
最近在学习.NET的时,需要在客户端软件中保存用户的一些设置,比如是否在登录框中保存上次登录名等信息,就用到了.NET中的应用程序设置功能。如果使用用户范围的设置,程序会在磁盘上创建user.config用来存储修改后设置值,对 user.config所在的文件夹,我产生了一些兴趣,并做了一些研究。现举个例子来说明:
C:/Documents and Settings/Admin/Local Settings/Application Data/Microsoft/test.exe_Url_3ypvtlafqkef0gkp1kl5i2idjssaxajb/
“C:/Documents and Settings/Admin/Local Settings/Application Data”是LocalApplicationData特殊文件夹



  ClientConfigPaths ccp = new ClientConfigPaths();
  textBox1.Text = ccp.GetUserConfigFilePath();


  1.  //ClientConfigPaths类 
  2.     using Microsoft.Win32; 
  3.     using System; 
  4.     using System.Collections; 
  5.     using System.Diagnostics; 
  6.     using System.Globalization; 
  7.     using System.IO; 
  8.     using System.Reflection; 
  9.     using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; 
  10.     using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
  11.     using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; 
  12.     using System.Security.Cryptography; 
  13.     using System.Security.Permissions; 
  14.     using System.Security.Policy; 
  15.     using System.Text; 
  16.     internal class ClientConfigPaths 
  17.     { 
  18.         private string _applicationConfigUri; 
  19.         private string _applicationUri; 
  20.         private string _companyName; 
  21.         private bool _includesUserConfig; 
  22.         private string _productName; 
  23.         private string _productVersion; 
  24.         private const string ClickOnceDataDirectory = "DataDirectory"
  25.         private const string ConfigExtension = ".config"
  26.         private const string FILE_URI = "file:"
  27.         private const string FILE_URI_LOCAL = "file:///"
  28.         private const string FILE_URI_UNC = "file://"
  29.         private const string HTTP_URI = "http://"
  30.         private const int MAX_LENGTH_TO_USE = 0x19; 
  31.         private const int MAX_PATH = 260; 
  32.         private const string PathDesc = "Path"
  33.         private static char[] s_Base32Char = new char[] {  
  34.             'a''b''c''d''e''f''g''h''i''j''k''l''m''n''o''p',  
  35.             'q''r''s''t''u''v''w''x''y''z''0''1''2''3''4''5' 
  36.          }; 
  37.         private static SecurityPermission s_controlEvidencePerm; 
  38.         private static SecurityPermission s_serializationPerm; 
  39.         private const string StrongNameDesc = "StrongName"
  40.         private const string UrlDesc = "Url"
  41.         internal const string UserConfigFilename = "user.config"
  42.         public string GetUserConfigFilePath() 
  43.         { 
  44.             string exePath = null
  45.             bool includeUserConfig = true
  46.             string UserConfigFilePath = ""
  47.             this._includesUserConfig = includeUserConfig; 
  48.             Assembly exeAssembly = null
  49.             string codeBase = null
  50.             string applicationFilename = null
  51.             if (exePath == null
  52.             { 
  53.                 AppDomainSetup setupInformation = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation; 
  54.                 this._applicationConfigUri = setupInformation.ConfigurationFile; 
  55.                 exeAssembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); 
  56.                     codeBase = exeAssembly.CodeBase; 
  57.                     bool flag = false
  58.                     if (StringUtil.StartsWithIgnoreCase(codeBase, "file:///")) 
  59.                     { 
  60.                         flag = true
  61.                         codeBase = codeBase.Substring("file:///".Length); 
  62.                     } 
  63.                     else if (StringUtil.StartsWithIgnoreCase(codeBase, "file://")) 
  64.                     { 
  65.                         flag = true
  66.                         codeBase = codeBase.Substring("file:".Length); 
  67.                     } 
  68.                     if (flag) 
  69.                     { 
  70.                         codeBase = codeBase.Replace('/''//'); 
  71.                         applicationFilename = codeBase; 
  72.                     } 
  73.                     else 
  74.                     { 
  75.                         codeBase = exeAssembly.EscapedCodeBase; 
  76.                     } 
  77.             } 
  78.             else 
  79.             { 
  80.                 codeBase = Path.GetFullPath(exePath); 
  81.                 if (!File.Exists(codeBase)) 
  82.                 { 
  83.                     throw new Exception(); 
  84.                 } 
  85.                 applicationFilename = codeBase; 
  86.             } 
  87.             if (this._applicationConfigUri == null
  88.             { 
  89.                 this._applicationConfigUri = codeBase + ".config"
  90.             } 
  91.             this._applicationUri = codeBase; 
  92.             if ((exePath == null) && this._includesUserConfig) 
  93.             { 
  94.                 this.SetNamesAndVersion(applicationFilename, exeAssembly, false); 
  95.                 string str5 = this.Validate(this._companyName, true); 
  96.                 string str6 = this.Validate(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName, true); 
  97.                 string str7 = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._applicationUri) ? this._applicationUri.ToLower 
  98. (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : null
  99.                 string str8 = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(str6) ? str6 : this.Validate(this._productName, true); 
  100.                 string typeAndHashSuffix = this.GetTypeAndHashSuffix(AppDomain.CurrentDomain, str7); 
  101.                     string str10 = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str8) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeAndHashSuffix)) ?  
  102. (str8 + typeAndHashSuffix) : null
  103.                     string str11 = this.Validate(this._productVersion, false); 
  104.                     string str12 = this.CombineIfValid(this.CombineIfValid(str5, str10), str11); 
  105.                     string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData); 
  106.                     if (Path.IsPathRooted(path)) 
  107.                     { 
  108.                         UserConfigFilePath = this.CombineIfValid(path, str12); 
  109.                         UserConfigFilePath = this.CombineIfValid(UserConfigFilePath, "user.config"); 
  110.                     } 
  111.             } 
  112.             return UserConfigFilePath; 
  113.         } 
  114.         private string CombineIfValid(string path1, string path2) 
  115.         { 
  116.             string str = null
  117.             if ((path1 != null) && (path2 != null)) 
  118.             { 
  119.                 try 
  120.                 { 
  121.                     string str2 = Path.Combine(path1, path2); 
  122.                     if (str2.Length < 260) 
  123.                     { 
  124.                         str = str2; 
  125.                     } 
  126.                 } 
  127.                 catch 
  128.                 { 
  129.                 } 
  130.             } 
  131.             return str; 
  132.         } 
  133.         private static object GetEvidenceInfo(AppDomain appDomain, string exePath, out string typeName) 
  134.         { 
  135.             ControlEvidencePermission.Assert(); 
  136.             Evidence evidence = appDomain.Evidence; 
  137.             StrongName sn = null
  138.             Url url = null
  139.             if (evidence != null
  140.             { 
  141.                 IEnumerator hostEnumerator = evidence.GetHostEnumerator(); 
  142.                 object current = null
  143.                 while (hostEnumerator.MoveNext()) 
  144.                 { 
  145.                     current = hostEnumerator.Current; 
  146.                     if (current is StrongName) 
  147.                     { 
  148.                         sn = (StrongName) current; 
  149.                         break
  150.                     } 
  151.                     if (current is Url) 
  152.                     { 
  153.                         url = (Url) current; 
  154.                     } 
  155.                 } 
  156.             } 
  157.             object obj3 = null
  158.             if (sn != null
  159.             { 
  160.                 obj3 = MakeVersionIndependent(sn); 
  161.                 typeName = "StrongName"
  162.                 return obj3; 
  163.             } 
  164.             if (url != null
  165.             { 
  166.                 obj3 = url.Value.ToUpperInvariant(); 
  167.                 typeName = "Url"
  168.                 return obj3; 
  169.             } 
  170.             if (exePath != null
  171.             { 
  172.                 obj3 = exePath; 
  173.                 typeName = "Path"
  174.                 return obj3; 
  175.             } 
  176.             typeName = null
  177.             return obj3; 
  178.         } 
  179.         private static string GetHash(Stream s) 
  180.         { 
  181.             byte[] buffer; 
  182.             using (SHA1 sha = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider()) 
  183.             { 
  184.                 buffer = sha.ComputeHash(s); 
  185.             } 
  186.             return ToBase32StringSuitableForDirName(buffer); 
  187.         } 
  188.         private string GetTypeAndHashSuffix(AppDomain appDomain, string exePath) 
  189.         { 
  190.             string str = null
  191.             string typeName = null
  192.             object graph = null
  193.             graph = GetEvidenceInfo(appDomain, exePath, out typeName); 
  194.             if ((graph != null) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeName)) 
  195.             { 
  196.                 MemoryStream serializationStream = new MemoryStream(); 
  197.                 BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); 
  198.                 SerializationFormatterPermission.Assert(); 
  199.                 formatter.Serialize(serializationStream, graph); 
  200.                 serializationStream.Position = 0L; 
  201.                 string hash = GetHash(serializationStream); 
  202.                 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hash)) 
  203.                 { 
  204.                     str = "_" + typeName + "_" + hash; 
  205.                 } 
  206.             } 
  207.             return str; 
  208.         } 
  209.         private static StrongName MakeVersionIndependent(StrongName sn) 
  210.         { 
  211.             return new StrongName(sn.PublicKey, sn.Name, new Version(0, 0, 0, 0)); 
  212.         } 
  213.         private void SetNamesAndVersion(string applicationFilename, Assembly exeAssembly, bool isHttp) 
  214.         { 
  215.             Type reflectedType = null
  216.             if (exeAssembly != null
  217.             { 
  218.                 object[] customAttributes = exeAssembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyCompanyAttribute),  
  219. false); 
  220.                 if ((customAttributes != null) && (customAttributes.Length > 0)) 
  221.                 { 
  222.                     this._companyName = ((AssemblyCompanyAttribute) customAttributes[0]).Company; 
  223.                     if (this._companyName != null
  224.                     { 
  225.                         this._companyName = this._companyName.Trim(); 
  226.                     } 
  227.                 } 
  228.                 customAttributes = exeAssembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyProductAttribute), false); 
  229.                 if ((customAttributes != null) && (customAttributes.Length > 0)) 
  230.                 { 
  231.                     this._productName = ((AssemblyProductAttribute) customAttributes[0]).Product; 
  232.                     if (this._productName != null
  233.                     { 
  234.                         this._productName = this._productName.Trim(); 
  235.                     } 
  236.                 } 
  237.                 this._productVersion = exeAssembly.GetName().Version.ToString(); 
  238.                 if (this._productVersion != null
  239.                 { 
  240.                     this._productVersion = this._productVersion.Trim(); 
  241.                 } 
  242.             } 
  243.             if (!isHttp && ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._companyName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._productName)) ||  
  244. string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._productVersion))) 
  245.             { 
  246.                 string fileName = null
  247.                 if (exeAssembly != null
  248.                 { 
  249.                     MethodInfo entryPoint = exeAssembly.EntryPoint; 
  250.                     if (entryPoint != null
  251.                     { 
  252.                         reflectedType = entryPoint.ReflectedType; 
  253.                         if (reflectedType != null
  254.                         { 
  255.                             fileName = reflectedType.Module.FullyQualifiedName; 
  256.                         } 
  257.                     } 
  258.                 } 
  259.                 if (fileName == null
  260.                 { 
  261.                     fileName = applicationFilename; 
  262.                 } 
  263.                 if (fileName != null
  264.                 { 
  265.                     FileVersionInfo versionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(fileName); 
  266.                     if (versionInfo != null
  267.                     { 
  268.                         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._companyName)) 
  269.                         { 
  270.                             this._companyName = versionInfo.CompanyName; 
  271.                             if (this._companyName != null
  272.                             { 
  273.                                 this._companyName = this._companyName.Trim(); 
  274.                             } 
  275.                         } 
  276.                         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._productName)) 
  277.                         { 
  278.                             this._productName = versionInfo.ProductName; 
  279.                             if (this._productName != null
  280.                             { 
  281.                                 this._productName = this._productName.Trim(); 
  282.                             } 
  283.                         } 
  284.                         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._productVersion)) 
  285.                         { 
  286.                             this._productVersion = versionInfo.ProductVersion; 
  287.                             if (this._productVersion != null
  288.                             { 
  289.                                 this._productVersion = this._productVersion.Trim(); 
  290.                             } 
  291.                         } 
  292.                     } 
  293.                 } 
  294.             } 
  295.             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._companyName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._productName)) 
  296.             { 
  297.                 string str2 = null
  298.                 if (reflectedType != null
  299.                 { 
  300.                     str2 = reflectedType.Namespace; 
  301.                 } 
  302.                 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._productName)) 
  303.                 { 
  304.                     if (str2 != null
  305.                     { 
  306.                         int num = str2.LastIndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal); 
  307.                         if ((num != -1) && (num < (str2.Length - 1))) 
  308.                         { 
  309.                             this._productName = str2.Substring(num + 1); 
  310.                         } 
  311.                         else 
  312.                         { 
  313.                             this._productName = str2; 
  314.                         } 
  315.                         this._productName = this._productName.Trim(); 
  316.                     } 
  317.                     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._productName) && (reflectedType != null)) 
  318.                     { 
  319.                         this._productName = reflectedType.Name.Trim(); 
  320.                     } 
  321.                     if (this._productName == null
  322.                     { 
  323.                         this._productName = string.Empty; 
  324.                     } 
  325.                 } 
  326.                 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._companyName)) 
  327.                 { 
  328.                     if (str2 != null
  329.                     { 
  330.                         int index = str2.IndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal); 
  331.                         if (index != -1) 
  332.                         { 
  333.                             this._companyName = str2.Substring(0, index); 
  334.                         } 
  335.                         else 
  336.                         { 
  337.                             this._companyName = str2; 
  338.                         } 
  339.                         this._companyName = this._companyName.Trim(); 
  340.                     } 
  341.                     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._companyName)) 
  342.                     { 
  343.                         this._companyName = this._productName; 
  344.                     } 
  345.                 } 
  346.             } 
  347.             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._productVersion)) 
  348.             { 
  349.                 this._productVersion = ""
  350.             } 
  351.         } 
  352.         private static string ToBase32StringSuitableForDirName(byte[] buff) 
  353.         { 
  354.             StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); 
  355.             int length = buff.Length; 
  356.             int num7 = 0; 
  357.             do 
  358.             { 
  359.                 byte num = (num7 < length) ? buff[num7++] : ((byte) 0); 
  360.                 byte num2 = (num7 < length) ? buff[num7++] : ((byte) 0); 
  361.                 byte index = (num7 < length) ? buff[num7++] : ((byte) 0); 
  362.                 byte num4 = (num7 < length) ? buff[num7++] : ((byte) 0); 
  363.                 byte num5 = (num7 < length) ? buff[num7++] : ((byte) 0); 
  364.                 builder.Append(s_Base32Char[num & 0x1f]); 
  365.                 builder.Append(s_Base32Char[num2 & 0x1f]); 
  366.                 builder.Append(s_Base32Char[index & 0x1f]); 
  367.                 builder.Append(s_Base32Char[num4 & 0x1f]); 
  368.                 builder.Append(s_Base32Char[num5 & 0x1f]); 
  369.                 builder.Append(s_Base32Char[((num & 0xe0) >> 5) | ((num4 & 0x60) >> 2)]); 
  370.                 builder.Append(s_Base32Char[((num2 & 0xe0) >> 5) | ((num5 & 0x60) >> 2)]); 
  371.                 index = (byte) (index >> 5); 
  372.                 if ((num4 & 0x80) != 0) 
  373.                 { 
  374.                     index = (byte) (index | 8); 
  375.                 } 
  376.                 if ((num5 & 0x80) != 0) 
  377.                 { 
  378.                     index = (byte) (index | 0x10); 
  379.                 } 
  380.                 builder.Append(s_Base32Char[index]); 
  381.             } 
  382.             while (num7 < length); 
  383.             return builder.ToString(); 
  384.         } 
  385.         private string Validate(string str, bool limitSize) 
  386.         { 
  387.             string str2 = str; 
  388.             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str2)) 
  389.             { 
  390.                 foreach (char ch in Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) 
  391.                 { 
  392.                     str2 = str2.Replace(ch, '_'); 
  393.                 } 
  394.                 str2 = str2.Replace(' ''_'); 
  395.                 if (limitSize) 
  396.                 { 
  397.                     str2 = (str2.Length > 0x19) ? str2.Substring(0, 0x19) : str2; 
  398.                 } 
  399.             } 
  400.             return str2; 
  401.         } 
  402.         private static SecurityPermission ControlEvidencePermission 
  403.         { 
  404.             get 
  405.             { 
  406.                 if (s_controlEvidencePerm == null
  407.                 { 
  408.                     s_controlEvidencePerm = new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlEvidence); 
  409.                 } 
  410.                 return s_controlEvidencePerm; 
  411.             } 
  412.         } 
  413.         private static SecurityPermission SerializationFormatterPermission 
  414.         { 
  415.             get 
  416.             { 
  417.                 if (s_serializationPerm == null
  418.                 { 
  419.                     s_serializationPerm = new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.SerializationFormatter); 
  420.                 } 
  421.                 return s_serializationPerm; 
  422.             } 
  423.         } 
  424.     }
  425. StringUtil类 
  426.   //StringUtil类 
  427.     using System; 
  428.     internal static class StringUtil 
  429.     { 
  430.         internal static bool EqualsIgnoreCase(string s1, string s2) 
  431.         { 
  432.             return string.Equals(s1, s2, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); 
  433.         } 
  434.         internal static bool EqualsNE(string s1, string s2) 
  435.         { 
  436.             if (s1 == null
  437.             { 
  438.                 s1 = string.Empty; 
  439.             } 
  440.             if (s2 == null
  441.             { 
  442.                 s2 = string.Empty; 
  443.             } 
  444.             return string.Equals(s1, s2, StringComparison.Ordinal); 
  445.         } 
  446.         internal static string[] ObjectArrayToStringArray(object[] objectArray) 
  447.         { 
  448.             string[] array = new string[objectArray.Length]; 
  449.             objectArray.CopyTo(array, 0); 
  450.             return array; 
  451.         } 
  452.         internal static bool StartsWith(string s1, string s2) 
  453.         { 
  454.             if (s2 == null
  455.             { 
  456.                 return false
  457.             } 
  458.             return (0 == string.Compare(s1, 0, s2, 0, s2.Length, StringComparison.Ordinal)); 
  459.         } 
  460.         internal static bool StartsWithIgnoreCase(string s1, string s2) 
  461.         { 
  462.             if (s2 == null
  463.             { 
  464.                 return false
  465.             } 
  466.             return (0 == string.Compare(s1, 0, s2, 0, s2.Length, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); 
  467.         } 
  468.     } 






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