

RecyclerView是Android开发中一个至关重要的UI控件,在日常项目的业务开发中无处不在,功能也极其强大。子View不同逻辑解耦,view回收复用高性能,易用性体现在局部刷新、item动画,拖拽测滑等,基本能替代ListView所有功能(但也并不能完全替代ListView,ListView并没有被标记为@Deprecated,关于替换的必要性可以参考【腾讯Bugly干货分享】Android ListView与RecyclerView对比浅析–缓存机制)。RecyclerView核心优势是缓存机制的设计,本文以RecyclerView缓存原理为主线,部分源码进行分析,从RecyclerView的缓存结构,缓存管理以及缓存使用等方面进行展开。


  • mScrapView
  • mAttachedScrap
  • mCachedViews
  • mViewCacheExtension
  • mRecyclerPool


注:本文引用的RecyclerView相关源码为最新api 29(Android Q),recyclerView-v7版本29.0.0(即最新sdk版本29.0.0)包下的源代码,查看最新源码需要最新测试版编译器Android Studio 3.5 Beta 4,具体在as配置文件中引用为:

dependencies {
    implementation ''



  • mChangedScrap
ArrayList<ViewHolder> mChangedScrap = null;
  • mAttachedScrap
final ArrayList<ViewHolder> mAttachedScrap = new ArrayList<>();
  • mCachedViews
final ArrayList<ViewHolder> mCachedViews = new ArrayList<ViewHolder>();
  • mViewCacheExtension


private ViewCacheExtension mViewCacheExtension;
   * ViewCacheExtension is a helper class to provide an additional layer of view caching that can
   * be controlled by the developer.
   * <p>
   * When {@link Recycler#getViewForPosition(int)} is called, Recycler checks attached scrap and
   * first level cache to find a matching View. If it cannot find a suitable View, Recycler will
   * call the {@link #getViewForPositionAndType(Recycler, int, int)} before checking
   * {@link RecycledViewPool}.
   * <p>
   * Note that, Recycler never sends Views to this method to be cached. It is developers
   * responsibility to decide whether they want to keep their Views in this custom cache or let
   * the default recycling policy handle it.
  public abstract static class ViewCacheExtension {

       * Returns a View that can be binded to the given Adapter position.
       * <p>
       * This method should <b>not</b> create a new View. Instead, it is expected to return
       * an already created View that can be re-used for the given type and position.
       * If the View is marked as ignored, it should first call
       * {@link LayoutManager#stopIgnoringView(View)} before returning the View.
       * <p>
       * RecyclerView will re-bind the returned View to the position if necessary.
       * @param recycler The Recycler that can be used to bind the View
       * @param position The adapter position
       * @param type     The type of the View, defined by adapter
       * @return A View that is bound to the given position or NULL if there is no View to re-use
       * @see LayoutManager#ignoreView(View)
      public abstract View getViewForPositionAndType(@NonNull Recycler recycler, int position,
                int type);
  • mRecyclerPool
  * RecycledViewPool lets you share Views between multiple RecyclerViews.
  * <p>
  * If you want to recycle views across RecyclerViews, create an instance of RecycledViewPool
  * and use {@link RecyclerView#setRecycledViewPool(RecycledViewPool)}.
  * <p>
  * RecyclerView automatically creates a pool for itself if you don't provide one.
 public static class RecycledViewPool {
     private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_SCRAP = 5;

      * Tracks both pooled holders, as well as create/bind timing metadata for the given type.
      * Note that this tracks running averages of create/bind time across all RecyclerViews
      * (and, indirectly, Adapters) that use this pool.
      * 1) This enables us to track average create and bind times across multiple adapters. Even
      * though create (and especially bind) may behave differently for different Adapter
      * subclasses, sharing the pool is a strong signal that they'll perform similarly, per type.
      * 2) If {@link #willBindInTime(int, long, long)} returns false for one view, it will return
      * false for all other views of its type for the same deadline. This prevents items
      * constructed by {@link GapWorker} prefetch from being bound to a lower priority prefetch.
     static class ScrapData {
         final ArrayList<ViewHolder> mScrapHeap = new ArrayList<>();
         int mMaxScrap = DEFAULT_MAX_SCRAP;
         long mCreateRunningAverageNs = 0;
         long mBindRunningAverageNs = 0;
     SparseArray<ScrapData> mScrap = new SparseArray<>();
      * Sets the maximum number of ViewHolders to hold in the pool before discarding.
      * @param viewType ViewHolder Type
      * @param max Maximum number
     public void setMaxRecycledViews(int viewType, int max) {
         ScrapData scrapData = getScrapDataForType(viewType);
         scrapData.mMaxScrap = max;
         final ArrayList<ViewHolder> scrapHeap = scrapData.mScrapHeap;
         while (scrapHeap.size() > max) {
             scrapHeap.remove(scrapHeap.size() - 1);

      * Returns the current number of Views held by the RecycledViewPool of the given view type.
     public int getRecycledViewCount(int viewType) {
         return getScrapDataForType(viewType).mScrapHeap.size();

      * Acquire a ViewHolder of the specified type from the pool, or {@code null} if none are
      * present.
      * @param viewType ViewHolder type.
      * @return ViewHolder of the specified type acquired from the pool, or {@code null} if none
      * are present.
     public ViewHolder getRecycledView(int viewType) {
         final ScrapData scrapData = mScrap.get(viewType);
         if (scrapData != null && !scrapData.mScrapHeap.isEmpty()) {
             final ArrayList
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