如果需要持续检查数据更新,但系统中没有 WebSocket,则可以使用这个工具来执行操作。它非常适合上传文件时,想要持续检查文件是否已完成处理的情况,或者使用第三方 API(例如 dropbox 或 uber)并且想要持续检查过程是否完成或骑手是否到达目的地的情况。
async function poll(fn, validate, interval = 2500) {
const resolver = async (resolve, reject) => {
try { // catch any error thrown by the "fn" function
const result = await fn(); // fn does not need to be asynchronous or return promise
// call validator to see if the data is at the state to stop the polling
const valid = validate(result);
if (valid === true) {
} else if (valid === false) {
setTimeout(resolver, interval, resolve, reject);
} // if validator returns anything other than "true" or "false" it stops polling
} catch (e) {
return new Promise(resolver);