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原创 Creating Hierarchical Menus with a CustomAction in SharePoint

原文链接http://weblogs.asp.net/jan/archive/2008/05/08/creating-hierarchical-menus-with-a-customaction-in-sharepoint.aspx  It’s a fairly known technique to make use of CustomActions to add elements ...

2011-11-17 14:11:18 121

原创 SharePoint Custom Action Identifiers

原文链接http://johnholliday.net/resources/customactions.html   详见附件。

2011-11-16 13:48:16 94

原创 ASP.NET分页之自定义存储过程分页(真分页)

原文链接http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/ff943876.aspx  本文来自 CSDN 博客 作者:Cici Cheng 在前三节中探讨了假分页,假分页最大的弊端就是从数据库服务器取出了很多数据,却只是显示其中的一小部分,以此为例,每次页面加载时,IIS服务器都会从SQLSERVER数据库服务器提取3144条数据,而实际上却只有10条呈现给了...

2011-10-13 14:26:42 149

原创 ASP.NET分页之自定义分页(假分页)

原文链接http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/ff943867.aspx  本文来自 CSDN 博客 作者:Cici Cheng 自定义分页中主要是有比较复杂的逻辑内容,其实思想还是比较简单。具体示例如下:页面源码: <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="De...

2011-10-13 11:33:14 108

原创 Filtering with SPGridView

原文链接http://vspug.com/bobsbonanza/2007/07/02/filtering-with-spgridview/  One of the most exciting new web controls that come with SharePoint 2007 is the SPGridView control. With it, you can pres...

2011-10-12 15:23:53 99

原创 SPGridView: Adding paging to SharePoint when using custom data sources

原文链接http://blogs.msdn.com/b/powlo/archive/2007/03/23/adding-paging-to-spgridview-when-using-custom-data-sources.aspx  Paul Robinson23 Mar 2007 9:53 AMPart 2: Extending your SPGridview w...

2011-10-11 16:55:09 105

原创 SPGridView and SPMenuField: Displaying custom data through SharePoint lists

原文链接http://blogs.msdn.com/b/powlo/archive/2007/02/25/displaying-custom-data-through-sharepoint-lists-using-spgridview-and-spmenufield.aspx  Paul Robinson25 Feb 2007 5:30 PM  Part 1: Usi...

2011-10-11 16:14:35 182

原创 How to work around bugs in the SPGridView control

原文链接http://blogs.msdn.com/b/valdon/archive/2009/03/11/how-to-work-around-bugs-in-the-spgridview-control.aspx  Valdon11 Mar 2009 8:11 PM SharePoint has a little known web control called SPGr...

2011-10-11 16:10:23 82

原创 How to add a custom action to a SharePoint list actions menu for a specific list

原文链接http://www.nearinfinity.com/blogs/joe_ferner/how_to_add_a_custom_action_to.html  By Joe Ferner on May 10, 2009 12:35 PM If you have ever tried adding a SharePoint custom action to the a...

2011-10-11 10:56:41 93

原创 SharePoint – Adding ECB Menu Item for Specific Custom List

原文链接http://www.csharpest.net/?p=95  Posted in July 23, 2009 ¬ 6:01 pmh. Occassionally when creating a WSS 3 Feature you will be deploying into an environment that has grown “organically” an...

2011-10-11 10:52:45 170

原创 Adding CheckBoxes in SharePoint GridView (SPGridView)

原文链接http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/dhananjaycoder/checkboxspgridviewsharepoint10292009155022PM/checkboxspgridviewsharepoint.aspx  By Dhananjay Kumar October 29, 2009  In this artic...

2011-10-10 17:01:15 118

原创 SharePoint的列级安全性

原文链接http://www.infoq.com/cn/articles/Dressel-Gogolowicz-wss-security   作者 Grzegorz Gogolowicz译者朱永光 发布于 2009年2月28日  介绍Windows SharePoint Services 3.0和Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2...

2011-10-10 11:25:41 127

原创 在 SharePoint 中自定义审核

原文链接http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/magazine/cc794261.aspx   Ted Pattison 代码下载位置:OfficeSpace2008_09a.exe(631 KB)在线浏览代码  SharePoint® 技术的许多用户并未意识到 Windows® SharePoint Services (WSS) 3...

2011-10-09 16:59:28 247

原创 SharePoint 2007 and Windows WorkFlow Foundation: Integrating Divergent Worlds

原文链接http://www.developer.com/net/net/article.php/11087_3652346_1  January 8, 2007By Gustavo Velez  Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) 2007 is the first Microsoft server that has native sup...

2011-10-09 16:32:02 195

原创 通过 STSDEV 简化 SharePoint 开发

原文链接http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/magazine/cc337895.aspx  Ted Pattison 代码下载位置: OfficeSpace2008_03.exe (762 KB) Browse the Code Online 我 从 2005 年夏天开始开发 Windows® SharePoint® Services (W...

2011-09-30 15:58:28 107

原创 计算字段公式

 原文链接http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/bb862071(v=office.12).aspx   Windows SharePoint Services 3 下表提供有关您可以通过使用 Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldCalculated 类的 Formula 在计算字段中实现的多种公式的信息。...

2011-09-30 15:47:24 233

原创 How to Export Data to Excel from an ASP.NET Application + Avoid the File Format

 原文链接http://blogs.msdn.com/b/erikaehrli/archive/2009/01/30/how-to-export-data-to-excel-from-an-asp-net-application-avoid-the-file-format-differ-prompt.aspx   30 Jan 2009 5:25 PM  This i...

2011-09-29 15:59:32 126



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