摸鱼程序员的忏悔录及灵魂追问: 你摸鱼吗?

今天在hacker new上看到一个程序员发自内心的忏悔,翻译了一下,同问我国广大码农:

I have been working as a software developer for almost two decades. I have received multiple promotions. I make decent money, 3x - 4x my area’s median salary, so I live a comfortable life. I have never been fired or unemployed for more than a few months total over my entire career. Through most of that time I have averaged roughly 5 - 10 hours of actual work a week. I’m not even discounting job related but non-coding time as not work. There are literally days in which the only time I spend on my job is the few minutes it takes to attend the morning stand-up. Then I successfully bullshit my way through our next stand-up to hide my lack of production.

我是一名工作了20年的软件开发人员。 我多次被升职,我赚钱途径正当,我的工资是我同行的平均水平的3到4倍,所以我的生活很安逸。 我工作以来,很少失业。然而在我工作的的大部分时间里,我平均每周实际工作大约 只有5到10个小时。 不是我写代码的时间,而是不折不扣的工作时间。 详细点说的话,就是每天上班就花几分钟参加晨会。然后我的任务就是在明天的晨会之前成功的摸鱼混子日。

No one has ever called me out on this and my performance reviews range from mediocre to great. I’m generally a smart person. I went to a top 30 university, but it’s not like I’m a genius or I’m coasting off connections made while getting a Harvard education. I wouldn’t consider myself an abnormally talented developer. I often don’t understand the technical details other engineers discuss in meetings. I have probably bombed more tech interviews than I have passed. All my jobs have been between 2-5 years so I’m neither finding a place to stagnate or leaving before anyone could judge my production. It feels like I am in the middle of the bell curve in terms of career success. So what gives?

没有人在我绩效考评的时候要求我从平庸到伟大。 我还算是一个聪明人。 我上了一所排名前 30 的大学,但我并不是天才,也没有在哈佛上大学时建立的同学关系网。 我不认为自己是一个异常有才华的程序员。 我经常搞不明白其他工程师在会议上讨论的技术。 我挂掉技术面试比我通过的还多。 我在一个公司都只待2-5 年,所以我既不会找一个地方长期待下去,也不会在有人挑战我的产出的时候溜走。 就职业成功而言,感觉就像我处于钟形曲线的中间。 这能带来什么呢?

Are most of us secretly lying about how much we are working? Do people regularly run into coworkers like me during their career and simply ignore it because they find it too awkward to criticize them? Have I just been incredibly lucky and every boss I have had is too incompetent to notice? Do I have imposter syndrome and I am actually a 10x developer whose laziness makes them a 1x developer?

所以,我来这里问大家,你们也都谎报你们的工作量吗? 你们在职业生涯中是否经常遇到像我这样的同事,只是因为觉得批评他们太尴尬,所以随便讲究? 我是不是太幸运了,我遇到的每个老板都太无能而失察? 还是我其实是个外星人,实际上是个超级开发人员(10倍别人),只是更因为我比较懒,才和这些普通人混到了一起?

These questions have kept popping up in my mind over the last year. Remote work during the pandemic has allowed me to finally be honest with myself and stop pretending I am working when I am not. I want to know if I was the only one pretending.

这个问题困扰我多年。 疫情期间,远程工作迫使我诚实面对,不再假装自己在工作。

下面的是重点: 我想知道我是不是唯一一个假装的人?





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