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原创 下面这段程序的输出结果是?()

下面这段程序的输出结果是?()public class Leaf { int i = 0; static int j=0; Leaf increment() { i++; j++; return this; } void print() { System.out.println("i = " + i+" ,j ...

2011-11-23 23:37:24 618

原创 如下代码输出是?()

如下代码输出是?()class Window { Window(int i) { System.out.print(i+" ");}} class House { Window w1 = new Window(1); House() { System.out.print(" 2 "); w2 = new Window(3); ...

2011-11-23 23:35:47 165

原创 java 选择题目.txt

下面这段程序的输出结果是?()1.    public class Leaf { 2.        int i = 0; 3.       static int j=0;4.        Leaf increment() { 5.                 i++; 6.                 j++;7.                 retur

2011-11-22 23:23:18 304

原创 MQ配置

Mq配置归网上收集的,自己整理了一下。1.       基础环境计算机A: computer1 ,IP地址为:计算机B: computer2 ,IP地址为:分别在两台计算机上安装MQ2.       创建MQ对象每一个WMS MQ 至少需要创建一个本地队列、一个远程队列、一个传输队列、一个发送通道、一个接收通道,并且所有WMS MQ上的队

2009-12-23 11:43:00 2089

java 选择题目

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《大规模C++程序设计》(large Scale C++ Software Design



《Effective Java 中文版》介绍了57条极具价值的经验规则。。。。。


MQ6.0 JAVA编程.pdf

MQ6.0 JAVA编程,一本关于MQ编程的书





advance flex3(english)

One of Flex’s greatest assets is its approachability. A developer new to the platform can quickly get up to speed on the tools and APIs to create functional and visually appealing applications. Components, data, networking, charting, graphics, animation, and much more are available for use even by programmers who are just starting out with Flex. Much of Flex’s power and robustness for novice users comes from its built-in use of its own capabilities. For example, someone starting out may not manually insert animations into his application, but the base Flex components come with some amount of animation built in so that even the simplest of applications demonstrates dynamic behavior, contributing to a rich experi- ence for the application’s users. The Flex framework also provides many powerful features so that developers, when they are ready, can add more and more of these features to their applications. For example, states and transitions offer a rich way to declaratively describe different screens of an application and ani- mate between those states. This is probably not something that beginning programmers would even think to ask for, but when they are ready for states and transitions, they have immediate access to these capabilities, which is far more convenient than if they had to build states and transitions themselves.






1. 设计才是真正的编程! 2. 面向对象并不是一切? 3. 对象的引用才是对象 4. 对接口编程才是真正的编程 5. 对数据的描述才是数据 6. 面向对象数据库并非数据库?, 7. 网络才是真正的操作系统! 8. 无论你以为上述观点是惊天大秘还是不过尔尔,你都需要这本书!


A Little Bit Wicked.pdf

“Very well then.” The Honorable Nigel Cavendish, the only son of Viscount Cavendish, who  seemed in excellent health and was expected to live for many, many years, raised his glass a little  higher. “Here’s to love.”  “To love,” Oliver Leighton, the Earl of Norcroft , seconded.  The toast echoed around the circle of four men who had gathered at their favorite club to privately  mark the wedding of their friend Jonathon Effington , the Marquess of  Helmsley   , and Oliver’s  cousin, Fiona, a scant few hours ago. In spite of the fact that each and every man raised his glass to  love, there was a distinct variance in degrees of enthusiasm. It wasn’t that any of them was  particularly opposed to the emotion, indeed, Oliver would have wagered every man here was at  heart a romantic, with the possible exception of Daniel Sinclair. The American was new to their  number and was an interesting addition to their group. He was, as well, their mutual hope for turning  a tidy profit in a railroad development venture in America . 


TCP_IP Professional Reference Guide.pdf

This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reprinted material is quoted with permission, and sources are indicated. A wide variety of references are listed. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and the publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or for the conse- quences of their use. Neither this book nor any part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. The consent of CRC Press LLC does not extend to copying for general distribution, for promotion, for creating new works, or for resale. Specific permission must be obtained in writing from CRC Press LLC for such copying.



List of Figures Chapter 1: Error Handling Figure 1-1: Using $err,hr in Visual Studio's Watch window to view the current thread's last error code Chapter 2: Working with Characters and Strings Figure 2-1: Assertion dialog box displayed when an error occurs Figure 2-2: Variable state before the _tcscpy_s call Figure 2-3: Variable state after the _tcscpy_s call Figure 2-4: Content of szBuffer memory after a failed call Figure 2-5: The Windows Vista Notepad File Save As dialog box Chapter 3: Kernel Objects Figure 3-1: Selecting the Handles column in the Select Process Page Columns dialog box Figure 3-2: Counting handles in Windows Task Manager Figure 3-3: Selecting details for the Handle view in Process Explorer Figure 3-4: Detecting new kernel objects in Process Explorer Figure 3-5: First instance of Singleton running Figure 3-6: Second instance of Singleton when started while the first one is still running Chapter 4: Processes Figure 4-1: The operating system offers quantums to individual threads in a round-robin fashion on a single-CPU machine Figure 4-2: Selecting a CUI subsystem for a project in the properties dialog box Figure 4-3: The property page for a shortcut that runs Notepad Figure 4-4: ProcessInfo in action Figure 4-5: ProcessInfo showing all processes that have Psapi.dll loaded in their address space Chapter 5: Jobs Figure 5-1: Microsoft Spy++ running in a job that restricts access to UI handles Figure 5-2: Details of the restrictions on the Job tab of Process Explorer Figure 5-3: Job Lab sample application Chapter 6: Thread Basics Figure 6-1: How a thread is created and initialized Chapter 9: Thread Synchronization with Kernel Objects Figure 9-1: LockCop in action Chapter 10: Synchronous and Asynchronous Device I/O Figure 10-1: The internal workings of an I/O completion port Figure 10-2: The dialog box for the FileCopy sample application Chapter 11: The Windows Thread Pool Figure 11-1: Output generated by the Batch application. Chapter 12: Fibers Figure 12-1: The Counter application's dialog box Chapter 13: Windows Memory Architecture Figure 13-1: Example process address spaces for different CPUs Figure 13-2: Translating a virtual address to a physical storage address Chapter 14: Exploring Virtual Memory Figure 14-1: These dialog boxes show a 32-bit application running on 32-bit Windows (upper left); a 32-bit application running on 32-bit Windows with a dual-core processor (upper right); a 32-bit application running on 64-bit Windows (lower left); and a 64-bit application running on 64-bit Windows (lower right). Chapter 16: A Thread's Stack Figure 16-1: What a thread's stack region looks like when it is first created Figure 16-2: A nearly full thread's stack region Figure 16-3: A full thread stack region Chapter 18: Heaps Figure 18-1: A single heap that stores NODEs and BRANCHes together Figure 18-2: A single fragmented heap that contains several NODE and BRANCH objects Chapter 19: DLL Basics Figure 19-1: How a DLL is created and implicitly linked by an application Chapter 20: DLL Advanced Techniques Figure 20-1: How a DLL is created and explicitly linked by an application Figure 20-2: The steps performed by the system when a thread calls LoadLibrary Figure 20-3: The steps performed by the system when a thread calls FreeLibrary Figure 20-4: DelayLoadApp indicating that the 20-DelayLoadLib module is not loaded Figure 20-5: DelayLoadApp indicating that the 20-DelayLoadLib module is loaded Chapter 21: Thread-Local Storage Figure 21-1: Internal data structures that manage TLS Chapter 22: DLL Injection and API Hooking Figure 22-1: A thread in Process B attempting to subclass a window created by a thread in Process A Chapter 23: Termination Handlers Figure 23-1: Message shown when an unhandled exception occurs in Windows XP Figure 23-2: First message shown when an unhandled exception occurs in Windows Vista Figure 23-3: Second message shown when an unhandled exception occurs in Windows Vista Chapter 24: Exception Handlers and Software Exceptions Figure 24-1: How the system processes an exception Figure 24-2: How the system performs a global unwind Chapter 25: Unhandled Exceptions, Vectored Exception Handling, and C++ Exceptions Figure 25-1: Message shown when an unhandled exception occurs in Windows XP Figure 25-2: First message shown when an unhandled exception occurs in Windows Vista Figure 25-3: Second message shown when an unhandled exception occurs in Windows Vista Figure 25-4: How Windows processes an unhandled exception using the Windows Error Reporting infrastructure Figure 25-5: Allow the user to choose whether or not the problem report should be sent to Microsoft. Figure 25-6: The user can choose not to automatically send a problem report to Microsoft. Chapter 26: Error Reporting and Application Recovery Figure 26-1: The WER console application available from Control Panel Figure 26-2: The WER console showing each application crash (grouped by Product) Figure 26-3: The WER console viewing a problem report Figure 26-4: The remaining two choices for an excluded application Figure 26-5: The custom entry is sorted by product name in the WER console Figure 26-6: The customized report description in the WER console Figure 26-7: The user is notified that the application is restarting Figure 26-8: The user is notified while the application is preparing for recovery


JMS1.1规范 (中文版)

目录 ..................................................................................................................................................  3  1  引言...........................................................................................................................................  8  1.1  摘要  ...............................................................................................................................  8  1.2  概述  ...............................................................................................................................  8  1.2.1  是 Mail API 吗? ...............................................................................................  8  1.2.2  现存的消息系统  ...............................................................................................  8  1.2.3  JMS目标  ...........................................................................................................  9  1.2.4  JMS不包含什么 .............................................................................................  10  1.3  JMS的要求是什么 .....................................................................................................  10  1.4  与其他 Java API 的关系  ..............................................................................................  10  1.4.1  JDBC 软件  ........................................................................................................  10  1.4.2  JavaBean组件  .................................................................................................  10  1.4.3  EJB 组件模型 ..................................................................................................  11  1.4.4  Java 事务 API(JTA) .....................................................................................  11  1.4.5  Java 事务服务(JTS)  ....................................................................................  11  1.4.6  Java 命名和目录接口 API(JNDI) ...............................................................  11  1.4.7  J2EE 平台 ........................................................................................................  11  1.4.8  JMS和 EJB 组件的集成  ..................................................................................  12  1.5  JMS1.1 的新特性是什么? ........................................................................................  12  架构


C++ 设计新思维:范型编程与设计模式之应用(中文PDF)

C++ 设计新思维:范型编程与设计模式之应用(中文PDF).pdf





C++ 标准程序库(英文版).pdf

C++ Standard Library, The: A Tutorial and Reference Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book and Addison Wesley Longman Inc., was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps.



XmlHttp是什么? 最通用的定义为:XmlHttp是一套可以在Javascript、VbScript、Jscript等脚本语言中通过http协议传送或从接收XML及其他数据的一套API。XmlHttp最大的用处是可以更新网页的部分内容而不需要刷新整个页面。 来自MSDN的解释:XmlHttp提供客户端同http服务器通讯的协议。客户端可以通过XmlHttp对象(MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0)向http服务器发送请求并使用微软XML文档对象模型Microsoft® XML Document Object Model (DOM)处理回应。 现在的绝对多数浏览器都增加了对XmlHttp的支持,IE中使用ActiveXObject方式创建XmlHttp对象,其他浏览器如:Firefox、Opera等通过window.XMLHttpRequest来创建xmlhttp对象。



Linux必学的重要命令 tar 1. 作用 tar命令是Unix/Linux系统中备份文件的可靠方法,几乎可以工作于任何环境中,它的使用权限是所有用户。 2. 格式 tar [主选项+辅选项] 文件或目录 3.主要参数 使用该命令时,主选项是必须要有的,它告诉tar要做什么事情,辅选项是辅助使用的,可以选用。 主选项: -c 创建新的档案文件。如果用户想备份一个目录或是一些文件,就要选择这个选项。


Visual C++ MFC 简明教程.doc

Visual C++ MFC 简明教程 原著:Marshall Brain 编译:张圣华



■ CHAPTER 1 What Can Go Wrong. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ CHAPTER 2 Guided Tour of the Development Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ CHAPTER 3 Initial Requirements and Use Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ CHAPTER 4 Learning from the Data Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ CHAPTER 5 Developing a Data Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ CHAPTER 6 Generalization and Specialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ CHAPTER 7 From Data Model to Relational Schema. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ CHAPTER 8 Normalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ CHAPTER 9 More on Keys and Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ CHAPTER 10 Queries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ CHAPTER 11 User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ CHAPTER 12 Other Implementations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



1 开始教程..............................................................................................................................................4 1.1 简介.........................................................................................................................................4 1.2 必要文件.................................................................................................................................4 1.3 运行示例.................................................................................................................................5 1.4 持久化(Persistence)的选择...................................................................................................12 1.5 载入流程定义文件...............................................................................................................15 2 其它模块整合....................................................................................................................................16 2.1 OSCore ..................................................................................................................................16 2.2 PropertySet ............................................................................................................................16 2.3 Spring framework ..................................................................................................................17 3 理解OSWorkflow .............................................................................................................................20 3.1 工作流程描述.......................................................................................................................20 3.2 工作流程思想.......................................................................................................................20 3.2.1 无条件结果(Unconditional Result)...................................................................................21 3.2.2 条件结果(Conditional Results) .........................................................................................21 3.2.3 可能发生的三种不同的结果(conditional or unconditional)............................................21 3.3 通用动作和全局动作(Common and Global Actions) ..........................................................27 3.4 方法(Functions) .....................................................................................................................28 3.4.1 基于Java的方法................................................................................................................28 3.4.2 BeanShell 类型的方法.....................................................................................................30 3.4.3 BSF 类型的方法(perlscript, vbscript, javascript) ............................................................31 3.4.4 工具方法...........................................................................................................................31 3.5 验证器(Validations)...............................................................................................................32 3.6 注册器(Registers)..................................................................................................................32 3.7 条件(Conditions) ...................................................................................................................34



官方简体中文参考手册完美版.这是MySQL参考手册的翻译版本,关于MySQL参考手册,请访问dev.mysql.com。 原始参考手册为英文版,与英文版参考手册相比,本翻译版可能不是最新的。



JSON的全称是JavaScript Object Notation,是一种轻量级的数据交换格式。JSON与XML具有相同的特性,例如易于人编写和阅读,易于机器生成和解析。但是JSON比XML数据传输的有效性要高出很多。JSON完全独立与编程语言,使用文本格式保存。 ......


《J2EE开发全程实录 》.pdf

第1章 正则表达式.... 1 1.1 为什么要用正则表达式... 1 1.2 正则表达式入门... 3 1.2.1 正则表达式中元字符的用法... 4 1.2.2 Java中的正则表达式API 5 1.2.3 java.util.regex的使用... 6 1.3 实战正则表达式... 8 第2章 程序最优化.... 14 2.1 空间与时间... 14 2.1.1 空间与时间的概念和度量... 14 2.1.2 空间与时间的背反... 15 2.1.3 以空间换时间... 15 2.2 字典、哈希与Map. 19 2.2.1 字典的定义... 19 2.2.2 哈希表与哈希方法... 19 2.2.3 冲突与冲突的解决... 20 2.2.4 Java中的Map接口... 20 2.3 HashMap. 21



Chapter 1: Getting Started An Introduction to UNIX, Linux, and GNU What Is UNIX? What Is Linux? The GNU Project and the Free Software Foundation Linux Distributions Programming Linux Linux Programs Text Editors The C Compiler Development System Roadmap Getting Help Summary Chapter 2: Shell Programming Why Program with a Shell? A Bit of Philosophy What Is a Shell? Pipes and Redirection Redirecting Output Redirecting Input Pipes The Shell as a Programming Language Interactive Programs Creating a Script Making a Script Executable Shell Syntax Variables Conditions Control Structures Functions Commands Command Execution






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