Java ByteCode Part 1

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Understanding how Java code is compiled into byte code and executed on a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is critical because it helps you understand what is happening as your program executes. This understanding not only ensures that language features make logical sense but also that it is possible to understand the trade offs and side effects when making certain discussions.

This article explains how Java code is compiled into byte code and executed on the JVM. To understand the internal architecture in the JVM and different memory areas used during byte code execution see my previous article on JVM Internals.

This article is split into three parts, with each part being subdivided into sections. It is possible to read each section in isolation however the concepts will generally build up so it is easiest to read the sections. Each section will cover different Java code structures and explain how these are compiled and executed as byte code, as follows:

This article includes many code example and shows the corresponding typical byte code that is generated. The numbers that precede each instruction (or opcode) in the byte code indicates the byte position. For example an instruction such a 1:iconst_1 is only one byte in length, as there is no operand, so the following byte code would be at 2. An instruction such as 1:bipush 5 would take two bytes, one byte for the opcode bipush and one byte for the operand5. In this case the following byte code would be at 3 as the operand occupied the byte at position 2.


Local Variables

The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) has a stack based architecture. When each method is executed including the initial main method a frame is created on the stack which has a set of local variables. The array of local variables contains all the variables used during the execution of the method, including a reference tothis, all method parameters, and other locally defined variables. For classmethods (i.e. static methods) the method parameters start from zero, however, for instance methods the zero slot is reserved for this.

A local variable can be:

  • boolean
  • byte
  • char
  • long
  • short
  • int
  • float
  • double
  • reference
  • returnAddress

All types take a single slot in the local variable array except long and doublewhich both take two consecutive slots because these types are double width (64-bit instead of 32-bit).

When a new variable is created the operand stack is used to store the value of the new variable. The value of the new variable is then stored into the local variables array in the correct slot. If the variable is not a primitive value then the local variable slot only stores a reference. The reference points to an the object stored in the heap.

For example:

int i = 5;

Is compile to:

0: bipush      5
2: istore_0
Is used to add a  byte as an integer to the operand stack, in this case 5 as added to the operand stack.
Is one of a group of opcodes with the format istore_<n> they all store an integer into local variables. The  <n> refers to the location in the local variable array that is being stored and can only be 0, 1, 2 or 3. Another opcode is used for values higher then 3 called  istore, which takes an operand for the location in the local variable array.

In memory when this is executed the following happens:

java byte code to create local variable

The class file also contains a local variable table for each method, if this code was included in a method you would get the following entry in the local variable table for that method in the class file.

        Start  Length  Slot  Name   Signature
          0      1      1     i         I

Fields (Class Variables)

A field (or class variable) is stored on the heap as part of a class instance (or object). Information about the field is added into the field_info array in the class file as shown below.

ClassFile {
    u4			magic;
    u2			minor_version;
    u2			major_version;
    u2			constant_pool_count;
    cp_info		contant_pool[constant_pool_count – 1];
    u2			access_flags;
    u2			this_class;
    u2			super_class;
    u2			interfaces_count;
    u2			interfaces[interfaces_count];
    u2			fields_count;
    field_info		fields[fields_count];
    u2			methods_count;
    method_info		methods[methods_count];
    u2			attributes_count;
    attribute_info	attributes[attributes_count];

In addition if the variable is initialized the byte code to do the initialization is added into the constructor.

When the following java code is compiled:

public class SimpleClass {

    public int simpleField = 100;


An extra section appears when you run javap demonstrating the field added to the field_info array:

public int simpleField;
    Signature: I
    flags: ACC_PUBLIC

The byte code for the initialization is added into the constructor (shown in bold), as follows:

public SimpleClass();
  Signature: ()V
  flags: ACC_PUBLIC
    stack=2, locals=1, args_size=1
       0: aload_0
       1: invokespecial #1                  // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
       4: aload_0
       5: bipush        100
       7: putfield      #2                  // Field simpleField:I
      10: return
Loads the an object reference from the local variable array slot onto the top of the operand stack. Although the code shown has no constructor the initialization code for  classvariables (field) actually executed in the default constructor created by the compiler. As a result the first local variable actually points to this, therefore the  aload_0 opcode loads the  thisreference onto the operand stack.  aload_0 is one of a group of opcodes with the format aload_<n> they all load an object reference into the operand stack. The  <n> refers to the location in the local variable array that is being accessed but can only be 0, 1, 2 or 3. There are other similar opcodes for loading values that are not an object reference  iload_<n>lload_<n>, fload_<n> and  dload_<n> where i is for  int, l is for  long, f is for  float and d is for  double. Local variables with an index higher than 3 can be loaded using  iloadlloadfloaddload and aload these opcodes all take a single operand that specifies the index of local variable to load.
The  invokespecial instruction is used to invoke instance initialization methods as well as private methods and methods of a superclass of the current class. It is part of a group of opcodes that invoke methods in different ways that include invokedynamicinvokeinterface, invokespecialinvokestatic, invokevirtual. The  invokespecial instruction is this code is invoking the superclass constructor i.e. the constructor of  java.lang.Object.
Is used to add a  byte as an integer to the operand stack, in this case 5 as added to the operand stack.
Takes a single operand that references a field in the run time constant pool, in this case the field called simpleField. The value to set the field to and the object that contains the field are both popped off the operand stack. The  aload_0previously added the object that contains the field and the  bipush previously added the  100 to the operand stack. The  putfield then removes (pops) both of these values from the operand stack. The  final result is that the field simpleField on the this object is updated with the value  100.

In memory when this is executed the following happens:

java byte code to create field

The putfield opcode has a single operand that referencing the second position in the constant pool. The JVM maintains a per-type constant pool, a run time data structure that is similar to a symbol table although it contains more data. Byte codes in Java require data, often this data is too large to store directly in the byte codes, instead it is stored in the constant pool and the byte code contains a reference to the constant pool. When a class file is created it has a section for the constant pool as follows:

Constant pool:
   #1 = Methodref          #4.#16         //  java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
   #2 = Fieldref           #3.#17         //  SimpleClass.simpleField:I
   #3 = Class              #13            //  SimpleClass
   #4 = Class              #19            //  java/lang/Object
   #5 = Utf8               simpleField
   #6 = Utf8               I
   #7 = Utf8               <init>
   #8 = Utf8               ()V
   #9 = Utf8               Code
  #10 = Utf8               LineNumberTable
  #11 = Utf8               LocalVariableTable
  #12 = Utf8               this
  #13 = Utf8               SimpleClass
  #14 = Utf8               SourceFile
  #15 = Utf8     
  #16 = NameAndType        #7:#8          //  "<init>":()V
  #17 = NameAndType        #5:#6          //  simpleField:I
  #18 = Utf8               LSimpleClass;
  #19 = Utf8               java/lang/Object

Constants Fields (Class Constants)

A constant field with the final modifier is flagged as ACC_FINAL in the classfile.

For example:

public class SimpleClass {

    public final int simpleField = 100;


The field description is augmented with ACC_FINAL:

public static final int simpleField = 100;
    Signature: I
    ConstantValue: int 100

The initialization in the constructor is however unaffected:

4: aload_0
5: bipush        100
7: putfield      #2                  // Field simpleField:I

Static Variables

static class variable with the static modifier is flagged as ACC_STATIC in the class file as follows:

public static int simpleField;
    Signature: I

The byte code for initialization of static variables is not found in the instance constructor <init>. Instead static fields are initialized as part of the classconstructor <cinit> using the putstatic operand instead of putfield operand.

static {};
  Signature: ()V
  flags: ACC_STATIC
    stack=1, locals=0, args_size=0
       0: bipush         100
       2: putstatic      #2                  // Field simpleField:I
       5: return


Conditional flow control, such as, if-else statements and switch statements work by using an instruction that compares two values and branches to another byte code.

Loops including for-loops and while-loops work in a similar way except that they typically also include a goto instructions that causes the byte code to do not require any goto instruction because their conditional branch is at the end of the byte code. For more detail on loops see the loops section.

Some opcodes can compare two integers or two references and then preform a branch in a single instruction. Comparisons between other types such as doubles, longs or floats is a two-step process. First the comparison is performed and 1, 0 or -1 is pushed onto the operand stack. Next a branch is performed based on whether the value on the operand stack is greater, less-than or equal to zero.

First the if-else statement will be explained as an example and then the different types of instructions used for branching will be covered in more detail.


The following code example shows a simple if-else comparing two integer parameters.

public int greaterThen(int intOne, int intTwo) {
    if (intOne > intTwo) {
        return 0;
    } else {
        return 1;

This method results in the following byte code:

0: iload_1
1: iload_2
2: if_icmple     7
5: iconst_0
6: ireturn
7: iconst_1
8: ireturn

First the two parameters are loaded onto the operand stack using iload_1 andiload_2if_icmple then compares the top two values on the operand stack. This operand branches to byte code 7 if intOne is less then or equal to intTwo. Notice this is the exact opposite of the test in the if condition in the Java code because if the byte code test is successful execution branches to the else-block where as in the Java code if the test is successful the execution enters the if-block. In other words if_icmple is testing if the if condition is not true and jumping over the if-block. The body of the if-block is byte code 5 and 6, the body of the else-block is byte code 7 and 8.

java byte code for if else statement

The following code example shows a slightly more complex example which requires a two-step comparison.

public int greaterThen(float floatOne, float floatTwo) {
    int result;
    if (floatOne > floatTwo) {
        result = 1;
    } else {
        result = 2;
    return result;

This method results in the following byte code:

 0: fload_1
 1: fload_2
 2: fcmpl
 3: ifle          11
 6: iconst_1
 7: istore_3
 8: goto          13
11: iconst_2
12: istore_3
13: iload_3
14: ireturn

In this example first the two parameters values are pushed onto the operand stack using fload_1 and fload_2. This example is different from the previous example because of the two-step comparison. fcmpl is first used to compare floatOne and floatTwo and push the result onto the operand stack as follows:

  • floatOne > floatTwo –> 1
  • floatOne = floatTwo –> 0
  • floatOne < floatTwo –> -1
  • floatOne or floatTwo = NaN –> 1

Next ifle is used to branch to byte code 11 if the result from fcmpl is <= 0.

This example is also different from the previous example in that there is only a single return statement at the end of the method as a result a goto is required at the end of the if-block to prevent the else-block from also being executed. The goto branches to byte code 13 where iload_3 is then used to push the result stored in the third local variable slot to the top of the operand stack so that it can be returned by the return instruction.

java byte code for if else statement

As well as comparing numeric values there are comparison opcodes for reference equality i.e. ==, for comparison to null i.e. ==null and !=null and for testing an object's type i.e. instanceof.

if_icmp<cond> eq ne lt le gt ge
This group of opcodes are used to compare the top two integers on the operand stack and branch to a new byte code. The  <cond> can be:
  • eq - equals
  • ne - not equals
  • lt - less then
  • le - less then or equal
  • gt - greater then
  • ge - greater then or equal
if_acmp<cond> eq ne
These two opcodes are used to test if two references are  eq equal or  ne non equal and branch to a new byte code location as specified by the operand.
These two opcodes are used to test if two references are  null or not  null and branch to a new byte code location as specified by the operand.
This opcode is used to compare the top two integers on the operand stack and push a value onto the operand stack as follows:
  • if value1 > value2 –> push 1
  • if value1 = value2 –> push 0
  • if value1 < value2 –> push -1
fcmp<cond> l gdcmp<cond> l g
This group of opcodes is used to compare two float or  double values and push a value onto the operand stack as follows:
  • if value1 > value2 –> push 1
  • if value1 = value2 –> push 0
  • if value1 < value2 –> push -1
The difference between the two types of operand ending in  l or  g is how they handle NaN. The  fcmpg and  dcmpg instructions push the int value 1 onto the operand stack whereas fcmpl and  dcmpl push -1 onto the operand stack. This ensures that when testing two values if either of them are Not A Number (NaN) then the test will not be successful. For example if testing if x > y (where x and y are doubles) then  fcmpl is used so that if either value is NaN the into value -1 is pushed onto the operand stack. The next opcode will always be a  ifle instruction which branches if the value is less then 0. As a result if either x or y was a NaN the  ifle would branch over the  if-block preventing the code in the  if-block from being executed.
This opcode pushes an  int result of 1 onto the operand stack if the object at the top of the operand stack is an instance of the  classspecified. The operand for this opcode is used to specify the class by providing an index into the constant pool. If the object is  null or not an instance of the specified  class then the  intresult 0 is added to the operand stack.
if<cond> eq ne lt le gt ge
All these operands compare the top value in the operand stack with zero and branch, to the byte code specified as an operand, if the comparison succeeds. These instructions are always used for conditional logic that is more complex and can not be done in a single instruction for example when testing the result from a method call.


The type of a Java switch expression must be charbyteshortint, Character, Byte, Short, Integer, String or an enum type. To support switchstatements the JVM uses two special instructions called tableswitch andlookupswitch which both only work with integer values. The use of only integers values is not a problem because charbyteshort and enum types can all be internally promoted to int. Support for String was also added in Java 7 which will be covered below. tableswitch is typically a faster opcode however it also typically takes more memory. tableswitch works by listing all potentialcase values between the minimum and maximum case values. The minimum and maximum values are also provided so that the JVM can immediately jump to the default-block if the switch variable is not in the range of listed case values. Values for case statement that are not provided in the Java code are also listed, but point to the default-block, to ensure all values between the minimum and maximum are provided. For example take the following switch statement:

public int simpleSwitch(int intOne) {
    switch (intOne) {
        case 0:
            return 3;
        case 1:
            return 2;
        case 4:
            return 1;
            return -1;

This produces the following byte code:

 0: iload_1
 1: tableswitch   {
         default: 42
             min: 0
             max: 4
               0: 36
               1: 38
               2: 42
               3: 42
               4: 40
36: iconst_3
37: ireturn
38: iconst_2
39: ireturn
40: iconst_1
41: ireturn
42: iconst_m1
43: ireturn

The tableswitch instruction has values for 0, 1 and 4 to match the casestatement provided in the code which each point to the byte code for their prospective code block. The tableswitch instruction also has values for 2 and 3, as these are not provided as case statements in the Java code they both point to the default code block. When the instruction is executed the value at the top of the operand stack is checked to see if it is between the minimum and maximum. If the value is not between the minimum and maximum execution jumps to the default branch, which is byte code 42 in the above example. To ensure the default branch value can be found in the tableswitch instruction it is always the first byte (after any required padding for alignment). If the value is between the minimum and maximum it is used to index into the tableswitchand find the correct byte code to branch to, for example for value 1 above the execution would branch to byte code 38. The following diagram shows how this byte code would be executed:

java byte code for switch using tableswitch

If the values in the case statement were too far apart (i.e. too sparse) this approach would not be sensible, as it would take too much memory. Instead when the cases of the switch are sparse a lookupswitch instruction is used. Alookupswitch instruction lists the byte code to branch to for each casestatement but it does not list all possible values. When executing thelookupswitch the value at the top of the operand stack is compared against each value in the lookupswitch to determine the correct branch address. With a lookupswitch the JVM therefore searches (looks up) the correct match in a list of matches this is a slower operation then for the tableswitch where the JVM just indexes the correct value immediately. When a select statement is compiled the compiler must trade off memory efficiency with performance to decide which opcode to use for the select statement. For the following code the compiler produces a lookupswitch:

public int simpleSwitch(int intOne) {
    switch (intOne) {
        case 10:
            return 1;
        case 20:
            return 2;
        case 30:
            return 3;
            return -1;

This produces the following byte code:

 0: iload_1
 1: lookupswitch  {
         default: 42
           count: 3
              10: 36
              20: 38
              30: 40
36: iconst_1
37: ireturn
38: iconst_2
39: ireturn
40: iconst_3
41: ireturn
42: iconst_m1
43: ireturn

To ensure efficient search algorithms (more efficient then linear search) the number of matches is provided and the matches are sorted. The following diagram shows how this would be executed:

java byte code for switch using lookupswitch

String switch

In Java 7 the switch statement added support for the String type. Although the existing opcodes for switches only support int no new opcodes where added. Instead a switch for the String type is done in two stages. First there the hashcode is compared between the top of the operand stack and the value for each case statement. This is done using either a lookupswitch ortableswitch (depending on the sparcity of the hashcode values). This causes a branch to byte code that calls String.equals() to perform an exact match. Atableswitch instruction is then used on the result of the String.equals() to branch to the code for the correct case statement.

public int simpleSwitch(String stringOne) {
    switch (stringOne) {
        case "a":
            return 0;
        case "b":
            return 2;
        case "c":
            return 3;
            return 4;

This String switch statement will produce the following byte code:

 0: aload_1
 1: astore_2
 2: iconst_m1
 3: istore_3
 4: aload_2
 5: invokevirtual #2                  // Method java/lang/String.hashCode:()I
 8: tableswitch   {
         default: 75
             min: 97
             max: 99
              97: 36
              98: 50
              99: 64
36: aload_2
37: ldc           #3                  // String a
39: invokevirtual #4                  // Method java/lang/String.equals:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
42: ifeq          75
45: iconst_0
46: istore_3
47: goto          75
50: aload_2
51: ldc           #5                  // String b
53: invokevirtual #4                  // Method java/lang/String.equals:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
56: ifeq          75
59: iconst_1
60: istore_3
61: goto          75
64: aload_2
65: ldc           #6                  // String c
67: invokevirtual #4                  // Method java/lang/String.equals:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
70: ifeq          75
73: iconst_2
74: istore_3
75: iload_3
76: tableswitch   {
         default: 110
             min: 0
             max: 2
               0: 104
               1: 106
               2: 108
104: iconst_0
105: ireturn
106: iconst_2
107: ireturn
108: iconst_3
109: ireturn
110: iconst_4
111: ireturn

The class containing this byte code also contains the following constant pool values references by this byte code. See the section on run time constant poolin the JVM Internals article for more detail about constant pools.

Constant pool:
  #2 = Methodref          #25.#26        //  java/lang/String.hashCode:()I
  #3 = String             #27            //  a
  #4 = Methodref          #25.#28        //  java/lang/String.equals:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
  #5 = String             #29            //  b
  #6 = String             #30            //  c

 #25 = Class              #33            //  java/lang/String
 #26 = NameAndType        #34:#35        //  hashCode:()I
 #27 = Utf8               a
 #28 = NameAndType        #36:#37        //  equals:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
 #29 = Utf8               b
 #30 = Utf8               c

 #33 = Utf8               java/lang/String
 #34 = Utf8               hashCode
 #35 = Utf8               ()I
 #36 = Utf8               equals
 #37 = Utf8               (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z

Notice the amount of byte code required to perform this switch including twotableswitch instructions and several invokevirtual instructions used to call String.equal(). See the section on method invocation in the next article for more detail on invokevirtual. The following diagram shows how this would be executed for the input “b”.

java byte code for switch on String - part 1 java byte code for switch on String - part 2 java byte code for switch on String - part 3

If the hashcode values for the different cases matched, such as for the strings“FB” and “Ea” which both have a hashcode of 28. This is handled by slightly altering the flow of equals methods as below. Notice how byte code 34ifeg42 goes to another invocation of String.equals() instead of the lookupswitchopcode as in the previous example which had no colliding hashcode values.

public int simpleSwitch(String stringOne) {
    switch (stringOne) {
        case "FB":
            return 0;
        case "Ea":
            return 2;
            return 4;

This generates the following byte code:

 0: aload_1
 1: astore_2
 2: iconst_m1
 3: istore_3
 4: aload_2
 5: invokevirtual #2                  // Method java/lang/String.hashCode:()I
 8: lookupswitch  {
         default: 53
           count: 1
            2236: 28
28: aload_2
29: ldc           #3                  // String Ea
31: invokevirtual #4                  // Method java/lang/String.equals:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
34: ifeq          42
37: iconst_1
38: istore_3
39: goto          53
42: aload_2
43: ldc           #5                  // String FB
45: invokevirtual #4                  // Method java/lang/String.equals:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
48: ifeq          53
51: iconst_0
52: istore_3
53: iload_3
54: lookupswitch  {
         default: 84
           count: 2
               0: 80
               1: 82
80: iconst_0
81: ireturn
82: iconst_2
83: ireturn
84: iconst_4
85: ireturn


Conditional flow control, such as, if-else statements and switch statements work by using an instruction that compares two values and branches to another byte code. For more detail on conditionals see the conditionals section.

Loops including for-loops and while-loops work in a similar way except that they typically also include a goto instructions that causes the byte code to do not require any goto instruction because their conditional branch is at the end of the byte code.

Some opcodes can compare two integers or two references and then preform a branch in a single instruction. Comparisons between other types such as doubles, longs or floats is a two-step process. First the comparison is performed and 1, 0 or -1 is pushed onto the operand stack. Next a branch is performed based on whether the value on the operand stack is greater, less-than or equal to zero. For more detail on the different types of instructions used for branchingsee above.


while-loops consist of a conditional branch instructions such as if_icmpge orif_icmplt (as described above) and a goto statement. The conditional instruction branches the execution to the instruction immediately after the loop and therefore terminates the loop if the condition is not met. The finalinstruction in the loop is a goto that branches the byte code back to the beginning of the loop ensuring the byte code keeps looping until the conditional branch is met, as follows:

public void whileLoop() {
    int i = 0;
    while (i < 2) {

Is compiled to:

 0: iconst_0
 1: istore_1
 2: iload_1
 3: iconst_2
 4: if_icmpge     13
 7: iinc          1, 1
10: goto          2
13: return

The if_icmpge instruction tests if the local variable in position 1 (i.e. i) is equal or greater then 10 if it is then the instruction jumps to byte code 14 finishing the loop. The goto instruction keeps the byte code looping until the if_icmpgecondition is met at which point the execution branches to the returninstruction immediately after the end of the loop. The iinc instruction is one of the few instruction that updates a local variable directly without having to load or store values in the operand stack. In this example the iinc instruction increases the first local variable (i.e. i) by 1.

java byte code for while loop - part 1 java byte code for while loop - part 2


for-loops and while-loops use an identical pattern in byte code. This is not surprising because all while-loops can be re-written easily as an identical for-loop. The simple while-loop above could for example be re-written as a for-loop that produces the exactly identical byte-code as follows:

public void forLoop() {
    for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {



do-while-loops are also very similar to for-loops and while-loops except that they do not require the goto instruction as the conditional branch is the last instruction and is be used to loop back to the beginning.

public void doWhileLoop() {
    int i = 0;
    do {
    } while (i < 2);

Results in the following byte code:

 0: iconst_0
 1: istore_1
 2: iinc          1, 1
 5: iload_1
 6: iconst_2
 7: if_icmplt     2
10: return
java byte code for do-while loop - part 1 java byte code for do-while loop - part 2
### 回答1: Java bytecode editor,又称Java字节码编辑器,是一种可以修改和编辑Java字节码文件的工具。Java字节码文件是Java代码编译生成的二进制文件,可以在Java虚拟机(JVM)中运行。使用Java字节码编辑器可以直接编辑字节码文件,使得我们可以对Java代码进行更深层次的修改和优化,比如修改类的结构、增加或删除方法、更改变量类型等。 在Java开发中,Java字节码编辑器很常用。它可以帮助我们解决一些Java代码在编译时无法实现的需求,比如动态修改类的行为、扫描字节码中的敏感信息等。除此之外,Java字节码编辑器还可以帮助我们对Java的反编译进行优化,避免反编译工具针对Java应用程序进行恶意反编译。 Java bytecode editor的下载方式也很简单,只需要在网上搜索相关的字节码编辑器软件,比如Eclipse JDT Core Bytecode Editor、ASM Bytecode Editor、Bytecode Viewer等等,都可以从官方网站或者开发者站点上下载到相应的软件。 总之,Java bytecode editor是Java程序员非常实用的工具,它可以帮助我们对机器二进制代码进行调试和更改,从而优化Java代码的质量和性能。 ### 回答2: Java bytecode editor是Java编程语言中一个非常实用的工具,在Java开发过程中大有用处。该编辑器可以帮助Java开发者对Java字节码文件进行编辑,而且该编辑器允许开发者在进行编辑的同时进行调试和测试,便于开发者对代码进行修正和优化。通过使用Java bytecode editor,开发者可以在不改变原始代码的情况下,修改虚拟机所使用的字节码。这意味着开发人员可以更加自由地操作Java应用程序,在创建和维护Java应用程序时,这个工具非常有用。 Java bytecode editor具有明显的优点,其中最重要的是可以帮助开发人员快速地调试Java代码。Java代码会被编译为字节码,而Java末端用户看不到这些字节码,但开发者可以通过使用Java bytecode editor来查看和修改字节码。在Java开发中,如果存在错误,Java bytecode editor可以使错误修复更容易且更快捷。此外,Java bytecode editor提供了一些高级功能,例如代码反编译,使开发者能够将来自不同来源的代码相互转换。 因此,如果您在开发Java程序中遇到了字节码问题,那么Java bytecode editor将是一个很棒的工具。目前在网络上可以找到很多Java bytecode editor的下载资源,不妨下载安装一个,看看它是否能满足您的需求吧!




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