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原创 auto build system and libtool usage in popular open source project


2012-03-27 13:33:25 295

原创 WinCE Application: using database SQLLite and import data from EXCEL

1 requirement:    There is requirement to operate about 20000+ unit of data in a WinCE program, and the data comes from PC as excel, actually data comes from the automation design tools and experi

2012-03-27 11:03:34 601

原创 WinCE Application: adding a core OCX to make embbed GUI configuration software work


2012-03-27 11:01:20 337

原创 major bus and device used today in embbed hardware

1. bus    HPI: host port interface, 16bit high speed "in board" bus, mainly used by TI DSP which will expose DSP memory to another CPU, resulting in controlling by another CPU.    memory bus: usua

2012-03-24 20:30:13 349

原创 OS building, emulator, and some device model in WINCE

1 modifying the OS    In WinCE4.0, there is a standalone suit to build the OS. In version later than 5.0, it is a plugin in VS2005 called "Platform Builder". Basically you can configure the high lev

2012-03-24 20:27:40 398

原创 WinCE Application: Building UI components with dynamic visual effect

1 purpose     Building up components, more specific UI class which have professional dynamic visual effect on WinCE device.2 Component static Overview        graph1.   UI component s

2012-03-24 19:59:16 454

原创 Inserting an updater for DSP binaries

Here I want describe inserting a program to do auto update for applications running on DSP.1. condition:    The platform is a bare DSP board which have no OS running on it, and programming lan

2012-03-22 18:33:28 474

原创 A deeper look at hardware and software of TI 8168 EVM

This SoC is very complex and I'd like to point out something special.1 Hardware   1) Video subsystem: actually it is a combination of two M3 core and 2/3 HDVICP2 co-processors. HDVICP2 plays a sim

2012-03-20 22:50:25 1218

原创 components and building system in RDK for TI 8168

DSP:    one pre-built static library: SCD algorithm.    one algorithm with source files: SWOSD algorithm.    one link with soure: algLink,    one link with same source code on M3: IPCFrameIn

2012-03-20 19:45:25 699

原创 zero copy architecture in RDK of TI 8168 EVM

1 the RDK overview:    Work is based on EVM: 8168SoC + 5158VideoCapture + 1GB DDR2.     RDK is an open source SDK which enable you to modify and rebuild uboot, kernel, vpss package, dsp/m3 progr

2012-03-20 16:59:41 1395

原创 zero copy architecture of my video process application on TI 8168 using C6runLib

1 my design using c6runlib    Following is  my design based on TI c6runlib compiler. Core structure is a "working item line", which contains a queue made of pointers pointing to buffers allocated fr

2012-03-14 17:33:33 661

原创 Make a "building all for DSP, ARM, x86" system using C6Run compiler in SDK for TI 8168 EVM

Destination:     Let user deploy and test their program fast on TI8168, So the building system would output following binaris from one copy of C source code: binaries for x86, ARM, and DSP on TI8168

2012-03-13 16:16:32 936

原创 General overview of architecture of TI's Davinci 8168 SoC

Davinci 8168 is a very interesting arm-cortex A8 SOC chip which contains many co-processor unit such as DSP core, M3 core, which brings a new height of integration level  to embbed devices. The bigges

2011-12-31 13:57:33 1129



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