【笔记】Java BigInteger - Division

BigInteger to/from (uint[], bool)

用(uint[], bool)来表示有符号大数,其中uint[]是大数的绝对值,bool为false时是负数。

/// <summary>
/// (<see cref="uint"/>[], <see cref="bool"/>) to <see cref="BigInteger"/>
/// </summary>
private BigInteger ValueOf((uint[], bool) value)
    var result = BigInteger.Zero;
    var array = value.Item1.SkipWhile(num => num == 0u).ToArray();
    foreach (var num in array)
        result <<= 32;
        result |= (num & 0xFFFF_FFFF);

    return value.Item2 ? result : -result;

/// <summary>
/// <see cref="BigInteger"/> to (<see cref="uint"/>[], <see cref="bool"/>)
/// </summary>
private (uint[], bool) ToTuple(BigInteger value)
    var positive = BigInteger.Abs(value);

    var byteCount = positive.GetByteCount();
    var len = (int)Math.Ceiling(byteCount / 4d);
    var result = new uint[len];
    for (var i = len - 1; i >= 0; --i)
        result[i] = (uint)(positive & 0xFFFF_FFFF);
        positive >>= 32;

    return (result, value >= 0);

Unsigned Knuth Division

/// <summary>
/// <paramref name="divident"/> / <paramref name="divisor"/> and
/// <paramref name="divident"/> % <paramref name="divisor"/> using Knuth division.
/// all integers must be positive. first is quotient, last is remainder.
/// </summary>
public static (uint[], bool)[] DivideAndRemainderKnuth((uint[], bool) dividend, (uint[], bool) divisor)
    if (IsZero(divisor))
        throw new ArithmeticException("BigInteger divide by zero");

    // Dividend is zero
    if (IsZero(dividend))
        return new (uint[], bool)[] { ZERO, ZERO };
    var cmp = Compare(dividend, divisor);
    // Dividend less than divisor
    if (cmp < 0)
        return new (uint[], bool)[] { ZERO, dividend };
    // Dividend equal to divisor
    if (cmp == 0)
        return new (uint[], bool)[] { ONE, ZERO };
    // Special case one word divisor
    if (divisor.Item1.Length == 1)
        var r = DivideOneWord(dividend.Item1, divisor.Item1[0], out uint[] quotient);
        return new (uint[], bool)[] { (quotient, true), (new uint[] { r }, true) };

    // Cancel common powers of two if we're above the KNUTH_POW2_* thresholds
    if (dividend.Item1.Length >= KNUTH_POW2_THRESH_LEN)
        var trailingZeroBits = Math.Min(GetLowestSetBit(dividend), GetLowestSetBit(divisor));
        if (trailingZeroBits >= KNUTH_POW2_THRESH_ZEROS * 32)
            var aa = ShiftRight(dividend, trailingZeroBits);
            var bb = ShiftRight(divisor, trailingZeroBits);
            var r = DivideAndRemainderKnuth(aa, bb);
            r[1] = ShiftLeft(r[1], trailingZeroBits);
            return r;

    return DivideAndRemainderKnuthAux(dividend, divisor);

/// <summary>
/// <paramref name="divident"/> / <paramref name="divisor"/> and
/// <paramref name="divident"/> % <paramref name="divisor"/> using Knuth division.
/// all integers must be positive. first tuple is quotient, last is remainder.
/// </summary>
private static (uint[], bool)[] DivideAndRemainderKnuthAux((uint[], bool) dividend, (uint[], bool) div)
    // assert div.intLen > 1
    // D1 normalize the divisor
    var shift = div.Item1[0].NumberOfLeadingZeros();
    // Copy divisor value to protect divisor
    var dlen = div.Item1.Length;
    uint[] divisor;
    (uint[] value, int offset, int intLen) rem; // Remainder starts as dividend with space for a leading zero
    if (shift > 0)
        divisor = new uint[dlen];
        CopyAndShift(div.Item1, 0, dlen, divisor, 0, shift);
        if (dividend.Item1[0].NumberOfLeadingZeros() >= shift)
            var remarr = new uint[dividend.Item1.Length + 1];
            CopyAndShift(dividend.Item1, 0, dividend.Item1.Length, remarr, 1, shift);
            rem.value = remarr;
            rem.intLen = dividend.Item1.Length;
            rem.offset = 1;
            var remarr = new uint[dividend.Item1.Length + 2];
            var c = 0u;
            var n2 = 32 - shift;
            for (int i = 1, rFrom = 0; i < dividend.Item1.Length + 1; i++, rFrom++)
                var b = c;
                c = dividend.Item1[rFrom];
                remarr[i] = (b << shift) | (c >> n2);
            remarr[dividend.Item1.Length + 1] = c << shift;
            rem.value = remarr;
            rem.intLen = dividend.Item1.Length + 1;
            rem.offset = 1;
        divisor = div.Item1;
        rem.value = new uint[dividend.Item1.Length + 1];
        Array.Copy(dividend.Item1, 0, rem.value, 1, dividend.Item1.Length);
        rem.intLen = dividend.Item1.Length;
        rem.offset = 1;

    var nlen = rem.intLen;

    // Set the quotient size
    var limit = nlen - dlen + 1;
    //(uint[] value, int intLen, int offset) quotient;
    var quotient = new uint[limit];

    // Must insert leading 0 in rem if its length did not change
    rem.offset = 0;

    var dh = divisor[0];
    var dhLong = dh & LONG_MASK;
    var dl = divisor[1];

    uint qhat, qrem, nh, nh2, nm; bool skipCorrection;
    // D2 Initialize j
    for (var j = 0; j < limit - 1; j++)
        // D3 Calculate qhat
        // estimate qhat
        qhat = 0;
        qrem = 0;
        skipCorrection = false;
        nh = rem.value[j + rem.offset];
        nh2 = nh + 0x80000000;
        nm = rem.value[j + 1 + rem.offset];

        if (nh == dh)
            qhat = uint.MaxValue;
            qrem = nh + nm;
            skipCorrection = (qrem + 0x80000000) < nh2;
            var nChunk = (((long)nh) << 32) | (nm & LONG_MASK);
            if (nChunk >= 0)
                qhat = (uint)(nChunk / dhLong);
                qrem = (uint)(nChunk - (qhat * dhLong));
                var tmp = DivWord(nChunk, dh);
                qhat = (uint)(tmp & LONG_MASK);
                qrem = (uint)((ulong)tmp >> 32);

        if (qhat == 0)

        if (!skipCorrection)
        { // Correct qhat
            var nl = rem.value[j + 2 + rem.offset] & LONG_MASK;
            var rs = ((qrem & LONG_MASK) << 32) | nl;
            var estProduct = (dl & LONG_MASK) * (qhat & LONG_MASK);

            if (UnsignedLongCompare(estProduct, rs))
                qrem = (uint)((qrem & LONG_MASK) + dhLong);
                if ((qrem & LONG_MASK) >= dhLong)
                    estProduct -= (dl & LONG_MASK);
                    rs = ((qrem & LONG_MASK) << 32) | nl;
                    if (UnsignedLongCompare(estProduct, rs))

        // D4 Multiply and subtract
        rem.value[j + rem.offset] = 0;
        var borrow = MulSub(rem.value, divisor, qhat, dlen, j + rem.offset);

        // D5 Test remainder
        if (borrow + 0x80000000 > nh2)
            // D6 Add back
            DivAdd(divisor, rem.value, j + 1 + rem.offset);

        // Store the quotient digit
        quotient[j] = qhat;
    } // D7 loop on j
        // D3 Calculate qhat
        // estimate qhat
    qhat = 0;
    qrem = 0;
    skipCorrection = false;
    nh = rem.value[limit - 1 + rem.offset];
    nh2 = nh + 0x80000000;
    nm = rem.value[limit + rem.offset];

    if (nh == dh)
        qhat = uint.MaxValue;
        qrem = nh + nm;
        skipCorrection = qrem + 0x80000000 < nh2;
        var nChunk = (((long)nh) << 32) | (nm & LONG_MASK);
        if (nChunk >= 0)
            qhat = (uint)(nChunk / dhLong);
            qrem = (uint)(nChunk - (qhat * dhLong));
            var tmp = DivWord(nChunk, dh);
            qhat = (uint)(tmp & LONG_MASK);
            qrem = (uint)((ulong)tmp >> 32);
    if (qhat != 0)
        if (!skipCorrection)
        { // Correct qhat
            var nl = rem.value[limit + 1 + rem.offset] & LONG_MASK;
            var rs = ((qrem & LONG_MASK) << 32) | nl;
            var estProduct = (dl & LONG_MASK) * (qhat & LONG_MASK);

            if (UnsignedLongCompare(estProduct, rs))
                qrem = (uint)((qrem & LONG_MASK) + dhLong);
                if ((qrem & LONG_MASK) >= dhLong)
                    estProduct -= (dl & LONG_MASK);
                    rs = ((qrem & LONG_MASK) << 32) | nl;
                    if (UnsignedLongCompare(estProduct, rs))

        // D4 Multiply and subtract
        rem.value[limit - 1 + rem.offset] = 0;
        var borrow = MulSub(rem.value, divisor, qhat, dlen, limit - 1 + rem.offset);

        // D5 Test remainder
        if (borrow + 0x80000000 > nh2)
            // D6 Add back
            DivAdd(divisor, rem.value, limit + rem.offset);


        // Store the quotient digit
        quotient[limit - 1] = qhat;

    var remainder = rem.value;
    // D8 Unnormalize
    if (shift > 0)
        remainder = ShiftRight((rem.value, true), shift).Item1;

    remainder = StripLeadingZeroInts(remainder);
    quotient = StripLeadingZeroInts(quotient);

    return new (uint[], bool)[] { (quotient, true), (remainder, true) };

/// <summary>
/// This method is used for division of an n word dividend by a one word
/// divisor.The quotient is placed into quotient.The one word divisor is
/// specified by divisor.
/// </summary>
private static uint DivideOneWord(uint[] dividend, uint divisor, out uint[] quotient)
    var divisorLong = divisor & LONG_MASK;
    quotient = new uint[dividend.Length];

    // Special case of one word dividend
    if (dividend.Length == 1)
        var dividendValue = dividend[0] & LONG_MASK;
        var q = (uint)(dividendValue / divisorLong);
        var r = (uint)(dividendValue - q * divisorLong);
        quotient[0] = q;
        return r;

    // Normalize the divisor
    var shift = divisor.NumberOfLeadingZeros();

    var rem = dividend[0];
    var remLong = rem & LONG_MASK;
    if (remLong < divisorLong)
        quotient[0] = 0;
        quotient[0] = (uint)(remLong / divisorLong);
        rem = (uint)(remLong - (quotient[0] * divisorLong));
        remLong = rem & LONG_MASK;
    var xlen = dividend.Length;
    while (--xlen > 0)
        var dividendEstimate = (remLong << 32) |
                                (dividend[dividend.Length - xlen] & LONG_MASK);
        uint q;
        if (dividendEstimate >= 0)
            q = (uint)(dividendEstimate / divisorLong);
            rem = (uint)(dividendEstimate - q * divisorLong);
            var tmp = DivWord(dividendEstimate, divisor);
            q = (uint)(tmp & LONG_MASK);
            rem = (uint)((ulong)tmp >> 32);
        quotient[dividend.Length - xlen] = q;
        remLong = rem & LONG_MASK;

    quotient = StripLeadingZeroInts(quotient);
    // Unnormalize
    if (shift > 0)
        return rem % divisor;
        return rem;

/// <summary>
/// This method divides a long quantity by an int to estimate
/// qhat for two multi precision numbers.It is used when
/// the signed value of n is less than zero.
/// Returns long value where high 32 bits contain remainder value and
/// low 32 bits contain quotient value.
/// </summary>
private static long DivWord(long dividend, uint divisor)
    var dLong = divisor & LONG_MASK;
    long r, q;
    if (dLong == 1)
        q = (uint)dividend;
        r = 0;
        return (r << 32) | (q & LONG_MASK);

    // Approximate the quotient and remainder
    q = (long)(((ulong)dividend >> 1) / ((ulong)dLong >> 1));
    r = dividend - q * dLong;

    // Correct the approximation
    while (r < 0)
        r += dLong;
    while (r >= dLong)
        r -= dLong;
    // n - q*dlong == r && 0 <= r <dLong, hence we're done.
    return (r << 32) | (q & LONG_MASK);

private static void CopyAndShift(uint[] src, int srcFrom, int srcLen, uint[] dst, int dstFrom, int shift)
    var n2 = 32 - shift;
    var c = src[srcFrom];
    for (var i = 0; i < srcLen - 1; i++)
        var b = c;
        c = src[++srcFrom];
        dst[dstFrom + i] = (b << shift) | (c >> n2);
    dst[dstFrom + srcLen - 1] = c << shift;

private static int MulSub(uint[] q, uint[] a, uint x, int len, int offset)
    var xLong = x & LONG_MASK;
    var carry = 0L;
    offset += len;

    for (var j = len - 1; j >= 0; j--)
        var product = (a[j] & LONG_MASK) * xLong + carry;
        var difference = q[offset] - product;
        q[offset--] = (uint)difference;
        carry = (long)((ulong)product >> 32)
                    + (((difference & LONG_MASK) >
                        (((~(int)product) & LONG_MASK))) ? 1 : 0);
    return (int)carry;

private static int DivAdd(uint[] a, uint[] result, int offset)
    var carry = 0L;

    for (var j = a.Length - 1; j >= 0; j--)
        var sum = (a[j] & LONG_MASK) +
                    (result[j + offset] & LONG_MASK) + carry;
        result[j + offset] = (uint)sum;
        carry = (long)((ulong)sum >> 32);
    return (int)carry;

private static bool UnsignedLongCompare(long left, long right)
    => (left + long.MinValue) > (right + long.MinValue);

Unsigned Burnikel-Ziegler Division

/// <summary>
/// <paramref name="divident"/> / <paramref name="divisor"/> and
/// <paramref name="divident"/> % <paramref name="divisor"/> using Burnikel-Ziegler division.
/// all integers must be positive. first is quotient, last is remainder.
/// </summary>
public static (uint[], bool)[] DivideAndRemainderBurnikelZiegler((uint[], bool) divident, (uint[], bool) divisor)
    var r = divident.Item1.Length;
    var s = divisor.Item1.Length;

    if (r < s)
        return new (uint[], bool)[] { ZERO, divident };
        // Unlike Knuth and Barrett division, we don't check for common powers of two here because
        // BZ already runs faster if both numbers contain powers of two and cancelling them has no
        // additional benefit.

        // step 1: let m = min{2^k | (2^k)*BURNIKEL_ZIEGLER_THRESHOLD > s}
        var m = 1 << (32 - (s / BURNIKEL_ZIEGLER_THRESHOLD).NumberOfLeadingZeros());

        var j = (s + m - 1) / m;      // step 2a: j = ceil(s/m)
        var n = j * m;            // step 2b: block length in 32-bit units
        var n32 = 32L * n;       // block length in bits
        var sigma = (int)Math.Max(0, n32 - BitLength(divisor));   // step 3: sigma = max{T | (2^T)*B < beta^n}
        if (sigma > 0)
            divisor = ShiftLeft(divisor, sigma);   // step 4a: shift b so its length is a multiple of n

        if (sigma > 0)
            divident = ShiftLeft(divident, sigma);     // step 4b: shift a by the same amount

        // step 5: t is the number of blocks needed to accommodate a plus one additional bit
        var t = (int)((BitLength(divident) + n32) / n32);
        if (t < 2)
            t = 2;

        // step 6: conceptually split a into blocks a[t-1], ..., a[0]
        var a1 = GetBlock(divident, t - 1, t, n);   // the most significant block of a

        // step 7: z[t-2] = [a[t-1], a[t-2]]
        var z = GetBlock(divident, t - 2, t, n);     // the second to most significant block
        z.Item1 = Disjoint(a1.Item1, z.Item1);   // z[t-2]

        // do schoolbook division on blocks, dividing 2-block numbers by 1-block numbers
        (uint[], bool) ri, qi, quotient = ZERO;
        for (var i = t - 2; i > 0; i--)
            //step 8a: compute(qi, ri) such that z = b * qi + ri
            var tmp = divide2n1n(z, divisor);
            qi = tmp[0];
            ri = tmp[1];

            //step 8b: z = [ri, a[i - 1]]
            z = GetBlock(divident, i - 1, t, n);   // a[i-1]
            z.Item1 = Disjoint(ri.Item1, z.Item1);
            qi = ShiftLeft(qi, i *32* n);
            quotient = Add(quotient, qi);   // update q (part of step 9)
        // final iteration of step 8: do the loop one more time for i=0 but leave z unchanged
        var tmp2 = divide2n1n(z, divisor);
        qi = tmp2[0];
        ri = tmp2[1];
        quotient = Add(quotient, qi);

        ri = ShiftRight(ri, sigma);   // step 9: a and b were shifted, so shift back
        return new (uint[], bool)[] { quotient, ri };

/// <summary>
/// This method implements algorithm 1 from pg. 4 of the Burnikel-Ziegler paper.
/// It divides a 2n-digit number by a n-digit number.
/// </summary>
private static (uint[], bool)[] divide2n1n((uint[], bool) left, (uint[], bool) right)
    var n = right.Item1.Length;

    // step 1: base case
    if ((n & 1) != 0 || n < BURNIKEL_ZIEGLER_THRESHOLD || 16*n >= left.Item1.Length)
        return DivideAndRemainderKnuth(left, right);
    // step 2: view left as [a1,a2,a3,a4] where each ai is n/2 ints or less
    var aUpper = GetUpper(left, n >> 1);// aUpper = [a1,a2,a3]

    left = GetLower(left, n >> 1);   // left = a4

    // step 3: r1[0]=aUpper/b, r1[1]=aUpper%b
    var r1 = divide3n2n(aUpper, right);

    // step 4: r2[0]=[r1[1],left]/b, r2[1]=[r1[1],left]%b
    r1[1].Item1 = Disjoint(r1[1].Item1, left.Item1);   // r1[1] = [r1[1],left]
    var r2 = divide3n2n(r1[1], right);

    // step 5: let quotient=[r1[0],r2[0]] and return (quotient, r2[1])
    var quotient = Disjoint(r1[0].Item1, r2[0].Item1);

    return new (uint[], bool)[] { (quotient, true), r2[1] };

/// <summary>
/// This method implements algorithm 2 from pg. 5 of the Burnikel-Ziegler paper.
/// It divides a 3n-digit number by a 2n-digit number.
/// </summary>
private static (uint[], bool)[] divide3n2n((uint[], bool) left, (uint[], bool) right)
    var n = right.Item1.Length >> 1;   // half the length of b in ints

    // step 1: view this as [a1,a2,a3] where each ai is n ints or less; let a12=[a1,a2]
    var a12 = GetUpper(left, n);
    var a3 = GetLower(left, n);

    // step 2: view b as [b1,b2] where each bi is n ints or less
    var b1 = GetUpper(right, n);
    var b2 = GetLower(right, n);

    (uint[], bool) r, d, quotient = (new uint[n], true);
    if (CompareShifted(left, right, n) < 0)
        // step 3a: if a1<b1, let quotient=a12/b1 and r=a12%b1
        var tmp = divide2n1n(a12, b1);

        quotient = tmp[0];
        r = tmp[1];
        // step 4: d=quotient*b2
        d = Multiply(quotient, b2);
        // step 3b: if a1>=b1, let quotient=beta^n-1 and r=a12-b1*2^n+b1
        Array.Fill(quotient.Item1, uint.MaxValue);
        a12 = Add(a12, b1);
        b1 = ShiftLeft(b1, 32*n);
        a12 = Subtract(a12, b1);
        r = a12;

        // step 4: d=quotient*b2=(b2 << 32*n) - b2
        d = ShiftLeft(b2, 32*n);
        d = Subtract(d, b2);

    // step 5: r = r*beta^n + a3 - d (paper says a4)
    // However, don't subtract d until after the while loop so r doesn't become negative
    r = ShiftLeft(r, 32*n);
    r = Add(r, a3);

    // step 6: add b until r>=d
    while (Compare(r, d) < 0)
        r = Add(r, right);
        quotient = Subtract(quotient, ONE);
    r = Subtract(r, d);

    return new (uint[], bool)[] { quotient, r};

/// <summary>
/// Returns a <code>(uint[], bool)</code> containing <paramref name="blockLength"/>
/// <see cref="uint"/>s from <paramref name="value"/>
/// number, starting at <paramref name="index"/>*<paramref name="blockLength"/>.<br/>
/// Used by Burnikel-Ziegler division.
/// </summary>
private static (uint[], bool) GetBlock((uint[], bool) value, int index, int numBlocks, int blockLength)
    var blockStart = index * blockLength;
    if (blockStart >= value.Item1.Length)
        return ZERO;

    int blockEnd;
    if (index == numBlocks - 1)
        blockEnd = value.Item1.Length;
        blockEnd = (index + 1) * blockLength;
    if (blockEnd > value.Item1.Length)
        return ZERO;

    var newVal = new uint[blockEnd - blockStart];
    Array.Copy(value.Item1, value.Item1.Length - blockEnd, newVal, 0, newVal.Length);

    return (newVal, true);

private static uint[] Disjoint(uint[] left, uint[] right)
    Array.Resize(ref left, left.Length + right.Length);
    Array.Copy(right, 0, left, left.Length - right.Length, right.Length);

    return left;

private static int CompareShifted((uint[], bool) left, (uint[], bool) right, int ints)
    var blen = right.Item1.Length;
    var alen = left.Item1.Length - ints;
    if (alen < blen)
        return -1;
    if (alen > blen)
        return 1;

    // Add Integer.MIN_VALUE to make the comparison act as unsigned integer
    // comparison.
    for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < alen; i++, j++)
        var b1 = left.Item1[i] + 0x80000000;
        var b2 = right.Item1[j] + 0x80000000;
        if (b1 < b2)
            return -1;
        if (b1 > b2)
            return 1;
    return 0;

/// <summary>
/// <paramref name="value"/> &lt;&lt; <paramref name="k"/> (<paramref name="k"/> &gt; 0)
/// </summary>
public static (uint[], bool) ShiftLeft((uint[], bool) value, int k)
    if (IsZero(value)) return ZERO;
    if (k == 0) return value;
    if (k < 0) return ShiftRight(value, -k);

    var nInts = k >> 5;
    var nBits = k & 0x1F;
    var len = value.Item1.Length;
    uint[] result;

    if (nBits == 0)//k = 0 (mod 32)
        result = value.Item1.ToArray();
        Array.Resize(ref result, len + nInts);
        var i = 0;
        var nBits2 = 32 - nBits;
        var highBits = value.Item1[0] >> nBits2;
        if (highBits != 0)
            result = new uint[len + nInts + 1];
            result[i++] = highBits;
            result = new uint[len + nInts];
        var j = 0;
        while (j < len - 1)
            result[i++] = (value.Item1[j++] << nBits) | (value.Item1[j] >> nBits2);

        result[i] = value.Item1[j] << nBits;

    return (result, value.Item2);

/// <summary>
/// <paramref name="value"/> &gt;&gt; <paramref name="k"/> (<paramref name="k"/> &gt; 0)
/// </summary>
public static (uint[], bool) ShiftRight((uint[], bool) value, int k)
    if (IsZero(value)) return ZERO;
    if (k == 0) return value;
    if (k < 0) return ShiftLeft(value, -k);

    var nInts = k >> 5;
    var nBits = k & 0x1F;
    var len = value.Item1.Length;
    uint[] result;

    // Special case: entire contents shifted off the end
    if (nInts >= len)
        return (new uint[] { 0 }, true);

    if (nBits == 0)// k = 0 (mod 32)
        var newMagLen = len - nInts;
        result = value.Item1.Take(newMagLen).ToArray();
        var i = 0;
        var highBits = value.Item1[0] >> nBits;
        if (highBits != 0)
            result = new uint[len - nInts];
            result[i++] = highBits;
            result = new uint[len - nInts - 1];

        var nBits2 = 32 - nBits;
        var j = 0;
        while (j < len - nInts - 1)
            result[i++] = (value.Item1[j++] << nBits2) | (value.Item1[j] >> nBits);

    if (!value.Item2)
        // Find out whether any one-bits were shifted off the end.
        var onesLost = false;
        for (int i = len - 1, j = len - nInts; i >= j && !onesLost; i--)
            onesLost = (value.Item1[i] != 0);
        if (!onesLost && nBits != 0)
            onesLost = (value.Item1[len - nInts - 1] << (32 - nBits) != 0);

        if (onesLost)
            result = Increment(result);

    return (result, value.Item2);

private static uint[] Increment(uint[] value)
    var lastSum = 0u;
    for (var i = value.Length - 1; i >= 0 && lastSum == 0; i--)
        lastSum = (value[i] += 1);
    if (lastSum == 0)
        value = new uint[value.Length + 1];
        value[0] = 1;
    return value;

/// <summary>
/// <para>Returns the number of bits in the minimal two's-complement
/// representation of <paramref name="value"/>, excluding a sign bit.</para>
/// For positive BigIntegers, this is equivalent to the number of bits in
/// the ordinary binary representation.For zero this method returns 0
/// </summary>
public static int BitLength((uint[], bool) value)
    var array = StripLeadingZeroInts(value.Item1);
    return array.Length == 0
        ? 0
        : ((array.Length - 1) << 5) + BitLength(array[0]);

/// <summary>
/// Returns the number of bits in the minimal two's-complement
/// representation of <paramref name="value"/>
/// </summary>
private static int BitLength(uint value)
    => 32 - value.NumberOfLeadingZeros();

/// <summary>
/// Returns the number of bits in the minimal two's-complement
/// representation of <paramref name="value"/>
/// </summary>
private static int BitLength(int value)
    => 32 - value.NumberOfLeadingZeros();

private static (uint[], bool) GetLower((uint[], bool) value, int n)
    if (value.Item1.Length <= n)
        return Abs(value);

    var result = value.Item1.Skip(value.Item1.Length - n).Take(n).ToArray();
    result = StripLeadingZeroInts(result);

    return (result, value.Item2);

private static (uint[], bool) GetUpper((uint[], bool) value, int n)
    if (value.Item1.Length <= n)
        return ZERO;

    var result = value.Item1.Take(value.Item1.Length - n).ToArray();
    result = StripLeadingZeroInts(result);

    return (result, value.Item2);

Unsigned Barrett Division

/// <summary>
/// <paramref name="divident"/> / <paramref name="divisor"/> and
/// <paramref name="divident"/> % <paramref name="divisor"/> using Barrett division.
/// all integers must be positive. first tuple is quotient, last is remainder.
/// </summary>
public static (uint[], bool)[] DivideAndRemainderBarrett((uint[], bool) divident, (uint[], bool) divisor)
    var m = BitLength(divident);
    var n = BitLength(divisor);

    if (m < n)
        return new (uint[], bool)[] { ZERO, divident };
        var lowestSetBit = Math.Min(GetLowestSetBit(divident), GetLowestSetBit(divisor));
        // Cancel common powers of two if it will speed up division, which is
        // the case iff it reduces bitLength() below the next lower power of two.
        if (n.NumberOfLeadingZeros() < (n - lowestSetBit).NumberOfLeadingZeros())
            var result = DivideAndRemainder(ShiftRight(divident, lowestSetBit), ShiftRight(divisor, lowestSetBit));
            result[1] = ShiftLeft(result[1], lowestSetBit);
            return result;

        if (m <= 2 * n)
            // this case is handled by Barrett directly
            var mu = Inverse(divisor, m - n);
            return BarrettBase(divident, divisor, mu);
            // treat each n-bit piece of a as a digit and do long division by val
            // (which is also n bits), reusing the inverse
            var mu2n = Inverse(divisor, n);
            var startBit = m / n * n;   // the bit at which the current n-bit piece starts
            var quotient = ZERO;
            var remainder = ShiftRight(divident, startBit);
            var mask = Subtract(ShiftLeft(ONE, n), ONE);   // n ones
            while (startBit > 0)
                startBit -= n;
                var ai = And(ShiftRight(divident, startBit), mask);
                remainder = Add(ShiftLeft(remainder, n), ai);                        
                var mu = ShiftRightRounded(mu2n, 2 * n - BitLength(remainder));   // mu = 2^(remainder.length-n)/val
                var c = BarrettBase(remainder, divisor, mu);
                quotient = Add(ShiftLeft(quotient, n), c[0]);
                remainder = c[1];

            return new (uint[], bool)[] { quotient, remainder };

/// <summary>
/// <paramref name="dividend"/> / <paramref name="divisor"/> and <paramref name="dividend"/> % <paramref name="divisor"/>.
/// The binary representation of <paramref name="divisor"/> must be at least half as
/// long, and no longer than, the binary representation of <paramref name="dividend"/>.
/// </summary>
private static (uint[], bool)[] BarrettBase((uint[], bool)dividend, (uint[], bool) divisor, (uint[], bool) mu)
    var m = BitLength(dividend);
    var n = BitLength(divisor);
    var a1 = ShiftRight(dividend, n - 1);
    var q = Multiply(a1, mu);
    q = ShiftRight(q, m - n + 1);
    var r = Subtract(dividend, Multiply(divisor, q));
    while (!r.Item2 || Compare(r, divisor) >= 0)
        if (!r.Item2)
            r = Add(r, divisor);
            q = Subtract(q, ONE);
            r = Subtract(r, divisor);
            q = Add(q, ONE);

    return new (uint[], bool)[] { q, r };

/// <summary>
/// 2 ^ (bitLength(<paramref name="value"/>) + <paramref name="n"/>).
/// </summary>
private static (uint[], bool) Inverse((uint[], bool) value, int n)
    var m = BitLength(value);
    if (n <= NEWTON_THRESHOLD)
        return Divide(ShiftLeft(ONE, n * 2), ShiftRightRounded(value, m - n));
    // let numSteps = ceil(log2(n/NEWTON_THRESHOLD)) and initialize k
    var numSteps = BitLength((n + NEWTON_THRESHOLD - 1) / NEWTON_THRESHOLD);
    var k = new int[numSteps];
    var ki = n;
    for (var i = numSteps - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        ki = (ki + 1) / 2;
        k[i] = ki < NEWTON_THRESHOLD ? NEWTON_THRESHOLD : ki;

    // calculate 1/this truncated to k0 fraction digits
    var z = ShiftLeft(ONE, k[0] * 2);//.divide(shiftRightRounded(m - k[0]));   // exp=k0 because exp(this)=m
    z = Divide(z, ShiftRightRounded(value, m - k[0]));
    for (var i = 0; i < numSteps; i++)
        ki = k[i];
        // the following BigIntegers represent numbers of the form a*2^(-exponent)
        var s = Square(z);   // exponent = 2ki
        var t = ShiftRightRounded(value, m - 2 * ki - 3);   // exponent = 2ki+3
        var u = Multiply(t, s);   // exponent = 4ki+3 > 2ki+1
        var w = Add(z, z);   // exponent = ki
        w = ShiftLeft(w, 3 * ki + 3);   // increase #fraction digits to 4ki+3 to match u
        z = Subtract(w, u);   // exponent = 4ki+3
        if (i < numSteps - 1)
            z = ShiftRightRounded(z, 4 * ki + 3 - k[i + 1]);   // reduce #fraction digits to k[i+1]
            z = ShiftRightRounded(z, 4 * ki + 3 - n);   // final step: reduce #fraction digits to n

    return z;

private static (uint[], bool) ShiftRightRounded((uint[], bool) value, int n)
    var result = ShiftRight(value, n);
    if (n > 0 && TestBit(value, n - 1))
        result = Add(result, ONE);

    return result;

/// <summary>
/// Returns <see cref="true"/> if and only if the designated bit is set.
/// (Computes ((value &amp; (1 &lt;&lt; n)) != 0).)
/// </summary>
public static bool TestBit((uint[], bool) value, int n)
    if (n < 0)
        throw new ArithmeticException("Negative bit address");

    return (GetInt(value, n >> 5) & (1 << (n & 31))) != 0;

/// <summary>
/// Returns the specified int of the little-endian two's complement
/// representation(int 0 is the least significant).  The int number can
/// be arbitrarily high(values are logically preceded by infinitely many
/// sign ints).
/// </summary>
private static int GetInt((uint[], bool) value, int n)
    if (n < 0)
        return 0;
    if (n >= value.Item1.Length)
        return value.Item2 ? 0 : -1;

    var magInt = (int)value.Item1[value.Item1.Length - n - 1];

    return (value.Item2 ? magInt :
            (n <= FirstNonzeroIntNum(value) ? -magInt : ~magInt));

/// <summary>
/// Returns the index of the int that contains the first nonzero int in the
/// little-endian binary representation of the magnitude(int 0 is the
/// least significant). If the magnitude is zero, return value is undefined.
/// </summary>
private static int FirstNonzeroIntNum((uint[], bool) value)
    int i;
    var mlen = value.Item1.Length;
    for (i = mlen - 1; i >= 0 && value.Item1[i] == 0; i--)

    return mlen - i - 1;

Signed Division

private static readonly int KNUTH_POW2_THRESH_ZEROS = 3;
private static readonly int KNUTH_POW2_THRESH_LEN = 6;
private static readonly int NEWTON_THRESHOLD = 100;
private static readonly int BURNIKEL_ZIEGLER_THRESHOLD = 80;
private static readonly int BURNIKEL_ZIEGLER_OFFSET = 40;
private static readonly (uint[], bool) ZERO = (new uint[] { 0 }, true);
private static readonly (uint[], bool) ONE = (new uint[] { 1 }, true);
private static readonly (uint[], bool) MINUSONE = (new uint[] { 1 }, false);

/// <summary>
/// stimates whether Barrett Division will be more efficient than Burnikel-Ziegler when
/// dividing two numbers of a given length in ints.
/// </summary>
private static bool ShouldDivideBarrett(int length)
    if (Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem)
        // The following values were determined experimentally on a 64-bit JVM.
        if (length <= 14863)
            return false;
        if (length <= 16383)   // 2^14-1
            return true;
        if (length <= 23759)
            return false;
        if (length <= 32767)   // 2^15-1
            return true;
        if (length <= 46063)
            return false;
        if (length <= 65535)   // 2^16-1
            return true;
        if (length <= 73871)
            return false;
        if (length <= 131071)   // 2^17-1
            return true;
        if (length <= 159887)
            return false;
        return true;
        // The following values were determined experimentally on a 32-bit JVM.
        if (length <= 16175)
            return false;
        if (length <= 16383)    // 2^14-1
            return true;
        if (length <= 26991)
            return false;
        if (length <= 32767)    // 2^15-1
            return true;
        if (length <= 51215)
            return false;
        if (length <= 65535)    // 2^16-1
            return true;
        if (length <= 80367)
            return false;
        if (length <= 131071)   // 2^17-1
            return true;
        if (length <= 155663)
            return false;
        return true;

private static (uint[], bool) Negate((uint[], bool) value)
    => (value.Item1, !value.Item2);

private static (uint[], bool) Abs((uint[], bool) value)
    => (value.Item1, true);

private static bool IsZero((uint[], bool) value)
    => StripLeadingZeroInts(value.Item1).Count() == 0;

private static bool IsOne((uint[], bool) value)
    => StripLeadingZeroInts(value) == ONE;

private static bool IsMinusOne((uint[], bool) value)
    => StripLeadingZeroInts(value) == MINUSONE;

private static uint[] StripLeadingZeroInts(uint[] value)
    => value.SkipWhile(num => num == 0u).ToArray();

private static (uint[], bool) StripLeadingZeroInts((uint[], bool) value)
    => (StripLeadingZeroInts(value.Item1), value.Item2);

/// <summary>
/// 大数除法,数组第一个<see cref="uint"/>存放最高32位,最后一个<see cref="uint"/>存放最低32位。
/// </summary>
public static (uint[], bool) Divide((uint[], bool) divident, (uint[], bool) divisor)
    if (IsZero(divident))
        return ZERO;
    if (IsZero(divisor))
        throw new DivideByZeroException();
    if (IsOne(divisor))
        return divident;
    if (IsMinusOne(divisor))
        return Negate(divident);
    if (IsOne(divident))
        return ZERO;
    if (IsMinusOne(divident))
        return ZERO;

    var quotientSign = divident.Item2 == divisor.Item2;
    divident = Abs(divident);
    divisor = Abs(divisor);

    (uint[], bool) result;
    if (divident.Item1.Length < BURNIKEL_ZIEGLER_THRESHOLD ||
        divident.Item1.Length - divisor.Item1.Length < BURNIKEL_ZIEGLER_OFFSET)
        result = DivideAndRemainderKnuth(divident, divisor)[0];                
    else if (!ShouldDivideBarrett(divident.Item1.Length) || !ShouldDivideBarrett(divisor.Item1.Length))
        result = DivideAndRemainderBurnikelZiegler(divident, divisor)[0];
        result = DivideAndRemainderBarrett(divident, divisor)[0];

    result.Item1 = StripLeadingZeroInts(result.Item1);
    result.Item2 = quotientSign;
    return result;

/// <summary>
/// 大数除法,返回值第一个是系数,最后一个是余数,数组第一个<see cref="uint"/>存放最高32位,最后一个<see cref="uint"/>存放最低32位。
/// </summary>
public static (uint[], bool)[] DivideAndRemainder((uint[], bool) divident, (uint[], bool) divisor)
    if (IsZero(divident))
        return new (uint[], bool)[] { ZERO, ZERO };
    if (IsZero(divisor))
        throw new DivideByZeroException();
    if (IsOne(divisor))
        return new (uint[], bool)[] { divident, ZERO };
    if (IsMinusOne(divisor))
        return new (uint[], bool)[] { Negate(divident), ZERO };
    if (IsOne(divident))
        return new (uint[], bool)[] { ZERO, ONE };
    if (IsMinusOne(divident))
        return new (uint[], bool)[] { ZERO, MINUSONE };

    var remainderSign = divident.Item2;
    var quotientSign = divident.Item2 == divisor.Item2;
    divident = Abs(divident);
    divisor = Abs(divisor);

    (uint[], bool)[] result;
    if (divident.Item1.Length < BURNIKEL_ZIEGLER_THRESHOLD ||
        divident.Item1.Length - divisor.Item1.Length < BURNIKEL_ZIEGLER_OFFSET)
        result = DivideAndRemainderKnuth(divident, divisor);
    else if (!ShouldDivideBarrett(divident.Item1.Length) || !ShouldDivideBarrett(divisor.Item1.Length))
        result = DivideAndRemainderBurnikelZiegler(divident, divisor);
        result = DivideAndRemainderBarrett(divident, divisor);

    result[0].Item1 = StripLeadingZeroInts(result[0].Item1);
    result[0].Item2 = quotientSign;
    result[1].Item1 = StripLeadingZeroInts(result[1].Item1);
    result[1].Item2 = remainderSign;
    return result;


public void DivideKnuthTest()
    for (var i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
        var dividend = BigInteger.Abs(RandomBigInteger());
        var divisor = BigInteger.Abs(RandomBigInteger());
        var test = DivideAndRemainderKnuth(ToTuple(dividend), ToTuple(divisor));
        var expected = dividend / divisor;
        Assert.AreEqual(expected, ValueOf(test[0]));
        expected = BigInteger.Remainder(dividend, divisor);
        Assert.AreEqual(expected, ValueOf(test[1]));

public void DivideAndRemainderBurnikelZieglerTest()
    var ran = new Random();
    for (var i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
        var dividend = BigInteger.Abs(RandomBigInteger());
        var divisor = BigInteger.Abs(RandomBigInteger());
        var test = DivideAndRemainderBurnikelZiegler(ToTuple(dividend), ToTuple(divisor));
        var expected = dividend / divisor;
        Assert.AreEqual(expected, ValueOf(test[0]));
        expected = BigInteger.Remainder(dividend, divisor);
        Assert.AreEqual(expected, ValueOf(test[1]));

public void DivideAndRemainderBarrettTest()
    var ran = new Random();
    for (var i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
        var dividend = BigInteger.Abs(RandomBigInteger());
        var divisor = BigInteger.Abs(RandomBigInteger());
        var test = DivideAndRemainderBarrett(ToTuple(dividend), ToTuple(divisor));
        var expected = dividend / divisor;
        Assert.AreEqual(expected, ValueOf(test[0]));
        expected = BigInteger.Remainder(dividend, divisor);
        Assert.AreEqual(expected, ValueOf(test[1]));

public void DivideAndRemainderTest()
    var ran = new Random();
    for (var i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
        var dividend = RandomBigInteger();
        var divisor = RandomBigInteger();
        var test = DivideAndRemainder(ToTuple(dividend), ToTuple(divisor));
        var expected = BigInteger.DivRem(dividend, divisor, out BigInteger rem);
        Assert.AreEqual(expected, ValueOf(test[0]));
        Assert.AreEqual(rem, ValueOf(test[1]));

public void DivideTest()
    var ran = new Random();
    for (var i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
        var dividend = RandomBigInteger();
        var divisor = RandomBigInteger();
        var test = Divide(ToTuple(dividend), ToTuple(divisor));
        var expected = BigInteger.DivRem(dividend, divisor, out BigInteger rem);
        Assert.AreEqual(expected, ValueOf(test));

private BigInteger RandomBigInteger()
    var ran = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode());
    var bytes = new byte[ran.Next(100, 5000)];

    return new BigInteger(bytes);






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