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原创 Resolving Initial Gaps and Rigid Body Motion ANSYS接触分析中如何解决间隙和刚体位移问题

There are times when parts with exterior constraints on them are dependent upon contact to prevent rigid body motion. In addition, when small gaps exist (especially for curved contact conditions), rig...

2020-02-21 01:08:59 1437

原创 Matlab调用ANSYS的三种方法


2020-02-01 09:24:45 20714 23

原创 linux 系统下matlab调用ansys

clear;clc;% delete ~/ANSYS_WORK/FEAResults/*.lis %delete ~/ANSYS_WORK/WorkFiles/*.dbdelete ~/ANSYS_WORK/WorkFiles/*.logdelete ~/ANSYS_WORK/WorkFiles/*.errdelete ~/ANSYS_WORK/Work...

2020-02-01 08:32:44 463

原创 Linux下超级计算机运行脚本遇到问题解决办法

遇到路径问题[mpiexec@yg0644] HYDU_create_process (…/…/utils/launch/launch.c:588): execvp error on file /usr/bin/rsh (No such file or directory)[mpiexec@yg0644] HYDU_create_process (…/…/utils/launch/launc...

2020-01-31 22:22:39 1982


根据国标计算的轴承的支撑刚度,matlab程序 Angula_contact_bearings_GB_T_292-94_7006_AC.rar



gearsInMesh Create gearsInMesh object. The object is handle class object. Syntax gearsInMesh(g1,g2) Description gearsInMesh(g1,g2) create gearInMesh object with gears g1 and g2 in mesh Input arguments g1, g2 - gear object. Module of the gears must be equal Properties G1, G2 - gear objects a - center distance alphaw - working (operating) pressure angle Object functions plot draw gears in mesh Syntax plot(GM) draw gears GM.G1 and GM.G2 in mesh plot(__,'-th1',th1) specify initial rotation angle th1 of the first gear GM.G1. plot(__,'-zoom',fac) specify zoom factor fac in units of module. plot(__,'-a',a) specify center distance a plot(__,'-np',np) specify number of points for gears contour Input arguments GM - gearsInMesh object Optional input arguments 'save' - save figure to jpg file Optional name-value input arguments '-a',a - center distance. Default value is a = GM.a '-np',np - number of points used to approximate gear profile. Defult value is 20. '-th1',th1 - initial rotation angle in degrees of gear g1. Default value is 0. '-zoom',fac - zoom factor in units of module. E.g. if fac=3 the display window is (-3m+g1.R,3m+g1.R,-3m,3m) where m is module and g1.R radius of gear 1 pitch circle. Default value is no zoom animate draw succesive positions of gears in mesh Syntax animate(GM) animate gears GM.G1 and GM.G2 in mesh animate(__,'-dth1',dth1) specify step of rotation angle dth1 of the first gear GM.G1. animate(__,'-zoom',fac) specify zoom factor fac in units of module. animate(__,'-a',a) specify center distance a animate(__,'-np',np) specify number of points for gears contour animate(__,'-nr',nr) specify number of turns of gear 1 Input arguments GM - gearsInMesh object Optional input arguments 'save' - create avi movie Optional name-value input arguments '-a',a - center distance. Default value is GM.a '-nr',nr - number of rotation of gear 1. Default value is 1. '-np',np - number of points used to approximate gear profile. Defult value is 20. '-dth1',dth1 - step of rotation angle in degrees of gear MG.G1. Default value is 0.5 degrees. '-zoom',fac - zoom factor in units of module. E.g. if fac=3 the display window is (-3m+MG.G1.R,3m+MG.G1.R,-3m,3m) where m is module and MG.G1.R radius of gear 1 pitch circle. Default value is no zoom Examples % the examples will work only with draw19 library addpath('..\draw2d') Example1 % define gear rack with module 1mm a = gearRack(1); % define 9-tooth and 9-tooth gears G1 = gear(a,5);


Lynch_2007 Dynamical Systems with Applications using MATLAB.rar

Dynamical Systems with Applications using MATLAB %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS USING MATLAB % % COPYRIGHT BIRKHAUSER 2004 STEPHEN LYNCH % % PUBLISHED June 2004 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CONTENTS Preface 0. A Tutorial Introduction to MATLAB and the Symbolic Math Toolbox 0.1 Tutorial One: The Basics and the Symbolic Math Toolbox (1 Hour) 0.2 Tutorial Two: Plots and Differential Equations (1 Hour) 0.3 MATLAB Program Files, or M-Files 0.4 Hints for Programming 0.5 MATLAB Exercises 1. Linear Discrete Dynamical Systems 1.1 Recurrence Relations 1.2 The Leslie Model 1.3 Harvesting and Culling Policies 1.4 MATLAB Commands 1.5 Exercises 2. Nonlinear Discrete Dynamical Systems 2.1 The Tent Map and Graphical Iterations 2.2 Fixed Points and Periodic Orbits 2.3 The Logistic Map, Bifurcation Diagram, and Feigenbaum Number 2.4 Gaussian and Henon Maps 2.5 Applications 2.6 MATLAB Commands 2.7 Exercises 3. Complex Iterative Maps 3.1 Julia Sets and the Mandelbrot Set 3.2 Boundaries of Periodic Orbits 3.3 MATLAB Commands 3.4 Exercises 4. Electromagnetic Waves and Optical Resonators 4.1 Maxwell's Equations and Electromagnetic Waves 4.2 Historical Background of Optical Resonators 4.3 The Nonlinear Simple Fibre Ring Resonator 4.4 Chaotic Attractors and Bistability 4.5 Linear Stability Analysis 4.6 Instabilities and Bistability 4.7 MATLAB Commands 4.8 Exercises 5. Fractals and Multifractals 5.1 Construction of Simple Examples 5.2 Calculating Fractal Dimensions 5.3 A Multifractal Formalism 5.4 Multifractals in the Real World and Some Simple Examples 5.5 MATLAB Commands 5.6 Exercises 6. Controlling Chaos 6.1 Historical Background 6.2 Controlling Chaos in the Logistic Map 6.3 Controlling Chaos in the Henon Map 6.4 MATLAB Commands 6.5 Exercises 7. Differential Equations 7.1 Simple Differential Equations and Applications 7.2 Applications to Chemical Kinetics 7.3 Applications to Electric Circuits 7.4 Existence and Uniqueness Theorem 7.5 MATLAB Commands 7.6 Exercises 8. Planar Systems 8.1 Canonical Forms 8.2 Eigenvectors Defining Stable and Unstable Manifolds 8.3 Phase Portraits of Linear Systems in the Plane 8.4 Linearization and Hartman's Theorem 8.5 Constructing Phase Plane Diagrams 8.6 MATLAB Commands 8.7 Exercises 9. Interacting Species 9.1 Competing Species 9.2 Predator-Prey Models 9.3 Other Characteristics Affecting Interacting Species 9.4 MATLAB Commands 9.5 Exercises 10. Limit Cycles 10.1 Historical Background 10.2 Existence and Uniqueness of Limit Cycles in the Plane 10.3 Non-Existence of Limit Cycles in the Plane 10.4 Exercises 11. Hamiltonian Systems, Lyapunov Functions, and Stability 11.1 Hamiltonian Systems in the Plane 11.2 Lyapunov Functions and Stability 11.3 MATLAB Commands 11.4 Exercises 12. Bifurcation Theory 12.1 Bifurcations of Nonlinear Systems in the Plane 12.2 Multistability and Bistability 12.3 MATLAB Commands 12.4 Exercises 13. Three-Dimensional Autonomous Systems and Chaos 13.1 Linear Systems and Canonical Forms 13.2 Nonlinear Systems and Stability 13.3 The Rossler System and Chaos 13.4 The Lorenz Equations, Chua's Circuit, and the Belousov-Zhabotinski Reaction 13.5 MATLAB Commands 13.6 Exercises 14. Poincare Maps and Nonautonomous Systems in the Plane 14.1 Poincare Maps 14.2 Hamiltonian Systems with Two Degrees of Freedom 14.3 Nonautonomous Systems in the Plane 14.4 MATLAB Commands 14.5 Exercises 15. Local and Global Bifurcations 15.1 Small-Amplitude Limit Cycle Bifurcations 15.2 Melnikov Integrals and Bifurcating Limit Cycles from a Center 15.3 Homoclinic Bifurcations 15.4 MATLAB Commands 15.5 Exercises 16. The Second Part of David Hilbert's 16'th Problem 16.1 Stateme



实验模态分析,Experimental Modal Analysis 实验模态分析教程


Vibration Analysis, Instruments, and Signal Processing in Labview.pdf

Vibration Analysis, Instruments, and Signal Processing in Labview 用Labview进行振动信号采集和振动信号处理 学习Labview和振动分析方法,实验模态分析


Mobius institute——vibration analysis.pdf

Mobius institute——vibration analysis 外国简单易用的振动分析讲稿,从中可以学会振动分析的定义以及怎么做振动分析


Analysis of Nolinear Dynamics in a Spur Gear Pair System

Analysis of Nolinear Dynamics in a Spur Gear Pair System。 齿轮副非线性动力学模型的建立与分析 包含非线性间隙和时变啮合刚度的齿轮系统非线性纯扭转动力学模型的MATLAB程序。









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