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原创 量化和优化Android设备的用户体验
2012-07-10 15:29:44 1888
原创 AWS:用于测量用户体验的Android工作负载套件
(本文为作者李晓峰原创,英文版原文发表在 http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/aws-android-workload-suite-for-user-interaction-measurement/)摘要用户体验评估不同于传统的性能评估。许多性能基准的得分不能描述真实的用户体验,因为它们仅仅测量了系统的稳定状态。用户交互通常涉及到系统状态转
2012-07-10 15:14:29 1590
原创 Why Apache Harmony?
My last blog entry argues on whether Apache Harmony will succeed [1], but I need argue firstly why people really need Apache Harmony.Here is the motivation given by Geir Magnusson, who was the project
2007-11-24 09:43:00 504
原创 Will Apache Harmony succeed?
There was a survey [1] two and half years ago when Apache Harmony was started, to get peoples comments on Apache Harmonys fate. Reading through it, I felt more pessimistic or negative opinions than
2007-11-24 09:42:00 454
原创 Google Andriod SDK published with Apache Harmony used
Google just published its Android SDK. Some modules developed in Apache Harmony are used in Android Java stack. I just downloaded the SDK from http://code.google.com/android/ . Here is a quick list of
2007-11-13 08:02:00 560
原创 A better bitmap design for mark-sweep GC
Mark-sweep GC usually uses bitmap in chunk header or elsewhere to record some metadata for the objects in the chunk. The bitmap is basically used for object marking bit, showing the objects are live o
2007-11-11 09:28:00 541
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