Tutorials for AppFuse 2.x are a work in progress. To develop an application with AppFuse, you generally create POJOs and configure how they work with Spring. Follow the steps below to create a master/detail screens that CRUD a Person object. You should create a project using the QuickStart Guide and setup your development environment before starting these tutorials.
- Create a Person Entity.
- Create a PersonDao in Hibernate, iBATIS or JPA.
- Create a PersonManager to act as a service facade to PersonDao.
- Create the web tier using JSF, Struts 2, Spring MVC or Tapestry.
Where's the source?
One of the most commonly asked questions about AppFuse 2.x is where's the source? If you'd like to convert your project so it doesn't rely on AppFuse dependencies and includes AppFuse's source instead, run mvn appfuse:full-source. This feature is only available in 2.0 M5+ and currently only works with basic archetypes.
CRUD Generation
AppFuse has a Maven Plugin that allows you to generate all the code in these tutorials. However, we recommend you complete these tutorials before using it so you're familiar with all the code that's being generated.
One of the nice features of AppFuse 2.x is you no longer need to create a DAO or Manager for type-safe CRUD functionality. You merely need to create Spring bean definitions. This means you should be able to easily develop a front-end without worrying about writing code for the backend (until you need customized functionality of course).