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转载 JEE学习笔记之Tomcat Server处理一个http请求的过程(2)

Tomcat Server处理一个http请求的过程假设来自客户的请求为:http://localhost:8080/macy/index.jsp1) 请求发送到本机端口8080,被在那里侦听的Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector获得。2) Connector把该请求交给它所在Service的Engine来处理,并等待来自Engine的响应。3) Engine获得请求

2015-03-18 17:59:46 442

转载 JEE学习笔记之Tomcat中server.xml文件内各节点详解(一)

1.认识 webapps 目录这个目录位于 tomcat6 的安装目录之下,实际内容位于 /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps。 webapps 目录里每一个目录对应一个web应用程序,比如 docs 目录的访问地址是 http://localhost:8080/docs,同理 manager 目录的访问地址是 http://localhost:8080/manager,其中比较特殊的

2015-03-18 15:01:13 630

转载 移动应用与API 服务器之间的安全通信解决方法

最近接触到了移动端API开发的问题,为了确保应用与API 服务器之间的安全通信,防止数据篡改等恶意攻击,和同事探讨出此验证方法:首先向移动端应用分配APP_ID(int) ,APP_KEY(32位随机字串),移动端利用APP_ID 与 APP_KEY向服务器端请求,服务器端判断该应用是否合法;应用合法则生成临时Token返回给移动应用(Token有效期默认3600s),服务器端存储

2015-02-08 18:00:12 683

转载 浅谈 PHP 与手机 APP 开发(API 接口开发)

推荐阅读:RESTful 是什么?一起来理解 RESTful 架构这个帖子写给不太了解PHP与API开发的人一、先简单回答两个问题:1、PHP 可以开发客户端?答:不可以,因为PHP是脚本语言,是负责完成 B/S架构 或 C/S架构 的S部分,即:服务端的开发。(别去纠结 GTK、WinBinder)2、为什么选择 PHP 作为开发服务端的首选?答:

2015-02-08 17:42:21 530

转载 移动端与PHP服务端接口通信流程设计(增强版)

前面讲过:移动端与PHP服务端接口通信流程设计(基础版)对于 api_token 的校验,其安全性还可再增强: 增强地方一: 再增加2张表,一个接口表,一个授权表,设计参考如下:接口表字段名字段类型注释api_idint接口IDapi_namevarchar(120)接口名,

2015-02-08 17:28:42 514

转载 转:移动端与PHP服务端接口通信流程设计(基础版)

针对--->非开放性平台--->公司内部产品 接口特点汇总:1、因为是非开放性的,所以所有的接口都是封闭的,只对公司内部的产品有效;2、因为是非开放性的,所以OAuth那套协议是行不通的,因为没有中间用户的授权过程;3、有点接口需要用户登录才能访问;4、有点接口不需要用户登录就可访问; 针对以上特点,移动端与服务端的通

2015-02-08 17:14:06 487

原创 异常记录之java.lang.IllegalStateException: Content has been consumed

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Content has been consumed08-24 11:46:25.090: E/AndroidRuntime(1995): at org.apache.http.entity.BasicHttpEntity.getContent(BasicHttpEntity.java:84)08-24 11:46:25.09

2013-08-24 13:12:43 6394

转载 Linux系统函数之fcntl函数

功能描述:根据文件描述符来操作文件的特性。 用法:   int fcntl(int fd, int cmd); int fcntl(int fd, int cmd, long arg); int fcntl(int fd, int cmd, struct flock *lock); 参数:   fd:文件描述符。 cmd:操作命令。 arg:供命令使用的参数。

2013-06-03 22:27:30 576

转载 Linux系统函数之socketpair()

#include #include int socketpair(int d, int type, int protocol, int sv[2]);函数功能:socketpair()函数建立一对匿名的已经连接的套接字,其特性由协议族d、类型type、协议protocol决定,建立的两个套接字描述符会放在sv[0]和sv[1]中。参数:第1个参数

2013-05-18 14:35:46 560

转载 Linux系统函数学习之lseek


2013-05-17 10:33:07 604

原创 Android之通话记录的查询、删除与插入(1)


2012-12-06 14:44:24 1167

原创 Android启动过程之学习资料


2012-10-29 23:33:04 390

转载 转:这些道理不懂,你注定就是穷打工的命

这些道理不懂,你注定就是穷打工的命同样是打工,为什么你一个月只有2、3K,而唐骏的身价却可以高达10亿?或许你会反驳我,说人人都成为唐骏的概率有多大?的确,人人都成为唐骏的确不现 实,但是经过努力,月薪达到8K、1W的总是大有人在吧?虽然不能达到大富大贵,但也不至于买不起房子,成天挤在合租房吧?很多人都喜欢抱怨,觉得这个世道不好。但现实是,在同样世道不好的情况下

2012-09-05 17:47:17 1173

翻译 Apache Hadoop是什么?

Apache Hadoop项目开发可靠的,可扩展的,分布式计算的开源软件。Apache Hadoop软件库是一个架构,这一架构允许使用一种简单的编程模型来对跨计算机集群的大量数据集的分布式处理。设计Hadoop用来从单个服务器扩展到上千台机器,每个机器提供本地计算和存储。库自身的目的是用来探测和处理应用层故障,并不是依靠硬件来实现高可用性,因此在一个计算机集群上实现高可用的服务,其中每个都可能

2011-12-07 16:25:16 996

原创 (转载)算法复杂度分析

1、算法的时间性能分析(1)算法耗费的时间和语句频度   一个算法所耗费的时间=算法中每条语句的执行时间之和每条语句的执行时间=语句的执行次数(即频度(Frequency Count))×语句执行一次所需时间    算法转换为程序后,每条语句执行一次所需的时间取决于机器的指令性能、速度以及编译所产生的代

2011-06-03 20:06:00 430

转载 转载:Lex和Yacc应用方法

<br />Lex和Yacc应用方法(一).初识Lex<br />草木瓜  20070301<br />Lex(Lexical Analyzar 词法分析生成器),Yacc(Yet Another Compiler Compiler编译器代码生成器)是Unix下十分重要的词法分析,语法分析的工具。经常用于语言分析,公式编译等广泛领域。遗憾的是网上中文资料介绍不是过于简单,就是跳跃太大,入门参考意义并不大。本文通过循序渐进的例子,从0开始了解掌握Lex和Yacc的用法。<br /><本系列文章的地址:http

2010-12-02 16:49:00 1195 1

转载 转载:Linux下的段错误产生的原因及调试方法

<br />简而言之,产生段错误就是访问了错误的内存段,一般是你没有权限,或者根本就不存在对应的物理内存,尤其常见的是访问0地址.<br /><br />一般来说,段错误就是指访问的内存超出了系统所给这个程序的内存空间,通常这个值是由gdtr来保存的,他是一个48位的寄存器,其中的32位是保存由它指向的gdt表,后13位保存相应于gdt的下标,最后3位包括了程序是否在内存中以及程序的在cpu中的运行级别,指向的gdt是由以64位为一个单位的表,在这张表中就保存着程序运行的代码段以及数据段的起始地址以及与此相

2010-11-03 22:22:00 338








Inthesummerof2003,somebodyontheMySQLmailinglistproposedabookabout MySQL internals. As I read the email, I realized that I had the background to write such a book, but I had just finished writing my first book and was not looking for-ward to writing another. I tried to talk myself out of the responsibility, saying to myself nobody would ever publish a book so technical and specialized. There simply would not be enough of an audience for it.


(2007 Apress)Expert MySQL (深入理解MySQL )

I would like to thank all of the many talented and energetic professionals at Apress. My editor, Jason Gilmore, and project manager, Tracy Brown Collins, are wonderfully patient and insightful. Their efforts kept this book on track and me accountable. I also have to thank my production editor, Katie Stence, and copy editor, Liz Welch, for making me look so good in print. Thank you both very much!


Programming.in.Python.3.2nd.Edition.Nov.2009.pdf Addison.Wesley.

Python is probably the easiest-to-learn and nicest-to-use programming language in widespread use. Python code is clear to read and write, and it is concise without being cryptic.


SAS教程:SAS Essentials

Research involves the collection and analysis of data. The SAS system is a powerful software program designed to give researchers a wide variety of both data management and data analysis capabilities. Although SAS has millions of users worldwide, it is not the simplest program to learn. With that in mind, we ’ ve created this book to provide you with a straightforward approach to learning SAS that can help you surmount the learning curve and successfully use SAS for data analysis.


信息检索A Generative Theory of Relevance

Information Retrieval (IR) is a field of science concerned with searching for useful information in large, loosely structured or unstructured collections. In the 1970s, when the field was in its infancy, the word information primarily meant text, specifically the kinds of text one might find in a library.


Core Java Volume I 英文第八版 pdf

Chapter 1 gives an overview of the capabilities of Java that set it apart from other programming languages. We explain what the designers of the language set out to do and to what extent they succeeded. Then, we give a short history of how Java came into being and how it has evolved. In Chapter 2, we tell you how to download and install the JDK and the program examples for this book. Then we guide you through compiling and running three typical Java programs, a console application, a graphical application, and an applet, using the plain JDK, a Java-enabled text editor, and a Java IDE.


软件测试:Systematic Software Testing 2002

Systematic Software Testing by Rick D. Craig and Stefan P. Jaskiel ISBN:1580535089 Artech House © 2002 (536 pages) Focusing on the prevention and early discovery of defects, the testing process described in this text parallels the software development lifecycle, and the authors outline a flexible process for improving software testing capabilities.



addison wesley - effective software testing systematic software testing 2002 wiley,.the.art.of.software.testing.(2004),.2ed. software testing fundamentals methods and metrics.part1 prentice.hall.test-driven.development.a.practical.guide addison wesley - test-driven development by example (2002) cori


SAS教程:Data Analysis Using SAS Enterprise Guide(英文版)

一本SAS学习的很好的教程! Data Analysis Using SAS Enterprise Guide This book presents the basic procedures for utilizing SAS Enterprise Guide to analyze statistical data. SAS Enterprise Guide is a graphical user interface(point and click) to the main SAS application. Designed to be used either as a stand-alone resource or as an accompaniment to a statistics course, the book offers a smooth path to statistical analysis with SAS Enterprise Guide for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students, as well as professionals in psychology, education, business, health, social work, sociology, and many other fields.



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