openh264 帧间预测编码过程源码分析


OpenH264 是一个开源的 H.264 编码和解码器,由思科系统开发并维护。它专为实时应用程序如 WebRTC 设计,提供了从基础到高级特性的广泛支持。OpenH264 的编码器支持从 Constrained Baseline Profile 到 5.2 级别,允许任意分辨率的编码,不限于 16x16 的倍数,并且具有自适应量化或恒定量化的速率控制、多切片选项、多线程自动用于多切片等特性。此外,它还支持高达 4 层的时序可伸缩性、单一输入的 4 种空间分辨率的 Spatial Simulcast、长期参考帧(LTR)、内存管理控制操作(MMCO)等功能。


视频帧间预测编码(Inter-frame prediction coding)是视频压缩技术中的一种关键方法,主要用于减少视频序列中时间维度上的冗余。这种编码方式依赖于视频帧之间的空间相关性,通过预测和补偿来减少数据量,从而实现高效的视频压缩。



  1. 运动估计(Motion Estimation, ME):

    • 运动估计是指在参考帧中搜索与当前块最匹配的区域,以确定最佳匹配块的位置。
  2. 运动补偿(Motion Compensation, MC):

    • 运动补偿使用运动估计得到的运动向量来预测当前块,通过补偿先前图像的抽样点来生成当前图像块的预测值。
  3. 宏块(Macroblock, MB)和子宏块(Sub-Macroblock)的树状结构分块:

    • H.264 支持多种宏块分割方式,如16x16、16x8、8x16和8x8,以及更细致的子宏块分割,如8x8、8x4、4x8和4x4。
  4. 多参考帧预测:

    • 特别是在B帧中,可以使用两个方向的参考帧(List0和List1)进行双向预测。
  5. 亚像素精度的运动估计:

    • 除了整像素精度外,H.264还支持1/2像素和1/4像素的亚像素插值,以提高预测精度。
  6. 快速搜索算法:

    • 为了减少计算复杂度,使用快速搜索算法来确定最佳匹配块。
  7. 运动向量的编码:

    • 运动向量的编码通常涉及编码运动向量与预测值的差值(MVD),而不是直接编码运动向量本身。
  8. 预测模式的选择:

    • H.264定义了多种预测模式,包括直接模式、双向模式、List0和List1模式等。
  9. 参考帧管理:

    • 管理参考帧以确保解码器能够正确地重建预测图像。
  10. 变换/量化编码和熵编码:

    • 这些步骤与帧内编码相同或相似,用于进一步压缩预测残差。


openh264 帧间预测编码过程

  1. 帧间预测过程函数关系图

  2. 帧间预测函数模块流程

  3. 关键模块说明

  • 通过API 函数EncodeFrame完成具体的编码过程,可执行程序封装该函数进行编码;
  • 通过二维数组g_pWelsSliceCoding[2][2]来完成具体的I 帧、P 帧,以及变化片数和非变化片数编码;
  • 在非变化片数帧间编码过程中,在WelsMdInterMbLoop函数中循环处理每个宏块;
  • 在变化片数帧间编码过程中,在 WelsMdInterMbLoopOverDynamicSlice函数中循环处理每个宏块;
  • pfInterMd函数指针指向具体的增强层WelsMdInterMbEnhancelayer或基本层WelsMdInterMb帧间预测过程;
  • 在基本层预测过程中,WelsMdInterSecondaryModesEnc函数完成二级帧间预测过程编码;
  • 在增强层预测过程中,WelsMdSpatialelInterMbIlfmdNoilp函数完成具体的预测过程编码;
  1. 帧间预测过程核心函数介绍
  • WelsMdInterMbLoopOverDynamicSlice 函数
  • 用于动态切片的宏块编码过程,循环处理每个 MB;
// Only for inter dynamic slicing
int32_t WelsMdInterMbLoopOverDynamicSlice (sWelsEncCtx* pEncCtx, SSlice* pSlice, void* pWelsMd,
    const int32_t kiSliceFirstMbXY) {
  SWelsMD* pMd          = (SWelsMD*)pWelsMd;
  SBitStringAux* pBs    = pSlice->pSliceBsa;
  SDqLayer* pCurLayer   = pEncCtx->pCurDqLayer;
  SSliceCtx* pSliceCtx  = &pCurLayer->sSliceEncCtx;
  SMbCache* pMbCache    = &pSlice->sMbCacheInfo;
  SMB* pMbList          = pCurLayer->sMbDataP;
  SMB* pCurMb           = NULL;
  int32_t iNumMbCoded   = 0;
  const int32_t kiTotalNumMb = pCurLayer->iMbWidth * pCurLayer->iMbHeight;
  int32_t iNextMbIdx = kiSliceFirstMbXY;
  int32_t iCurMbIdx = -1;
  const int32_t kiMvdInterTableStride = pEncCtx->iMvdCostTableStride;
  uint16_t* pMvdCostTable = &pEncCtx->pMvdCostTable[pEncCtx->iMvdCostTableSize];
  const int32_t kiSliceIdx = pSlice->iSliceIdx;
  const int32_t kiPartitionId = (kiSliceIdx % pEncCtx->iActiveThreadsNum);
  const uint8_t kuiChromaQpIndexOffset = pCurLayer->sLayerInfo.pPpsP->uiChromaQpIndexOffset;
  int32_t iEncReturn = ENC_RETURN_SUCCESS;

  SDynamicSlicingStack sDss;
  if (pEncCtx->pSvcParam->iEntropyCodingModeFlag) {
    WelsInitSliceCabac (pEncCtx, pSlice);
    sDss.iStartPos = sDss.iCurrentPos = 0;
    sDss.pRestoreBuffer = pEncCtx->pDynamicBsBuffer[kiPartitionId];
  } else {
    sDss.iStartPos = BsGetBitsPos (pBs);
  pSlice->iMbSkipRun = 0;
  for (;;) {
    //stack pBs pointer
    pEncCtx->pFuncList->pfStashMBStatus (&sDss, pSlice, pSlice->iMbSkipRun);

    //point to current pMb
    iCurMbIdx = iNextMbIdx;
    pCurMb = &pMbList[ iCurMbIdx ];

    //step(1): set QP for the current MB
    pEncCtx->pFuncList->pfRc.pfWelsRcMbInit (pEncCtx, pCurMb, pSlice);
    // if already reaches the largest number of slices, set QPs to the upper bound
    if (pSlice->bDynamicSlicingSliceSizeCtrlFlag) {
      //a clearer logic may be:
      //if there is no need from size control from the pSlice size, the QP will be decided by RC; else it will be set to the max QP
      //    however, there are some parameter updating in the rc_mb_init() function, so it cannot be skipped?
      pCurMb->uiLumaQp = pEncCtx->pWelsSvcRc[pEncCtx->uiDependencyId].iMaxQp;
      pCurMb->uiChromaQp = g_kuiChromaQpTable[CLIP3_QP_0_51 (pCurMb->uiLumaQp + kuiChromaQpIndexOffset)];

    //step (2). save some vale for future use, initial pWelsMd
    WelsMdIntraInit (pEncCtx, pCurMb, pMbCache, kiSliceFirstMbXY);
    WelsMdInterInit (pEncCtx, pSlice, pCurMb, kiSliceFirstMbXY);

    WelsInitInterMDStruc (pCurMb, pMvdCostTable, kiMvdInterTableStride, pMd);
    pEncCtx->pFuncList->pfInterMd (pEncCtx, pMd, pSlice, pCurMb, pMbCache);

    //step (4): save from the MD process from future use
    WelsMdInterSaveSadAndRefMbType ((pCurLayer->pDecPic->uiRefMbType), pMbCache, pCurMb, pMd);

    pEncCtx->pFuncList->pfMdBackgroundInfoUpdate (pCurLayer, pCurMb, pMbCache->bCollocatedPredFlag,

    //step (5): update cache
    UpdateNonZeroCountCache (pCurMb, pMbCache);

    //step (6): begin to write bit stream; if the pSlice size is controlled, the writing may be skipped

    iEncReturn = pEncCtx->pFuncList->pfWelsSpatialWriteMbSyn (pEncCtx, pSlice, pCurMb);
    if (iEncReturn == ENC_RETURN_VLCOVERFLOWFOUND  && (pCurMb->uiLumaQp < 50)) {
      pSlice->iMbSkipRun = pEncCtx->pFuncList->pfStashPopMBStatus (&sDss, pSlice);
      UpdateQpForOverflow (pCurMb, kuiChromaQpIndexOffset);
      goto TRY_REENCODING;
    if (ENC_RETURN_SUCCESS != iEncReturn)
      return iEncReturn;

    sDss.iCurrentPos = pEncCtx->pFuncList->pfGetBsPosition (pSlice);
    if (DynSlcJudgeSliceBoundaryStepBack (pEncCtx, pSlice, pSliceCtx, pCurMb, &sDss)) {
      pSlice->iMbSkipRun = pEncCtx->pFuncList->pfStashPopMBStatus (&sDss, pSlice);
      pCurLayer->LastCodedMbIdxOfPartition[kiPartitionId] = iCurMbIdx -
          1; // update LastCodedMbIdxOfPartition, need to -1 due to stepping back
      ++ pCurLayer->NumSliceCodedOfPartition[kiPartitionId];


    //step (7): reconstruct current MB
    pCurMb->uiSliceIdc = kiSliceIdx;
    OutputPMbWithoutConstructCsRsNoCopy (pEncCtx, pCurLayer, pSlice, pCurMb);

#if defined(MB_TYPES_CHECK)
    WelsCountMbType (pEncCtx->sPerInfo.iMbCount, P_SLICE, pCurMb);

    //step (8): update status and other parameters
    pEncCtx->pFuncList->pfRc.pfWelsRcMbInfoUpdate (pEncCtx, pCurMb, pMd->iCostLuma, pSlice);

    /*judge if all pMb in cur pSlice has been encoded*/
    ++ iNumMbCoded;
    iNextMbIdx = WelsGetNextMbOfSlice (pCurLayer, iCurMbIdx);
    //whether all of MB in current pSlice encoded or not
    if (iNextMbIdx == -1 || iNextMbIdx >= kiTotalNumMb || iNumMbCoded >= kiTotalNumMb) {
      pCurLayer->LastCodedMbIdxOfPartition[kiPartitionId] = iCurMbIdx;
      ++ pCurLayer->NumSliceCodedOfPartition[kiPartitionId];


  if (pSlice->iMbSkipRun) {
    BsWriteUE (pBs, pSlice->iMbSkipRun);

  return iEncReturn;

}//namespace WelsEnc

  • WelsMdInterMbLoop函数
  • 用于固定切片的宏块编码过程,循环处理每个 MB;
// for inter non-dynamic pSlice
int32_t WelsMdInterMbLoop (sWelsEncCtx* pEncCtx, SSlice* pSlice, void* pWelsMd, const int32_t kiSliceFirstMbXY) {
  SWelsMD* pMd          = (SWelsMD*)pWelsMd;
  SBitStringAux* pBs    = pSlice->pSliceBsa;
  SDqLayer* pCurLayer   = pEncCtx->pCurDqLayer;
  SMbCache* pMbCache    = &pSlice->sMbCacheInfo;
  SMB* pMbList          = pCurLayer->sMbDataP;
  SMB* pCurMb           = NULL;
  int32_t iNumMbCoded   = 0;
  int32_t iNextMbIdx    = kiSliceFirstMbXY;
  int32_t iCurMbIdx     = -1;
  const int32_t kiTotalNumMb = pCurLayer->iMbWidth * pCurLayer->iMbHeight;
  const int32_t kiMvdInterTableStride = pEncCtx->iMvdCostTableStride;
  uint16_t* pMvdCostTable = &pEncCtx->pMvdCostTable[pEncCtx->iMvdCostTableSize];
  const int32_t kiSliceIdx = pSlice->iSliceIdx;
  const uint8_t kuiChromaQpIndexOffset = pCurLayer->sLayerInfo.pPpsP->uiChromaQpIndexOffset;
  int32_t iEncReturn = ENC_RETURN_SUCCESS;
  SDynamicSlicingStack sDss;
  if (pEncCtx->pSvcParam->iEntropyCodingModeFlag) {
    WelsInitSliceCabac (pEncCtx, pSlice);
    sDss.pRestoreBuffer = NULL;
    sDss.iStartPos = sDss.iCurrentPos = 0;
  pSlice->iMbSkipRun = 0;
  for (;;) {
    if (!pEncCtx->pSvcParam->iEntropyCodingModeFlag)
      pEncCtx->pFuncList->pfStashMBStatus (&sDss, pSlice, pSlice->iMbSkipRun);
    //point to current pMb
    iCurMbIdx = iNextMbIdx;
    pCurMb = &pMbList[ iCurMbIdx ];

    //step(1): set QP for the current MB
    pEncCtx->pFuncList->pfRc.pfWelsRcMbInit (pEncCtx, pCurMb, pSlice);

    //step (2). save some vale for future use, initial pWelsMd
    WelsMdIntraInit (pEncCtx, pCurMb, pMbCache, kiSliceFirstMbXY);
    WelsMdInterInit (pEncCtx, pSlice, pCurMb, kiSliceFirstMbXY);

    WelsInitInterMDStruc (pCurMb, pMvdCostTable, kiMvdInterTableStride, pMd);
    pEncCtx->pFuncList->pfInterMd (pEncCtx, pMd, pSlice, pCurMb, pMbCache);

    //step (4): save from the MD process from future use
    WelsMdInterSaveSadAndRefMbType ((pCurLayer->pDecPic->uiRefMbType), pMbCache, pCurMb, pMd);

    pEncCtx->pFuncList->pfMdBackgroundInfoUpdate (pCurLayer, pCurMb, pMbCache->bCollocatedPredFlag,

    //step (5): update cache
    UpdateNonZeroCountCache (pCurMb, pMbCache);

    //step (6): begin to write bit stream; if the pSlice size is controlled, the writing may be skipped

    iEncReturn = pEncCtx->pFuncList->pfWelsSpatialWriteMbSyn (pEncCtx, pSlice, pCurMb);
    if (!pEncCtx->pSvcParam->iEntropyCodingModeFlag) {
      if (iEncReturn == ENC_RETURN_VLCOVERFLOWFOUND && (pCurMb->uiLumaQp < 50)) {
        pSlice->iMbSkipRun = pEncCtx->pFuncList->pfStashPopMBStatus (&sDss, pSlice);
        UpdateQpForOverflow (pCurMb, kuiChromaQpIndexOffset);
        goto TRY_REENCODING;
    if (ENC_RETURN_SUCCESS != iEncReturn)
      return iEncReturn;

    //step (7): reconstruct current MB
    pCurMb->uiSliceIdc = kiSliceIdx;
    OutputPMbWithoutConstructCsRsNoCopy (pEncCtx, pCurLayer, pSlice, pCurMb);

#if defined(MB_TYPES_CHECK)
    WelsCountMbType (pEncCtx->sPerInfo.iMbCount, P_SLICE, pCurMb);

    //step (8): update status and other parameters
    pEncCtx->pFuncList->pfRc.pfWelsRcMbInfoUpdate (pEncCtx, pCurMb, pMd->iCostLuma, pSlice);

    /*judge if all pMb in cur pSlice has been encoded*/
    ++ iNumMbCoded;
    iNextMbIdx = WelsGetNextMbOfSlice (pCurLayer, iCurMbIdx);
    //whether all of MB in current pSlice encoded or not
    if (iNextMbIdx == -1 || iNextMbIdx >= kiTotalNumMb || iNumMbCoded >= kiTotalNumMb) {

  if (pSlice->iMbSkipRun) {
    BsWriteUE (pBs, pSlice->iMbSkipRun);

  return iEncReturn;

  • WelsMdInterMb函数
  • 基本层的预测编码的核心实现函数,主要用模式决策等过程;
void WelsMdInterMb (sWelsEncCtx* pEncCtx, SWelsMD* pWelsMd, SSlice* pSlice, SMB* pCurMb, SMbCache* pUnused) {
  SDqLayer* pCurDqLayer             = pEncCtx->pCurDqLayer;
  SMbCache* pMbCache                = &pSlice->sMbCacheInfo;
  const uint32_t kuiNeighborAvail   = pCurMb->uiNeighborAvail;
  const int32_t kiMbWidth           = pCurDqLayer->iMbWidth;
  const  SMB* top_mb                = pCurMb - kiMbWidth;
  const bool bMbLeftAvailPskip      = ((kuiNeighborAvail & LEFT_MB_POS) ? IS_SKIP ((pCurMb - 1)->uiMbType) : false);
  const bool bMbTopAvailPskip       = ((kuiNeighborAvail & TOP_MB_POS) ? IS_SKIP (top_mb->uiMbType) : false);
  const bool bMbTopLeftAvailPskip   = ((kuiNeighborAvail & TOPLEFT_MB_POS) ? IS_SKIP ((top_mb - 1)->uiMbType) : false);
  const bool bMbTopRightAvailPskip = ((kuiNeighborAvail & TOPRIGHT_MB_POS) ? IS_SKIP ((top_mb + 1)->uiMbType) : false);
  bool bTrySkip = bMbLeftAvailPskip || bMbTopAvailPskip || bMbTopLeftAvailPskip || bMbTopRightAvailPskip;
  bool bKeepSkip = bMbLeftAvailPskip && bMbTopAvailPskip && bMbTopRightAvailPskip;
  bool bSkip = false;

  //try BGD skip
  if (pEncCtx->pFuncList->pfInterMdBackgroundDecision (pEncCtx, pWelsMd, pSlice, pCurMb, pMbCache, &bKeepSkip)) {

  //try static or scrolled Pskip
  if (pEncCtx->pFuncList->pfSCDPSkipDecision (pEncCtx, pWelsMd, pSlice, pCurMb, pMbCache)) {

  //step 1: try SKIP
  bSkip = WelsMdInterJudgePskip (pEncCtx, pWelsMd, pSlice, pCurMb, pMbCache, bTrySkip);

  if (bSkip) {
    if (bKeepSkip) {
      WelsMdInterDecidedPskip (pEncCtx,  pSlice,  pCurMb, pMbCache);
  } else {
    PredictSad (pMbCache->sMvComponents.iRefIndexCache, pMbCache->iSadCost, 0, &pWelsMd->iSadPredMb);

    //step 2: P_16x16
    pWelsMd->iCostLuma = WelsMdP16x16 (pEncCtx->pFuncList, pCurDqLayer, pWelsMd, pSlice, pCurMb);
    pCurMb->uiMbType = MB_TYPE_16x16;

  WelsMdInterSecondaryModesEnc (pEncCtx, pWelsMd, pSlice, pCurMb, pMbCache, bSkip);
  • WelsMdInterSecondaryModesEnc函数
  • 基本层帧间二级模式的编码实现函数,主要用与判断出了 skip 和 p16x16 块类型之外的模式决策;
void WelsMdInterSecondaryModesEnc (sWelsEncCtx* pEncCtx, SWelsMD* pWelsMd, SSlice* pSlice, SMB* pCurMb,
                                   SMbCache* pMbCache, const bool bSkip) {
  //step 2: Intra
  const bool kbTrySkip = pEncCtx->pFuncList->pfFirstIntraMode (pEncCtx, pWelsMd, pCurMb, pMbCache);
  if (kbTrySkip)

  if (bSkip) {
    WelsMdInterDecidedPskip (pEncCtx,  pSlice,  pCurMb, pMbCache);
  } else {
    //Step 3: SubP16 MD
    pEncCtx->pFuncList->pfSetScrollingMv (pEncCtx->pVaa, pWelsMd); //SCC
    pEncCtx->pFuncList->pfInterFineMd (pEncCtx, pWelsMd, pSlice, pCurMb, pWelsMd->iCostLuma);

    //refinement for inter type
    WelsMdInterMbRefinement (pEncCtx, pWelsMd, pCurMb, pMbCache);

    //step 7: invoke encoding
    WelsMdInterEncode (pEncCtx, pSlice, pCurMb, pMbCache);

    //step 8: double check Pskip
    WelsMdInterDoubleCheckPskip (pCurMb, pMbCache);
  • WelsMdSpatialelInterMbIlfmdNoilp函数
  • 增强层的预测编码的核心实现函数,主要用模式决策等过程;
// MD for enhancement layers
void WelsMdSpatialelInterMbIlfmdNoilp (sWelsEncCtx* pEncCtx, SWelsMD* pWelsMd, SSlice* pSlice,
                                       SMB* pCurMb, const Mb_Type kuiRefMbType) {
  SDqLayer* pCurDqLayer = pEncCtx->pCurDqLayer;
  SMbCache* pMbCache = &pSlice->sMbCacheInfo;

  const uint32_t kuiNeighborAvail = pCurMb->uiNeighborAvail;
  const int32_t kiMbWidth = pCurDqLayer->iMbWidth;
  const  SMB* kpTopMb = pCurMb - kiMbWidth;
  const bool kbMbLeftAvailPskip = ((kuiNeighborAvail & LEFT_MB_POS) ? IS_SKIP ((pCurMb - 1)->uiMbType) : false);
  const bool kbMbTopAvailPskip  = ((kuiNeighborAvail & TOP_MB_POS) ? IS_SKIP (kpTopMb->uiMbType) : false);
  const bool kbMbTopLeftAvailPskip  = ((kuiNeighborAvail & TOPLEFT_MB_POS) ? IS_SKIP ((kpTopMb - 1)->uiMbType) : false);
  const bool kbMbTopRightAvailPskip = ((kuiNeighborAvail & TOPRIGHT_MB_POS) ? IS_SKIP ((kpTopMb + 1)->uiMbType) : false);

  bool bTrySkip  = kbMbLeftAvailPskip | kbMbTopAvailPskip | kbMbTopLeftAvailPskip | kbMbTopRightAvailPskip;
  bool bKeepSkip = kbMbLeftAvailPskip & kbMbTopAvailPskip & kbMbTopRightAvailPskip;
  bool bSkip = false;

  if (pEncCtx->pFuncList->pfInterMdBackgroundDecision (pEncCtx, pWelsMd, pSlice, pCurMb, pMbCache, &bKeepSkip)) {

  //step 1: try SKIP
  bSkip = WelsMdInterJudgePskip (pEncCtx, pWelsMd, pSlice, pCurMb, pMbCache, bTrySkip);

  if (bSkip && bKeepSkip) {
    WelsMdInterDecidedPskip (pEncCtx,  pSlice,  pCurMb, pMbCache);

  if (! IS_SVC_INTRA (kuiRefMbType)) {
    if (!bSkip) {
      PredictSad (pMbCache->sMvComponents.iRefIndexCache, pMbCache->iSadCost, 0, &pWelsMd->iSadPredMb);

      //step 2: P_16x16
      pWelsMd->iCostLuma = WelsMdP16x16 (pEncCtx->pFuncList, pCurDqLayer, pWelsMd, pSlice, pCurMb);
      pCurMb->uiMbType = MB_TYPE_16x16;

    WelsMdInterSecondaryModesEnc (pEncCtx, pWelsMd, pSlice, pCurMb, pMbCache, bSkip);
  } else { //BLMODE == SVC_INTRA
    //initial prediction memory for I_16x16
    const int32_t kiCostI16x16 = WelsMdI16x16 (pEncCtx->pFuncList, pEncCtx->pCurDqLayer, pMbCache, pWelsMd->iLambda);
    if (bSkip && (pWelsMd->iCostLuma <= kiCostI16x16)) {
      WelsMdInterDecidedPskip (pEncCtx,  pSlice,  pCurMb, pMbCache);
    } else {
      pWelsMd->iCostLuma = kiCostI16x16;
      pCurMb->uiMbType = MB_TYPE_INTRA16x16;

      WelsMdIntraSecondaryModesEnc (pEncCtx, pWelsMd, pCurMb, pMbCache);

OpenH264 是思科公司发布的一个开源的 H.264 编码和解码器。编码器特性Constrained Baseline Profile up to Level 5.2 (4096x2304)Arbitrary resolution, not constrained to multiples of 16x16Rate control with adaptive quantization, or constant quantizationSlice options: 1 slice per frame, N slices per frame, N macroblocks per slice, or N bytes per sliceMultiple threads automatically used for multiple slicesTemporal scalability up to 4 layers in a dyadic hierarchySpatial simulcast up to 4 resolutions from a single inputLong Term Reference (LTR) framesMemory Management Control Operation (MMCO)Reference picture list modificationSingle reference frame for inter predictionMultiple reference frames when using LTR and/or 3-4 temporal layersPeriodic and on-demand Instantaneous Decoder Refresh (IDR) frame insertionDynamic changes to bit rate, frame rate, and resolutionAnnex B byte stream outputYUV 4:2:0 planar input解码器特性Constrained Baseline Profile up to Level 5.2 (4096x2304)Arbitrary resolution, not constrained to multiples of 16x16Single thread for all slicesLong Term Reference (LTR) framesMemory Management Control Operation (MMCO)Reference picture list modificationMultiple reference frames when specified in Sequence Parameter Set (SPS)Annex B byte stream inputYUV 4:2:0 planar output支持的操作系统Windows 64-bit and 32-bit (initial release is only 32-bit, 64-bit will follow soon)Mac OS X 64-bit (initial release does not include this target, will follow soon)Linux 64-bit and 32-bit (initial release is only 32-bit, 64-bit will follow soon)Android 32-bit (initial release does not include this target, will follow soon)iOS 64-bit and 32-bit (not supported yet, may be added in the future)支持的处理器Intel x86 optionally with MMX/SSE (no AVX yet, help is welcome)ARMv7 optionally with NEON (initial release does not include this target, will follow later)Any architecture using C/C fallback functions 标签:OpenH264




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