp命令运行topology的main方法。接下来程序执行流程转移到topology的main方法内,我们以storm-starter项目中的wordCountTopology的main方法为例:

public  static  void  main( String []  argsthrows  Exception  {

    TopologyBuilder  builder  =  new  TopologyBuilder();

    builder . setSpout( "spout" ,  new  RandomSentenceSpout (),  6);

    builder . setBolt( "split" ,  new  SplitSentence (),  12 ). shuffleGrouping( "spout");
    builder . setBolt( "count" ,  new  WordCount (),  10 ). fieldsGrouping( "split" ,  new  Fields( "word"));

    Config  conf  =  new  Config();
    conf . setDebug( true);

    if ( args  !=  null  &&  args . length  >  0{
      conf . setNumWorkers( 4);

      StormSubmitter . submitTopology( args [ 0 ],  conf ,  builder . createTopology());
    else  {
      conf . setMaxTaskParallelism( 3);

      LocalCluster  cluster  =  new  LocalCluster();
      cluster . submitTopology( "word-count" ,  conf ,  builder . createTopology());

      Thread . sleep( 10000);

      cluster . shutdown();


    * Submits a topology to run on the cluster. A topology runs forever or until 
    * explicitly killed.
    * @param name the name of the storm.
    * @param stormConf the topology-specific configuration. See {@link Config}. 
    * @param topology the processing to execute.
    * @throws AlreadyAliveException if a topology with this name is already running
    * @throws InvalidTopologyException if an invalid topology was submitted
        public  static  void  submitTopology( String  name ,  Map  stormConf ,  StormTopology  topology
            throws  AlreadyAliveException ,  InvalidTopologyException  {
                submitTopology( name ,  stormConf ,  topology ,  null);
    * Submits a topology to run on the cluster. A topology runs forever or until 
    * explicitly killed.
    * @param name the name of the storm.
    * @param stormConf the topology-specific configuration. See {@link Config}. 
    * @param topology the processing to execute.
    * @param options to manipulate the starting of the topology
    * @throws AlreadyAliveException if a topology with this name is already running
    * @throws InvalidTopologyException if an invalid topology was submitted
    public  static  void  submitTopology( String  name ,  Map  stormConf ,  StormTopology  topology ,  SubmitOptions  opts
        throws  AlreadyAliveException ,  InvalidTopologyException  {
        if (! Utils . isValidConf( stormConf))  {
            throw  new  IllegalArgumentException( "Storm conf is not valid. Must be json-serializable");
        stormConf  =  new  HashMap( stormConf);
        stormConf . putAll( Utils . readCommandLineOpts());
        Map  conf  =  Utils . readStormConfig();
        conf . putAll( stormConf);
        try  {
            String  serConf  =  JSONValue . toJSONString( stormConf);
            if( localNimbus != null{
                LOG . info( "Submitting topology "  +  name  +  " in local mode");
                localNimbus . submitTopology( name ,  null ,  serConf ,  topology);
            }  else  {
                NimbusClient  client  =  NimbusClient . getConfiguredClient( conf);
                if( topologyNameExists( conf ,  name))  {
                    throw  new  RuntimeException( "Topology with name `"  +  name  +  "` already exists on cluster");
                submitJar( conf);
                try  {
                    LOG . info( "Submitting topology "  +   name  +  " in distributed mode with conf "  +  serConf);
                    if( opts != null{
                        client . getClient (). submitTopologyWithOpts( name ,  submittedJar ,  serConf ,  topology ,  opts);                    
                    }  else  {
                        // this is for backwards compatibility
                        client . getClient (). submitTopology( name ,  submittedJar ,  serConf ,  topology);                                            
                }  catch( InvalidTopologyException  e{
                    LOG . warn( "Topology submission exception" ,  e);
                    throw  e;
                }  catch( AlreadyAliveException  e{
                    LOG . warn( "Topology already alive exception" ,  e);
                    throw  e;
                }  finally  {
                    client . close();
            LOG . info( "Finished submitting topology: "  +   name);
        }  catch( TException  e{
            throw  new  RuntimeException( e);


1. 配置参数
把命令行参数放在stormConf, 从conf/storm.yaml读取配置参数到conf, 再把stormConf也put到conf, 可见命令行参数的优先级更高,将stormConf转化为Json, 因为这个配置是要发送到服务器的

2. 调用submitJar方法

submitJar( conf)
        private  static  void  submitJar( Map  conf{
        if( submittedJar == null{
            LOG . info( "Jar not uploaded to master yet. Submitting jar...");
            String  localJar  =  System . getProperty( "storm.jar");
            submittedJar  =  submitJar( conf ,  localJar);
        }  else  {
            LOG . info( "Jar already uploaded to master. Not submitting jar.");

System.getProperty("storm.jar")获取jvm参数storm.jar的值,即topology jar包的路径,然后调用重载方法submitJar。

public  static  String  submitJar( Map  conf ,  String  localJar{
        if( localJar == null{
            throw  new  RuntimeException( "Must submit topologies using the 'storm' client script so that StormSubmitter knows which jar to upload.");
        NimbusClient  client  =  NimbusClient . getConfiguredClient( conf);
        try  {
            String  uploadLocation  =  client . getClient (). beginFileUpload();
            LOG . info( "Uploading topology jar "  +  localJar  +  " to assigned location: "  +  uploadLocation);
            BufferFileInputStream  is  =  new  BufferFileInputStream( localJar);
            while( true{
                byte []  toSubmit  =  is . read();
                if( toSubmit . length == 0break;
                client . getClient (). uploadChunk( uploadLocation ,  ByteBuffer . wrap( toSubmit));
            client . getClient (). finishFileUpload( uploadLocation);
            LOG . info( "Successfully uploaded topology jar to assigned location: "  +  uploadLocation);
            return  uploadLocation;
        }  catch( Exception  e{
            throw  new  RuntimeException( e);            
        }  finally  {
            client . close();

StormSubmitter的本质是个Thrift Client,而Nimbus则是Thrift Server,所以所有的操作都是通过Thrift RPC来完成,submitJar首先创建client,然后调用nimbus thrift server的beginFileUpload()方法获取nimbus存放jar的目录。beginFileUpload函数如下:

( beginFileUpload  [ this ]
       ( let  [ fileloc ( str ( inbox  nimbus"/stormjar-" ( uuid".jar" )]
         ( .put ( :uploaders  nimbus)
               ( Channels/newChannel ( FileOutputStream.  fileloc)))
         ( log-message  "Uploading file from client to "  fileloc)

(inbox nimbus)函数里面又调用了master-inbox函数,master-inbox主要创建storm.local.dir的值/inbox目录,并返回完整目录名,所以topology jar包的将会通过uploadChunk方法上传到nimbus上的storm.local.dir的值/inbox/stormjar-32位uuid.jar。

3. 生成thrift client并调用nimbus thrift server的submitTopologyWithOpts或submitTopology方法(submitTopologyWithOpts或submitTopology方法定义在Nimbus.clj中),submitTopologyWithOpts如下:

( ^ void  submitTopologyWithOpts
        [ this  ^ String  storm-name  ^ String  uploadedJarLocation  ^ String  serializedConf  ^ StormTopology  topology
         ^ SubmitOptions  submitOptions ]
       ( try
         ( assert ( not-nil?  submitOptions))
         ( validate-topology-name!  storm-name)
         ( check-storm-active!  nimbus  storm-name  false)
         ( let  [ topo-conf ( from-json  serializedConf )]
           ( try
             ( validate-configs-with-schemas  topo-conf)
             ( catch  IllegalArgumentException  ex
               ( throw ( InvalidTopologyException. ( .getMessage  ex)))))
           ( .validate  ^ backtype.storm.nimbus.ITopologyValidator ( :validator  nimbus)
         ( swap! ( :submitted-count  nimbusinc)
         ( let  [ storm-id ( str  storm-name  "-"  @( :submitted-count  nimbus"-" ( current-time-secs))
                storm-conf ( normalize-conf
                           ( ->  serializedConf
                               ( assoc  STORM-ID  storm-id)
                             ( assoc  TOPOLOGY-NAME  storm-name))
                total-storm-conf ( merge  conf  storm-conf)
                topology ( normalize-topology  total-storm-conf  topology)
                storm-cluster-state ( :storm-cluster-state  nimbus )]
           ( system-topology!  total-storm-conf  topology;; this validates the structure of the topology
           ( log-message  "Received topology submission for "  storm-name  " with conf "  storm-conf)
            ;; lock protects against multiple topologies being submitted at once and
            ;; cleanup thread killing topology in b/w assignment and starting the topology
           ( locking ( :submit-lock  nimbus)
             ( setup-storm-code  conf  storm-id  uploadedJarLocation  storm-conf  topology)
             ( .setup-heartbeats!  storm-cluster-state  storm-id)
             ( let  [ thrift-status->kw-status  { TopologyInitialStatus/INACTIVE  :inactive
                                              TopologyInitialStatus/ACTIVE  :active }]
               ( start-storm  nimbus  storm-name  storm-id ( thrift-status->kw-status ( .get_initial_status  submitOptions))))
             ( mk-assignments  nimbus)))
         ( catch  Throwable  e
           ( log-warn-error  e  "Topology submission exception. (topology name='"  storm-name  "')")
           ( throw  e))))


struct  StormTopology  {
  //ids  must  be  unique  across  maps
  //  # workers  to  use  is  in  conf
  1 :  required  map<stringSpoutSpec>  spouts;
  2 :  required  map<stringBolt>  bolts;
  3 :  required  map<stringStateSpoutSpec>  state_spouts;

spouts存放spout id和spout的键值对,bolts存放bolt id和bolt的键值对,StateSpoutSpec暂未实现。SpoutSpec定义如下:

struct  SpoutSpec  {
  1 :  required  ComponentObject  spout_object;
  2 :  required  ComponentCommon  common;
  //  can  force  a  spout  to  be  non-distributed  by  overriding  the  component  configuration
  //  and  setting  TOPOLOGY_MAX_TASK_PARALLELISM  to  1


struct  Bolt  {
  1 :  required  ComponentObject  bolt_object;
  2 :  required  ComponentCommon  common;


union  ComponentObject  {
  1 :  binary  serialized_java;
  2 :  ShellComponent  shell;
  3 :  JavaObject  java_object;


3、1个JavaObject结构,这个结构告诉Storm实例化这个bolt所需要的classname和构造函数参数。这一点在你想用非JVM语言来定义topology时比较有用。这样,在你使用非JVM语言来定义topology时就可以做到既使用基于     JVM的spout或bolt,同时又不需要创建并序列化它们的Java对象。


struct  ComponentCommon  {
  1 :  required  map<GlobalStreamIdGrouping>  inputs;
  2 :  required  map<stringStreamInfo>  streams ; //key is stream id
  3 :  optional  i32  parallelism_hint ; //how many threads across the cluster should be dedicated to this component

  //  component  specific  configuration  respects :
  //  topology.debug :  false
  //  topology.max.task.parallelism :  null  //  can  replace  isDistributed  with  this
  //  topology.max.spout.pending :  null
  //  topology.kryo.register  //  this  is  the  only  additive  one
  //  component  specific  configuration
  4 :  optional  string  json_conf;


struct  GlobalStreamId  {
  1 :  required  string  componentId;
  2 :  required  string  streamId;
  # Going  to  need  to  add  an  enum  for  the  stream  type ( NORMAL  or  FAILURE)


2、这个component发射什么stream以及stream的元数据(是否是direct stream,stream中field的声明)

(assert (not-nil? submitOptions))如果submitOptions为nil,那么assert将会抛出java.lang.AssertionError,(validate-topology-name! storm-name)验证topology的名字,validate-topology-name!定义如下:

( defn  validate-topology-name!  [ name ]
 ( if ( some  #( .contains  name  %DISALLOWED-TOPOLOGY-NAME-STRS)
   ( throw ( InvalidTopologyException.
           ( str  "Topology name cannot contain any of the following: " ( pr-str  DISALLOWED-TOPOLOGY-NAME-STRS))))
 ( if ( clojure.string/blank?  name
   ( throw ( InvalidTopologyException. 
           ( "Topology name cannot be blank"))))))


( def  DISALLOWED-TOPOLOGY-NAME-STRS  # { "/"  "."  ":"  "\\" })


( defn  check-storm-active!  [ nimbus  storm-name  active? ]
 ( if ( ( not  active?)
        ( storm-active? ( :storm-cluster-state  nimbus)
   ( if  active?
     ( throw ( NotAliveException. ( str  storm-name  " is not alive")))
     ( throw ( AlreadyAliveException. ( str  storm-name  " is already active"))))

nimbus是一个保存了nimbus thrift server当前状态的map,这个map是由nimbus-data函数生成的,nimbus-data函数如下:

( defn  nimbus-data  [ conf  inimbus ]
 ( let  [ forced-scheduler ( .getForcedScheduler  inimbus )]
    { :conf  conf
     :inimbus  inimbus
     :submitted-count ( atom  0)
     :storm-cluster-state ( cluster/mk-storm-cluster-state  conf)
     :submit-lock ( Object.)
     :heartbeats-cache ( atom  {})
     :downloaders ( file-cache-map  conf)
     :uploaders ( file-cache-map  conf)
     :uptime ( uptime-computer)
     :validator ( new-instance ( conf  NIMBUS-TOPOLOGY-VALIDATOR))
     :timer ( mk-timer  :kill-fn ( fn  [ t ]
                                ( log-error  t  "Error when processing event")
                                ( exit-process!  20  "Error when processing an event")
     :scheduler ( mk-scheduler  conf  inimbus)


( defn  storm-active?  [ storm-cluster-state  storm-name ]
 ( not-nil? ( get-storm-id  storm-cluster-state  storm-name)))

通过调用get-storm-id函数获取指定topology名字的topology id,如果id存在则返回true,否则返回false。get-storm-id函数如下:

( defn  get-storm-id  [ storm-cluster-state  storm-name ]
 ( let  [ active-storms ( .active-storms  storm-cluster-state )]
   ( find-first
      #( storm-name ( :storm-name ( .storm-base  storm-cluster-state  %  nil)))


( defrecord  StormBase  [ storm-name  launch-time-secs  status  num-workers  component->executors ])

find-first函数返回名字等于storm-name的第一个topology的id。当我们正确提交topology时,由于zookeeper中的/storms中不存在与之对应的{topology-id}文件,所以check-storm-active!函数的第一个if的条件表达式为(= true true)。进而通过check-storm-active!函数的检查。将topology的配置信息绑定到topo-conf,validate-configs-with-schemas函数验证配置信息的正确性,validate-configs-with-schemas定义如下:

( defn  validate-configs-with-schemas
  [ conf ]
 ( doseq  [[ k  v ]  conf
          :let  [ schema ( CONFIG-SCHEMA-MAP  k )]]
   ( if ( not ( nil?  schema))
     ( .validateField  schema  k  v))))


;; Create a mapping of config-string -> validator
;; Config fields must have a _SCHEMA field defined
 ( ->> ( .getFields  Config)
      ( filter  #( not ( re-matches  # ".*_SCHEMA$" ( .getName  %))))
      ( map ( fn  [ f ]  [( .get  f  nil)
                    ( get-FieldValidator
                      ( ->  Config
                          ( .getField ( str ( .getName  f"_SCHEMA"))
                          ( .get  nil )))]))
      ( into  {})))

Config.java中主要有两类静态变量:一类是配置信息,一类是配置信息对应的校验器,校验器属性以_SCHEMA结尾。CONFIG-SCHEMA-MAP中存放了配置信息变量名和对应校验器的键值对config-string -> validator。
validate-configs-with-schemas函数就是根据配置信息名获取对应校验器,然后对配置信息值进行校验。相关校验器请查看ConfigValidation类的内部类FieldValidator。(:validator nimbus)返回一个实现了backtype.storm.nimbus.ITopologyValidator接口的实例(backtype.storm.nimbus.DefaultTopologyValidators实例)并调用其validate方法。backtype.storm.nimbus.DefaultTopologyValidators类如下:

public  class  DefaultTopologyValidator  implements  ITopologyValidator  {
    public  void  prepare( Map  StormConf ){
    public  void  validate( String  topologyName ,  Map  topologyConf ,  StormTopology  topologythrows  InvalidTopologyException  {        

swap!函数用于将atom(原子类型,与java中的原子类型相同)类型的(:submitted-count nimbus)加1,保存已提交topology的个数。storm-id绑定了topology的id。storm-conf绑定topology配置信息和集群配置信息合并后序列化器、需要序列化的类、acker的个数和最大任务并行度配置信息。total-storm-conf绑定全部配置信息。normalize-topology函数主要功能就是为topology添加"topology.tasks"(task总数)配置信息。


( defn  normalize-topology  [ storm-conf  ^ StormTopology  topology ]
 ( let  [ ret ( .deepCopy  topology )]
   ( doseq  [[ _  component ] ( all-components  ret )]
     ( .set_json_conf
       ( .get_common  component)
       ( ->>  { TOPOLOGY-TASKS ( component-parallelism  storm-conf  component )}
            ( merge ( component-conf  component))
             to-json )))
    ret ))


( defn-  component-parallelism  [ storm-conf  component ]
 ( let  [ storm-conf ( merge  storm-conf ( component-conf  component))
        num-tasks ( or ( storm-conf  TOPOLOGY-TASKS) ( num-start-executors  component))
        max-parallelism ( storm-conf  TOPOLOGY-MAX-TASK-PARALLELISM)
   ( if  max-parallelism
     ( min  max-parallelism  num-tasks)


( defn  system-topology!  [ storm-conf  ^ StormTopology  topology ]
 ( validate-basic!  topology)
 ( let  [ ret ( .deepCopy  topology )]
   ( add-acker!  storm-conf  ret)
   ( add-metric-components!  storm-conf  ret)    
   ( add-system-components!  storm-conf  ret)
   ( add-metric-streams!  ret)
   ( add-system-streams!  ret)
   ( validate-structure!  ret)

validate-basic!验证topology的基本信息,add-acker!添加acker bolt,add-acker!函数定义如下:

( defn  add-acker!  [ storm-conf  ^ StormTopology  ret ]
 ( let  [ num-executors ( if ( nil? ( storm-conf  TOPOLOGY-ACKER-EXECUTORS)) ( storm-conf  TOPOLOGY-WORKERS) ( storm-conf  TOPOLOGY-ACKER-EXECUTORS))
        acker-bolt ( thrift/mk-bolt-spec* ( acker-inputs  ret)
                                        ( new  backtype.storm.daemon.acker)
                                         { ACKER-ACK-STREAM-ID ( thrift/direct-output-fields  [ "id" ])
                                          ACKER-FAIL-STREAM-ID ( thrift/direct-output-fields  [ "id" ])
                                         :p  num-executors
                                         :conf  { TOPOLOGY-TASKS  num-executors
                                                TOPOLOGY-TICK-TUPLE-FREQ-SECS ( storm-conf  TOPOLOGY-MESSAGE-TIMEOUT-SECS )})]
   ( dofor  [[ _  bolt ] ( .get_bolts  ret)
            :let  [ common ( .get_common  bolt )]]
          ( do
            ( .put_to_streams  common  ACKER-ACK-STREAM-ID ( thrift/output-fields  [ "id"  "ack-val" ]))
            ( .put_to_streams  common  ACKER-FAIL-STREAM-ID ( thrift/output-fields  [ "id" ]))
   ( dofor  [[ _  spout ] ( .get_spouts  ret)
            :let  [ common ( .get_common  spout)
                  spout-conf ( merge
                              ( component-conf  spout)
                               { TOPOLOGY-TICK-TUPLE-FREQ-SECS ( storm-conf  TOPOLOGY-MESSAGE-TIMEOUT-SECS )})]]
     ( do
        ;; this set up tick tuples to cause timeouts to be triggered
       ( .set_json_conf  common ( to-json  spout-conf))
       ( .put_to_streams  common  ACKER-INIT-STREAM-ID ( thrift/output-fields  [ "id"  "init-val"  "spout-task" ]))
       ( .put_to_inputs  common
                       ( GlobalStreamId.  ACKER-COMPONENT-ID  ACKER-ACK-STREAM-ID)
                       ( thrift/mk-direct-grouping))
       ( .put_to_inputs  common
                       ( GlobalStreamId.  ACKER-COMPONENT-ID  ACKER-FAIL-STREAM-ID)
                       ( thrift/mk-direct-grouping))
   ( .put_to_bolts  ret  "__acker"  acker-bolt)

根据是否配置"topology.acker.executors"获取acker线程的个数,如果没有配置num-executors绑定"topology.workers"的值,否则绑定"topology.acker.executors"的值。acker-bolt绑定生成的acker bolt对象。acker-inputs函数定义如下:

( defn  acker-inputs  [ ^ StormTopology  topology ]
 ( let  [ bolt-ids ( ..  topology  get_bolts  keySet)
        spout-ids ( ..  topology  get_spouts  keySet)
        spout-inputs ( apply  merge
                           ( for  [ id  spout-ids ]
                              {[ id  ACKER-INIT-STREAM-ID ]  [ "id" ]}
        bolt-inputs ( apply  merge
                          ( for  [ id  bolt-ids ]
                             {[ id  ACKER-ACK-STREAM-ID ]  [ "id" ]
                              [ id  ACKER-FAIL-STREAM-ID ]  [ "id" ]}
   ( merge  spout-inputs  bolt-inputs)))

bolt-ids绑定topology所有bolt的id,spout-ids绑定所有spout的id,spout-inputs绑定来自spout的输入流,bolt-inputs绑定来自bolt的输入流,最后返回合并后的输入流(一个map对象)。ACKER-ACK-STREAM-ID和ACKER-FAIL-STREAM-ID表示acker的输出流。TOPOLOGY-TICK-TUPLE-FREQ-SECS表示tick tuple的频率,初始值为消息超时的时间。第一个dofor语句为每个bolt添加ACKER-ACK-STREAM-ID和ACKER-FAIL-STREAM-ID输出流用于将ack value发送个acker bolt,第二个dofor为每个spout设置了tick tuple的发送频率,并且设置了发送给acker bolt的ACKER-INIT-STREAM-ID输出流和来自ackerblot的两个输入流。这样acker bolt就可以与spout和bolt进行ack信息通信了。add-metric-components!函数主要功能就是将metric bolts添加到topology定义中。metric bolt主要用于统计线程executor相关的信息。add-metric-components!函数定义如下:

( defn  add-metric-components!  [ storm-conf  ^ StormTopology  topology ]  
 ( doseq  [[ comp-id  bolt-spec ] ( metrics-consumer-bolt-specs  storm-conf  topology )]
   ( .put_to_bolts  topology  comp-id  bolt-spec)))
metrics-consumer-bolt-specs 函数定义如下:
( defn  metrics-consumer-bolt-specs  [ storm-conf  topology ]
 ( let  [ component-ids-that-emit-metrics ( cons  SYSTEM-COMPONENT-ID ( keys ( all-components  topology)))
        inputs ( ->> ( for  [ comp-id  component-ids-that-emit-metrics ]
                      {[ comp-id  METRICS-STREAM-ID ]  :shuffle })
                   ( into  {}))
        mk-bolt-spec ( fn  [ class  arg p ]
                      ( thrift/mk-bolt-spec*
                       ( backtype.storm.metric.MetricsConsumerBolt.  class  arg)
                        {}  :p p  :conf  { TOPOLOGY-TASKS p }))]
   ( map
    ( fn  [ component-id  register ]           
       [ component-id ( mk-bolt-spec ( get  register  "class")
                                  ( get  register  "argument")
                                  ( or ( get  register  "parallelism.hint"1 ))])
    ( metrics-consumer-register-ids  storm-conf)

component-ids-that-emit-metrics绑定包括system bolt在内的所有spout和bolt的id,inputs绑定了metric bolt的输入流,并且使用shuffle grouping。mk-bolt-spec绑定一个匿名函数,metrics-consumer-register-ids函数为每个metric consumer对象产生一个component id列表,get函数返回所有metric consumer对象,map函数返回component id和metric consumer对象集合的列表([component-id metric-consumer] [component-id metric-consumer]......)。add-system-components!函数主要功能是将system bolt添加到topology定义中。system bolt用于统计与进程worker相关的信息,如内存使用率,gc情况,网络吞吐量等。每个进程worker中只有一个system bolt。add-system-components!函数定义如下:

( defn  add-system-components!  [ conf  ^ StormTopology  topology ]
 ( let  [ system-bolt-spec ( thrift/mk-bolt-spec*
                         ( SystemBolt.)
                          { SYSTEM-TICK-STREAM-ID ( thrift/output-fields  [ "rate_secs" ])
                           METRICS-TICK-STREAM-ID ( thrift/output-fields  [ "interval" ])}                          
                          :p  0
                          :conf  { TOPOLOGY-TASKS  0 })]
   ( .put_to_bolts  topology  SYSTEM-COMPONENT-ID  system-bolt-spec)))

从thrift/mk-bolt-spec*函数的第一个参数{}我们可以发现system bolt没有输入流,从第三个参数可以发现它有两个输出流用于发送tick tuple,它的并行度为0,因为system bolt是与进程worker相关的,所以没有必要指定并行度。同时他也不需要执行任何task。add-metric-streams!函数主要功能用于给topology添加metric streams定义,add-metric-streams!定义如下:

( defn  add-metric-streams!  [ ^ StormTopology  topology ]
 ( doseq  [[ _  component ] ( all-components  topology)
          :let  [ common ( .get_common  component )]]
   ( .put_to_streams  common  METRICS-STREAM-ID
                    ( thrift/output-fields  [ "task-info"  "data-points" ]))))

给spout和bolt添加METRICS-STREAM-ID标示的metric stream。add-system-streams!函数与add-metric-streams!相似,给spout和bolt添加SYSTEM-STREAM-ID标示的system stream。submitTopologyWithOpts函数在调用system-topology!函数后,首先加锁,然后调用setup-storm-code函数,该函数的主要功能就是将上传给nimbus的jar包、topology和配置信息拷贝到{storm.local.dir}/nimbus/stormdist/{topology id}目录中,定义如下:

( defn-  setup-storm-code  [ conf  storm-id  tmp-jar-location  storm-conf  topology ]
 ( let  [ stormroot ( master-stormdist-root  conf  storm-id )]
  ( FileUtils/forceMkdir ( File.  stormroot))
  ( FileUtils/cleanDirectory ( File.  stormroot))
  ( setup-jar  conf  tmp-jar-location  stormroot)
  ( FileUtils/writeByteArrayToFile ( File. ( master-stormcode-path  stormroot)) ( Utils/serialize  topology))
  ( FileUtils/writeByteArrayToFile ( File. ( master-stormconf-path  stormroot)) ( Utils/serialize  storm-conf))

setup-jar函数将{storm.local.dir}/nimbus/inbox/中的jar包拷贝到{storm.local.dir}/nimbus/stormdist/{topology id}目录,并重命名为stormjar.jar。FileUtils/writeByteArrayToFile将topology对象和storm-conf序列化后分别保存到stormcode.ser和stormconf.ser。setup-heartbeats!函数定义在cluster.clj文件中,是StormClusterState协议的一个函数,主要功能就是在zookeeper上创建该topology用于存放心跳信息的目录。心跳目录:
/storm/workerbeats/{topology id}/。
start-storm函数的主要功能读取整个集群的配置信息、nimbus的配置信息、从stormconf.ser反序列化topology配置信息和从stormcode.ser反序列化出topology,然后通过调用activate-storm!函数将topology的元数据StormBase对象写入zookeeper的/storm/storms/{topology id}文件中。定义如下:

( defn-  start-storm  [ nimbus  storm-name  storm-id  topology-initial-status ]
  { :pre  [( # { :active  :inactive }  topology-initial-status )]}                
 ( let  [ storm-cluster-state ( :storm-cluster-state  nimbus)
        conf ( :conf  nimbus)
        storm-conf ( read-storm-conf  conf  storm-id)
        topology ( system-topology!  storm-conf ( read-storm-topology  conf  storm-id))
        num-executors ( ->> ( all-components  topology) ( map-val  num-start-executors ))]
   ( log-message  "Activating "  storm-name  ": "  storm-id)
   ( .activate-storm!  storm-cluster-state
                     ( StormBase.  storm-name
                                 ( current-time-secs)
                                  { :type  topology-initial-status }
                                 ( storm-conf  TOPOLOGY-WORKERS)






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