Mail7ex.ntf Mail Web Access FullScript

Test Case 
 Notes 7.0 NOTES6QEDB
 Mail7ex.ntf Mail Web Access FullScript
 Review Complete


Test Suite(s)*
Notes 7.01 (PC)
Template Test Script


Execution Method*


Review Complete

Debut Build

Assigned Tester

Arabic - PC
Catalan - PC
Czech - PC
Danish - PC
Dutch - PC
Finnish - PC
French - PC
German - PC
Greek - PC
Hebrew - PC
Hungarian - PC
Italian - PC
Japanese - PC
Korean - PC
Norwegian - PC
Polish - PC
Russian - PC
Simplify Chinese - PC
Slovenian - PC
Spanish - PC
Swedish - PC
Thai - PC
Traditional Chinese - PC
Turkish - PC

Estimated Execution Time
5 hrs
Execution Checkpoint(s)

Test case is not currently in a workflow cycle.  Refer to the Event Log for past workflow events.

Test Case is currently in the following Test Cycle(s):
CYC-040 - 7.01 G1 build1 PC
CYC-041 - 7.01 G2 Build4

Test Case has been in the following Test Cycle(s):
CYC-040 - 7.01 G1 build1 PC
CYC-041 - 7.01 G2 Build4

View Execution Notes | View Execution Archives

All Execution Results
Failed, Passed
All Defects Assigned
All Testers
Tao Yu/China/Contr/IBM, Jian Xin JX He/China/Contr/IBM, Yi YY Yang/China/Contr/IBM, Hui Juan Luo/China/Contr/IBM, Jian Lin Wan/China/Contr/IBM, Xiao Peng Feng/China/Contr/IBM, Peter Chen/Taiwan/Contr/IBM, Minami Hsu/Taiwan/Contr/IBM, Kai Kang/China/Contr/IBM, Wei CDL Li/China/Contr/IBM
All Executed Builds


2006-01-16 06:33:39 PM   Bing Fang/China/IBM:  WORKFLOW - New parallel Review cycle started. Due date = 2006-1-23. Reviewer(s) = Claire Kang/Taiwan/Contr/IBM. Note to Reviewer(s) =
2006-01-17 04:24:52 PM   Claire Kang/Taiwan/Contr/IBM:  WORKFLOW - Final Review by Claire Kang/Taiwan/Contr/IBM. Comments =
2006-01-17 04:24:52 PM   Claire Kang/Taiwan/Contr/IBM:  WORKFLOW - End
2006-01-18 11:23:09 AM   Bing Fang/China/IBM:  EDIT - From Notes Client
2006-01-18 11:23:51 AM   Bing Fang/China/IBM:  EDIT - From Notes Client
2006-01-20 11:00:43 AM   Yan Hong Qi/China/IBM:  CYCLE - Add To Test Cycle: CYC-040 - 7.01 G1 build1 PC
2006-01-25 10:38:21 AM   Zhen Rong Wang/China/IBM:  CYCLE - Add To Test Cycle: CYC-041 - 7.01 G2 Build4
2006-02-06 12:01:17 PM   Yi YY Yang/China/Contr/IBM:  EDIT - From Notes Client
2006-02-06 03:30:36 PM   Yi YY Yang/China/Contr/IBM:  EDIT - From Notes Client
2006-02-08 10:40:03 AM   Yi YY Yang/China/Contr/IBM:  EDIT - From Notes Client

Current Execution Status View Execution Archives
Based on build: kitV70_06052005prod
Modify by Fang Bing with kit701_01052006 build on 2006/01/16
Setup & Dependencies

To avoid any problems with scheduling meetings over the web, the Server needs the machines fully qualified host name added your your exsisting computer name.

run nslookup from the command prompt to find your fully qualified hostname:
[C:/] nslookup <your machine's (short) host name>

this command returns the following information:
Server:  < your DNS server>
Address:  < your DNS server's IP address>

Name:    <your fully qualified host name-- this is what you what to use>
Address:  <your host's IP address>
NOTE- For people working in the Annex building in Mulhuddart, the fully qualified host name is This needs to be added to your computer name. To do this see this the section below.

This is to be done on you Server machine
On the desktop right click on My Computer
Click on Properties from the right mouse drop down menu
System Properties dialog comes up
Click on Network Identification tab
Click on Properties button
See Computer name and Full Computer name
If Full Computer name does not end in {fully qualified host name} then click on More
Add (or whatever your full path would be) to the Primary DNS suffix of this computer
Select the checkbox titled Change primary DNS suffix...


Choose OK to exit out of all dialogs and reboot the machine


Please ensure that you have completed all of the general setup steps outlined below.
You will need to set up a test language Server and Client to run this script.

You will also need a test language web browser installed on one of your machines.

Use the Mail70ex.ntf when registering users(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5) in the Administrator.
The users should have Manager Access to his mailfile.

Execution Steps & Expected Results



SPR LINK Subject Status Release Version Note
 NMGE5FTGNL Truncations in main Inbox view(Blue Colour not correct) Close as No Plan to Fix 6.01 Arabic 
1. Launch your browser and open x1's Inbox.  Select the "Folder" button(3rd the first), verify that the menu is translated:

Click the "Create Folder" option(1st option)

(i) Verify that you get the following Dialog and that it is translated:
    Verify that the 'Current folder' drop down menu for translation and truncation

Case1: When there is no existing folder, "No Folders Available" string will display.


Click "Begins With" button and verify that the pop-up menu is displayed and translated:


Click "ok" button and verify that the pop-up menu is displayed and translated:


Case2: When there is any existing folder, "Select Folder" string will display.


Click "Begins With" button and verify that the pop-up menu is displayed and translated:
yangyi add: core bug

  SPR# CS State SubState Sv QA Dev Proj Description
  YYYY6LR685 V70 Open Reproduced 5 Beijing MR Team Murray Hurvitz Core Client/Server Web - Need a warning msg when select [Begins with] button w/o selecting a folder first


Click OK.

Click "ok" button and verify that the pop-up menu is displayed and translated:


 Enter "test" as the new folder and press OK.
 Ensure that a new folder called test appears in the left pane in Mail view.

1.2 Press the "Folder" button(3rd the first). From the Folder pop-up menu select "Upgrade Design"(the last menu)
(i) Verify the dialog box for layout and translation


(ii) Select the test folder from the drop down menu and click OK
(iii) Verify that you are brought to the inbox view


2. Go to x1's "Rules" folder(2nd folder the last).
 Verify that the following action buttons appear at the top of the view and are translated and not truncated:


3. Click on the "New Rule" button(1st button the first). Verify the "New Rule" page for layout and translation.
(Form = (wRulesDlg)
(i) Verify that the following buttons appear at the top of the view:


Verify that "Rule is" set to "On" option(the 1st option) as default.


If you find the button size is not the same, please read this SPR :: SPR LINK Subject Status Release Version Note
SVOV5KKKX6 Mail6ex.ntf: WEB: Incorrect font size in the 'New Rule' page over the web close as no plan to fix 6.01 do not log it

Specify Conditions and Exceptions section:
(ii) Verify that the drop-down box lists are translated and not truncated.
(iii)Verify that the 2nd drop down menu has 13 options(sender, subject, body, importance, delivery priority, To, Cc, Bcc, To or Cc, body or subject, internet domain, size(in bytes) and all documents)

(iv) Select "importance" (4th option) from the 2nd drop down box. Verify that 3rd drop down list contains 4 options (contains, does not contain, is, is not). Verify that the drop down list on the far right contains "High, Normal and Low" options and they are translated.

(v) Select "size (in bytes)" (12th option) from the 2nd drop down box.  Verify that the drop down list beside it contains 4 options (is less than, is more than, is, is not) and they are translated.

(vi) Select  the "subject"(2nd option) option from 2nd drop down.  Verify that the 3rd drop down menu has 4 choices(contains, does not contain, is, is not)

(vii) Select the last option "All documents" in the 2nd drop down menu.  Verify that the 3rd and 4th drop down menus disappear

Specify Actions section:
(BUG: In the "Specify Actions" section, select "move to folder" from the first drop down box. - without selecting "a created folder" from the second drop down list click on the "Add new Action" button.Verify the following dialog for translation and layout.


Click OK.

Added by Qi Yan Hong on 2004/11/30:
If this dialog does not popup, you can log a spr, template will fix them, though it can treated as US BUG.

(ix) Verify that the drop down menu contains 5 options(move to folder, copy to folder, set expire date, change importance to, delete), verify they are translated and not truncated.
(x) Select "change importance to" (4th option in the first dbbox under 'Specify Action')from the drop down box and verify that the drop down beside it is translated and contains 3 options(High, Normal, Low).

4. Do the following in the Specify Conditions and Exceptions section of the "New Rule" page:
(i) Select "subject" (2nd option) from the second drop-down box.
(ii) Select "contains"(1st option) from the drop-down list beside.
(iii) Enter 'test' in the field beside it.
(iv) Click on the "Add New Condition" button.(1st one)
(v) Verify that a new drop-down box appears containing AND and OR appears.
(vi) Verify that the condition is added to the field below.


(vii) Click on the "Add New Exception" button. (4th one)
(viii) Verify that the condition is added to the field below.


(ix) Press the "Save and Close" action button and verify the following message appears.
     Check this dialog for translation and layout.


Click OK.

(x) Highlight the "subject contains test" in the top window and press the "Remove Condition" button.(2nd one)  Ensure this empties the window. Verify that the drop down box containing the options"AND" or "OR" reverts back to "IF"


(xi) Highlight the "subject contains test" in the second window and press the "Remove All Exceptions" button.(6th one)  Ensure this empties the window.

5. Do the following in the "Specify Actions" section  ( last section)of the "New Rule" dialog:
(i) Select "move to folder" (1st option) from the first drop-down box.
(ii) Select the 'test' folder from the list.
(iii) Click on the "Add New Action" button. ( 7th one)
(iv) Verify that the condition is added to the field below.


(v) Select "copy to folder" (2nd option) from the first drop-down box.
(vi) Select the 'test' folder from the list
(vii) Click on the "Add New Action" button. ( 7th one)
(viii) Verify that the condition is added to the field below.
(ix) Highlight the "AND copy to folder test" action and click on the "Remove Action"(8th one) button. Verify that the condition is removed.
(x) Click on the "Remove All Actions" button.( last one ) Verify that the other action is removed.
(xi) Click on the "Discard Changes" action button( 2nd action button) from the menu to close the document without saving and return to the main Rules view .

6. In the Rules view again and click on the "New Rule..." button(1st action button) again.
Select the following in the "New Rule" dialog.
(i) Select "subject" (2nd option) from the 2nd drop-down box.
(ii) Select "contains" (1st option) from the 3rd drop-down list.
(iii) Enter 'test' in the field beside it.
(iv) Click on the "Add New Condition" button. ( 1st one)
(v) Replace the word "test" with "old" in the relevant field and press the "Add New Exception" button.(4th one)

In the "Specify Actions" section:
(vi) Select "move to folder" (1st option) from the first drop-down box.
(ix) Select the 'test' folder 
(x) Click on the "Add New Action" 7th button and then press "Save and Close"(1st action button).

7. The new rule appears in the view with a green tick mark beside it.

Click on the  button(2nd action button) without selecting a rule and verify that the pop-up "You must select a document first!" comes out and is localized. Click OK.


    SPR :
ZBEW5ELLCY Mail6EX.ntf: Missed exclamation mark in the warning message Close as No Plan to Fix 6.0 Danish 

Select the rule and clcik Edit button(2nd action button) again, and the rule opens in edit mode. Select the "Off" radio button(2nd radio button) at the top of the dialog and click "Save and Close"(1st action button).


Verify that the rule no longer has a tick beside it.


Select the checkbox next to the rule and click the 2nd button "Edit" again and select the "On" radio button at the top of the dialog and click 1st button "Save and Close".
Verify that the rule has a tick beside it.

8. Launch browser and open x2's Inbox. Send two memos to x1 with the following subject lines
- one where the subject contains the word 'test'.
- one where the subject contains the words 'old test'.

If the following rule does not work on your language, you can wait for some time and check it again.
9. Switch back to x1's Inbox and refresh. There should be one email from x2 here:


i.e. the one containing the words 'old' and 'test'.

10.Go to the 'test' folder and verify that the email whose subject contains 'test' has been moved here:


11. Go to the "Rules" folder view and click on the rule to open it.  Check the document for translation and layout.


SPR LINK Subject Status Release Version Note

JOCL5D9KE4 Mail6ex.ntf Mail Web Access Fullscript: Inconsistant text Rules in the Rule view Close as US SPR 6.0  " Subject contains old" has large font size, compared to other text in the above window. Do not log this as bug. This is a US spr

12. Press the 3rd button "Delete" and ensure that a Trash icon appears in front of the rule:


Now switch to the Trash view(6th) and select the 2nd button "Empty Trash" .
Verify that the Rule has been removed from both the "Trash" and "Rules" views.

13. From the Inbox view select the 3rd button "Folder" , select the 3rd menu "Remove Folder".
Verify the "Remove Folder" for layout and translation


Click OK,verify the following dialog for translation and layout.


From the drop down box select the "test" folder which you created earlier and select the OK button.

Verify that after refreshing, the folder is removed from the view pane on the left.

Note - If you select "Folder/Remove Folder" without having created any extra folder, the string in the drop down list will read "No Folders Available"


   Click OK,verify the following dialog for translation and layout.

14. Send Mail over the web from User x1's Inbox to x2's Inbox. Make sure mail is routed and x2 user can see the main body of the mail.

15. Create calender entry over the web from User x1's Mail file  to x2's mail file. Make sure x2 user can see the main body of the calender entry.



1) Open a user over the web http://ip address/mail/user.nsf
Verify that the following views and folders appear translated in the Inbox view.

Verify that as you run the mouse over each of the views, there is a grey background added behind the text.
The current view will be in capital letters

2) Click the  button(1st button) to Create a new memo
3) Click on the  button(2nd button).

SPR LINK Subject Status Release Version Note
 JOCL5G9MPT  The 3 middle buttons are not the same size close as no plan to fix Arabic whether the size should be adjusted, ask your Template for verificaiton

4) Click on the lst link "Look in" and verify the dialog for translation. Click OK


5) Click on the 2nd link 'Starts with'  
6) Ensure the message that appears is localised


Click 'OK'.


1.  From the inbox view, click on the 1st button "New Memo"  on the top of the page.
2.  On the page that appears click on the 3rd button "Delivery Options..."

Verify that you get the following message and that it is translated:


3.  Click on the first link "Importance"
4. Ensure message that appears is localised


5. Click ok
6.  Click on the second link "Delivery Report"
7.  Ensure message that appears is localised


8. Click OK
9. Click on the 3rd link "Delivery Priority" link
10. Ensure message that appears is localised. Click OK


11. Select the 1st drop down list in the "Delivery Options" dialog and ensure that there are 3 options {High, Normal and Low} and that they are translated.


12 .Select the 2nd drop down list in the "Delivery Options" dialog and ensure that there are 4 options {Only on failure, Confirm delivery, Trace entire path and None } and that they are translated.


13. Select the 3rd drop down list in the "Delivery Options" dialog and ensure that there are 3 options {High, Normal and Low} and that they are translated.


14. Click the "Cancel" button in the "Delivery Options" dialog


 1. In x1 Users inbox view ,open any recieved document such as a mail, Calendar entry or To do and verify that there is a "Go to" button present and that it is translated..


(i) Verify that there are 5 options - Inbox , Calendar , To do , Next  and Previous.
(ii) Verify that all options are translated.
(iii) Verify that selecting each option opens the correct view.
(iv) Selecting the "Next" and "Previous" options while in the To do view, will take you to the next/previous To Do. Likewise, if you select the same option in the Mail view, you will be taken to the next or previous mail.




1. Switch to  x1's Calendar view,  Verify that the following views are available


Verify that as you run the mouse over each of the views, there is a grey background added.
The current view will be in capital letters.

Click on the 1st button  .

2. Check the below button, there should be 6 action buttons in total.
Ensure all buttons are translated and well layout.


3. Click 1st button "Dicard Changes", ensure it will direct you back to Calendar page.
4. Click on the 1st button  .
   Click "Scheduler" action button(2nd last), bring up a drop down menu.
   There should be 3 items in the drop down menu. Ensure they are translated.

yangyi add: GVT spr

  SPR# CS State SubState Sv QA Dev Proj Description
  YYYY6LRAEH V70 Open Reproduced 5 Molly Chang Murray Hurvitz Core Client/Server Mail7ex:Web access:accent latin or DBCS chars of Free Time Chart's tips appear as garbage

Click each submenu, ensure it will direct you to the proper page and verify each for translation and layout.

5. Click "Go to" action button(the last one), bring up a drop down menu.
   There should be 3 items in the drop down menu. Ensure they are translated.


Click each menu ,ensure it will direct you to the proper Inbox/Calendar/To do page.

6. Check the below "Calendar Entry" part, click each tab, ensure all are translated and in proper layout.



1. Switch to  x1's Calendar view,Click on the 1st button  .

2. On the Basics Tab fill in the fields as follows:
(i) Enter "Repeat Daily - moving to nearest weekday" as the Subject
(ii) Enter the 1st of next month for a 'Start' date and 'End' date.
(iii) Enter 12:00PM (12:00) for a 'Start' time and 1:00PM (13:00) for an 'End' time.

In the 2nd tab "Meeting Invitations & Reservations"
(iv) Select user x2 into the "Invite:" field. (1st field)

3. Go back to the 1st tab "Basics" . Check the "Repeats" checkbox.
 Verify that all strings are translated including all strings in each Drop-Down.
 Verify that all options in each drop down box are not truncated in any way.
(Subform = (RepeatForm))


(i) Verify that the 1st of next month date is filled in for the "Starting:" date.
(ii) From the 1st drop-down box, select "Daily" (1st option).
(iii) Select the 3rd option "Every 3rd day" from the 2nd drop-down box .
(iv) Select the 2nd radio button - "for" and enter 1 in the first field and select 3rd option "Month(s)" from the drop down list underneath it.
(v) Select the 4th option "Move to Nearest Weekday" from the 3rd drop-down box for "If the date occurs on a weekend:".
Click OK.

4. Click on the 2nd button "Save and Send Invitations".
(i) In x1's Calendar view, go to the 1st of next month. Verify that repeat entries have been created every 3rd day for 1 month.
(ii) If the meeting falls on a Saturday, verify that it is moved to a Friday.
(iii) If the meeting falls on a Sunday, verify that it is moved to a Monday.

5. Switch to  x2's mail file. Open the invitation "Repeat Daily - moving to nearest weekday" from x1 in x2's Inbox.
(i) Verify the form for layout and translation.
(ii) Verify that all of the "repeat" information displays correctly and is translated.(bottom of form)


6. Select the 1st button "Edit", the button changes to "Respond..." button
Click this button, Verify that the following pop-up message and it is localized:


Select the 2nd option "Decline".
Verify that the following pop-up message and it is localized:
Verify the title "Decline - Microsoft Internet Explorer" is not in garbage code.


   Click Cancel.
   Click the button "Respond" again and select the 3rd option "Delegate".
   Verify that the following pop-up message and it is localized:
   Verify the title "Delegate - Microsoft Internet Explorer" is not in garbage code.


   Click Cancel.

Click the button "Respond" again and select the 1st option "Accept".
Verify that the following pop-up message and it is localized:
Verify the title "Accept - Microsoft Internet Explorer" is not in garbage code.


SPR LINK Subject Status Release Version Note
 YHQI639DGG tem:"Accept" is garbage code when accept an invition close as fixed 6.52 whether "Accept" translated or not, ask your SW for verification

 Press OK and verify that all of the repeat meetings are added to x2's calendar correctly. (i.e. as in step 4)

7. Go to x2's Meetings view and verify that the meeting appears something like below


8. Switch to  x1's Calendar view and click on the 2nd button "New" and from that select 1st menu "Appointment".


10. Change Start Date or End Date into another date.
Then click subject field.
Ensure that there is no error msg popup.

11. Then Click on the 1st button "Discard Changes" .


1. Go back to x1's Calendar view, click on the 1st button  .

2. Enable the "Repeats" checkbox and and verify that the "Repeats" dialog is launched.

Daily Options

a. Select 1st option "Daily" from the 1st listbox and then ensure the 2nd list box has the following options as far as "Every 31st day"(the last option).  Check all options for translation and layout.


b.  Select 2nd radio option "for" and press the down arrow beside it.  Ensure this listbox contains the following options which you should check for translation and layout.

Weekly Options

a. Select the 2nd option "Weekly" from the 1st listbox and then ensure the 2nd list box has the following options:


b.  Press the down arrow beneath this and ensure it lists all the days of the week(Sunday, Monday,.., Saturday).  Check these for translation and layout.

c.  Select the "for" radio button and press the second down arrow beside it.  Ensure this listbox contains the following options which you should check for translation and layout.


Monthly Options

a. Select the 3rd option "Monthly by Date" from the 1st listbox and then ensure the 2nd dropdown list box has the following options upto the "Every 12th month on the"(the last option)


b.  Press the down arrow beneath this and ensure it lists 1st Day - 31st Day.

c.  Select the "for" radio button and press the second down arrow beside it.  Ensure this listbox contains the following options which you should check for translation and layout.


d. Select the 4th option "Monthly by Day" from the 1st listbox and then ensure the 2nd listbox
contains the options for every day of the week upto 4 weeks and then options from Last Sunday to Last Saturday.


Yearly Options

a. Select the last option "Yearly" from the 1st listbox and then ensure the 2nd list box has the following options:


3. Press the down arrow for the 3rd dropdown list "If the date occurs on a weekend". 
Ensure it lists the following options:


c.  Select the "for" radio button and press the second down arrow beside it. 
Ensure this listbox contains the following options which you should check for translation and layout.


3. Select 2nd button "Cancel" to close the dialog
   Select 1st button "Discard Changes" from the action bar to close the meeting document without saving it.



1. In x1's mail file, click on the  icon at the top of the view pane,
   from the pop up menu select the 2nd option "Switch to To Do", this brings you to the "To Do" view.

2. Verify that  appears above the view panel and is translated. (Page = ToDo Title)

3. Verify that the following views and folders appear translated in the To Do view.


Verify that as you run the mouse over each of the views, there is a grey background added behind the text.
(Outline = To Do Outline --> appears in Page = To Do Picker)
Verify the current view will be in capital letters
SPR LINK Subject Status Release Version Note
 DARN5GBMA9 In Turkish To Do one of the letters will remain in lower case when the view is selected close as us spr 6.52 do not raise spr

4. Verify that for each view,
(i) the respective column titles are translated.
(ii)these Action buttons appear translated and not truncated at the top of the screen for each view


(iii)Create the following To Do items and Save:
-- Create two Personal To Do ,Save and Close them.


-- Create a Group To Do, Save and Send Assignments it.


-- Open a Personal To Do and click the button "Edit" (1st) then click on the button "Completed"(3rd).


(iv) Verify that when each view is selected that the word is in capital letters.
View / Folder Column title View name
 Subject, Due Date, Status, Assigned To, Category ($ToDo)
  Subject, Due Date, Status, Category (To do's/Personal View)
 Subject, Due Date, Status, Assigned  To, Category 
 Subject, Due Date, Status, Assigned to
  (To do's/By Category View)
 Subject , Due Date, Assigned to, Category (To do's/Incomplete View)
  Subject, Due Date , Completed On, Assigned To, Category (To do's/Completed)



1. In the  "ALL TO DO's" view(1st view), click on the 1st button  .
(Form = wTo do)
(i) Verify that title is To Do
(ii) Verify that the 'tab' titles {"Basics" and "Options"} are translated.
(iii) Verify that the buttons at the top of this form are translated and not truncated:


"Basics" tab:


(iv) Verify the layout and translation of the tab.
(v) Verify that the 1st drop down list are  with 4 options (High, Medium, Low, None)
    Verify they translated and not truncated, "Medium" is selected by default.


(vi) Verify that the 2nd dropdown list are with two options (Personal To Do, Group To Do)
     Verify these options are translated and not truncated.
     Click in the "Description" field and Hit the Enter key a number of times - Verify that the scroll bar on the right becomes enabled.

"Options" tab:


(vii) Verify the layout and translation of the tab.
(viii) Verify that you can check each of the checkboxes
(ix) Verify that the categorize drop down menu is translated and not truncated and contains the following options ((Not Categorized), Holiday, Vacation, Projects, Clients, Phone Calls, Travel).

(x) Click on the  button.  Verify that a dialog box is launched


(xi) Enter a new category and ensure it is added to the category drop down list.

2. Go back to the 1st tab "Basics" and check the "Repeats" checkbox.
The "Repeat Information" (translated) dialog box is launched.

Subform - (RepeatForm)


(i) Verify the dialog box for layout and translation and press Cancel.

3. In the 1st tab "Basics" tab. Select 2nd item "Group to do" from the 2nd dropdown list "Type" .
(i) Verify that the buttons change to the ones below and that they are translated and not truncated:


(ii) Click on the 4th button "Delivery Options..." , verify that a dialog box is launched


(iii) Check the dialog boxes for translation and layout. Ensure that each of the checkboxes can be checked on and off.
      Verify 1st drop down box contains 4 options (None, Only on failure, Confirm delivery, Trace entire path)


      Verify 2nd drop down box contains 3 options (Low, Normal, High)


      Click the link "Delivery Report" and verify the following dialog for translation and layout:


      Click OK.

      Click the link "Delivery Priority" and verify the following dialog for translation and layout:
      Click OK.
      Then click Cancel for the "Delivery Options" dialog.

(iv) Go to the 2nd tab "Participants" and verify the layout and translation.

(v) Click on the  for the first three fields. Verify that the "Select Addresses"  dialog is launched for each one.


(vi) Click Cancel.

4. Click on the 3rd button  and verify that the document closes and appears in the "ALL TO DO'S" view:



Check that "In Progress" is properly translated.


1. In x1's To-do view, click on the 1st button .

In the 1st tab "Basics":
(i) Select 2nd option "Group To Do" in the  2nd drop-down box "Type".
(ii) Enter "Group Task 1" for a 'Subject'.
(iii) Enter next Tuesday for a 'Start:' date.
(iv) Enter next Tuesday + 1 week for a 'Due:' date.
(v) Select 1st option "High" from the 1st drop down box 'Priority'.

In the 2nd  tab "Participants":
(vi) Select x2 and x3 into the "Assign to:"  field(1st field).
(vii) Select x4 into the "Optional:"  field(2nd field).
(viii) Select x5 into the "FYI"  field(3rd field).
(ix) Type some text under the "Description" section.
(x) Click the "Save and Send Assignments" button(2nd button the first).

2. Open x2's mail file. There should be an email from x1 in the Inbox:


(i) Verify that "To do:" is translated.
(ii) Verify that the date in brackets after the title is translated.
(iii} Verify the mail icon and "High" priority mark

3. Open the mail.
(i) Verify the layout and translation of the three pages - Basics, Participants and Options.
(ii) Verify that the Perticipants pane does not show  - {bcc:} e test.
(iii) Verify that the following buttons appear at the top of the mail and that they are translated and not truncated:


(iv) Verify that you can read the description.
 (v) Verify that window title says "To Do Item - To do: Group Task 1 (Date) - Microsoft Internet Explorer" and it is translated properly.

4. Click on the 1st button "Edit". Click on the 2nd button "Respond" followed by the "Accept" pop-up button. (1st option)


5. Go to x2's calendar view. Verify that the task has been added to x2's calendar. Try to open and check the contents, and then close.


6. Go to x2's 'To Do' view. Verify that the task is present here.  Ensure that the status is "Not Started" and that it is translated.


7. Reopen the To Do mail and press the 'Edit' button(1st button).

Select the "Respond" button(3rd button) followed by the "Completed" option(2nd option).


Verify that the following message, and it is translated and not truncated:
Verify the window title is not in garbage code:


SPR LINK Subject Status Release Version Note
 YHQI63A589 template:Garbage code when complete a todo close as fixed 6.52 whether "Completed"are translated,ask your SW for verifcation

Click OK

8. Go to x2's 'To Do' view and ensure the status is now "Completed on" and that it is properly translated.


SPR LINK Subject Status Release Version Note
 LKAA5EQMNB Web: Untranslated actions with meeting and To Do documents. Close as No Plan to Fix  6.0 Spanish In some languages, Accepted, declined, countered etc may turn up untranslated in inbox in web. Ask your SW for verification.

9.  Go to x1's inbox and ensure there are two mails present as follows:


Ensure that both "Accepted" and "Completed" are translated.

Note: "Accepted", "Completed" are translated in some languages, while untranslated in other languages, ask your SW for verification.

10.  Open the "Accepted" mail and check it for translation and layout. 
Verify that window title says "To Do Notice - Microsoft Internet Explorer" and it is translated properly.
Check that the title reads "To Do Accepted  x2 has accepted this invitation" and that it is translated.


11.  Open the "Completed" mail and check it for translation and layout. 
Check that the title reads "To Do Completed x2 has completed your to do assignment" and that it is translated.





Open x1's mail file over the web.  Click on the 4th button "tools" and select the first option "Preferences"


Verify that by default the 1st link "Basics" is opened

Verify that there is 2 buttons available


Verify that the tab at the side contains the following options. Verify for layout and translation.

SPR :: SPR LINK Subject Status Release Version Note
 DJST5GSS4M Web Mail/Dols:improper preferences table content in the preferences page. close as no plan to fix 6.01 Hebrew 

Basics(1st link)

By default the basic page is opened
Verify the page for layout and translation


Click on the checkbox and verify that a drop down appears and contains these options


Click on the  link and verify that this message is given


Click OK and verify that the dialog dissappears.

Signature(2nd link)

Verify the page for layout and translation
Verify that text can be entered in the "Signature" section.
Verify that the checkbox can be checked on and off


Address Book(3rd link)

Verify the page for layout and translation
Verify that text can be entered in the "Categories :" field.



From the Calendar section select the freetime option

Freetime(4th link)
Verify the page for layout and translation
Verify that by default that the checkbox for sunday and saturday are unchecked.
Verify that these checkbox can be checked and that this editable field  appears
Verify that each of the checkboxes can be checked off, and when they are the field beside the day disappears
Check the monday - friday checkboxes on.


Click on the  link.
Verify that this message is given.  Click OK


Click on the Availability link.
Verify that this message is given.  Click OK.


Entries(5th link)

Verify the page for layout and translation.
Verify that the numbers in the first two field can be changed.
Verify that each of the checkbox and radio buttons can be selected
Verify that you can enter text in the "Personal Categories: " field


Autoprocess(6th link)

Verify that page for layout and translation
Verify that the drop down menu contains these options and that they are translated and not truncated


Verify that each of the checkboxes can be checked on and off


From the delegation select the Mail option

Mail(7th link)
Verify the tab for layout and translation
Verify that you can enter names in each of the editable fields


SPR :: SPR LINK Subject Status Release Version Note
 YCGG63959U Mail6ex-The address should be translated close as fixed 6.52 

Calendar(8th link)

Verify the layout and translation of the tab
Verify that you can select each of the radio buttons
Verify that you can enter names in each of the editable fields


Click "Cancel" button.


1. Go to the calendar view over the web
2. Click on the button. From the pop -up menu select the "Logout" option(last option)
3. Verify that this dialog box is launched.  Verify the dialog for layout and translation
4. Click on the cancel button(2nd button)
5. Verify that you are brought back to the calendar view


Repeat steps 2 & 3.
6.This time click on the "Logout & Close Browser Window" button(1st button)
7.Verify that the server page is shown and this message is given.  Check the message for layout and translation
8.Click Yes. Verify that the Internet explorer is closed. (This message is from the system, not Notes)


9. Verify that by click "No" to this message that internet explorer remains open and you are brought to the main  server page.

Note: Our Reviewer found that if you quickly clicked "Logout&Close Browser Window"->"No",sometimes your IE will become dead, this is US issue, do not raise spr.
10. Verify that the "Logout" option is also available from the  and   views and works the same as above.



Created By: Xiao Peng Feng on 2006-01-09
Last Edited By: Yi YY Yang on 2006-02-08  IBM LGC

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A: 首先,您需要理解E语言的基本语法和ntf文件格式。ntf文件是一种文本格式,用于描述Windows操作系统中的通知模板。 以下是一个简单的ntf文件示例: ``` [Template] TemplateType=Standard [TemplateSettings] FriendlyName=My Notification Description=This is a sample notification. [TileWide] # Tile wide content here. [TileSquare] # Tile square content here. [Toast] # Toast content here. ``` 接下来,您需要编写一个脚本,用于生成ntf文件中的具体内容。您可以使用E语言提供的文件操作函数和字符串函数来实现此功能。 以下是一个简单的E语言脚本示例,用于生成ntf文件: ``` // 定义通知模板内容 wide_content = " <tile> <visual> <binding template='TileWideImageAndText01'> <image id='1' src='image.jpg'/> <text id='1'>Hello, world!</text> </binding> </visual> </tile> " square_content = " <tile> <visual> <binding template='TileSquareText02'> <text id='1'>Hello, world!</text> <text id='2'>This is a sample notification.</text> </binding> </visual> </tile> " toast_content = " <toast> <visual> <binding template='ToastGeneric'> <text>Hello, world!</text> <text>This is a sample notification.</text> </binding> </visual> </toast> " // 创建ntf文件 file_name = "my_notification.ntf" file_handle = filecreate(file_name) if (file_handle == 0) { print("Failed to create file.") } // 写入ntf文件头 filewrite(file_handle, "[Template]") filewrite(file_handle, "TemplateType=Standard") filewrite(file_handle, "") filewrite(file_handle, "[TemplateSettings]") filewrite(file_handle, "FriendlyName=My Notification") filewrite(file_handle, "Description=This is a sample notification.") filewrite(file_handle, "") // 写入通知内容 filewrite(file_handle, "[TileWide]") filewrite(file_handle, wide_content) filewrite(file_handle, "") filewrite(file_handle, "[TileSquare]") filewrite(file_handle, square_content) filewrite(file_handle, "") filewrite(file_handle, "[Toast]") filewrite(file_handle, toast_content) filewrite(file_handle, "") // 关闭ntf文件 fileclose(file_handle) ``` 此脚本将生成一个名为“my_notification.ntf”的ntf文件,并添加一个名为“My Notification”的通知模板,包含Tile Wide、Tile Square和Toast三种类型的通知。 您可以根据自己的需求修改通知模板内容,并使用E语言的文件操作函数和字符串函数生成ntf文件。


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