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为什么要看上面的那些书?请看我以前 帖子:Java 推荐读物与源代码阅读:http://jythoner.javaeye.com/blog/311434

Java程序员必备的书籍,比API更有用:下載文件 The Java Developers Almanac 1.4.chm (679.90 KB)

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中文版:下載文件 Java 1.5 Tiger A Developer's Notebook.pdf (7.23 MB)

源代码:下載文件 Java 1.5 Tiger A Developer's Notebook.zip (38.18 KB)

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中文版:下載文件 UML for Java Programmers中文版.pdf (2.51 MB)

源代码:下載文件 UML for Java Programmers.rar (465.36 KB)

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API:下載文件 swt jface API.pdf (7.59 MB)


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Linux+认证书籍:下載文件 McGraw.Hill.Linux.plus.Certification.Study Guide.pdf (28.60 MB)

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下載文件 Oracle.Database.10g.Administration.Workshop.I.Student.Guide.pdf (5.66 MB)

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下載文件 Sybex.OCP.Oracle.10g.Administration.II.Study.Guide.pdf (15.39 MB)

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下載文件 精通ORACLE.10G备份与恢复.pdf (23.90 MB)


A Byte of Python(Python 3.0) 下載文件 A Byte of Python.pdf (564.61 KB)

A Byte of Python中文版 下載文件 Python简明教程.pdf (784.85 KB)

下載文件 Dive into Python.zip (763.71 KB)

下載文件 Dive into Python 中文版.zip (3.51 MB)

下載文件 Python Essential Reference 4th Edition.pdf (4.80 MB)

下載文件 Python精要参考.pdf (678.65 KB)

下載文件 Learning Python.pdf (4.80 MB)

下載文件 Core Python Programming 2nd Edition.chm (3.45 MB)

高清完整版 下載文件 Python核心编程第二版.pdf (5.16 MB)

下載文件 Python Standard Library.chm (355.63 KB)

下載文件 Python Standard Library中文版.pdf (1.00 MB)

下載文件 Python Cookbook.chm (1.00 MB)

下載文件 Python Cookbook Collection.chm (2.53 MB)

Guido 2007年Python大会ppt,关于python3.0新特性 下載文件 Py3k2007PyCon.ppt (134.00 KB)


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wxPython in Action中文版 下載文件 wxPython实战(中文版).pdf (3.54 MB)

下載文件 wxPythonInAction_src.zip (333.41 KB)


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下載文件 Practical Django Projects 2nd Edition.pdf (4.89 MB)


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英文版:下載文件 Learning.Perl.4ed.En.chm (699.96 KB)

中文版:下載文件 Learning.Perl.4ed.Cn.pdf (1.19 MB)

一本讲用perl进行automation测试的好书:下載文件 Perl Testing.chm (640.57 KB)


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谭浩强那本:下載文件 C语言程序设计.pdf (9.95 MB)

下載文件 C语言趣味编程百例.pdf (4.72 MB)

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下載文件 php5手册.chm (5.70 MB)

精通正则表达式:下載文件 Mastering Regular Expressions.chm (1.45 MB)

Python is an extensible, interpreted, object-oriented programming language. It supports a wide range of applica- tions, from simple text processing scripts to interactive Web browsers. Python 是一种可扩展的, 即译式, 面向对象规格的编程语言. 它能应用在极广泛的地方, 从简单的文字处理 工作到交互式的网页浏览器. While the Python Reference Manual describes the exact syntax and semantics of the language, it does not describe the standard library that is distributed with the language, and which greatly enhances its immediate usability. This library contains built-in modules (written in C) that provide access to system functionality such as file I/O that would otherwise be inaccessible to Python programmers, as well as modules written in Python that provide standardized solutions for many problems that occur in everyday programming. Some of these modules are explicitly designed to encourage and enhance the portability of Python programs. Python 语言参考手册 中精确地描述了Python 语言的句法及语义. 然而语言参考手册中没有提到Python 所 附带功能强大的标准库. 这个函式库大大地增强了Python 的实用性. 其中包括C 写的内建模组, 提供介面 让程式进行操作系统层次的工作, 例如档案的输出输入; 同时也有以Python 语言本身编写的模组, 为实际 编程时常遇的问题提供标准解决方案. 这类模组有的经过特别设计以便Python 程式在跨平台的情况下运 行无误. This library reference manual documents Python’s standard library, as well as many optional library modules (which may or may not be available, depending on whether the underlying platform supports them and on the configuration choices made at compile time). It also documents the standard types of the language and its built-in functions and exceptions, many of which are not or incompletely documented in the Reference Manual. 本参考手册罗列并说明了Python 标准库的各种功能, 以及许多非核心的模组(按不同的操作系统和编译时 的设置而定, 不是每台机上的Python 都能用这些模组.) 本手册同时记载了Python 语言所有的标准数据类 型, 内建函数, 异常类, 这些在参考手册中被忽略了或只是扼要的提过一下. This manual assumes basic knowledge about the Python language. For an informal introduction to Python, see the Python Tutorial; the Python Reference Manual remains the highest authority on syntactic and semantic questions. Finally, the manual entitled Extending and Embedding the Python Interpreter describes how to add new extensions to Python and how to embed it in other applications. 本手册的读者要对Python 有基本的认识. 初学者应该从Python 指南 开始. 至于Python 语言参考手册 则是该语言的语法和语义问题上的权威阐释. 最后 扩展或嵌入 Python 解释器 一文解说了如何在Python 中加入新的扩展模组; 以及怎样把Python 解释器嵌入到其他的应用程式中.




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