

  • Wow! Eighty pounds! That's nuts! Did you have triples?
  • It should be a lot of fun , and I've been collecting lot of sponsors from the


  • Exams are normally three-hour long. You must book a room for a three-hour
    exam.The department will arrange an invigilator .
  • Early next month, there will be
    a sign up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the faculty lounge .
  • The dean then receive it, then draws up the final
    schedule to avoid students in the Science Faculty having two exams scheduled at the
    same time.
  • 2011-03-19
  • Today we will look at this problematic concept known as "intelligence".
  • Nonetheless , a recent study seems to confirm Spearman's theory.
  • when volunteers tackle complicated
  • However, Spearman's concept is still highly controversial with many people
    questioning both the the statistical process and the simplistic nature of "g"
  • Exams, yes, I used to dread this time of year
  • It's always a bit of a gamble .
  • No, I need the money to help pay my board .
  • Well if it's any consolation , Stuart, you know it's not going to last forever.
  • 2011-03-20
  • Wasn′t there also some kind of population boom around then ?
  • New strains of crops, improved farming methods, and what about greater use of pesticides and fertilizers?
  • In order to tell if an economy is experiencing inflation , deflation or
    , we use the CPI as a gauge of the price of goods and services.
  • The base-year market basket, which makes up the CPI, comes from
    detailed expenditure information collected from surveys of thousands of families.
  • the information is gathered through
    interviews and diaries kept by participants who have agreed to disclose their buying habits.
  • The basket is divided into eight groups: food and beverages , housing, apparel ,transportation, medical care, recreation , education and communication, and other goods and services, and inclues more than 200 categories.
  • Let′s back up and start from the beginning and discover what led to this interesting chapter in American history.
  • To offest this domination of tea, the colonies would smuggle their tea in from Holland.
  • Needless to say, parliament was furious and reacted by closing the Boston harbor.
  • Stonehenge is not a single structure, but consists of a series of earth, wood, and stone structures that were revised and re-modeled over thousands of years.
  • He concluded that these stones were placed not accidentally, but deliberately positioned and planned so that on a midsummer′s morning the sun rose directly over the Heel Stone and the first rays shone into the centre of the monument between the open arms of the horseshoe arrangement.
  • This discovery has had tremendous impact on how Stonehenge has been interpreted.
  • In a nutshell , he believes that Stonehenge was not built as a temple; instead it was built as an astronomical calsulator.
  • 2011-03-21
  • 木有总结
  • 2011-03-22
  • 总结昨天(2011-03-22)的内容
  • A report by the Fiscal Policy Institute, which is an economic think-tank or committee that generally focuses on issues that affect the quality of life and economic well-being of New York workers, claims that although America as a nation has enjoyed many years of record-setting economic expansion, the same cannot be said about the state of New York.(第一段听力里的这句足以让人晕头转向!!!)
  • Case in point , the Upstate economy has not benefited at all from America′s booming times.(这句不怎么能听懂)
  • At the same time,the Downstate region′s economic growth
    hinges on Wall Street.(好多生单词,还有不知道华尔街的重要!)
  • Clearly , the state must take some responsibility and step in
    and help families that are not benefiting from a growing economy.(这段(第一段Track 11)听力长句太多),得出结论:我对长句的听力急需提高!
  • Most jobs became open to ethnic groups(选项中的单词不认识导致错误)
  • main idea 细节不清,导致以偏概全的错误,还有就是先入为主!
  • 今天
  • This book was designed to help the deceased live a happy afterlife in "heaven".
  • Both texts outline the ceremony performed at the funeral of an important person.(不懂什么意思啊!)
  • To put it in modern terms, think about how modern religious rituals are run.
  • You go to your place of worship , and rituals and holy texts are read out to you from a book.
  • At first ,they were read directly off the walls of their inner chambers of a pyramid and later were read directly off the sides of the coffins.
  • 细节听记十分重要
  • 2011-03-23
  • 不断更新ing
  • 之后的听力材料居然木有原文了,只有音频,那么就只能多听了。

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