
1 使用diagcollection.sh脚本。在/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin下。

[root@host03 bin]# sh
Production Copyright 2004, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved
Cluster Ready Services (CRS) diagnostic collection tool
The following CRS diagnostic archives will be created in the local directory.
crsData_host03_20180815_2031.tar.gz -> logs,traces and cores from CRS home. Note: core files will be packaged only with the --core option.
ocrData_host03_20180815_2031.tar.gz -> ocrdump, ocrcheck etc
coreData_host03_20180815_2031.tar.gz -> contents of CRS core files in text format

osData_host03_20180815_2031.tar.gz -> logs from Operating System
lsInventory_host03_20180815_2031 ->Opatch lsinventory details
Collecting crs data
/bin/tar: log/host03/cssd/ocssd.log: file changed as we read it
/bin/tar: log/host03/gipcd/gipcd.log: file changed as we read it
Collecting OCR data
Collecting information from core files
No corefiles found
Collecting lsinventory details
The following diagnostic archives will be created in the local directory.
acfsData_host03_20180815_2031.tar.gz -> logs from acfs log.
Collecting acfs data
acfsutil log: CLSU-00100: Operating System function: open64 failed with error data: 2
acfsutil log: CLSU-00101: Operating System error message: No such file or directory
acfsutil log: CLSU-00103: error location: OOF_1
acfsutil log: CLSU-00104: additional error information: open64 (/dev/ofsctl)
acfsutil log: ACFS-00502: Failed to communicate with the ACFS driver.  Verify the ACFS driver has been loaded.
Collecting OS logs
Collecting sysconfig data
[root@host03 bin]# ll *.gz
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root      156 Aug 15 20:33 acfsData_host03_20180815_2031.tar.gz
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 26324720 Aug 15 20:32 crsData_host03_20180815_2031.tar.gz
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root    26477 Aug 15 20:32 ocrData_host03_20180815_2031.tar.gz
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root   250222 Aug 15 20:33 osData_host03_20180815_2031.tar.gz
[root@host03 bin]# pwd
[root@host03 bin]#

-- oracheck ,可以从mos 1268927.2中下载。 会生成HTML格式的报告,以及升级前和升级后的报告。具体可以看帮助。
-- tfa   可以从mos 1513912.1下载 

[grid@host03 bin]$ ls
[grid@host03 bin]$ pwd
[grid@host03 bin]$ ./tfactl -help

Usage : /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/tfactl <command> [options]
<command> =
          print          Print requested details
          purge          Delete collections from TFA repository
          analyze        List events summary and search strings in alert logs.
          diagcollect    Collect logs from across nodes in cluster
          collection     Manage TFA collections
          directory      Add or Remove or Modify directory in TFA
          toolstatus     Prints the status of TFA Support Tools
          run <tool>     Run the desired support tool
          start <tool>   Starts the desired support tool
          stop <tool>    Stops the desired support tool

For help with a command: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/tfactl <command> -help

[grid@host03 bin]$


[oracle@host03 oswbb]$ ps -ef | grep tfa
root      3061     1  0 20:14 ?        00:00:00 /bin/sh /etc/init.d/init.tfa run
root      3171     1  1 20:14 ?        00:00:40 /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/jdk/jre/bin/java -Xms128m -Xmx512m oracle.rat.tfa.TFAMain /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/tfa/host03/tfa_home
grid      6107     1  0 20:20 ?        00:00:00 /bin/sh ./ 30 48 NONE /u01/app/grid/tfa/repository/suptools/host03/oswbb/grid/archive
grid      6236  6107  0 20:20 ?        00:00:00 /bin/sh ./ 48 /u01/app/grid/tfa/repository/suptools/host03/oswbb/grid/archive
oracle   18983 17492  0 20:58 pts/0    00:00:00 grep tfa
[oracle@host03 oswbb]$

-- 以下是配置OSwatch的图形界面

[root@host03 oswbb]# java -jar /u01/oswbb/oswbba.jar -i /u01/app/grid/tfa/repository/suptools/host03/oswbb/grid/archive

Starting OSW Analyzer V8.1.2
OSWatcher Analyzer Written by Oracle Center of Expertise
Copyright (c)  2017 by Oracle Corporation

Parsing Data. Please Wait...

Scanning file headers for version and platform info...

Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.21.1700.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.21.1800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.21.1900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.21.2000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.21.2100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.22.0800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.22.0900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.22.1000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.22.1100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.22.1200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.22.1300.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.22.1400.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.22.1500.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.22.1600.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.23.0800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.23.0900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.23.1000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.23.1100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.23.1200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.23.1300.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.23.1400.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.23.1500.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.23.1600.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.23.1700.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.23.1800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.23.1900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.23.2000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.23.2100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.23.2200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.24.1200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.31.0700.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.31.0800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.31.0900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.31.1000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.31.1100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.31.1200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.31.1300.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.31.1400.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.31.1500.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.31.1600.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.31.1700.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.31.1800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.31.1900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.31.2000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.05.31.2100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.07.26.0000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.07.26.0100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.07.26.0200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_iostat_18.07.26.0300.dat ...
This directory already exists. Rewriting...

Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.21.1700.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.21.1800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.21.1900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.21.2000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.21.2100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.22.0800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.22.0900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.22.1000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.22.1100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.22.1200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.22.1300.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.22.1400.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.22.1500.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.22.1600.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.23.0800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.23.0900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.23.1000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.23.1100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.23.1200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.23.1300.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.23.1400.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.23.1500.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.23.1600.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.23.1700.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.23.1800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.23.1900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.23.2000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.23.2100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.23.2200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.24.1200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.31.0700.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.31.0800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.31.0900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.31.1000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.31.1100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.31.1200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.31.1300.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.31.1400.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.31.1500.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.31.1600.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.31.1700.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.31.1800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.31.1900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.31.2000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.05.31.2100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.07.26.0000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.07.26.0100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.07.26.0200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_vmstat_18.07.26.0300.dat ...

Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.21.1700.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.21.1800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.21.1900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.21.2000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.21.2100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.22.0800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.22.0900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.22.1000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.22.1100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.22.1200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.22.1300.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.22.1400.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.22.1500.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.22.1600.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.23.0800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.23.0900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.23.1000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.23.1100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.23.1200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.23.1300.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.23.1400.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.23.1500.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.23.1600.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.23.1700.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.23.1800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.23.1900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.23.2000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.23.2100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.23.2200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.24.1200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.31.0700.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.31.0800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.31.0900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.31.1000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.31.1100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.31.1200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.31.1300.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.31.1400.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.31.1500.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.31.1600.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.31.1700.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.31.1800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.31.1900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.31.2000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.05.31.2100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.07.26.0000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.07.26.0100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.07.26.0200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_netstat_18.07.26.0300.dat ...

Parsing file host03_top_18.05.21.1700.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.21.1800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.21.1900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.21.2000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.21.2100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.22.0800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.22.0900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.22.1000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.22.1100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.22.1200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.22.1300.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.22.1400.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.22.1500.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.22.1600.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.23.0800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.23.0900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.23.1000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.23.1100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.23.1200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.23.1300.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.23.1400.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.23.1500.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.23.1600.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.23.1700.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.23.1800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.23.1900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.23.2000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.23.2100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.23.2200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.24.1200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.31.0700.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.31.0800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.31.0900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.31.1000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.31.1100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.31.1200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.31.1300.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.31.1400.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.31.1500.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.31.1600.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.31.1700.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.31.1800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.31.1900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.31.2000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.05.31.2100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.07.26.0000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.07.26.0100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.07.26.0200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_top_18.07.26.0300.dat ...

Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.21.1700.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.21.1800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.21.1900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.21.2000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.21.2100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.22.0800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.22.0900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.22.1000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.22.1100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.22.1200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.22.1300.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.22.1400.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.22.1500.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.22.1600.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.23.0800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.23.0900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.23.1000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.23.1100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.23.1200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.23.1300.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.23.1400.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.23.1500.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.23.1600.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.23.1700.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.23.1800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.23.1900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.23.2000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.23.2100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.23.2200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.24.1200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.31.0700.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.31.0800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.31.0900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.31.1000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.31.1100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.31.1200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.31.1300.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.31.1400.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.31.1500.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.31.1600.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.31.1700.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.31.1800.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.31.1900.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.31.2000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.05.31.2100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.07.26.0000.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.07.26.0100.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.07.26.0200.dat ...
Parsing file host03_ps_18.07.26.0300.dat ...

Parsing Completed.

Enter 1 to Display CPU Process Queue Graphs
Enter 2 to Display CPU Utilization Graphs
Enter 3 to Display CPU Other Graphs
Enter 4 to Display Memory Graphs
Enter 5 to Display Disk IO Graphs

Enter GC to Generate All CPU Gif Files
Enter GM to Generate All Memory Gif Files
Enter GD to Generate All Disk Gif Files
Enter GN to Generate All Network Gif Files

Enter L to Specify Alternate Location of Gif Directory
Enter Z to Zoom Graph Time Scale (Does not change analysis dataset)
Enter B to Returns to Baseline Graph Time Scale (Does not change analysis dataset)
Enter R to Remove Currently Displayed Graphs

Enter X to Export Parsed Data to Flat File
Enter S to Analyze Subset of Data(Changes analysis dataset including graph time scale)
Enter A to Analyze Data
Enter D to Generate DashBoard

Enter Q to Quit Program

Please Select an Option:1

Enter 1 to Display CPU Process Queue Graphs
Enter 2 to Display CPU Utilization Graphs
Enter 3 to Display CPU Other Graphs
Enter 4 to Display Memory Graphs
Enter 5 to Display Disk IO Graphs

Enter GC to Generate All CPU Gif Files
Enter GM to Generate All Memory Gif Files
Enter GD to Generate All Disk Gif Files
Enter GN to Generate All Network Gif Files

Enter L to Specify Alternate Location of Gif Directory
Enter Z to Zoom Graph Time Scale (Does not change analysis dataset)
Enter B to Returns to Baseline Graph Time Scale (Does not change analysis dataset)
Enter R to Remove Currently Displayed Graphs

Enter X to Export Parsed Data to Flat File
Enter S to Analyze Subset of Data(Changes analysis dataset including graph time scale)
Enter A to Analyze Data
Enter D to Generate DashBoard

Enter Q to Quit Program

Please Select an Option:






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


