最近需要做一个点击某个按钮,浏览器底端弹出一个可拉伸div框的功能模块,div框弹出来的同时,页面的其余部分动态向上移;div框关闭的时候, 页面的其余部分动态向下移。现将实现过程总结如下:
选项 Options={
directions:["n","s","w","e"], //可拉伸的方向数组 只可以取这几个值
xMin: 8, //最小宽度
yMin: 8, //最小高度
offset: 5, //距垂直边缘的水平距离阈值 5个像素内 鼠标符号由普通图表变为双向延伸箭头 距水平边缘的垂直距离阈值 5个像素内 鼠标符号由普通图表变为双向延伸箭头
callback:function //拉伸后执行的语句
div必须拥有 stretchable-div-cls 类
Array.prototype.indexOf=function(value) {
for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
if (this[i] == value) return i;
return -1;
$.fn.resizableDiv = function(options){
var theobject = null; //This gets a value as soon as a resize start
var defaultOptions={
directions:["n","s","w","e"], //可拉伸的方向数组
xMin: 8, //最小宽度
yMin: 8, //最小高度
offset: 5,//距垂直边缘的水平距离阈值 5个像素内 鼠标符号由普通图表变为双向延伸箭头 距水平边缘的垂直距离阈值 5个像素内 鼠标符号由普通图表变为双向延伸箭头
callback:function(obj){ console.log("finished"); } //回调函数 div拉伸完成后 应执行的语句
var $options = $.extend(defaultOptions,options);
var $divCls = "stretchable-div-cls";
function resizeObject() {
this.el = null; //pointer to the object
this.dir = ""; //type of current resize (n, s, e, w, ne, nw, se, sw)
this.grabx = null; //Some useful values
this.graby = null;
this.width = null;
this.height = null;
this.left = null;
this.top = null;
//Find out what kind of resize! Return a string inlcluding the directions
function getDirection(el) {
var xPos, yPos, offset, dir;
dir = "";
xPos = window.event.offsetX; //检查相对于触发事件的对象,鼠标位置的水平坐标
yPos = window.event.offsetY; //检查相对于触发事件的对象,鼠标位置的垂直坐标
offset = $options.offset; //The distance from the edge in pixels
/*console.log("xPos: " + xPos + "; yPos: " + yPos + "; el.offsetHeight: " + el.offsetHeight
+ "; el.offsetWidth: " + el.offsetWidth);*/
var directionsArr = $options.directions;
var ns_flag = false;
var ew_flag = false;
if(directionsArr.indexOf("n") != -1){
if (yPos<offset){
dir += "n";
ns_flag = true;
if(directionsArr.indexOf("s") != -1 && ns_flag == false){
if (yPos > el.offsetHeight-offset) dir += "s";
if(directionsArr.indexOf("w") != -1){
if (xPos<offset){
dir += "w";
ew_flag = true;
if(directionsArr.indexOf("e") != -1 && ew_flag == false){
if (xPos > el.offsetWidth-offset) dir += "e";
return dir;
function doDown() {
var el = getReal(event.srcElement, "className", $divCls);
if (el == null) {
theobject = null;
console.log("window.event: ");
dir = getDirection(el);
console.log("down dir: " + dir);
if (dir == "") return;
theobject = new resizeObject();
theobject.el = el;
theobject.dir = dir;
theobject.grabx = window.event.clientX; //返回鼠标在窗口客户区域中的X坐标。
theobject.graby = window.event.clientY; //返回鼠标在窗口客户区域中的Y坐标
theobject.width = el.offsetWidth; //元素的宽度
theobject.height = el.offsetHeight;
theobject.left = el.offsetLeft;
theobject.top = el.offsetTop; //元素相对于父元素的top
window.event.returnValue = false; //设置或检查从事件中返回的值 true 事件中的值被返回 false 源对象上事件的默认操作被取消
window.event.cancelBubble = true; //检测是否接受上层元素的事件的控制。 TRUE 不被上层原素的事件控制。 FALSE 允许被上层元素的事件控制。这是默认值。
function doUp() {
if (theobject != null) {
theobject = null;
function doMove() {
var el, xPos, yPos, str, xMin, yMin;
xMin = $options.xMin; //The smallest width possible
yMin = $options.yMin; //height
el = getReal(event.srcElement, "className", $divCls);
if (el.className.indexOf($divCls) != -1) {
str = getDirection(el);
//console.log("move str: " + str);
//Fix the cursor
if (str == "") str = "default";
else str += "-resize";
//通过定义cursor 使div上出现可调节大小的双向箭头
el.style.cursor = str;
//Dragging starts here
if(theobject != null) {//向东和向南只可以相应改变div的宽度和高度 向上和向左除了可以改变div的宽度和高度 还可以改变其left和top
//只不过由于屏幕限制 改变不了
if (dir.indexOf("e") != -1){
//window.event.clientX - theobject.grabx 鼠标水平平移距离
theobject.el.style.width = Math.max(xMin, theobject.width + window.event.clientX - theobject.grabx) + "px";
if (dir.indexOf("s") != -1){
theobject.el.style.height = Math.max(yMin, theobject.height + window.event.clientY - theobject.graby) + "px";
if (dir.indexOf("w") != -1) {
theobject.el.style.left = Math.min(theobject.left + window.event.clientX - theobject.grabx, theobject.left + theobject.width - xMin)
+ "px";
theobject.el.style.width = Math.max(xMin, theobject.width - window.event.clientX + theobject.grabx) + "px";
if (dir.indexOf("n") != -1) {
theobject.el.style.top = Math.min(theobject.top + window.event.clientY - theobject.graby, theobject.top
+ theobject.height - yMin) + "px";
theobject.el.style.height = Math.max(yMin, theobject.height - window.event.clientY + theobject.graby) + "px";
window.event.returnValue = false;
window.event.cancelBubble = true;
//添加div拉伸完后 执行的回调函数
function getReal(el, type, value) {
temp = el;
while ((temp != null) && (temp.tagName != "BODY")) {
if ((eval("temp." + type)).indexOf(value) != -1) {
el = temp;
return el;
temp = temp.parentElement;
return el;
document.onmousedown = doDown;
document.onmouseup = doUp;
document.onmousemove = doMove;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../static/bootstrap/3.3.5/css/bootstrap.min.css"
th:href="@{/bootstrap/3.3.5/css/bootstrap.min.css}" />
<style type="text/css">
<div id="tableContainerDIV" style="overflow:auto;">
<!-- 20160623 创建底部div -->
<div id="stretchDialog" class="navbar-fixed-bottom stretchable-div-cls" style="height:130px; border:2px solid #ddd; padding-bottom:10px;"> <!-- class="footer" -->
<button type="button" class="close" onclick="onCloseStretchDlg();" style = "color: #31708f; " > ×</button> <!-- 关闭按钮 -->
footer 测试
<script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById("tableContainerDIV").style.height = (window.screen.availHeight-170-130) + 'px';
//20160623 显示可拉伸div的高度
var g_stretchDialogHeight = 130;
function onclick(){
$("#stretchDialog").resizableDiv({directions:["n"],callback:postHanlder}); //只可以通过div上边界上下调整div宽度
//拉伸后执行的回调函数 div拉伸后 执行的语句
function postHanlder(){
var divHeight = document.getElementById("stretchDialog").style.height;
console.log("divHeight: " + divHeight);
g_stretchDialogHeight = divHeight;
var original_height = document. getElementById("tableContainerDIV"). style. height.
document.getElementById("tableContainerDIV").style.height = (window.screen.availHeight-170 - parseInt(g_stretchDialogHeight)) + 'px';
/*console.log("window.screen.availHeight: ");
console.log(window.screen.availHeight-170 - parseInt(g_stretchDialogHeight));
function openStretchDialog(){
var original_height = document.getElementById("tableContainerDIV").style.height.replace ("px","");
document.getElementById("tableContainerDIV").style.height = (parseInt(original_height) - g_stretchDialogHeight) + 'px';
console.log("small height: ");
//点击可拉伸div的关闭按钮 关闭div的同时 动态调节上面div的高度
function onCloseStretchDlg(){
var original_height = document.getElementById("tableContainerDIV").style.height. replace("px","");
console.log("origheight: " + original_height);
document.getElementById("tableContainerDIV").style.height = (parseInt(original_height) + g_stretchDialogHeight) + 'px';
g_stretchDialogHeight = 130;