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原创 辛苦的成果啊 select distinct date format convert

SELECT        CONVERT(Varchar(10), dateRecorded, 103) AS dateRecordedFROM            (SELECT DISTINCT CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(Varchar(10), cs.dateRecorded, 103)) AS dateRecorded                          FROM            Components AS c INNER JOIN         

2011-05-31 19:51:00 770

原创 目录工程

<br />C:/Users/Meng/Documents/Visual Studio 2008/Projects/I2Iproject/source code/current version/5.10

2011-05-25 09:11:00 252

原创 修改formview里的 date format

<br /><br /> "{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"<br /> <br /><br /> <br />                                    <asp:Label ID="licenced_startLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("licenced_start",  "{0:dd/MM/yyyy}" %>'<br />                                        CssClass="fiel

2011-05-22 02:13:00 274

原创 修改formview的值

<br /><br /> form code:<br /><br />            <asp:FormView ID="FormViewClient" runat="server" DataKeyNames="client_id" DataSourceID="ClientsObjectDataSource" OnItemUpdating="client_updating"><br /> <br /> <br />   protected void client_updating(object se

2011-05-17 13:57:00 434

原创 sqlexception

<br />A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - The specified network name is no longer available.)

2011-05-11 16:01:00 533

原创 fix bugs

fixed bugs in update for pic, manage component and machine

2011-05-11 15:45:00 445

原创 4.16

<br />fixed bugs in update for pic, manage component and machine

2011-04-16 00:52:00 235

原创 4.13

<br />解决了 vb report不能显示在服务器的问题;解决了secrity permission 问题 是因为 itextsharp的访问权限;通过下载源码,添加代码实现;<br />移动workorder 到另一个page,优化用户界面,逻辑;使用状态机进行界面转换;再次清理程序;去除不必要的页面;<br />task left:<br />manage machine~<br />check insert duplicate workorder id.

2011-04-16 00:51:00 242

原创 4.13

解决了 vb report不能显示在服务器的问题;解决了secrity permission 问题 是因为 itextsharp的访问权限;通过下载源码,添加代码实现;移动workorder 到另一个page,优化用户界面,逻辑;使用状态机进行界面转换;再次清理程序;去除不必要的页面;

2011-04-12 22:51:00 220

原创 日志 4.3

<br />完成:copy old report<br />        mange faultsconditon&faultsrecommendation  test ok oneline<br />未完成:分开oil and vibration 模块。

2011-04-03 13:26:00 178

原创 3.22

<br />reminder: faultsrecommendation table's identity is changed to yes. <br />*sql connection for gridview and the table n

2011-04-03 13:25:00 274

原创 project process

<br />reminder: faultsrecommendation table's identity is changed to yes. <br />*sql connection for gridview and the dropdownlists need to update when uploading to sever.

2011-03-22 00:14:00 252

原创 rebuild and permission

<br />try to rebuild the project<br />need to exist.<br /> <br />another issue:<br />To grant this application the required permission please contact your system administrator <br /> <br />solution:1, put the file into presentation rather than the business

2011-03-20 23:59:00 271

原创 uidl.txt access denied

try to rebuild the project

2011-03-03 18:45:00 197

原创 shit. another problem.....cannot create file via remote sever

<br />when i uploaded the whole website.... just could not create the emails and modify the uidl.txt;<br />when i just modifed the uidl.txt with wtreamwriter , it works.<br />now try to create and modify in this way or so.

2011-03-03 16:19:00 254

原创 shit. another problem.....cannot create file via remote sever

<br />when i uploaded the whole website.... just could not create the emails and modify the uidl.txt;<br />when i just modifed the uidl.txt with wtreamwriter , it works.<br />now try to create and modify in this way or so.

2011-03-03 16:19:00 211

原创 sqlclientexception

<br /><br />problem :<br />admin->mng_report->sqlclient exception:<br />reasons:<br />1, connectionstring;<br />2,examine the process in terms of db access

2011-03-03 07:53:00 230

原创 无法访问dll的原因和解决

<br />pdb 文件必须删除。

2011-03-02 17:52:00 657

原创 当dropdownlist变化时候一定要设置autopostback=true 才能激活出发事件

<br /><br />         <tr><br />                        <td class="style10"><br />                            Fault Condition1:<br />                        </td><br />                        <td><br />                            <asp:ScriptManager runat="s

2011-01-18 13:30:00 609

原创 2011/1/17 进度缓慢原因

<br />database attributes in componentstatus has been modified and no inform by anyone....<br /> 

2011-01-17 07:40:00 229

原创 convert from dd/mm/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy in c#

<br />Hi All, <br /><br />I need to convert dd/mm/yyyy string to valid Datetime using C#. Please help me. It is urgent. <br /><br />Thanking you in Advance. <br />Bye.... <br /><br />Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:37 am    Post subject:Hi Mouli, <br /><br />T

2011-01-10 16:00:00 282

原创 debug 显示locals 窗口

<br />debug->windows->locals

2011-01-10 13:59:00 728

原创 auto format 自动排版 和 显示行数 in vs2008

<br />自动排版: ctrl+K+F<br />显示行数:tools->options->Text Editor->all languages->line numbers tick it~!!

2011-01-04 18:36:00 334

原创 javascript cannot access textbox value marked as "false"

<br /><br /> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><br />        function showAlert() {<br /> <br />           // document.getElementById('isMultifaults'). = '1';<br /> <br />           document.getElementById("isMultifaults").value = "1";<b

2011-01-04 17:30:00 274

原创 web service null reference exception

<br />System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DataAccess.CreateConnection..ctor() in C:/Users/MengXU/Documents/Visual Studio 2008/Projects/i2iPortal/DataAccess/CreateConnection.cs:line 11 at Service.g

2010-12-17 23:30:00 399

原创 only up to sql 2005 supported (solution)

<br />当通过远程db链接add connection后出现这个问题 需要卸载vs 和sql 重新安装  working!

2010-12-17 10:48:00 231

原创 i2i portal dairy

<br />今天遇到了个问题:<br />This server version is not supported. Only servers up to Microsoft SQL server 2005 are supported<br />找到这里 http://blog.webhostingdiscussion.net/microsoft-visual-studio/this-server-version-is-not-supported-only-servers-up-to-microsoft-s

2010-12-14 18:01:00 177

原创 visual studio2008下的 sql2005 sql script导出与导入

<br />导出: 使用数据库右键菜单中的publish 进行发布,存储为sql 文件;<br />导入:下载 sql server management studio;<br />         首先要手动创建相同名字的数据库;<br />         在sql sever management stduio 下选中该数据库,右键选择 new sql query;<br />         粘贴sql script文件,执行!<br />Finished!

2010-10-13 01:12:00 371



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