Module3---Unit 3: V. Video Interactions

Presentation---> Arranging to Meet

Variation 1:

---Let’s meet at the restaurant. Okay?

---Okay… Where’s the restaurant?

---Do you know where the Empire Theater is?


---The restaurant is across the street from the theater.


Variation 2

---Let’s meet at the restaurant. Okay?

---How about meeting at your office instead?

---Do you know where my office is?

---Sure. It’s in front of the bus station, right?



Interactive---> SR

Presentation--->  Are You Going to Class?

Variation 1  

---Hello, Joan? It’s me, Emily?

---Yeah, what is it Emily?

---Are you going to class this evening?

---No, I’m not.

---Oh, Why not?

---I don’t like the teacher.

---So what are you going to do?

---I think I’m going to quit.

---Ok, come on. Don’t be a quitter.


Variation 2

---Are you going to class this evening?

---Sure. I’ll before could you do me a favor?

---What is it? Aren’t you coming to class?

---No, I’m not.

---So could you call me after class, and give me the assignment for next week?

---Sure, No problem.


Presentation--->  Asking for Information

Variation 1   

---Excuse me, but I’m looking for a good restaurant. Is there anything good around here?

---There’s an excellent Chinese restaurant about a block away.

---Do you mean the one across from the park?

---No, not that one. There’s a better one on 2nd(second) Avenue, near the corner. It’s next to a book store.


Variation 2  

---Excuse me, can you tell me where I can buy tickets for a basketball game?

---Sure. You can buy tickets at the tourist information office down the street. It’s right across the street from the post office.

---Across the street from the post office?

---Yes, that’s right. Do you want me to write it down?

---No, that’s okay. I’ll remember.


Presentation---> At a Restaurant

Variation 1  

---Are you ready to order sir?

---No, not yet. But I’d like something to drink. Do you have lemonade?

---Sure. I’ll get you lemonade and be right back.



Variation 2  

---Do you have lemonade?

---I’m sorry. We’ve out of lemonade. Would you like anything else? Coffee tea?

---Okay, I’ll have some coffee please.

---All right. I’ll bring it right away.



Interactive---> Hot Seats

What are you going to do next weekend?

Next weekend, I’m going to go see a circus.


What are you going to do next weekend?

Next weekend, I’ve got another music concert to go to … And I’m going sailing.


What do you usually do on weekends?

Usually, I just go shopping.


What did you do last weekend?

I went camping with some friends


What did you do last weekend?

Oh, I went camping, and we went horsebackriding and bikeriding. It was really fun.


What are you doing next weekend?

Oh, probably just sit home, and watch TV…, watch movie.


What did you do last weekend?

Last weekend I went to the movies, and um, went to the park.


What are you doing next weekend?

Next weekend I’m going to a singles barbecue.


What do you do on weekends?

What I usually do on the weekend is read, sleep, play with my dog.


What did you do last weekend?

Last weekends, I went to see a play.


What do you do on weekends?

Usually on the weekends, I go to parties with my friends.


What did you do last weekend?

I went to the movies last weekend, and then I went to a music concert.





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