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原创 What I have lived for

Three passions, simple but overwhelming strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great wind

2011-10-25 16:16:43 343

转载 Listening Comprehension

[00:00.00]Model Test One[00:05.76]Part Three Listening Comprehension[00:09.26]Section A[00:11.01]Directions: In this section,[00:14.84]you w

2011-07-29 09:55:07 486

原创 UN Calls For Action to Reduce Climate-Related Risks

UN Calls For Action to Reduce Climate-Related Risks By Lisa Schlein Geneva10 August 2007 In recent months, millions of people around the world have have lost their homes and livelihoods.

2011-06-20 09:11:00 274

原创 UN Calls For Action to Reduce Climate-Related Risks

UN Calls For Action to Reduce Climate-Related Risks By Lisa Schlein Geneva10 August 2007 In recent months, millions of people around the world have have lost their homes and livelihoods.

2011-06-20 09:11:00 293

原创 UN Calls For Action to Reduce Climate-Related Risks

UN Calls For Action to Reduce Climate-Related Risks By Lisa Schlein Geneva10 August 2007 In recent months, millions of people around the world have have lost their homes and livelihoods.

2011-06-20 09:11:00 346

原创 UN Calls For Action to Reduce Climate-Related Risks

 UN Calls For Action to Reduce Climate-Related Risks By Lisa Schlein Geneva10 August 2007 In recent months, millions of people around the world have have lost their homes and livelihoods

2011-06-20 09:11:00 329

转载 Health Officials Monitoring Rare Illness in Western Pacific

Health Officials Monitoring Rare Illness in Western Pacific By Joseph Popiolkowski Hong Kong11 July 2007 Health officials are tracking incidents of a rare, but mild, disease known as Zika

2011-06-08 16:32:00 589

转载 Green Building on the Rise

Green Building on the Rise By Jeff Swicord Washington05 July 2007 From high-rise apartment buildings to single-family homes, so-called "green building" is the hottest trend in architectura

2011-06-05 17:03:00 583

转载 Greenland Hopes Tourism Will Raise Global Warming Awareness

Greenland Hopes Tourism Will Raise Global Warming AwarenessBy Kane Farabaugh Kangerlussuak, Greenland12 July 2007Nature here is solitary, soothing, and still. There are some signs of life

2011-06-05 16:16:00 1119

原创 Climate Change Brings Malaria to New Areas of Kenya

<br />Africa is considered the continent that has done the least to contribute to climate change, but that has not made it immune to the problems caused by climate change.<br /> <br />Warmer, wetter weather is taking malaria into new regions, including the

2011-05-24 14:43:00 386

原创 Calls For Stricter US Drug Safety Process

<br /> <br />It takes an average of 12 years for a drug to make its way through laboratory and clinical testing, government approval, and finally to the pharmacy.  Drug companies invest millions of dollars in the long process.  And that is just the beginni

2011-05-22 20:47:00 1053

原创 Ban, Schwarzenegger Urge Global Warming Action

<br />By Mike O'Sullivan <br />San Francisco<br />28 July 2007<br /> <br />Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has made climate change a priority at the United Nations. He had flattering words for Governor Schwarzenegger, who has set ambitious goals to reduce hi

2011-05-18 10:22:00 382

原创 Authorities Warn Increase in Wildlife Poisoning in Uganda Park Could Cause Irreversable Damage

Authorities Warn Increase in Wildlife Poisoning in Uganda Park Could Cause Irreversable Damage By Alisha Ryu Nairobi 31 July 2007 Uganda's wildlife officials say the number of large predators in the country's famed Queen Elizabeth National Park is shrinkin

2011-05-17 09:42:00 377

原创 Are Green Concerts Green?

By Ravi Khanna Montreal, Canada24 July 2007Jazz festivals attract huge crowds -- imagine the number of people and quantity of garbage they involve. Thousands of people at one single concert also means they use and discard thousands of plastic bottl

2011-05-11 11:10:00 562

原创 Airlines Looking to Lessen Environmental Impact of Flying

<br />By Brian Padden <br />Paris<br />21 June 2007<br /> <br />The Aircraft industry has invested years and billions of dollars to make their engines more fuel efficient.  Here at the Paris Air Show new energy saving aircraft engine designs, materials and

2011-05-11 09:17:00 365

原创 Airlines Looking to Lessen Environmental Impact of Flying

<br />By Brian Padden <br />Paris<br />21 June 2007<br /> <br />The Aircraft industry has invested years and billions of dollars to make their engines more fuel efficient.  Here at the Paris Air Show new energy saving aircraft engine designs, materials and

2011-05-11 09:17:00 757

原创 userful sentence

No expense is spared in production, the lead is suave and handsome, and the hardware is always awesome.

2011-05-10 15:21:00 316

原创 Scientists Study Health Risks of Plastic Ingredient

<br />Bisphenol A is everywhere.  BPA, as it is also called, can be found in the plastic milk bottle used to feed your baby, the cola bottle or food container you pick up for a fast food meal, the kidney dialysis machine patients need to keep them alive, a

2011-05-04 21:13:00 277

原创 Scouts Celebrate 100th Anniversary

<br />Scouts Celebrate 100th Anniversary<br /> <br />By Paul Burge <br />Chelmsford, England<br />01 August 2007<br /> <br />Scouting communities from 216 countries and territories have pitched their tents at the World Jamboree in southeast Britain to cele

2011-05-04 21:11:00 496

原创 Scouts Celebrate 100th Anniversary

<br />Scouts Celebrate 100th Anniversary<br /> <br />By Paul Burge <br />Chelmsford, England<br />01 August 2007<br /> <br />Scouting communities from 216 countries and territories have pitched their tents at the World Jamboree in southeast Britain to cele

2011-05-03 11:02:00 387

原创 New Harry Potter Book Breaks Sales Record

<br />New Harry Potter Book Breaks Sales Record<br /> <br />By Zulima Palacio <br />Washington, D.C.<br />24 July 2007<br /> <br />"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" broke sales records in the U.S and in Britain during it first 24 hours on the market.

2011-04-25 21:00:00 234

原创 New Harry Potter Book Breaks Sales Record

<br />New Harry Potter Book Breaks Sales Record<br /> <br />By Zulima Palacio <br />Washington, D.C.<br />24 July 2007<br /> <br />"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" broke sales records in the U.S and in Britain during it first 24 hours on the market.

2011-04-25 21:00:00 323

原创 New Harry Potter Book Breaks Sales Record

<br />New Harry Potter Book Breaks Sales Record<br /> <br />By Zulima Palacio <br />Washington, D.C.<br />24 July 2007<br /> <br />"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" broke sales records in the U.S and in Britain during it first 24 hours on the market.

2011-04-25 21:00:00 335

原创 New Harry Potter Book Breaks Sales Record

<br />New Harry Potter Book Breaks Sales Record<br /> <br />By Zulima Palacio <br />Washington, D.C.<br />24 July 2007<br /> <br />"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" broke sales records in the U.S and in Britain during it first 24 hours on the market.

2011-04-25 20:58:00 268

原创 New Harry Potter Book Breaks Sales Record

<br />New Harry Potter Book Breaks Sales Record<br /> <br />By Zulima Palacio <br />Washington, D.C.<br />24 July 2007<br /> <br />"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" broke sales records in the U.S and in Britain during it first 24 hours on the market.

2011-04-25 20:58:00 380

原创 New Harry Potter Book Breaks Sales Record

<br />New Harry Potter Book Breaks Sales Record<br /> <br />By Zulima Palacio <br />Washington, D.C.<br />24 July 2007<br /> <br />"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" broke sales records in the U.S and in Britain during it first 24 hours on the market.

2011-04-25 20:58:00 310

原创 New Harry Potter Book Breaks Sales Record

<br />New Harry Potter Book Breaks Sales Record<br /> <br />By Zulima Palacio <br />Washington, D.C.<br />24 July 2007<br /> <br />"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" broke sales records in the U.S and in Britain during it first 24 hours on the market.

2011-04-25 20:57:00 233

原创 New Harry Potter Book Breaks Sales Record

<br />New Harry Potter Book Breaks Sales Record<br /> <br />By Zulima Palacio <br />Washington, D.C.<br />24 July 2007<br /> <br />"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" broke sales records in the U.S and in Britain during it first 24 hours on the market.

2011-04-25 20:57:00 404

原创 New Harry Potter Book Breaks Sales Record

<br />New Harry Potter Book Breaks Sales Record<br /> <br />By Zulima Palacio <br />Washington, D.C.<br />24 July 2007<br /> <br />"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" broke sales records in the U.S and in Britain during it first 24 hours on the market.

2011-04-25 20:57:00 236

原创 New Harry Potter Book Breaks Sales Record

<br />New Harry Potter Book Breaks Sales Record<br /> <br />By Zulima Palacio <br />Washington, D.C.<br />24 July 2007<br /> <br />"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" broke sales records in the U.S and in Britain during it first 24 hours on the market.

2011-04-25 20:57:00 278

原创 New Harry Potter Book Breaks Sales Record

<br />New Harry Potter Book Breaks Sales Record<br /> <br />By Zulima Palacio <br />Washington, D.C.<br />24 July 2007<br /> <br />"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" broke sales records in the U.S and in Britain during it first 24 hours on the market.

2011-04-25 20:57:00 227

原创 Miami's Little Havana Showcases Cuban Life

<br /><br />Miami's LittleHavana Showcases Cuban Life<br /> <br />By Ade Astuti <br />Miami, Florida<br />03 August 2007<br /> <br />Little Havana boasts thelargest population of Cubans outside the island. <br /> <br />One business owner inlittle Hav

2011-04-25 20:11:00 347

转载 Living the Simple Life

<br />Living the Simple Life<br /> <br />By Liu Enming <br />Lancaster County, Pennsylvania<br />19 July 2007<br /> <br />"Welcome to the Amish Farm and House. My name is Eric. I will be giving you a brief tour about who the Amish are, their lifestyle, the

2011-04-23 17:56:00 535

原创 Latest Research Says Modern Man Comes from Africa

<br />Latest Research Says Modern Man Comes from Africa<br /> <br />By Jessica Berman <br />Washington<br />19 July 2007<br /> <br />The "out of Africa" theory holds that modern humans emerged from the continent some 50,000 years ago, replacing more primit

2011-04-19 08:28:00 294

转载 Entrepreneurs are Banking on Solar Solutions

         Entrepreneurship is alive and well (盛行的,依旧存在)in northern California. More so in solar power development than in the software and computer businesses that flourished here in the 1980s and '90s.         Dick Swanson is with a company called SunPower

2011-04-12 12:08:00 320

原创 spoken english (pick from movies)

I 've got to slow him down before he gets to 67. 我才不会让他就这么得到67好门的工程。

2011-04-09 20:48:00 265

原创 Deep Brain Stimulation Used For Traumatic Injury

<br />Deep Brain Stimulation Used For Traumatic Injury<br /> <br />By Melinda Smith <br />Washington<br />07 August 2007<br /> <br />Surgeons at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio revealed they had performed an experimental procedure called Deep Brain Stimulatio

2011-04-04 22:19:00 186

原创 Deep Brain Stimulation Used For Traumatic Injury

<br />Deep Brain Stimulation Used For Traumatic Injury<br /> <br />By Melinda Smith <br />Washington<br />07 August 2007<br /> <br />Surgeons at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio revealed they had performed an experimental procedure called Deep Brain Stimulatio

2011-04-04 22:19:00 225

原创 Deep Brain Stimulation Used For Traumatic Injury

<br />Deep Brain Stimulation Used For Traumatic Injury<br /> <br />By Melinda Smith <br />Washington<br />07 August 2007<br /> <br />Surgeons at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio revealed they had performed an experimental procedure called Deep Brain Stimulatio

2011-04-04 22:18:00 212

原创 Country Star Darryl Worley Rediscovers Himself

<br />Country Star Darryl Worley Rediscovers Himself<br /> <br />By Larry London <br />Washington<br />08 August 2007<br /> <br />Darryl Worley's album "Here and Now" takes his music in a new musical direction with songs about good times and living life to

2011-04-04 22:14:00 301

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