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原创 ASP.NET服务器控件的编程架构(二)

ASP.NET服务器控件编程架构(二)    Asp.net服务器控件的呈现阶段发生在控件的Render生命周期内(倒数第二个生命周期,参考ASP.NET服务器控件生存周期),这个时候控件所有的初始化工作,加载工作,回转数据处理及状态视图的保存都已完成。接下来的任务就是将其转换成能在客户端代理(如web浏览器)上呈现的代码(如html)。    我们先来介绍Control类的呈现架构。

2008-04-28 03:46:00 859

原创 ASP.NET服务器控件的编程架构(一)

                          ASP.NET服务器端控件的编程架构(一)    自本篇文章起,我会连续发表一系列的ASP.NET服务器端控件的编程架构。 在讨论本篇的主旨之前我们有必要了解一下服务器控件的层次结构。在System.Web程序集中,ASP.NET服务器控件类是在System.Web.UI、Sytsem.Web.UI.Controls、System.Web.U

2008-04-25 01:10:00 977 1

原创 ASP.NET页面执行模型和服务器控件生存周期模型

                                                  ASP.NET页面执行模型和服务器控件生存周期模型      几个月前,我从客户端转到服务器端,平生第一次接触了ASP.NET这个完全可扩展的,基于控件(组件)和事件的高度可重用的服务器端编程架构。现在我可以这样评价它,但是数天前,我却遭受了前所未有的困难,如果你只是使用微软已经写好的服务器控件

2008-04-19 02:19:00 1693 1

Unity in Action, 2nd Edition.pdf.zip

Unity in Action, Second Edition is a book about programming games in Unity. Think of it as an intro to Unity for experienced programmers. The goal of this book is straightfor- ward: to take people who have some programming experience but no experience with Unity and teach them how to develop a game using Unity. The best way of teaching development is through example projects, with students learning by doing, and that’s the approach this book takes. I’ll present topics as steps toward building sample games, and you’ll be encouraged to build these games in Unity while exploring the book. We’ll go through a selection of different projects every few chapters, rather than one monolithic project developed over the entire book. (Some- times other books take the “one monolithic project” approach, but that can make it hard to jump into the middle if the early chapters aren’t relevant to you.) This book will have more rigorous programming content than most Unity books (especially beginners’ books). Unity is often portrayed as a list of features with no pro- gramming required, which is a misleading view that won’t teach people what they need to know in order to produce commercial titles. If you don’t already know how to pro- gram a computer, I suggest going to a resource like Codecademy first (the computer programming lessons at Khan Academy work well, too) and then come back to this book after learning how to program. Don’t worry about the exact programming language; C# is used throughout this book, but skills from other languages will transfer quite well. Although the first part of the book will take its time introducing new concepts and will carefully and deliberately


Xamarin in Action.pdf.zip

This book has involved a huge amount of work over the past year and a bit. But in spite of the countless hours I put in, it would never have happened without a lot of hard work from some amazing people. This book isn’t the creation of a great writer; instead, it’s the result of an enthusiastic developer standing on the shoulders of giants, and it is these giants to whom I owe a huge amount of thanks. First, I’d like to thank the team at Xamarin for creating a product that has excited me beyond any technology that I've worked with before—especially Miguel de Icaza, Nat Friedman, and Joseph Hill for founding such an awesome company to create an awesome product; James Montemagno for kick-starting my involvement with the Xam- arin community by inspiring me to write and speak; Jayme Singleton for her great work building the Xamarin community and supporting all its members; and Mikayla Hutchinson for always being happy to help no matter what dumb questions I ask her. On the community side, I’d like to thank the Xamarin MVP community, past and present, for welcoming me to the fold, being on hand to answer questions, and sup- porting my writing, with special thanks to Dave Evans for giving me my first chance to speak at a meetup—a defining moment in my community involvement. Part of what has made this book so easy to write is the amazing framework that is MvvmCross, so I’d like to also thank the MvvmCross team for their hard work and support, especially Martijn van Dijk. This book wouldn’t have been one-tenth as good as it is without the constant sup- port, feedback, and teaching of my development editor at Manning Publications, Ele- sha Hyde. The techniques you’ve taught me have made me a better communicator, writer, and mentor, and I’ve been incredibly appreciative of your guidance every time there was a bump in the road. I hope I’ve done you proud.



This is the third version of a book about writing applications with Xamarin.Forms, the exciting mobile development platform for iOS, Android, and Windows unveiled by Xamarin in May 2014. (The first two versions of this book were Preview Editions.) Xamarin.Forms lets you write shared user-interface code in C# and XAML (the Extensible Application Markup Language) that maps to native controls on these platforms. The Windows support of Xamarin.Forms includes the Windows Runtime (WinRT) for targeting Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 devices, and the Universal Windows Platform (UWP), which is a form of the Windows Runtime that targets Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile devices with a single program. The two previous versions of this book were called Preview Editions because they were not com- plete. At 1200 pages, this is the first edition that can claim to be complete, even though several topics are not included and Xamarin.Forms continues to be progressively enhanced with no sign of slowing down.






从Flash Player10 虚拟机层面上剖析Flex框架底层。


Flash MX 2004游戏制作完全攻略

学习falsh as 2.0 不可多得的教材,示例丰富,讲解全面,由浅入深,通俗易懂。






传统的js事件不支持多事件处理器绑定,尽管DOM level2提供了addEventListener方法,但是有些浏览器还不支持(IE),写了个支持多绑定的eventRouter,用起来很方便。


js写的calendar object

用javascript 封装的calendar对象



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