erlang 启动参数

1 System Principles

This chapter describes the strategies and options which are available to start an Erlang system. This section includes the following topics:

  • Starting the system
  • Re-starting and stopping the system
  • Command line arguments
  • The boot file
  • Code loading strategies
  • Making a boot file
  • Starting the system with a boot file
  • Code loading strategy
  • Making an embedded system
  • The primitive loader.

This chapter also provides a brief description of the applications which are included in an Erlang system.

1.1 Starting the System

An Erlang system is started with the command:

erl [-boot B] [-config F] [-mode M] [-heart]
    [-loader L] [-id Id] [-nodes N1 N2 ... Nn]
    [-pa Dir1 Dir2 ... Dirn] [-pz  Dir1 Dir2 ... Dirn] 
    [-path Dir1 Dir2 ... Dirn]
    [-AppName Key Value]
    [Other args]
  • -boot B tells the system to use the boot file named B.boot to boot the system. This boot file is responsible for the initial loading of the system. If B is not supplied it defaults to start.
    When Erlang starts, it searches for the boot file in the current working directory and then in $ROOT/bin, where $ROOT is the root of the Erlang distribution.
    If -loader distributed -nodes N1 N2 was specified, the script is fetched from one of the nodes N1, N2, ..., otherwise it is fetched by requesting it from the program given in the argument to the -loader parameter.
  • -config F tells the system to use data in the system configuration file F.config to override the arguments contained in the application resource files for the set of applications used by this system.
  • -mode M is the mode in which the system is started. M must be either embedded or interactive. If -mode M is omitted, it defaults to interactive. In embedded mode all, modules are loaded at system start.
  • -heart This argument starts an external program which monitors the Erlang node. If the Erlang node hangs, or terminates abnormally, the heart program can restart the Erlang node.
  • -loader L defines the loader program L which fetches code when the system is started. L is either the atom distributed, or the name of an external program. If L is not supplied, it defaults to efile which is the normal Erlang filer.
  • -id Id gives a unique identifier to each Erlang node. If omitted, Id defaults to the atom none. This flag is not required if the default loader efile is used. If the -sname Name or -name Name parameters are given, Id must be the same as Name.
  • -nodes N1 N2 ... Nn must be supplied if -loader distributed is specified. N1, N2,..., Nn are Erlang node names from which the system can fetch the modules to be loaded.
  • -pa Dir1 Dir2 ...Dirn defines a set of directories, Dir1, Dir2, .. Dirn which are added to the front of the standard search path which is defined in the start-up script.
  • -pz Dir1 Dir2 ...Dirn defines a set of directories, Dir1, Dir2, .. Dirn which are added to the end of the standard search path which is defined in the start-up script.
  • -path Dir1 Dir2 ...Dirn defines a set of directories, Dir1, Dir2, .. Dirn which replace the standard search path defined in the start-up script.
  • [-AppName Key Value] overrides the AppName application configuration parameter Key with Value.
  • [Other Args] are parsed in a standard manner and can be accessed by any application.

The following comments apply to the arguments listed above:

  • The default loader is the program efile. Through erl_prim_loader, it provides a minimal file system interface between Erlang and the local file system in order to load code.
  • When -loader L is specified, the primitive code loader must know how to retrieve a boot script with name B.boot.
  • When -loader distributed -nodes N1 N2 ... Nn is specified, the boot servers with registered names boot_server are assumed to be running on all Erlang nodes N1, N2, ..., Nn. If they are not, the system waits for these boot servers to start. Requests are sent to these boot servers to obtain files with names {Id, Name} (Id is specified in the command line arguments). The boot servers must know how to map these names onto local file names. A simple boot server erl_boot_server is provided with the system.
  • The boot file with extension .boot is created by evaluating the expressionsystools:script2boot("File"). This function converts the script file File.script to a boot file File.boot.

1.2 Restarting and Stopping the System

The system is restarted and stopped with the following commands:

  • init:restart(). This command restarts the system inside the running Erlang node. All applications are taken down smoothly, and all code is unloaded before the system is started again in the same way as it was started initially.
  • init:reboot(). All applications are taken down smoothly, and all code is unloaded before the Erlang node terminates. The heart argument affects the reboot sequence as follows:
    1. If the -heart argument was supplied, the heart program tries to reboot according to the HEART_COMMAND environment variable.
    2. If this variable is not set, heart simply writes to std_out that it should have rebooted.
    3. If HEART_COMMAND is /usr/sbin/reboot, the whole machine is rebooted.
  • init:stop(). All applications are taken down smoothly, and all code is unloaded. If the -heart argument was supplied, the heart program is terminated before the Erlang node terminates.

1.3 Command Line Arguments

When the system has started, application programs can access the values of the command line arguments by calling one of the functions init:get_argument(Key), or init:get_arguments().

Erlang was started by giving a command of the form:

erl -flag1 arg1 arg2 -flag2 arg3 ...

When the erl -flag1 ... command has been issued, Erlang starts by spawning a new process and the system behaves as if the function spawn(init, boot, [Args]) had been evaluated. Args is a list of all the command line arguments to erl. These are passed as strings. For example, the command erl -id 123 -loader efile -script "abc" ... causes the system to behave as if it had evaluated the following function:

spawn(init, boot, ["-id", "123", "-loader", "efile",
                   "-script", "\"abc\""]).

The first thing init does is to call init:parse_args(Args) to "normalize" the input arguments. After normalization, the arguments can be accessed as follows:

  • init:get_argument(Flag) -> {ok, [[Arg]]} | error tries to fetch the argument associated with Flag. The return value is either a list of argument lists, or the atom error.Flags can have multiple values. If the command line was erl -p1 a b c -p2 a x -p1 ww zz:
    • init:get_argument(p1) would return:
      {ok, [["a", "b", "c"], ["ww", "zz"]]}
    • init:get_argument(p2) would return:
      {ok, [["a", "x"]]}
    This is why get_argument returns a list of lists, and not just a list.
  • init:get_arguments() -> [{Flag, [Arg]}] returns all the command line arguments. For the command line given above, this would return:
    [{p1,["a","b","c"]}, {p2,["a","x"]}, {p1,["ww","zz"]}]

Both get_arguments/0 and get_argument/1 preserve the argument order of the arguments supplied with the command line.


Applications should not normally be configured with command line flags, but should use the application environment instead. Refer to Configuring an Application in the Design Principles chapter for details.

1.4 The Boot File

The boot script is stored in a file with the extension .script

A typical boot script file may look as follows:

{script, {Name, Vsn},
  {progress, loading},
  {preLoaded, [Mod1, Mod2, ...]},
  {path, [Dir1,"$ROOT/Dir",...]}.
  {primLoad, [Mod1, Mod2, ...]},
  {progress, loaded},
  {kernelProcess, Name, {Mod, Func, Args}},
  {apply, {Mod, Func, Args}},
  {progress, started}]}.

The meanings of these terms are as follows:

  • {script, {Name, Vsn},...} defines the script name and version.
  • {progress, Term} sets the "progress" of the initialization program. The function init:get_status() returns the current value of the progress, which is {InternalStatus,Progress}.
  • {path, [Dir]}. Dir is a string. This argument sets the load path of the system to [Dir]. The load path used to load modules is obtained from the initial load path, which is given in the script file, together with any path flags which were supplied in the command line arguments. The command line arguments modify the path as follows:
    • -pa Dir1 Dir2 ... Dirn adds the directories Dir1, Dir2, ..., Dirn to the front of the initial load path.
    • -pz Dir1 Dir2 ... Dirn adds the directories Dir1, Dir2, ..., Dirn to the end of the initial load path.
    • -path Dir1 Dir2 ... Dirn defines a set of directories Dir1, Dir2, ..., Dirn which replaces the search path given in the script file. Directory names in the path are interpreted as follows:
      • Directory names starting with / are assumed to be absolute path names.
      • Directory names not starting with / are assumed to be relative to the current working directory.
      • The special $ROOT variable can only be used in the script, not as a command line argument. The given directory is relative to the Erlang installation directory.
  • {primLoad, [Mod]} loads the modules [Mod] from the directories specified in Path. The script interpreter fetches the appropriate module by calling the function erl_prim_loader:get_file(Mod). A fatal error which terminates the system will occur if the module cannot be located.
  • {kernel_load_completed} indicates that all modules which must be loaded before any processes are started are loaded. In interactive mode, all {primLoad,[Mod]} commands interpreted after this command are ignored, and these modules are loaded on demand. In embedded mode, kernel_load_completed is ignored, and all modules are loaded during system start.
  • {kernelProcess, Name, {Mod, Func, Args}} starts a "kernel process". The kernel process Name is started by evaluating apply(Mod, Func, Args) which is expected to return {ok, Pid} or ignore. The init process monitors the behaviour of Pid and terminates the system if Pid dies. Kernel processes are key components of the runtime system. Users do not normally add new kernel processes.
  • {apply, {Mod, Func, Args}}, The init process simply evaluates apply(Mod, Func, Args). The system terminates if this results in an error. The boot procedure hangs if this function never returns.

In the interactive system the code loader provides demand driven code loading, but in the embedded system the code loader loads all the code immediately. The same version of code is used in both cases. The code server calls init:get_argument(mode) to find out if it should run in demand mode, or non-demand driven mode.

1.5 Making a Boot File

If a boot script is written manually, the systools:script2boot(File) function can be used to generate the compiled (binary) form File.boot from the File.script file. However, it is recommended that the systools:make_script function is used in order to create a boot script.

1.6 Starting the System with a Boot File

The command erl -boot File starts the system with a boot file called File.boot. An ASCII version of the boot file can be found in File.script.

The boot file is created by evaluating:


Several standard boot files are available. For example, start.script starts the system as a plain Erlang system with the application_controller and the kernel applications.

1.6.1 start.script

The start.script is as follows:

{script,{"OTP  APN 181 01","R1A"},
                                 [{description,"ERTS  CXC 138 10"},
                                       {os, {unix, 'solaris'}}]},
                                  [{description,"ERTS  CXC 138 10"},

1.7 Code Loading Strategy

The code is always loaded relative to the current path and this path is obtained from the value given in the script file, possibly modified by the path manipulation flags in the command line.

This approach allows us to run the system in a number of different ways:

  • Interactive mode. The system dynamically loads code on demand from the directories specified in the path command. This is the "normal" way to develop code.
  • Embedded mode. The system loads all its code during system start-up. In special cases, all code can be located in a single directory. We would copy all files to a given directory and create a path to this directory only.
  • Test mode. Test mode is typically used if we want to run some new test code together with a particular release of the embedded system. We want all the convenience of the interactive system with code loading on demand, and the rigor of the embedded system. In test mode, we run the system with command line arguments such as -pa ".".

1.8 Making an Embedded System

When using the the interactive Erlang development environment, it often does not matter if things go wrong at runtime. The main difference with an embedded system is that it is extremely important that things do not go wrong at runtime.

Before building a release which is targeted for an embedded system, we must perform a large number of compile-time checks on the code.

A boot script file can be created with the systools:make_script function. This function reads a .rel release file and generates the boot script in accordance with the specified applications in the release file. A boot script which is generated this way ensures that all code specified in the application resource files are loaded and that all specified applications are started.

A complete release can be packaged with the systools:make_tar function . All application directories and files are packaged according to the release file. The release file and the release upgrade script are also included in the release package.

1.9 The Primitive Loader

Unlike the Erlang node, the primitive file loader "knows" how to fetch modules and scripts from its environment.

The interface to the primitive loader is as follows:

  • erl_prim_loader:start(Id, L, Nodes) -> ok | error starts the primitive loader with the arguments given in the command line.
  • erl_prim_loader:set_path([Dir]) -> ok sets the path given in the boot file. The value of [Dir] comes from the command {path, [Dir]} in the start-up script combined with the command line arguments.
  • erl_prim_loader:get_path() -> {ok,Path} returns the Path used by the primitive loader.
  • erl_prim_loader:get_file(File) -> {ok, FullName, Bin} | error loads a file from the current path. File is either an absolute file name or just the name of the file, for example lists.beam. FullName is the name of the file if the load succeeds. Bin is the contents of the file as a binary.

We assume the primitive loader to be running as long asthe Erlang node is up and running. In the interactive mode, the code server fetches all code through the loader and the application_controller fetchesconfiguration and application files this way.

If an other loader than the one distributed with the system is required, this loader must be implemented by the user as an external port program. The Loader provided by the user must fulfill a protocol defined for the erl_prim_loader, and it will be started by the erl_prim_loader using theopen_port({spawn,Loader},[binary]) function call. Refer to the Reference Manual for more information.

1.10 Erlang Applications

The Erlang system is structured as a set of applications, two mandatory (kernel and stdlib), and the others optional. This means that the user can pick the applications which are suitable for a specific project, and disregard the others.

The following applications are included in the Erlang distribution system:

  • kernel
  • the standard library (stdlib)
  • sockets
  • the C/C++ interface generator (ig)
  • the graphics system (gs)
  • the erl_interface library
  • the Java Interface (Jive)

The development tools included with Erlang are listed in Chapter 1 of this User's Guide.

1.10.1 Kernel

The kernel is always the first application to be started. It provides low-level services which are necessary for an Erlang system to start, to participate in a distributed system, to handle errors, and to perform IO operations. Also included in the kernel application are standard error_logger event handlers.

In a minimal Erlang system, kernel and stdlib are the only two applications running.

Refer to the Reference Manual, section kernel, for information about the modules which are included with the kernel application. The Design Principles chapter in this User Guide also has information about these services.

1.10.2 The Standard Library (stdlib)

The standard library contains a large number of re-usable software modules. Many of these modules are specially adapted to programming concurrent, distributed systems and there are modules which solve common programming tasks such as gen_server, gen_event, and gen_fsm.

The Reference Manual describes these modules in detail. The Design Principles chapter of this User's Guide also describe some of these modules in detail.

1.10.3 Sockets

This application contains the following services:

  • socket
  • udp

Refer to the Reference Manual, the module sockets for detailed information.

1.10.4 The C/C++ Interface Generator (IG)

The Interface Generator (IG) is a tool which is used to interface interface C with Erlang. With IG, it is possible to transparently access the "other" language directly. C functions look like Erlang functions on the Erlang side, and Erlang functions look like C functions on the C side.

Refer to the chapter C Interface Generator and to the Reference Manual, module ig, for detailed information.

1.10.5 erl_interface Library

The erl_interface library contains functions which are used to interface other software system with the Erlang system. In particular, it contain functions which support the encoding of structures which correspond to an Erlang data structure into a sequence of bytes, and the decoding of a sequence of bytes which correspond to an Erlang structure into a C struct.

Refer to the chapter Interface Libraries, the section The erl Interface Library for detailed information.

1.10.6 The Java Interface (Jive)

Jive makes it possible for a Java Applet/Application to communicate with an Erlang server. Java is ideal for client-side interaction, whereas Erlang is ideal for server-side programming. The idea behind Jive is to integrate these two languages. Jive allows a Java Applet/Application to interact with an Erlang server.

Refer to the chapter Interface Libraries, the section The Java Interface for detailed information.

1.10.7 The Graphics System (gs)

The gs graphics system enables the user to create graphical objects. This system works on all platforms on which Erlang has been implemented.

Refer to the chapter Interface Libraries;The Graphics System, section for detailed information.

1.11 File Types

The following file types are defined in an Erlang system:

TypeFile name/ExtensionDescriptionManual page which describes the file syntax
module.erlErlang code-
application.appApplication resource fileapp(4)
release.relRelease resource filerel(4)
script.scriptStart scriptscript(4)
boot.bootBinary boot file-
config.configConfiguration file - used to override values in the .app filesconfig(4)
application upgrade.appupApplication upgradeappup(4)
release upgrade scriptrelupRelease upgrade scriptrelup(4)
File Types




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