使用PHP创建一个REST API(Create a REST API with PHP)节选5

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Now that we can interpret the request, let’s move on to sending the response. We already know that all we really need to do is send the correct status code, and maybe some body (if this were a GET request, for example), but there is an important catch to responses that have no body. Say somebody made a request against our sample user API for a user that doesn’t exist (i.e. api/user/123). The appropriate status code to send is a 404 in this case, but simply sending the status code in the headers isn’t enough. If you viewed that page in your web browser, you would get a blank screen. This is because Apache (or whatever your web server runs on) isn’t sending the status code, so there’s no status page. We’ll need to take this into account when we build out our function. Keeping all that in mind, here’s what the code should look like: 

  1. public static function sendResponse($status = 200, $body = ''$content_type = 'text/html'){
  2.   $status_header = 'HTTP/1.1 ' . $status . ' ' . RestUtils::getStatusCodeMessage($status);
  3.   // set the status
  4.   header($status_header);
  5.   // set the content type
  6.   header('Content-type: ' . $content_type);
  7.   // pages with body are easy
  8.   if($body != ''){
  9.     // send the body
  10.     echo $body;
  11.     exit;
  12.   }
  13.   // we need to create the body if none is passed
  14.   else
  15.   {
  16.     // create some body messages
  17.     $message = '';
  18.     // this is purely optional, but makes the pages a little nicer to read
  19.     // for your users.  Since you won't likely send a lot of different status codes,
  20.     // this also shouldn't be too ponderous to maintain
  21.     switch($status)  {
  22.     case 401:
  23.       $message = 'You must be authorized to view this page.';
  24.       break;
  25.     case 404:
  26.       $message = 'The requested URL ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . ' was not found.';
  27.       break;
  28.     case 500:
  29.       $message = 'The server encountered an error processing your request.';
  30.       break;
  31.     case 501:
  32.       $message = 'The requested method is not implemented.';
  33.       break;
  34.     }
  35.     // servers don't always have a signature turned on (this is an apache directive "ServerSignature On")
  36.     $signature = ($_SERVER['SERVER_SIGNATURE'] == '') ? $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] . ' Server at ' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ' Port ' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : $_SERVER['SERVER_SIGNATURE'];
  37.     // this should be templatized in a real-world solution
  38.     $body = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
  39.         <html>
  40.         <head>
  41.           <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
  42.           <title>' . $status . ' ' . RestUtils::getStatusCodeMessage($status) . '</title>
  43.         </head>
  44.         <body>
  45.           <h1>' . RestUtils::getStatusCodeMessage($status) . '</h1>
  46.           ' . $message . '
  47.           <hr />
  48.           <address>' . $signature . '</address>
  49.         </body>
  50.         </html>';
  51.     echo $body;
  52.     exit;
  53.   }
  54. }
That’s It! We technically have everything we need now to process requests and send responses. Let’s talk a bit more about why we need to have a standard body response or a custom one. For GET requests, this is pretty obvious, we need to send XML / JSON content instead of a status page (provided the request was valid). However, there’s also POSTs to deal with. Inside of your apps, when you create a new entity, you probably fetch the new entity’s ID via something like mysql_insert_id(). Well, if a user posts to your API, they’ll probably want that new ID as well. What I’ll usually do in this case is simply send the new ID as the body (with a 201 status code), but you could also wrap that in XML or JSON if you’d like. 

So, let’s extend our sample implementation a bit: 

  1. switch($data->getMethod){
  2.   // this is a request for all users, not one in particular
  3.   case 'get':
  4.     $user_list = getUserList(); // assume this returns an array
  5.     if($data->getHttpAccept == 'json'){
  6.       RestUtils::sendResponse(200, json_encode($user_list), 'application/json');
  7.     }else if ($data->getHttpAccept == 'xml')  {
  8.       // using the XML_SERIALIZER Pear Package
  9.       $options = array
  10.       (
  11.         'indent' => '  ',
  12.         'addDecl' => false,
  13.         'rootName' => $fc->getAction(),
  15.       );
  16.       $serializer = new XML_Serializer($options);
  17.       RestUtils::sendResponse(200, $serializer->serialize($user_list), 'application/xml');
  18.     }
  19.     break;
  20.   // new user create
  21.   case 'post':
  22.     $user = new User();
  23.     $user->setFirstName($data->getData()->first_name);  // just for example, this should be done cleaner
  24.     // and so on...
  25.     $user->save();
  26.     // just send the new ID as the body
  27.     RestUtils::sendResponse(201, $user->getId());
  28.     break;
  29. }
Again, this is just an example, but it does show off (I think, at least) how little effort it takes to implement RESTful stuff. 
Wrapping Up 

So, that’s about it. I’m pretty confident that I’ve beaten the point that this should be quite easy into the ground, so I’d like to close with how you can take this stuff further and perhaps properly implement it. 

In a real-world MVC application, what you would probably want to do is set up a controller for your API that loads individual API controllers. For example, using the above stuff, we’d possibly create a UserRestController which had four methods: get(), put(), post(), and delete(). The API controller would look at the request and determine which method to invoke on that controller. That method would then use the utils to process the request, do what it needs to do data-wise, then use the utils to send a response. 

在一个真实的MVC应用中,也许你想要做的就是为你的每个接口创建一个单独的控制器。例如,利用上面的东西,我们可以创建一个UserRestController控制器,这个控制器有四个方法,分别为:get(), put(), post(), 和 delete()。接口控制器将会查看请求类型然后决定哪个方法会被执行。这个方法会再使用工具来处理请求,处理数据,然后使用工具发送响应。


使用PHP创建一个REST API(Createa REST API with PHP) 节选1

使用PHP创建一个REST API(Createa REST API with PHP) 节选2

使用PHP创建一个REST API(Createa REST API with PHP) 节选3

使用PHP创建一个REST API(Create aREST API with PHP) 节选4

使用PHP创建一个REST API(Createa REST API with PHP) 节选5

使用PHP创建一个REST API(Createa REST API with PHP) 节选6





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