
421 篇文章 15 订阅
Package Item Title csv doc
datasetsAirPassengersMonthly Airline Passenger Numbers 1949-1960CSV DOC
datasetsBJsalesSales Data with Leading IndicatorCSV DOC
datasetsBODBiochemical Oxygen DemandCSV DOC
datasetsFormaldehydeDetermination of FormaldehydeCSV DOC
datasetsHairEyeColorHair and Eye Color of Statistics StudentsCSV DOC
datasetsInsectSpraysEffectiveness of Insect SpraysCSV DOC
datasetsJohnsonJohnsonQuarterly Earnings per Johnson & Johnson ShareCSV DOC
datasetsLakeHuronLevel of Lake Huron 1875-1972CSV DOC
datasetsLifeCycleSavingsIntercountry Life-Cycle Savings DataCSV DOC
datasetsNileFlow of the River NileCSV DOC
datasetsOrchardSpraysPotency of Orchard SpraysCSV DOC
datasetsPlantGrowthResults from an Experiment on Plant GrowthCSV DOC
datasetsPuromycinReaction Velocity of an Enzymatic ReactionCSV DOC
datasetsTitanicSurvival of passengers on the TitanicCSV DOC
datasetsToothGrowthThe Effect of Vitamin C on Tooth Growth in Guinea PigsCSV DOC
datasetsUCBAdmissionsStudent Admissions at UC BerkeleyCSV DOC
datasetsUKDriverDeathsRoad Casualties in Great Britain 1969-84CSV DOC
datasetsUKgasUK Quarterly Gas ConsumptionCSV DOC
datasetsUSAccDeathsAccidental Deaths in the US 1973-1978CSV DOC
datasetsUSArrestsViolent Crime Rates by US StateCSV DOC
datasetsUSJudgeRatingsLawyers' Ratings of State Judges in the US Superior CourtCSV DOC
datasetsUSPersonalExpenditurePersonal Expenditure DataCSV DOC
datasetsVADeathsDeath Rates in Virginia (1940)CSV DOC
datasetsWWWusageInternet Usage per MinuteCSV DOC
datasetsWorldPhonesThe World's TelephonesCSV DOC
datasetsairmilesPassenger Miles on Commercial US Airlines, 1937-1960CSV DOC
datasetsairqualityNew York Air Quality MeasurementsCSV DOC
datasetsanscombeAnscombe's Quartet of 'Identical' Simple Linear RegressionsCSV DOC
datasetsattenuThe Joyner-Boore Attenuation DataCSV DOC
datasetsattitudeThe Chatterjee-Price Attitude DataCSV DOC
datasetsaustresQuarterly Time Series of the Number of Australian ResidentsCSV DOC
datasetscarsSpeed and Stopping Distances of CarsCSV DOC
datasetschickwtsChicken Weights by Feed TypeCSV DOC
datasetsco2Mauna Loa Atmospheric CO2 ConcentrationCSV DOC
datasetscrimtabStudent's 3000 Criminals DataCSV DOC
datasetsdiscoveriesYearly Numbers of Important DiscoveriesCSV DOC
datasetsesophSmoking, Alcohol and (O)esophageal CancerCSV DOC
datasetseuroConversion Rates of Euro CurrenciesCSV DOC
datasetsfaithfulOld Faithful Geyser DataCSV DOC
datasetsfreenyFreeny's Revenue DataCSV DOC
datasetsinfertInfertility after Spontaneous and Induced AbortionCSV DOC
datasetsirisEdgar Anderson's Iris DataCSV DOC
datasetsislandsAreas of the World's Major LandmassesCSV DOC
datasetslhLuteinizing Hormone in Blood SamplesCSV DOC
datasetslongleyLongley's Economic Regression DataCSV DOC
datasetslynxAnnual Canadian Lynx trappings 1821-1934CSV DOC
datasetsmorleyMichelson Speed of Light DataCSV DOC
datasetsmtcarsMotor Trend Car Road TestsCSV DOC
datasetsnhtempAverage Yearly Temperatures in New HavenCSV DOC
datasetsnottemAverage Monthly Temperatures at Nottingham, 1920-1939CSV DOC
datasetsnpkClassical N, P, K Factorial ExperimentCSV DOC
datasetsoccupationalStatusOccupational Status of Fathers and their SonsCSV DOC
datasetsprecipAnnual Precipitation in US CitiesCSV DOC
datasetspresidentsQuarterly Approval Ratings of US PresidentsCSV DOC
datasetspressureVapor Pressure of Mercury as a Function of TemperatureCSV DOC
datasetsquakesLocations of Earthquakes off FijiCSV DOC
datasetsranduRandom Numbers from Congruential Generator RANDUCSV DOC
datasetsriversLengths of Major North American RiversCSV DOC
datasetsrockMeasurements on Petroleum Rock SamplesCSV DOC
datasetssleepStudent's Sleep DataCSV DOC
datasetsstacklossBrownlee's Stack Loss Plant DataCSV DOC
datasetssunspot.monthMonthly Sunspot Data, from 1749 to "Present"CSV DOC
datasetssunspot.yearYearly Sunspot Data, 1700-1988CSV DOC
datasetssunspotsMonthly Sunspot Numbers, 1749-1983CSV DOC
datasetsswissSwiss Fertility and Socioeconomic Indicators (1888) DataCSV DOC
datasetstreeringYearly Treering Data, -6000-1979CSV DOC
datasetstreesGirth, Height and Volume for Black Cherry TreesCSV DOC
datasetsuspopPopulations Recorded by the US CensusCSV DOC
datasetsvolcanoTopographic Information on Auckland's Maunga Whau VolcanoCSV DOC
datasetswarpbreaksThe Number of Breaks in Yarn during WeavingCSV DOC
datasetswomenAverage Heights and Weights for American WomenCSV DOC
bootacmeMonthly Excess ReturnsCSV DOC
bootaidsDelay in AIDS Reporting in England and WalesCSV DOC
bootairconditFailures of Air-conditioning EquipmentCSV DOC
bootaircondit7Failures of Air-conditioning EquipmentCSV DOC
bootamisCar Speeding and Warning SignsCSV DOC
bootamlRemission Times for Acute Myelogenous LeukaemiaCSV DOC
bootbigcityPopulation of U.S. CitiesCSV DOC
bootbramblesSpatial Location of Bramble CanesCSV DOC
bootbreslowSmoking Deaths Among DoctorsCSV DOC
bootcalciumCalcium Uptake DataCSV DOC
bootcaneSugar-cane Disease DataCSV DOC
bootcapabilitySimulated Manufacturing Process DataCSV DOC
bootcatsMWeight Data for Domestic CatsCSV DOC
bootcavPosition of Muscle CaveolaeCSV DOC
bootcd4CD4 Counts for HIV-Positive PatientsCSV DOC
bootchanningChanning House DataCSV DOC
bootcityPopulation of U.S. CitiesCSV DOC
bootclaridgeGenetic Links to Left-handednessCSV DOC
bootclothNumber of Flaws in ClothCSV DOC
bootco.transferCarbon Monoxide TransferCSV DOC
bootcoalDates of Coal Mining DisastersCSV DOC
bootdarwinDarwin's Plant Height DifferencesCSV DOC
bootdogsCardiac Data for Domestic DogsCSV DOC
bootdowns.bcIncidence of Down's Syndrome in British ColumbiaCSV DOC
bootducksBehavioral and Plumage Characteristics of Hybrid DucksCSV DOC
bootfirCounts of Balsam-fir SeedlingsCSV DOC
bootfretsHead Dimensions in BrothersCSV DOC
bootgravAcceleration Due to GravityCSV DOC
bootgravityAcceleration Due to GravityCSV DOC
boothiroseFailure Time of PET FilmCSV DOC
bootislayJura Quartzite Azimuths on IslayCSV DOC
bootmanausAverage Heights of the Rio Negro river at ManausCSV DOC
bootmelanomaSurvival from Malignant MelanomaCSV DOC
bootmotorData from a Simulated Motorcycle AccidentCSV DOC
bootneuroNeurophysiological Point Process DataCSV DOC
bootnitrofenToxicity of Nitrofen in Aquatic SystemsCSV DOC
bootnodalNodal Involvement in Prostate CancerCSV DOC
bootnuclearNuclear Power Station Construction DataCSV DOC
bootpaulsenNeurotransmission in Guinea Pig BrainsCSV DOC
bootpoisonsAnimal Survival TimesCSV DOC
bootpolarPole Positions of New Caledonian LateritesCSV DOC
bootremissionCancer Remission and Cell ActivityCSV DOC
bootsalinityWater Salinity and River DischargeCSV DOC
bootsurvivalSurvival of Rats after Radiation DosesCSV DOC
boottauTau Particle Decay ModesCSV DOC
boottunaTuna Sighting DataCSV DOC
booturineUrine Analysis DataCSV DOC
bootwoolAustralian Relative Wool PricesCSV DOC
KMsurvaidsdata from Section 1.19CSV DOC
KMsurvalloautodata from Section 1.9CSV DOC
KMsurvallograftdata from Exercise 13.1, p418CSV DOC
KMsurvaztdata from Exercise 4.7, p122CSV DOC
KMsurvbaboondata from Exercise 5.8, p147CSV DOC
KMsurvbcdeterdata from Section 1.18CSV DOC
KMsurvbfeeddata from Section 1.14CSV DOC
KMsurvbmtdata from Section 1.3CSV DOC
KMsurvbnctdata from Exercise 7.7, p223CSV DOC
KMsurvbtrialdata from Section 1.5CSV DOC
KMsurvburndata from Section 1.6CSV DOC
KMsurvchanningdata from Section 1.16CSV DOC
KMsurvdrug6mpdata from Section 1.2CSV DOC
KMsurvdrughivdata from Exercise 7.6, p222CSV DOC
KMsurvhodgdata from Section 1.10CSV DOC
KMsurvkidneydata from Section 1.4CSV DOC
KMsurvkidrecurrData on 38 individuals using a kidney dialysis machineCSV DOC
KMsurvkidtrandata from Section 1.7CSV DOC
KMsurvlarynxdata from Section 1.8CSV DOC
KMsurvlungdata from Exercise 4.4, p120CSV DOC
KMsurvpneumondata from Section 1.13CSV DOC
KMsurvpsychdata from Section 1.15CSV DOC
KMsurvratsdata from Exercise 7.13, p225CSV DOC
KMsurvstddata from Section 1.12CSV DOC
KMsurvstddiagdata from Exercise 5.6, p146CSV DOC
KMsurvtonguedata from Section 1.11CSV DOC
KMsurvtwinsdata from Exercise 7.14, p225CSV DOC
robustbaseAnimals2Brain and Body Weights for 65 Species of Land AnimalsCSV DOC
robustbaseCrohnDCrohn's Disease Adverse Events DataCSV DOC
robustbaseNOxEmissionsNOx Air Pollution DataCSV DOC
robustbaseSiegelsExSiegel's Exact Fit Example DataCSV DOC
robustbaseaircraftAircraft DataCSV DOC
robustbaseairmayAir Quality DataCSV DOC
robustbasealcoholAlcohol Solubility in Water DataCSV DOC
robustbaseambientNOxCHDaily Means of NOx (mono-nitrogen oxides) in airCSV DOC
robustbasebushfireCampbell Bushfire DataCSV DOC
robustbasecarrotsInsect Damages on CarrotsCSV DOC
robustbasecloudCloud point of a LiquidCSV DOC
robustbasecolemanColeman Data SetCSV DOC
robustbasecondrozCondroz DataCSV DOC
robustbasecushnyCushny and Peebles Prolongation of Sleep DataCSV DOC
robustbasedeliveryDelivery Time DataCSV DOC
robustbaseeducationEducation Expenditure DataCSV DOC
robustbaseepilepsyEpilepsy Attacks Data SetCSV DOC
robustbaseexAMExample Data of Antille and May - for Simple RegressionCSV DOC
robustbasefoodstampFood Stamp Program ParticipationCSV DOC
robustbasehbkHawkins, Bradu, Kass's Artificial DataCSV DOC
robustbaseheartHeart Catherization DataCSV DOC
robustbasekootenayWaterflow Measurements of Kootenay River in Libby and NewgateCSV DOC
robustbaselacticLactic Acid Concentration Measurement DataCSV DOC
robustbasemilkDaudin's Milk Composition DataCSV DOC
robustbasepensionPension Funds DataCSV DOC
robustbasephosphorPhosphorus Content DataCSV DOC
robustbasepilotPilot-Plant DataCSV DOC
robustbasepossumDivPossum Diversity DataCSV DOC
robustbasepulpfiberPulp Fiber and Paper DataCSV DOC
robustbaseradarImageSatellite Radar Image Data from near MunichCSV DOC
robustbasesalinitySalinity DataCSV DOC
robustbasestarsCYGHertzsprung-Russell Diagram Data of Star Cluster CYG OB1CSV DOC
robustbasetelefNumber of International Calls from BelgiumCSV DOC
robustbasetoxicityToxicity of Carboxylic Acids DataCSV DOC
robustbasevasoVaso Constriction Skin Data SetCSV DOC
robustbasewagnerGrowthWagner's Hannover Employment Growth DataCSV DOC
robustbasewoodModified Data on Wood Specific GravityCSV DOC
carAMSsurveyAmerican Math Society Survey DataCSV DOC
carAdlerExperimenter ExpectationsCSV DOC
carAngellMoral Integration of American CitiesCSV DOC
carAnscombeU. S. State Public-School ExpendituresCSV DOC
carBaumannMethods of Teaching Reading ComprehensionCSV DOC
carBfoxCanadian Women's Labour-Force ParticipationCSV DOC
carBlackmoorExercise Histories of Eating-Disordered and Control SubjectsCSV DOC
carBurtFraudulent Data on IQs of Twins Raised ApartCSV DOC
carCanPopCanadian Population DataCSV DOC
carChileVoting Intentions in the 1988 Chilean PlebisciteCSV DOC
carChirotThe 1907 Romanian Peasant RebellionCSV DOC
carCowlesCowles and Davis's Data on VolunteeringCSV DOC
carDavisSelf-Reports of Height and WeightCSV DOC
carDavisThinDavis's Data on Drive for ThinnessCSV DOC
carDepredationsMinnesota Wolf Depredation DataCSV DOC
carDuncanDuncan's Occupational Prestige DataCSV DOC
carEricksenThe 1980 U.S. Census UndercountCSV DOC
carFloridaFlorida County VotingCSV DOC
carFreedmanCrowding and Crime in U. S. Metropolitan AreasCSV DOC
carFriendlyFormat Effects on RecallCSV DOC
carGinzbergData on DepressionCSV DOC
carGreeneRefugee AppealsCSV DOC
carGuyerAnonymity and CooperationCSV DOC
carHartnagelCanadian Crime-Rates Time SeriesCSV DOC
carHighway1Highway AccidentsCSV DOC
carLeinhardtData on Infant-MortalityCSV DOC
carMandelContrived Collinear DataCSV DOC
carMigrationCanadian Interprovincial Migration DataCSV DOC
carMooreStatus, Authoritarianism, and ConformityCSV DOC
carMrozU.S. Women's Labor-Force ParticipationCSV DOC
carOBrienKaiserO'Brien and Kaiser's Repeated-Measures DataCSV DOC
carOrnsteinInterlocking Directorates Among Major Canadian FirmsCSV DOC
carPotteryChemical Composition of PotteryCSV DOC
carPrestigePrestige of Canadian OccupationsCSV DOC
carQuartetFour Regression DatasetsCSV DOC
carRobeyFertility and ContraceptionCSV DOC
carSLIDSurvey of Labour and Income DynamicsCSV DOC
carSahlinsAgricultural Production in Mazulu VillageCSV DOC
carSalariesSalaries for ProfessorsCSV DOC
carSoilsSoil Compositions of Physical and Chemical CharacteristicsCSV DOC
carStatesEducation and Related Statistics for the U.S. StatesCSV DOC
carTransactTransaction dataCSV DOC
carUNGDP and Infant MortalityCSV DOC
carUSPopPopulation of the United StatesCSV DOC
carVocabVocabulary and EducationCSV DOC
carWeightLossWeight Loss DataCSV DOC
carWomenlfCanadian Women's Labour-Force ParticipationCSV DOC
carWoolWool dataCSV DOC
clusteragricultureEuropean Union Agricultural WorkforcesCSV DOC
clusteranimalsAttributes of AnimalsCSV DOC
clusterchorSubSubset of C-horizon of Kola DataCSV DOC
clusterflowerFlower CharacteristicsCSV DOC
clusterplantTraitsPlant Species Traits DataCSV DOC
clusterplutonIsotopic Composition Plutonium BatchesCSV DOC
clusterruspiniRuspini DataCSV DOC
clustervotes.repubVotes for Republican Candidate in Presidential ElectionsCSV DOC
clusterxclaraBivariate Data Set with 3 ClustersCSV DOC
COUNTaffairsaffairsCSV DOC
COUNTazdrg112azdrg112CSV DOC
COUNTazproazproCSV DOC
COUNTbadhealthbadhealthCSV DOC
COUNTfasttrakgfasttrakgCSV DOC
COUNTlbwgrplbwgrpCSV DOC
COUNTloomisloomisCSV DOC
COUNTmdvismdvisCSV DOC
COUNTmedparmedparCSV DOC
COUNTrwm5yrrwm5yrCSV DOC
COUNTshipsshipsCSV DOC
COUNTtitanictitanicCSV DOC
COUNTtitgrptitgrpCSV DOC
EcdatAccidentShip AccidentsCSV DOC
EcdatAirlineCost for U.S. AirlinesCSV DOC
EcdatAirqAir Quality for Californian Metropolitan AreasCSV DOC
EcdatBenefitsUnemployement of Blue Collar WorkersCSV DOC
EcdatBidsBids Received By U.S. FirmsCSV DOC
EcdatBudgetFoodBudget Share of Food for Spanish HouseholdsCSV DOC
EcdatBudgetItalyBudget Shares for Italian HouseholdsCSV DOC
EcdatBudgetUKBudget Shares of British HouseholdsCSV DOC
EcdatBwagesWages in BelgiumCSV DOC
EcdatCPSch3Earnings from the Current Population SurveyCSV DOC
EcdatCapmStock Market DataCSV DOC
EcdatCarStated Preferences for Car ChoiceCSV DOC
EcdatCaschoolThe California Test Score Data SetCSV DOC
EcdatCatsupChoice of Brand for CatsupCSV DOC
EcdatCigarCigarette ConsumptionCSV DOC
EcdatCigaretteThe Cigarette Consumption Panel Data SetCSV DOC
EcdatClothingSales Data of Men's Fashion StoresCSV DOC
EcdatComputersPrices of Personal ComputersCSV DOC
EcdatCrackerChoice of Brand for CrakersCSV DOC
EcdatCrimeCrime in North CarolinaCSV DOC
EcdatDMDM Dollar Exchange RateCSV DOC
EcdatDiamondPricing the C's of Diamond StonesCSV DOC
EcdatDoctorNumber of Doctor VisitsCSV DOC
EcdatDoctorAUSDoctor Visits in AustraliaCSV DOC
EcdatDoctorContactsContacts With Medical DoctorCSV DOC
EcdatEarningsEarnings for Three Age GroupsCSV DOC
EcdatElectricityCost Function for Electricity ProducersCSV DOC
EcdatFairExtramarital Affairs DataCSV DOC
EcdatFatalityDrunk Driving Laws and Traffic DeathsCSV DOC
EcdatFishingChoice of Fishing ModeCSV DOC
EcdatForwardExchange Rates of US Dollar Against Other CurrenciesCSV DOC
EcdatFriendFoeData from the Television Game Show Friend Or Foe ?CSV DOC
EcdatGarchDaily Observations on Exchange Rates of the US Dollar Against Other CurrenciesCSV DOC
EcdatGasolineGasoline ConsumptionCSV DOC
EcdatGrilichesWage DatasCSV DOC
EcdatGrunfeldGrunfeld Investment DataCSV DOC
EcdatHCHeating and Cooling System Choice in Newly Built Houses in CaliforniaCSV DOC
EcdatHIHealth Insurance and Hours Worked By WivesCSV DOC
EcdatHdmaThe Boston HDMA Data SetCSV DOC
EcdatHeatingHeating System Choice in California HousesCSV DOC
EcdatHedonicHedonic Prices of Cencus Tracts in BostonCSV DOC
EcdatHousingSales Prices of Houses in the City of WindsorCSV DOC
EcdatIcecreamIce Cream ConsumptionCSV DOC
EcdatJournalsEconomic Journals Dat SetCSV DOC
EcdatKakaduWillingness to Pay for the Preservation of the Kakadu National ParkCSV DOC
EcdatKetchupChoice of Brand for KetchupCSV DOC
EcdatKleinKlein's Model ICSV DOC
EcdatLaborSupplyWages and Hours WorkedCSV DOC
EcdatLabourBelgian FirmsCSV DOC
EcdatMCASThe Massashusets Test Score Data SetCSV DOC
EcdatMalesWages and Education of Young MalesCSV DOC
EcdatMathlevelLevel of Calculus Attained for Students Taking Advanced Micro-economicsCSV DOC
EcdatMedExpStructure of Demand for Medical CareCSV DOC
EcdatMetalProduction for SIC 33CSV DOC
EcdatModeMode ChoiceCSV DOC
EcdatModeChoiceData to Study Travel Mode ChoiceCSV DOC
EcdatMofaInternational Expansion of U.S. Mofa's (majority-owned Foreign Affiliates in Fire (finance, Insurance and Real Estate)CSV DOC
EcdatMrozLabor Supply DataCSV DOC
EcdatMunExpMunicipal Expenditure DataCSV DOC
EcdatNaturalParkWillingness to Pay for the Preservation of the Alentejo Natural ParkCSV DOC
EcdatNerloveCost Function for Electricity Producers, 1955CSV DOC
EcdatOFPVisits to Physician OfficeCSV DOC
EcdatOilOil InvestmentCSV DOC
EcdatPSIDPanel Survey of Income DynamicsCSV DOC
EcdatParticipationLabor Force ParticipationCSV DOC
EcdatPatentsHGHDynamic Relation Between Patents and R&DCSV DOC
EcdatPatentsRDPatents, R&D and Technological Spillovers for a Panel of FirmsCSV DOC
EcdatPoundPound-dollar Exchange RateCSV DOC
EcdatProducUs States ProductionCSV DOC
EcdatRetSchoolReturn to SchoolingCSV DOC
EcdatSP500Returns on Standard & Poor's 500 IndexCSV DOC
EcdatSchoolingWages and SchoolingCSV DOC
EcdatSomervilleVisits to Lake SomervilleCSV DOC
EcdatStarEffects on Learning of Small Class SizesCSV DOC
EcdatStrikeStrike Duration DataCSV DOC
EcdatStrikeDurStrikes DurationCSV DOC
EcdatStrikeNbNumber of Strikes in Us ManufacturingCSV DOC
EcdatSumHesThe Penn TableCSV DOC
EcdatTobaccoHouseholds Tobacco Budget ShareCSV DOC
EcdatTrainStated Preferences for Train TravelingCSV DOC
EcdatTranspEqStatewide Data on Transportation Equipment ManufacturingCSV DOC
EcdatTreatmentEvaluating Treatment Effect of Training on EarningsCSV DOC
EcdatTunaChoice of Brand for TunaCSV DOC
EcdatUSFinanceIndustryUS Finance Industry ProfitsCSV DOC
EcdatUSstateAbbreviationsStandard abbreviations for states of the United StatesCSV DOC
EcdatUStaxWordsNumber of Words in US Tax LawCSV DOC
EcdatUnempDurUnemployment DurationCSV DOC
EcdatUnemploymentUnemployment DurationCSV DOC
EcdatUniversityProvision of University Teaching and ResearchCSV DOC
EcdatVietNamHMedical Expenses in Viet-nam (household Level)CSV DOC
EcdatVietNamIMedical Expenses in Viet-nam (individual Level)CSV DOC
EcdatWagesPanel Datas of Individual WagesCSV DOC
EcdatWages1Wages, Experience and SchoolingCSV DOC
EcdatWorkinghoursWife Working HoursCSV DOC
EcdatYenYen-dollar Exchange RateCSV DOC
EcdatYogurtChoice of Brand for YogurtsCSV DOC
EcdatbankingCrisesCountries in Banking CrisesCSV DOC
EcdatincomeInequalityIncome Inequality in the USCSV DOC
EcdatnonEnglishNamesNames with Character Set ProblemsCSV DOC
gapPDA study of Parkinson's disease and APOE, LRRK2, SNCA makersCSV DOC
gapaldh2ALDH2 markers and AlcoholismCSV DOC
gapapoeapocAPOE/APOC1 markers and Alzheimer'sCSV DOC
gapcfCystic fibrosis dataCSV DOC
gapcrohnCrohn's disease dataCSV DOC
gapfaFriedreich Ataxia dataCSV DOC
gapfsnpsA case-control data involving four SNPs with missing genotypeCSV DOC
gaphlaThe HLA dataCSV DOC
gaphr1420An example data for Manhattan plot with annotationCSV DOC
gapl51An example pedigree dataCSV DOC
gaplukasAn example pedigreeCSV DOC
gapmaoA study of Parkinson's disease and MAO geneCSV DOC
gapmfblongExample data for ACEnucfamCSV DOC
gapmhtdataAn example data for Manhattan plotCSV DOC
gapnep499A study of Alzheimer's disease with eight SNPs and APOECSV DOC
ggplot2diamondsPrices of 50,000 round cut diamondsCSV DOC
ggplot2economicsUS economic time series.CSV DOC
ggplot2midwestMidwest demographics.CSV DOC
ggplot2moviesMovie information and user ratings from IMDB.com.CSV DOC
ggplot2mpgFuel economy data from 1999 and 2008 for 38 popular models of carCSV DOC
ggplot2msleepAn updated and expanded version of the mammals sleep dataset.CSV DOC
ggplot2presidentialTerms of 10 presidents from Eisenhower to Bush W.CSV DOC
ggplot2sealsVector field of seal movements.CSV DOC
HistDataArbuthnotArbuthnot's data on male and female birth ratios in London from 1629-1710.CSV DOC
HistDataBowleyBowley's data on values of British and Irish trade, 1855-1899CSV DOC
HistDataCavendishCavendish's Determinations of the Density of the EarthCSV DOC
HistDataChestSizesChest measurements of 5738 Scottish MilitiamenCSV DOC
HistDataCushnyPeeblesCushny-Peebles Data: Soporific Effects of Scopolamine DerivativesCSV DOC
HistDataCushnyPeeblesNCushny-Peebles Data: Soporific Effects of Scopolamine DerivativesCSV DOC
HistDataDactylEdgeworth's counts of dactyls in Virgil's AeneidCSV DOC
HistDataDrinksWagesElderton and Pearson's (1910) data on drinking and wagesCSV DOC
HistDataFingerprintsWaite's data on Patterns in FingerprintsCSV DOC
HistDataGaltonGalton's data on the heights of parents and their childrenCSV DOC
HistDataGaltonFamiliesGalton's data on the heights of parents and their children, by childCSV DOC
HistDataGuerryData from A.-M. Guerry, "Essay on the Moral Statistics of France"CSV DOC
HistDataJevonsW. Stanley Jevons' data on numerical discriminationCSV DOC
HistDataLangren.allvan Langren's Data on Longitude Distance between Toledo and RomeCSV DOC
HistDataLangren1644van Langren's Data on Longitude Distance between Toledo and RomeCSV DOC
HistDataMacdonellMacdonell's Data on Height and Finger Length of Criminals, used by Gosset (1908)CSV DOC
HistDataMacdonellDFMacdonell's Data on Height and Finger Length of Criminals, used by Gosset (1908)CSV DOC
HistDataMichelsonMichelson's Determinations of the Velocity of LightCSV DOC
HistDataMichelsonSetsMichelson's Determinations of the Velocity of LightCSV DOC
HistDataMinard.citiesData from Minard's famous graphic map of Napoleon's march on MoscowCSV DOC
HistDataMinard.tempData from Minard's famous graphic map of Napoleon's march on MoscowCSV DOC
HistDataMinard.troopsData from Minard's famous graphic map of Napoleon's march on MoscowCSV DOC
HistDataNightingaleFlorence Nightingale's data on deaths from various causes in the Crimean WarCSV DOC
HistDataOldMapsLatitudes and Longitudes of 39 Points in 11 Old MapsCSV DOC
HistDataPearsonLeePearson and Lee's data on the heights of parents and children classified by genderCSV DOC
HistDataPolioTrialsPolio Field Trials DataCSV DOC
HistDataProstitutesParent-Duchatelet's time-series data on the number of prostitutes in ParisCSV DOC
HistDataPyxTrial of the PyxCSV DOC
HistDataQuarrelsStatistics of Deadly QuarrelsCSV DOC
HistDataSnow.deathsJohn Snow's map and data on the 1854 London Cholera outbreakCSV DOC
HistDataSnow.polygonsJohn Snow's map and data on the 1854 London Cholera outbreakCSV DOC
HistDataSnow.pumpsJohn Snow's map and data on the 1854 London Cholera outbreakCSV DOC
HistDataSnow.streetsJohn Snow's map and data on the 1854 London Cholera outbreakCSV DOC
HistDataWheatPlayfair's Data on Wages and the Price of WheatCSV DOC
HistDataWheat.monarchsPlayfair's Data on Wages and the Price of WheatCSV DOC
HistDataYeastStudent's (1906) Yeast Cell CountsCSV DOC
HistDataYeastD.matStudent's (1906) Yeast Cell CountsCSV DOC
HistDataZeaMaysDarwin's Heights of Cross- and Self-fertilized Zea May PairsCSV DOC
latticebarleyYield data from a Minnesota barley trialCSV DOC
latticeenvironmentalAtmospheric environmental conditions in New York CityCSV DOC
latticeethanolEngine exhaust fumes from burning ethanolCSV DOC
latticemelanomaMelanoma skin cancer incidenceCSV DOC
latticesingerHeights of New York Choral Society singersCSV DOC
MASSAids2Australian AIDS Survival DataCSV DOC
MASSAnimalsBrain and Body Weights for 28 SpeciesCSV DOC
MASSBostonHousing Values in Suburbs of BostonCSV DOC
MASSCars93Data from 93 Cars on Sale in the USA in 1993CSV DOC
MASSCushingsDiagnostic Tests on Patients with Cushing's SyndromeCSV DOC
MASSGAGurineLevel of GAG in Urine of ChildrenCSV DOC
MASSInsuranceNumbers of Car Insurance claimsCSV DOC
MASSMelanomaSurvival from Malignant MelanomaCSV DOC
MASSOMETests of Auditory Perception in Children with OMECSV DOC
MASSPima.teDiabetes in Pima Indian WomenCSV DOC
MASSPima.trDiabetes in Pima Indian WomenCSV DOC
MASSPima.tr2Diabetes in Pima Indian WomenCSV DOC
MASSRabbitBlood Pressure in RabbitsCSV DOC
MASSRubberAccelerated Testing of Tyre RubberCSV DOC
MASSSP500Returns of the Standard and Poors 500CSV DOC
MASSSitkaGrowth Curves for Sitka Spruce Trees in 1988CSV DOC
MASSSitka89Growth Curves for Sitka Spruce Trees in 1989CSV DOC
MASSSkyeAFM Compositions of Aphyric Skye LavasCSV DOC
MASSTrafficEffect of Swedish Speed Limits on AccidentsCSV DOC
MASSUScerealNutritional and Marketing Information on US CerealsCSV DOC
MASSUScrimeThe Effect of Punishment Regimes on Crime RatesCSV DOC
MASSVAVeteran's Administration Lung Cancer TrialCSV DOC
MASSabbeyDeterminations of Nickel ContentCSV DOC
MASSaccdeathsAccidental Deaths in the US 1973-1978CSV DOC
MASSanorexiaAnorexia Data on Weight ChangeCSV DOC
MASSbacteriaPresence of Bacteria after Drug TreatmentsCSV DOC
MASSbeav1Body Temperature Series of Beaver 1CSV DOC
MASSbeav2Body Temperature Series of Beaver 2CSV DOC
MASSbiopsyBiopsy Data on Breast Cancer PatientsCSV DOC
MASSbirthwtRisk Factors Associated with Low Infant Birth WeightCSV DOC
MASScabbagesData from a cabbage field trialCSV DOC
MASScaithColours of Eyes and Hair of People in CaithnessCSV DOC
MASScatsAnatomical Data from Domestic CatsCSV DOC
MASScementHeat Evolved by Setting CementsCSV DOC
MASSchemCopper in Wholemeal FlourCSV DOC
MASScoopCo-operative Trial in Analytical ChemistryCSV DOC
MASScpusPerformance of Computer CPUsCSV DOC
MASScrabsMorphological Measurements on Leptograpsus CrabsCSV DOC
MASSdeathsMonthly Deaths from Lung Diseases in the UKCSV DOC
MASSdriversDeaths of Car Drivers in Great Britain 1969-84CSV DOC
MASSeaglesForaging Ecology of Bald EaglesCSV DOC
MASSepilSeizure Counts for EpilepticsCSV DOC
MASSfarmsEcological Factors in Farm ManagementCSV DOC
MASSfglMeasurements of Forensic Glass FragmentsCSV DOC
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MASSmichelsonMichelson's Speed of Light DataCSV DOC
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MASSmotorsAccelerated Life Testing of MotorettesCSV DOC
MASSmuscleEffect of Calcium Chloride on Muscle Contraction in Rat HeartsCSV DOC
MASSnewcombNewcomb's Measurements of the Passage Time of LightCSV DOC
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MASSnpkClassical N, P, K Factorial ExperimentCSV DOC
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MASSwtlossWeight Loss Data from an Obese PatientCSV DOC
plmCigarCigarette ConsumptionCSV DOC
plmCrimeCrime in North CarolinaCSV DOC
plmEmplUKEmployment and Wages in the United KingdomCSV DOC
plmGasolineGasoline ConsumptionCSV DOC
plmGrunfeldGrunfeld's Investment DataCSV DOC
plmHedonicHedonic Prices of Census Tracts in the Boston AreaCSV DOC
plmLaborSupplyWages and Hours WorkedCSV DOC
plmMalesWages and Education of Young MalesCSV DOC
plmProducUS States ProductionCSV DOC
plmSnmespEmployment and Wages in SpainCSV DOC
plmSumHesThe Penn World Table, v. 5CSV DOC
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plyrbaseballYearly batting records for all major league baseball playersCSV DOC
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psclAustralianElectionselections to Australian House of Representatives, 1949-2007CSV DOC
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pscladmitApplications to a Political Science PhD ProgramCSV DOC
psclbioChemistsarticle production by graduate students in biochemistry Ph.D. programsCSV DOC
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pscliraqVoteU.S. Senate vote on the use of force against Iraq, 2002.CSV DOC
psclpoliticalInformationInterviewer ratings of respondent levels of political informationCSV DOC
psclpresidentialElectionselections for U.S. President, 1932-2008, by stateCSV DOC
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psclunionDensitycross national rates of trade union densityCSV DOC
psclvote92Reports of voting in the 1992 U.S. Presidential election.CSV DOC
reshape2french_friesSensory data from a french fries experiment.CSV DOC
reshape2smithsDemo data describing the Smiths.CSV DOC
reshape2tipsTipping dataCSV DOC
rpartcar.test.frameAutomobile Data from 'Consumer Reports' 1990CSV DOC
rpartcar90Automobile Data from 'Consumer Reports' 1990CSV DOC
rpartcu.summaryAutomobile Data from 'Consumer Reports' 1990CSV DOC
rpartkyphosisData on Children who have had Corrective Spinal SurgeryCSV DOC
rpartsolderSoldering of Components on Printed-Circuit BoardsCSV DOC
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sandwichPublicSchoolsUS Expenditures for Public SchoolsCSV DOC
semBollenBollen's Data on Industrialization and Political DemocracyCSV DOC
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semKleinKlein's Data on the U. S. EconomyCSV DOC
semKmentaPartly Artificial Data on the U. S. EconomyCSV DOC
semTestsSix Mental TestsCSV DOC
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survivalcgdChronic Granulotomous Disease dataCSV DOC
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survivalflchainAssay of serum free light chain for 7874 subjects.CSV DOC
survivalheartStanford Heart Transplant dataCSV DOC
survivalkidneyKidney catheter dataCSV DOC
survivalleukemiaAcute Myelogenous Leukemia survival dataCSV DOC
survivalloganData from the 1972-78 GSS data used by LoganCSV DOC
survivallungNCCTG Lung Cancer DataCSV DOC
survivalmgusMonoclonal gammapothy dataCSV DOC
survivalnwtcoData from the National Wilm's Tumor StudyCSV DOC
survivalovarianOvarian Cancer Survival DataCSV DOC
survivalpbcMayo Clinic Primary Biliary Cirrhosis DataCSV DOC
survivalratsRat treatment data from Mantel et alCSV DOC
survivalstanford2More Stanford Heart Transplant dataCSV DOC
survivaltobinTobin's Tobit dataCSV DOC
survivalveteranVeterans' Administration Lung Cancer studyCSV DOC
vcdArthritisArthritis Treatment DataCSV DOC
vcdBaseballBaseball DataCSV DOC
vcdBrokenMarriageBroken Marriage DataCSV DOC
vcdBundesligaErgebnisse der Fussball-BundesligaCSV DOC
vcdBundestag2005Votes in German Bundestag Election 2005CSV DOC
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vcdEmploymentEmployment StatusCSV DOC
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vcdHospitalHospital dataCSV DOC
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vcdVonBortVon Bortkiewicz Horse Kicks DataCSV DOC
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ZeligMatchIt.urlTable of links for ZeligCSV DOC
ZeligPEriskPolitical Economic Risk Data from 62 Countries in 1987CSV DOC
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ZeligWeimar1932 Weimar election dataCSV DOC
ZeligZelig.urlTable of links for ZeligCSV DOC
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Zeligimmi2Individual Preferences Over Immigration PolicyCSV DOC
Zeligimmi3Individual Preferences Over Immigration PolicyCSV DOC
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psychBechtoldtSeven data sets showing a bifactor solution.CSV DOC
psychBechtoldt.1Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution.CSV DOC
psychBechtoldt.2Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution.CSV DOC
psychDwyer8 cognitive variables used by Dwyer for an example.CSV DOC
psychGleserExample data from Gleser, Cronbach and Rajaratnam (1965) to show basic principles of generalizability theory.CSV DOC
psychGorsuchExample data set from Gorsuch (1997) for an example factor extension.CSV DOC
psychHarman.55 socio-economic variables from Harman (1967)CSV DOC
psychHarman.8Correlations of eight physical variables (from Harman, 1966)CSV DOC
psychHarman.politicalEight political variables used by Harman (1967) as example 8.17CSV DOC
psychHolzingerSeven data sets showing a bifactor solution.CSV DOC
psychHolzinger.9Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution.CSV DOC
psychReiseSeven data sets showing a bifactor solution.CSV DOC
psychSchmid12 variables created by Schmid and Leiman to show the Schmid-Leiman TransformationCSV DOC
psychThurstoneSeven data sets showing a bifactor solution.CSV DOC
psychThurstone.33Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution.CSV DOC
psychTucker9 Cognitive variables discussed by Tucker and Lewis (1973)CSV DOC
psychability16 ability items scored as correct or incorrect.CSV DOC
psychaffectTwo data sets of affect and arousal scores as a function of personality and movie conditionsCSV DOC
psychbfi25 Personality items representing 5 factorsCSV DOC
psychbfi.dictionary25 Personality items representing 5 factorsCSV DOC
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psychburt11 emotional variables from Burt (1915)CSV DOC
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psychcubitsGalton's example of the relationship between height and 'cubit' or forearm lengthCSV DOC
psychcushnyA data set from Cushny and Peebles (1905) on the effect of three drugs on hours of sleep, used by Student (1908)CSV DOC
psychepiEysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) data for 3570 participantsCSV DOC
psychepi.bfi13 personality scales from the Eysenck Personality Inventory and Big 5 inventoryCSV DOC
psychepi.dictionaryEysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) data for 3570 participantsCSV DOC
psychgaltonGalton's Mid parent child height dataCSV DOC
psychheightsA data.frame of the Galton (1888) height and cubit data set.CSV DOC
psychincomeUS family income from US census 2008CSV DOC
psychiqitems16 multiple choice IQ itemsCSV DOC
psychmsq75 mood items from the Motivational State Questionnaire for 3896 participantsCSV DOC
psychneoNEO correlation matrix from the NEO_PI_R manualCSV DOC
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psychwithinBetweenAn example of the distinction between within group and between group correlationsCSV DOC
quantregBoscoBoscovich DataCSV DOC
quantregCobarOreCobar Ore dataCSV DOC
quantregMammalsGarland(1983) Data on Running Speed of MammalsCSV DOC
quantregbarroBarro DataCSV DOC
quantregengelEngel DataCSV DOC
quantreguisUIS Drug Treatment study dataCSV DOC
geepackdietoxGrowth curves of pigs in a 3x3 factorial experimentCSV DOC
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geepackspruceLog-size of 79 Sitka spruce treesCSV DOC
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texmexrainRain, wavesurge and portpirie datasets.CSV DOC
texmexsummerAir pollution data, separately for summer and winter monthsCSV DOC
texmexwavesurgeRain, wavesurge and portpirie datasets.CSV DOC
texmexwinterAir pollution data, separately for summer and winter monthsCSV DOC
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