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原创 After using jQuery's dialog function, server components in dialog become invalid

When we develop an .Net application, we may use jQuery. After using jQuery's dialog function, server components in dialog become invalid, an

2011-08-19 16:33:48 457

原创 Lotusscript opens an attachment with associated application

Invokes windows API 'shell32.dll' to find associated application and opens your attachment.

2010-09-20 13:54:00 540

原创 How to render a 128 Barcode in Reporting Services or .Net applications

This is a simple example to generate a barcode and embed it in your report files and .Net forms. How to generate a code128 barcode, please refer to  http://www.codeproject.com/KB/GDI-plus/GenCode128.a

2010-05-31 09:32:00 1415

原创 Set CommandTimeout for a TableAdapter in the DataSet

Background:1. There is a DataSet named MyDataSet, which includes a DataTable namde MyTable and a TableAdapter named MyAdapter.2. There is a report file named MyReport.rdlc whose DataSource is MyDa

2010-05-26 16:50:00 1219

原创 Use RSClientPrint control in a custom application

On www.codeproject.com, there is an article that in depth describes how to use RSClientPrint control in a custom application. Here I dont want to give those details again. Please visit : http://www.c

2010-05-12 15:40:00 1173

原创 利用ReportExecutionService.FindString实现查询功能

1. 首先定义DeviceInfo            strDevInfo = "" +                         "" + strPageIndex + "" +                         "False" +                         "" + strFindString + "" +                   

2010-04-22 09:40:00 1014

原创 利用reporting services扩展开发报表,实现group的展开折叠功能

该功能的实现需要借助于reporting services的cache功能。当用户成功运行一个report后,该report就会被存储在server的cache中,直到用户的session结束才被自动清除。 1. 第一次运行report时,加载报表定义并获得该report的ExecutionID,并将其存储在session中            //load report definit

2010-04-21 11:32:00 1960

原创 javascript获得屏幕的DPI

function js_getDPI() {    var arrDPI = new Array();    if (window.screen.deviceXDPI != undefined) {        arrDPI[0] = window.screen.deviceXDPI;        arrDPI[1] = window.screen.deviceYDPI;    }    el

2010-04-06 09:40:00 17538 1

原创 添加自定义按钮来修改field的值

1. 打开新建按钮窗口:Preference - Toolbar - Customize - New - Button2. 将以下代码复制到Formula编辑框中3. 点击OK按钮添加自定义按钮 ret:=@Prompt([OkCancelEdit];"Please enter a field name!";"";"");ret1:="";@If(ret!="";ret1:=@

2010-03-30 10:48:00 749

原创 Reporting Services 2008中报表不含千分符的整数导到Excel显示#Value!


2010-03-23 20:52:00 702

转载 NoSQL数据库探讨之一 - 为什么要用非关系数据库?

随着互联网web2.0网站的兴起,非关系型的数据库现在成了一个极其热门的新领域, 非关系数据库产品的发展非常迅速。而传统的关系数据库在应付web2.0网站,特别是超大规模和高并发的SNS类型的web2.0纯动态网站已经显得力不 从心,暴露了很多难以克服的问题,例如: 1、High performance - 对数据库高并发读写的需求 web2.0网站要根据用户个性化信息来实时生成动态页面和提供动态

2010-03-16 23:14:00 590

原创 domino升级到8.5后读者域的兼容性问题

最近发现用户的用户名列在一些文档的读者域中,他们却看不到这些文档。通过仔细分析发现,原来是domino升级后导致的兼容性问题。在早期的版本中,读者域中的用户名只需用common格式保存。而在8.5版本,其名称格式必须是canonical的格式,也就是读者域中保存的用户名的格式需要和作者域中保存的用户名的格式一样。而这一点在lotus notes的帮助确没有被提及。

2009-11-16 15:38:00 755

原创 ND8.5中利用Web Service Consumer来调用web service

1. 创建一个web service provider,并命名为GetMath%INCLUDE "lsxsd.lss"Class MyMath Sub new End Sub Function MyRound(numExpr As Double, places As Integer) As Double  MyRound = Round(numExpr,places) End Function

2009-08-21 15:21:00 938

转载 JAVA 的MD5加密算法源代码

import java.security.MessageDigest;public class RMD5 {  public RMD5(){ }  public final static String MD5(String strOriginal){  char[] cHexDigits = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c

2009-06-12 16:48:00 706

转载 How to perform AD(MS Active Directory) Authentication using JNDI from Java?

import java.util.Hashtable;import javax.naming.Context;import javax.naming.NamingException;import javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext;import javax.naming.ldap.LdapContext; Hashtable env = new Has

2009-06-09 14:42:00 561

转载 IE,FireFox中屏蔽右键菜单和选择功能

script> document.oncontextmenu=function(){return false;} document.onselectstart=function(){return false;}//这个函数是对ie,为ff时使用css来控制 script> style>      html,body{                          height:100%;   

2009-06-05 15:52:00 1228

原创 在web.xml中引入其他xml文件

]>http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-app_2_4.xsd"> &mytest;

2009-05-25 16:04:00 2143 2

原创 FireFox中Element.focus()方法无效的解决方法

在页面上我们经常会用javascript来对某个域值做验证。一旦验证未通过就会使用focus方法让该域重新聚焦。但在FF下,直接调用focus方法却无法使当前域重新聚焦,而是将焦点移到下一个对象上。我们可以用延迟的调用focus的方法来解决这一问题。如:    function js_onNumBlur(evt,flag){        var srcElem = window.even

2009-02-25 15:11:00 4200

原创 How to use Regular Expression in LotusScript

 declarations Dim regexp As Variant  create object Set regexp = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")  make pattern matching case insensitive regexp.IgnoreCase = True  replace pattern regexp.Pattern = |

2008-11-21 15:34:00 814

原创 基于CSS样式的下拉菜单

ul{margin:0;padding:0;}.menu{font-size:12px;z-index:100;}.menu ul{list-style:none;} /*Define first level descendants*/.menu li{float:left;position:relative;padding:1px;}.menu table {position:absol

2008-09-09 09:11:00 683

原创 根据记录中某个域值来设定视图行的颜色


2008-03-04 13:31:00 612

原创 刷新文档的计算域

Formular: @Command([ToolsRefreshAllDocs])LotusScript:  Dim s As NotesSession  Dim db As NotesDatabase  Dim view As NotesView Dim doc As NotesDocument   Set s = New NotesSession Set db = s.CurrentDat

2007-09-04 13:17:00 620

原创 去除字符窜前后空格

function trim(str){ return str.replace(/(^/s+)|(/s+$)/g, "");} 

2006-08-01 12:59:00 802

原创 用lotusscript动态刷新登录页表单设计


2006-05-20 09:36:00 2412 1

原创 在复选框和单选按钮的公式中输出html代码


2006-05-16 15:22:00 1672

原创 Notes Web编程运用ajax技术(Page)

Notes Web编程运用ajax技术,XMLHTTP对象与page配合使用注意:把页面属性中的web访问的内容类型置为“HTML”创建页面page1.xml,在页面中输入如下代码                    并把页面属性中的web访问的内容类型置为“HTML”表单上调用js代码function getRes(){     var post_xmlHttp=new ActiveXOb

2006-05-11 11:00:00 1188

原创 NOtes Web编程运用ajax技术(Agent)

创建代理xmlAgentSub Initialize     Dim strPost As String, strPre As String     Dim i as Integer     strPre = "     strPost = "]]>"      Print |Content-Type:text/xml;charset=gb2312|     Print ""      For i

2006-05-11 10:35:00 980

原创 在代理中利用VBA对word直接编辑后保存

在代理中利用VBA对word附件直接编辑后保存步骤:1、获得附件,并拆分到服务器临时目录里后再删除附件2、创建word对象,并打开临时目录里的文件3、编辑附件然后保存4、将附件添加到文档中并保存Sub Initialize On Error Goto errhandle Dim session As NotesSession  Dim cdb As NotesDatabase  Dim col

2006-04-24 16:18:00 1602

转载 LotusScript获得未读邮件

Option PublicOption Explicit** Notes C-API functions used by the UnreadDocList class (these are Windows-specific** calls -- please adjust as necessary for other operating system platforms)Declare

2006-03-16 10:31:00 2177 1

转载 获取Mac地址

Private Function MACAddress() As String    Dim macaddr As String    macaddr = ""    Set objs = GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery( _      "SELECT MACAddress " & _      "FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter " & _  

2006-03-03 08:58:00 738

原创 字符窜转换

class StringTransform{ StringTransform() { } public static void println(String ResStr) {  System.out.println(ResStr); } //字符窜左移操作 public static String leftShift(String ResStr,int n) {  String str

2006-03-01 13:12:00 803

原创 字符窜转换

class StringTransform{ StringTransform() { } public static void println(String ResStr) {  System.out.println(ResStr); } //字符窜左移操作 public static String leftShift(String ResStr,int n) {  String str

2006-03-01 13:06:00 612

原创 Java 获取MAC地址2

class getMac{ public String getMacByIPConfig() {  String str = "";  String macAddress = "";  try  {   Process pp = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("ipconfig /all ");   InputStreamReader ir = new InputStream

2006-02-23 14:34:00 953

转载 Java 获得MAC地址

import java.io.*;public class  GetMac{    //通过IP获取网卡地址 public String getMacByIP(String serverIP) {  String str = "";  String macAddress = "";  try  {      Process pp = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("nbt

2006-02-23 13:09:00 1179

原创 动态弹出右键菜单

/*右键菜单样式*/.rightMenu{cursor:default;font-size:9pt;color:#012F51;border-left:1 solid #D0DFE2;border-top:1 solid #D0DFE2;border-right:1 solid #528388;border-bottom:1 solid #528388;background-color:#9CBF

2006-02-23 09:15:00 1086

原创 LotusScript获得在线用户

利用notessession的SendConsoleCommand方法向服务器控制台发送“show inetusers”命令,并返回一个结果(字符窜),用户与用户之间是回车换行符分隔,用户的相关信息用Chr(9)字符窜分隔。把返回得到的字符窜再根据这一规则,即可取得所要的内容。 Set session = New NotesSession  Set cdb = session.CurrentD

2006-02-23 08:59:00 1378

原创 屏蔽错误提示


2006-02-22 23:31:00 602

原创 读写Cookie

写Cookie        document.cookie="password=123456";读Cookie cookieStr=new String(document.cookie); startPos=cookieStr.indexOf("password=")+8; cookieStr=cookieStr.substr(startPos,cookieStr.length); if(c

2006-02-22 23:26:00 588

转载 最小化、最大化、关闭窗口

2006-02-22 23:21:00 741





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