.NET 开发从入门到精通系列课程(2)

Creating Top-Notch User Experiences With Windows Forms in Visual Studio .NET


//wincv(class viewr) 在命令行中输入


2.1 Using Controls

n       Controls represent items on a form that allow user to manipulate data

n       The forms designer allows you to drag and drop controls

n       Can set control properties at design time to visually create the GUI

n       Common controls: TextBox Label ComboBox ListBox Button CheckBox RadioButton

n       Other powerful controls: TreeView ListView TabControl OpenFileDialog SaveDialog

Practice: Using Controls to Indicate Common User Interactions

n       True/False Flag: CheckBox

n       Single Choice: RadioButtons
contained in a GroupBox

n       Select from a list: CheckBox, ListBox, ComboBox

n       Accept/Cancel: Buttons

2.2 Dialog Forms

n       Dialog Forms will be shown modally using Form.ShowDialog();

n       Synchronous block until form is closed

n       Clicking OK or Cancel should return different DialogResult


n       Form.ShowDialog()
Method returns a
enumeration value

n       Set forms
DialogResult value
inside button click
event handler

2.3 MDI Forms//多文档接口窗体

n       Multiple Document Interface (MDI) forms contain children forms (document/view concept)

n       Namesake – multiple documents (child documents) loaded at one time; one active

n       Children can be arranged tiled or stacked with Window menu

n       All functionality is provided by Microsoft .NET forms


n       Parent: Form.IsMdiContainer property

n       Child: Form.MdiParent property

2.4 Menus and Context Menus//鼠标右键事件

n       Use menus to organize functions

n       Menu designer

n       Add code to event hanlers

n       Standard menus: File Edit Help

n       Context menu


n       MainMenu control

n       ContextMenu control and Form.ContextMenu property

2.5 Event-Driven Code: Events and Delegates

n       User clicks button

n       Button invokes delegate for the event

n       Delegate calls the bound event

n       Click event fires

n       Your code written in Click event handler runs

n       Delegates allow multiple events (all matching signatures) to be handled by one method

n       Delegates can be multicast: call multiple event handlers


Event Handlers with C#

Private void InitializeComponent()



       this.btGetCustomer.Click += new





Private void btGetCustomer_Click(

       object sender, System.EventArgs e)


       //your code goes here




2.6 Validation

n       Validation needs to be performed at the Control and the Form level

n       ErrorProvider control

n       Control.CausesValidation property

n       Validating event

n       Form level validation done in accept button click event


2.7 Use Whichever Language You Feel Most Productive With

n       The CLR equalizes functionality of languages

n       There are subtle differences between Microsoft Visual C# and Visual Basic (VB) but they’re really negligible: C# has operator overloading, unsafe code, XML Comments; VB can be more verbose

n       Editors have slightly different features

n       End the disagreement; accept and embrace other languages for what they are

n       The CLR and the framework class libraries are really what you need to learn


Session Summary

n       Using .NET forms provides for an excellent way to visually create a GUI

n       Controls allow you to model a UI using visual elements that are familiar to Windows users

n       Writing code is easy with the event-programming model of .NET

n       Validation is easy to attain with the Framework

n       CLR Makes all languages equal






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