Oracle 基本语句1

</pre><p><pre name="code" class="sql">先在正在学习Oracle,整理了一下sql基本语句用于sqlplus的操作:
	alter  user scott account lock;
	alter  user scott account unlock;

	create tablespace ts_my datafile 'D:\Eclipse_11g\oradata\yc\ts_my.dbf' size 10m;

	create temporary tablespace tts_my tempfile 'D:\Eclipse_11g\oradata\yc\tts_my.dbf' size 10m;

	create user xh identified by a default tablespace ts_my temporary tablespace tts_my;

	grant connect,resource to xh;

	create table person(
	id Integer constraint pk_person_id primary key, 
	name varchar2(10), 
	tall number(3,2),
	birthday date,
	phone varchar2(11),
	computerID Integer 

	select table_name from user_tables;

	desc table_name;

	alter table person add phone varchar2(11);

	insert into person (id, name, tall, birthday, phone,computerID) values (1001, '小名', 1.92, '12-3月-92', 122344566,null);

		create table person(
			id Integer constraint pk_person_id primary key, --添加主键约束
			name varchar2(10) not null,--添加非空约束 
			tall number(3,2) constraint ck_person_tall check(0 < tall and tall < 3), --添加检查约束
			birthday date,
			phone varchar2(11) unique, --添加唯一约束
			sex char(2) default '男', --添加默认值约束
			computerID Integer constraint fk_person_computer_computerID foreign key(computer) references computer(id) --添加外键约束
		create table person(
			id Integer,
			name varchar2(10), 
			tall number(3,2),
			birthday date,
			phone varchar2(11),
			sex char(2),
			computerID Integer ,
			constraint pk_person_id primary key(id), --添加主键约束
			constraint pk_person_id primary key(id,name), --添加联合主键约束
			constraint ck_person_tall check(0 < tall and tall < 3), --添加检查约束
			constraint modify name not null, --添加非空约束
			constraint uk_person_phone unique(phone), --添加唯一约束
			constraint fk_person_computer_computerID foreign key(computer) references computer(id) --添加外键约束
		create table person(
			id Integer 
			name varchar2(10), 
			tall number(3,2),
			birthday date,
			phone varchar2(11),
			sex char(2),
			computerID Integer 
		alter table person add constraint pk_person_id primary key(id);--添加主键约束
		alter table person add constraint pk_person_id_name primary key(id,name), --添加联合主键约束
		alter table person add constraint ck_person_tall check(0 < tall and tall < 3), --添加检查约束
		alter table person add constraint uk_person_phone unique(phone), --添加唯一约束
		alter table person add constraint fk_person_computer_computerID foreign key(computerID) references computer(id);-- 添加外键约束
		alter table person modify sex default '男';--添加默认值约束
		alter table person add sex char(2);
		alter table person modify sex default '男';
		insert into person (id, name, tall, birthday, phone, sex) values (1006, '小名', 1.92, '12-3月-92', 1223423566,default);
		insert into person (id, name, tall, birthday, phone) values (1007, '李名', 1.92, '12-3月-92', 1223423536);
	update person set phone = '1234566789';	--修改Person表中所有数据
	update person set phone = '1234566789' where id = 1001;	--修改Person表中指定数据
	select owner,constraint_name, constraint_type,table_name from user_constraints;

	SQL> create table computer (id Integer primary key, brand varchar2(10), price float);

	alter table person add computerID Integer;
	alter table person add constraint fk_person_computer_computerID foreign key(computerID) references computer(id);

	insert into computer (id, brand) values (10001, 'lenovo');

	insert into person (id, name, tall, birthday, phone, sex,computerID) values (1008, '小白', 1.92, '12-3月-92', 1223423161,default,10001);
	alter table person drop constraint fk_person_computer_computerID ;
--删除表数据 先删子表,再删主表
	delete from person where computerID = 10001;
	delete from computer where id = 10001;

	col column_name format a长度;  --只针对字符串
	col name format a10;
	col column_name format 9999;  --只针对数字,几位数字就有几个9
	col id format 9999;
	col column_name clear;

		alter table person disable constraint fk_person_computer_computerID
		alter table person enable constraint fk_person_computer_computerID  --不允许有违反约束的数据
		alter table person enable nova constraint fk_person_computer_computerID--不允许有违反约束的数据





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


