mysql 基本 SQL 练习1

  1. 查询全体职工的职工号和姓名。
select staffNo, fName, lName from staff;
  1. 查询全体职工的记录。
select * from staff;
  1. 查询全体职工的姓名和出生日期。
select fName, lName, DOB from staff;
  1. 在职工表中查询有哪些职工担任了职务,并列出职工的职工号。
Select staffNo from staff where position is not null;
  1. 查询全体主管(supervisor & manager)的姓名。
select fName, lName from staff where position = "supervisor" or position = "manager";
  1. 查询全体助理的职工号。
select staffNo from staff where position = "assistant"; 
  1. 查询所有工资在 20000 以下的职工的姓名和出生日期。
select fName, lName, DOB from staff where salary < 20000;
  1. 查询工资在 10000-20000 之间的职工的姓名、所担任职务和出生日期。
select fName, lName, position, DOB from staff where salary between 10000 and 20000;
  1. 查询工资不在 10000-20000 之间的职工的姓名、职工号和性别。
select fName, lName, staffNo, sex from staff where salary not between 10000 and 20000; 
  1. 查询担任经理或助理职务员工的姓名和性别。
select fName, lName, sex from staff 
where position = "manager" or position = "assistant";
  1. 查询不担任经理或助理职务员工的姓名和性别。
select fName, lName, sex from staff 
where position not in ("manager", "assistant");
  1. 查询 lname 为 white 的职员的详细信息。
select * from staff where lName = "white";
  1. 查询 fname 中第二个字母为“o”或“n”的职员的姓名和职工号。
select fName, lName, staffNo from staff where fname like "_o%" or fname like "_n%";
  1. 查询所有 lname 不是“white”的职工姓名。
select fName, lName from staff where not lName = "white";
  1. 查询职工号的最后一位不是 2、 3、 5 的职工的所有信息。
select * from staff 
where (staffNo not like "%2") and (staffNo not like "%3") and (staffNo not like "%5");
  1. 查询有电话号码的 owner(业主),并对负责该业主的经纪人按收入多少进行降序排序,输出经纪人编号、姓名以及收入。
select distinct staffNo, staff.fName, staff.lName, staff.salary 
from privateowner join propertyforrent using (ownerNo) join staff using (staffNo) 
where privateowner.telNo is not null 
order by staff.salary desc;    
  1. 查询所有担任助理职务员工的员工号和收入,查询结果按收入降序排列。
select staffNo, salary from staff where position = "assistant" order by salary desc;
  1. 统计员工总人数。
select count(*) as total_staff from staff;
  1. 统计担任经理职务员工的人数。
select count(*) as total_manager from staff where position = "manager";
  1. 计算所有担任助理职务员工的总收入之和。
select sum(salary) as total_salary_assistant from staff where position = "assistant";
  1. 统计每个职务的员工人数,列出职务名称和人数。
select position, count(*) as total_staff from staff group by position;
  1. 查询每种职务的员工人数和平均收入。
select position, count(*) as total_staff, avg(salary) as avg_salary from staff group by position;
  1. 查询与 Ann beech 担任同一个职务的职工的职工号。
select staffNo from staff where position = (
select position from staff where fname = "Ann" and lname = "beech"
  1. 将职工号为“SA9”的职工的收入改为 15000。
update staff set salary = 15000 where staffNo = "SA9";
  1. 删除所有收入低于 10000 的员工的记录。
delete from staff where salary < 10000;
  1. 插入一条员工记录, staffNo:你的学号, fName:是你的名, lName:你的姓,其他字段自行设计。
insert into staff value('2019210902', "Yan", "Zhao", "Assistant", "F", "2001-05-29", 12000, null);
  1. 按分支机构编号排列,列出每个分支机构每天出租房产的全部租金收入
    (假设全部租出,每月按 30 天计)。
with branch_rent(branchNo, daily_rent) as
(SELECT branchNo, sum(rent)/30 FROM propertyforrent group by branchNo) 

select branch.branchNo, 
when daily_rent is not null then daily_rent 
else 0 
end) as daily_rent 
from branch natural left outer join branch_rent
order by branchNo;
  1. 给出每个分支机构持有的每一类房产的总数。
select branchNo, type, count(*) as total_property 
from propertyforrent 
group by branchNo, type;
  1. 给出看过两类(含)房产以上且由两个(含)分公司的员工带看过的客
select fName, lName, telNo from client 
where 2 <= (
select count(distinct type) from viewing natural join propertyforrent 
where client.clientNo = viewing.clientNo

  1. 给出为提供多处房产的业主提供服务的员工的名字、薪水和所在分支机
with ownerwithmultiproperty(ownerNo) 
as (select ownerNo from propertyforrent 
group by ownerNo 
having count(propertyNo) > 1),

as (select staffNo from propertyforrent 
where ownerNo in (select ownerNo from ownerwithmultiproperty))

select fName, lName, salary, branchNo from staff 
where staffNo in (select staffNo from staffsatisfied);




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